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fix: Scale telemetry timings for 24MHz mode

Mathias Rasmussen 4 years ago
  1. 60


@ -240,6 +240,12 @@ DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1: DS 1 ; Encodes binary: 1
DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2: DS 1 ; Encodes binary: 01
DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3: DS 1 ; Encodes binary: 001
DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1_Tmp: DS 1
DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2_Tmp: DS 1
DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3_Tmp: DS 1
DShot_GCR_Start_Delay: DS 1
; Indirect addressing data segment. The variables below must be in this sequence
ISEG AT 080h
_Pgm_Gov_P_Gain: DS 1 ; Governor P gain
@ -350,20 +356,28 @@ Eep_Name: DB "Bluejay (BETA) " ; Name tag (16 Bytes)
;**** **** **** **** ****
; DShot Telemetry Macros
DSHOT_TLM_CLOCK EQU 24500000 ; 24.5MHz
DSHOT_TLM_START_DELAY EQU -1 ; Start telemetry after 1 tick (~30us after receiving DShot cmd)
DSHOT_TLM_PREDELAY EQU 6 ; 6 timer 0 ticks inherent delay
IF MCU_48MHZ == 1
DSHOT_TLM_CLOCK EQU 49000000 ; 49MHz
DSHOT_TLM_START_DELAY EQU -(14 * 49 / 4) ; Start telemetry after 14us (~30us after receiving DShot cmd)
DSHOT_TLM_PREDELAY EQU 8 ; 8 timer 0 ticks inherent delay
DSHOT_TLM_CLOCK EQU 24500000 ; 24.5MHz
DSHOT_TLM_START_DELAY EQU -1 ; Start telemetry after 1 tick (~30us after receiving DShot cmd)
DSHOT_TLM_PREDELAY EQU 6 ; 6 timer 0 ticks inherent delay
DSHOT_TLM_CLOCK_48 EQU 49000000 ; 49MHz
DSHOT_TLM_START_DELAY_48 EQU -(14 * 49 / 4) ; Start telemetry after 14us (~30us after receiving DShot cmd)
DSHOT_TLM_PREDELAY_48 EQU 8 ; 8 timer 0 ticks inherent delay
Set_DShot_Tlm_Bitrate MACRO rate
mov DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1, #(DSHOT_TLM_PREDELAY - (1 * DSHOT_TLM_CLOCK / 4 / rate))
mov DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2, #(DSHOT_TLM_PREDELAY - (2 * DSHOT_TLM_CLOCK / 4 / rate))
mov DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3, #(DSHOT_TLM_PREDELAY - (3 * DSHOT_TLM_CLOCK / 4 / rate))
IF MCU_48MHZ == 1
mov DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1_Tmp, #(DSHOT_TLM_PREDELAY_48 - (1 * DSHOT_TLM_CLOCK_48 / 4 / rate))
mov DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2_Tmp, #(DSHOT_TLM_PREDELAY_48 - (2 * DSHOT_TLM_CLOCK_48 / 4 / rate))
mov DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3_Tmp, #(DSHOT_TLM_PREDELAY_48 - (3 * DSHOT_TLM_CLOCK_48 / 4 / rate))
Push_Mem MACRO reg, val
@ -862,10 +876,6 @@ ENDIF
mov Rcp_Timeout_Cntd, #10 ; Set timeout count
; Prepare DShot telemetry
IF MCU_48MHZ == 1
; Only use telemetry for compatible clock frequency
jnb Flag_CLOCK_SET_AT_48MHZ, t1_int_exit_no_tlm
jnb Flag_RCP_DSHOT_INVERTED, t1_int_exit_no_tlm
jnb Flag_PACKET_PENDING, t1_int_exit_no_tlm
setb Flag_TLM_ACTIVE
@ -875,7 +885,7 @@ ENDIF
mov CKCON0, #01h ; Timer 0 is system clock divided by 4
mov TMOD, #0A2h ; Timer 0 runs free not gated by INT0
mov TL0, #DSHOT_TLM_START_DELAY ; Telemetry will begin after this delay
mov TL0, DShot_GCR_Start_Delay ; Telemetry will begin after this delay
clr TCON_TF0 ; Clear timer 0 overflow flag
setb IE_ET0 ; Enable timer 0 interrupts
@ -3614,6 +3624,19 @@ IF MCU_48MHZ == 1
mov A, DShot_Pwm_Thr ; Scale pulse width criteria
rlc A
mov DShot_Pwm_Thr, A
; Scale DShot telemetry for 24MHz
mov A, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
xch A, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1_Tmp
mov DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1, A
mov A, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2
xch A, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2_Tmp
mov DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2, A
mov A, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3
xch A, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3_Tmp
mov DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3, A
mov DShot_GCR_Start_Delay, #DSHOT_TLM_START_DELAY_48
jnb Flag_PGM_BIDIR, init_start_bidir_done ; Check if bidirectional operation
@ -3864,6 +3887,19 @@ IF MCU_48MHZ == 1
mov A, DShot_Pwm_Thr ; Scale pulse width criteria
rrc A
mov DShot_Pwm_Thr, A
; Scale DShot telemetry for 24MHz
mov A, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
xch A, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1_Tmp
mov DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1, A
mov A, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2
xch A, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2_Tmp
mov DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2, A
mov A, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3
xch A, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3_Tmp
mov DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3, A
setb IE_EA
call wait100ms ; Wait for pwm to be stopped
