Fork from bluejay at github and modified for my custom ESC. I need to modify it because some mistake design on my ESC hardware.
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;**** **** **** **** ****
; Bluejay digital ESC firmware for controlling brushless motors in multirotors
; Copyright 2020 Mathias Rasmussen
; Copyright 2011, 2012 Steffen Skaug
; This file is part of Bluejay.
; Bluejay is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; Bluejay is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with Bluejay. If not, see <>.
;**** **** **** **** ****
; Bluejay is a fork of BLHeli_S <> by Steffen Skaug.
; The input signal can be DShot with rates: DShot150, DShot300 and DShot600.
; This file is best viewed with tab width set to 5.
;**** **** **** **** ****
; Master clock is internal 24MHz oscillator (or 48MHz, for which the times below are halved)
; Although 24/48 are used in the code, the exact clock frequencies are 24.5MHz or 49.0 MHz
; Timer 0 (41.67ns counts) always counts up and is used for
; - RC pulse measurement
; - DShot telemetry pulse timing
; Timer 1 (41.67ns counts) always counts up and is used for
; - DShot frame sync detection
; Timer 2 (500ns counts) always counts up and is used for
; - RC pulse timeout counts and commutation times
; Timer 3 (500ns counts) always counts up and is used for
; - Commutation timeouts
; PCA0 (41.67ns counts) always counts up and is used for
; - Hardware PWM generation
;**** **** **** **** ****
; Motor control:
; - Brushless motor control with 6 states for each electrical 360 degrees
; - An advance timing of 0deg has zero cross 30deg after one commutation and 30deg before the next
; - Timing advance in this implementation is set to 15deg nominally
; - Motor pwm is always damped light (aka complementary pwm, regenerative braking)
; Motor sequence starting from zero crossing:
; - Timer wait: Wt_Comm 15deg ; Time to wait from zero cross to actual commutation
; - Timer wait: Wt_Advance 15deg ; Time to wait for timing advance. Nominal commutation point is after this
; - Timer wait: Wt_Zc_Scan 7.5deg ; Time to wait before looking for zero cross
; - Scan for zero cross 22.5deg ; Nominal, with some motor variations
; Motor startup:
; There is a startup phase and an initial run phase, before normal bemf commutation run begins.
;**** **** **** **** ****
; List of enumerated supported ESCs
A_ EQU 1 ; X X RC X MC MB MA CC X X Cc Cp Bc Bp Ac Ap
B_ EQU 2 ; X X RC X MC MB MA CC X X Ap Ac Bp Bc Cp Cc
C_ EQU 3 ; Ac Ap MC MB MA CC X RC X X X X Cc Cp Bc Bp
D_ EQU 4 ; X X RC X CC MA MC MB X X Cc Cp Bc Bp Ac Ap Com fets inverted
E_ EQU 5 ; L1 L0 RC X MC MB MA CC X L2 Cc Cp Bc Bp Ac Ap A with LEDs
F_ EQU 6 ; X X RC X MA MB MC CC X X Cc Cp Bc Bp Ac Ap
G_ EQU 7 ; X X RC X CC MA MC MB X X Cc Cp Bc Bp Ac Ap Like D, but non-inverted com fets
H_ EQU 8 ; RC X X X MA MB CC MC X Ap Bp Cp X Ac Bc Cc
I_ EQU 9 ; X X RC X MC MB MA CC X X Ac Bc Cc Ap Bp Cp
J_ EQU 10 ; L2 L1 L0 RC CC MB MC MA X X Cc Bc Ac Cp Bp Ap LEDs
K_ EQU 11 ; X X MC X MB CC MA RC X X Ap Bp Cp Cc Bc Ac Com fets inverted
L_ EQU 12 ; X X RC X CC MA MB MC X X Ac Bc Cc Ap Bp Cp
M_ EQU 13 ; MA MC CC MB RC L0 X X X Cc Bc Ac Cp Bp Ap X LED
N_ EQU 14 ; X X RC X MC MB MA CC X X Cp Cc Bp Bc Ap Ac
O_ EQU 15 ; X X RC X CC MA MC MB X X Cc Cp Bc Bp Ac Ap Like D, but low side pwm
P_ EQU 16 ; X X RC MA CC MB MC X X Cc Bc Ac Cp Bp Ap X
Q_ EQU 17 ; Cp Bp Ap L1 L0 X RC X X MA MB MC CC Cc Bc Ac LEDs
R_ EQU 18 ; X X RC X MC MB MA CC X X Ac Bc Cc Ap Bp Cp
S_ EQU 19 ; X X RC X CC MA MC MB X X Cc Cp Bc Bp Ac Ap Like O, but com fets inverted
T_ EQU 20 ; RC X MA X MB CC MC X X X Cp Bp Ap Ac Bc Cc
U_ EQU 21 ; MA MC CC MB RC L0 L1 L2 X Cc Bc Ac Cp Bp Ap X Like M, but with 3 LEDs
V_ EQU 22 ; Cc X RC X MC CC MB MA X Ap Ac Bp X X Bc Cp
W_ EQU 23 ; RC MC MB X CC MA X X X Ap Bp Cp X X X X Tristate gate driver
;**** **** **** **** ****
; Select the port mapping to use (or unselect all for use with external batch compile file)
;**** **** **** **** ****
; Select the MCU type (or unselect for use with external batch compile file)
;**** **** **** **** ****
; Select the fet dead time (or unselect for use with external batch compile file)
;FETON_DELAY EQU 15 ; 20.4ns per step
;**** **** **** **** ****
; Select the pwm frequency (or unselect for use with external batch compile file)
;PWM_FREQ EQU 0 ; 0=24, 1=48, 2=96 kHz
PWM_CENTERED EQU FETON_DELAY > 0 ; Use center aligned pwm on ESCs with dead time
; Number of bits in pwm high byte
$include ( ; Include common source code for EFM8BBx based ESCs
;**** **** **** **** ****
; Programming defaults
DEFAULT_PGM_STARTUP_PWR EQU 9 ; 1=0.031 2=0.047 3=0.063 4=0.094 5=0.125 6=0.188 7=0.25 8=0.38 9=0.50 10=0.75 11=1.00 12=1.25 13=1.50
DEFAULT_PGM_COMM_TIMING EQU 4 ; 1=Low 2=MediumLow 3=Medium 4=MediumHigh 5=High
DEFAULT_PGM_DEMAG_COMP EQU 2 ; 1=Disabled 2=Low 3=High
DEFAULT_PGM_DIRECTION EQU 1 ; 1=Normal 2=Reversed 3=Bidir 4=Bidir rev
DEFAULT_PGM_BEEP_STRENGTH EQU 40 ; 0..255 (BLHeli_S is 1..255)
DEFAULT_PGM_BEACON_DELAY EQU 4 ; 1=1m 2=2m 3=5m 4=10m 5=Infinite
DEFAULT_PGM_ENABLE_TEMP_PROT EQU 7 ; 0=Disabled 1=80C 2=90C 3=100C 4=110C 5=120C 6=130C 7=140C
DEFAULT_PGM_BRAKE_ON_STOP EQU 0 ; 1=Enabled 0=Disabled
DEFAULT_PGM_LED_CONTROL EQU 0 ; Byte for LED control. 2bits per LED, 0=Off, 1=On
DEFAULT_PGM_STARTUP_BOOST EQU 51 ; 0..255 (1000..1125 Throttle): value * (1000 / 2047) + 1000
DEFAULT_PGM_STARTUP_BEEP EQU 1 ; 0=Short beep, 1=Melody
DEFAULT_PGM_DITHERING EQU 1 ; 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled
;**** **** **** **** ****
; Temporary register definitions
Temp1 EQU R0
Temp2 EQU R1
Temp3 EQU R2
Temp4 EQU R3
Temp5 EQU R4
Temp6 EQU R5
Temp7 EQU R6
Temp8 EQU R7
;**** **** **** **** ****
; RAM definitions
; Bit-addressable data segment
Bit_Access: DS 1 ; MUST BE AT THIS ADDRESS. Variable at bit accessible address (for non interrupt routines)
Bit_Access_Int: DS 1 ; Variable at bit accessible address (for interrupts)
Flags_Startup: DS 1 ; State flags. Reset upon init_start
Flag_Startup_Phase BIT Flags_Startup.0 ; Set when in startup phase
Flag_Initial_Run_Phase BIT Flags_Startup.1 ; Set when in initial run phase, before synchronized run is achieved
; Note: Remaining bits must be cleared
Flags1: DS 1 ; State flags. Reset upon init_start
Flag_Timer3_Pending BIT Flags1.0 ; Timer 3 pending flag
Flag_Demag_Detected BIT Flags1.1 ; Set when excessive demag time is detected
Flag_Comp_Timed_Out BIT Flags1.2 ; Set when comparator reading timed out
Flag_Motor_Running BIT Flags1.3
Flag_Motor_Started BIT Flags1.4 ; Set when motor is started
Flag_Dir_Change_Brake BIT Flags1.5 ; Set when braking before direction change
Flag_High_Rpm BIT Flags1.6 ; Set when motor rpm is high (Comm_Period4x_H less than 2)
Flag_Low_Pwm_Power BIT Flags1.7 ; Set when pwm duty cycle is below 50%
Flags2: DS 1 ; State flags. NOT reset upon init_start
Flag_Pgm_Dir_Rev BIT Flags2.0 ; Programmed direction. 0=normal, 1=reversed
Flag_Pgm_Bidir_Rev BIT Flags2.1 ; Programmed bidirectional direction. 0=normal, 1=reversed
Flag_Pgm_Bidir BIT Flags2.2 ; Programmed bidirectional operation. 0=normal, 1=bidirectional
Flag_Skip_Timer2_Int BIT Flags2.3 ; Set for 48MHz MCUs when timer 2 interrupt shall be ignored
Flag_Clock_At_48MHz BIT Flags2.4 ; Set if 48MHz MCUs run at 48MHz
Flag_Rcp_Stop BIT Flags2.5 ; Set if the RC pulse value is zero
Flag_Rcp_Dir_Rev BIT Flags2.6 ; RC pulse direction in bidirectional mode
Flag_Rcp_DShot_Inverted BIT Flags2.7 ; DShot RC pulse input is inverted (and supports telemetry)
Flags3: DS 1 ; State flags. NOT reset upon init_start
Flag_Telemetry_Pending BIT Flags3.0 ; DShot telemetry data packet is ready to be sent
Flag_Dithering BIT Flags3.1 ; Dithering enabled
Tlm_Data_L: DS 1 ; DShot telemetry data (lo byte)
Tlm_Data_H: DS 1 ; DShot telemetry data (hi byte)
Tmp_B: DS 1
;**** **** **** **** ****
; Direct addressing data segment
Rcp_Outside_Range_Cnt: DS 1 ; RC pulse outside range counter (incrementing)
Rcp_Timeout_Cntd: DS 1 ; RC pulse timeout counter (decrementing)
Rcp_Stop_Cnt: DS 1 ; Counter for RC pulses below stop value
Power_On_Wait_Cnt_L: DS 1 ; Power on wait counter (lo byte)
Power_On_Wait_Cnt_H: DS 1 ; Power on wait counter (hi byte)
Startup_Cnt: DS 1 ; Startup phase commutations counter (incrementing)
Startup_Zc_Timeout_Cntd: DS 1 ; Startup zero cross timeout counter (decrementing)
Initial_Run_Rot_Cntd: DS 1 ; Initial run rotations counter (decrementing)
Startup_Stall_Cnt: DS 1 ; Counts start/run attempts that resulted in stall. Reset upon a proper stop
Demag_Detected_Metric: DS 1 ; Metric used to gauge demag event frequency
Demag_Pwr_Off_Thresh: DS 1 ; Metric threshold above which power is cut
Low_Rpm_Pwr_Slope: DS 1 ; Sets the slope of power increase for low rpm
Timer2_X: DS 1 ; Timer 2 extended byte
Prev_Comm_L: DS 1 ; Previous commutation timer 2 timestamp (lo byte)
Prev_Comm_H: DS 1 ; Previous commutation timer 2 timestamp (hi byte)
Prev_Comm_X: DS 1 ; Previous commutation timer 2 timestamp (ext byte)
Prev_Prev_Comm_L: DS 1 ; Pre-previous commutation timer 2 timestamp (lo byte)
Prev_Prev_Comm_H: DS 1 ; Pre-previous commutation timer 2 timestamp (hi byte)
Comm_Period4x_L: DS 1 ; Timer 2 counts between the last 4 commutations (lo byte)
Comm_Period4x_H: DS 1 ; Timer 2 counts between the last 4 commutations (hi byte)
Comparator_Read_Cnt: DS 1 ; Number of comparator reads done
Wt_Adv_Start_L: DS 1 ; Timer 3 start point for commutation advance timing (lo byte)
Wt_Adv_Start_H: DS 1 ; Timer 3 start point for commutation advance timing (hi byte)
Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_L: DS 1 ; Timer 3 start point from commutation to zero cross scan (lo byte)
Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_H: DS 1 ; Timer 3 start point from commutation to zero cross scan (hi byte)
Wt_Zc_Tout_Start_L: DS 1 ; Timer 3 start point for zero cross scan timeout (lo byte)
Wt_Zc_Tout_Start_H: DS 1 ; Timer 3 start point for zero cross scan timeout (hi byte)
Wt_Comm_Start_L: DS 1 ; Timer 3 start point from zero cross to commutation (lo byte)
Wt_Comm_Start_H: DS 1 ; Timer 3 start point from zero cross to commutation (hi byte)
Power_Pwm_Reg_L: DS 1 ; Power pwm register setting (lo byte)
Power_Pwm_Reg_H: DS 1 ; Power pwm register setting (hi byte). 0x3F is minimum power
Damp_Pwm_Reg_L: DS 1 ; Damping pwm register setting (lo byte)
Damp_Pwm_Reg_H: DS 1 ; Damping pwm register setting (hi byte)
Pwm_Limit: DS 1 ; Maximum allowed pwm (8-bit)
Pwm_Limit_By_Rpm: DS 1 ; Maximum allowed pwm for low or high rpm (8-bit)
Pwm_Limit_Beg: DS 1 ; Initial pwm limit (8-bit)
Adc_Conversion_Cnt: DS 1 ; Adc conversion counter
Current_Average_Temp: DS 1 ; Current average temperature (lo byte ADC reading, assuming hi byte is 1)
Temp_Prot_Limit: DS 1 ; Temperature protection limit
Beep_Strength: DS 1 ; Strength of beeps
Flash_Key_1: DS 1 ; Flash key one
Flash_Key_2: DS 1 ; Flash key two
DShot_Pwm_Thr: DS 1 ; DShot pulse width threshold value (timer 0 ticks)
DShot_Timer_Preset: DS 1 ; DShot timer preset for frame sync detection (timer 1 lo byte)
DShot_Frame_Start_L: DS 1 ; DShot frame start timestamp (timer 2 lo byte)
DShot_Frame_Start_H: DS 1 ; DShot frame start timestamp (timer 2 hi byte)
DShot_Frame_Length_Thr: DS 1 ; DShot frame length criteria (timer 2 ticks)
DShot_Cmd: DS 1 ; DShot command
DShot_Cmd_Cnt: DS 1 ; DShot command count
; Pulse durations for GCR encoding DShot telemetry data
DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1: DS 1 ; Encodes binary: 1
DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2: DS 1 ; Encodes binary: 01
DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3: DS 1 ; Encodes binary: 001
DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1_Tmp: DS 1
DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2_Tmp: DS 1
DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3_Tmp: DS 1
DShot_GCR_Start_Delay: DS 1
;**** **** **** **** ****
; Indirect addressing data segments
ISEG AT 080h ; The variables below must be in this sequence
_Pgm_Gov_P_Gain: DS 1 ; Governor P gain
Pgm_Startup_Boost: DS 1 ; Governor I gain
Pgm_Startup_Beep: DS 1 ; Governor mode
Pgm_Dithering: DS 1 ; Low voltage limit
_Pgm_Motor_Gain: DS 1 ; Motor gain
_Pgm_Motor_Idle: DS 1 ; Motor idle speed
Pgm_Startup_Pwr: DS 1 ; Startup power
_Pgm_Pwm_Freq: DS 1 ; PWM frequency
Pgm_Direction: DS 1 ; Rotation direction
_Pgm_Input_Pol: DS 1 ; Input PWM polarity
Initialized_L_Dummy: DS 1 ; Place holder
Initialized_H_Dummy: DS 1 ; Place holder
_Pgm_Enable_TX_Program: DS 1 ; Enable/disable value for TX programming
_Pgm_Main_Rearm_Start: DS 1 ; Enable/disable re-arming main every start
_Pgm_Gov_Setup_Target: DS 1 ; Main governor setup target
_Pgm_Startup_Rpm: DS 1 ; Startup RPM
_Pgm_Startup_Accel: DS 1 ; Startup acceleration
_Pgm_Volt_Comp: DS 1 ; Voltage comp
Pgm_Comm_Timing: DS 1 ; Commutation timing
_Pgm_Damping_Force: DS 1 ; Damping force
_Pgm_Gov_Range: DS 1 ; Governor range
_Pgm_Startup_Method: DS 1 ; Startup method
_Pgm_Min_Throttle: DS 1 ; Minimum throttle
_Pgm_Max_Throttle: DS 1 ; Maximum throttle
Pgm_Beep_Strength: DS 1 ; Beep strength
Pgm_Beacon_Strength: DS 1 ; Beacon strength
Pgm_Beacon_Delay: DS 1 ; Beacon delay
_Pgm_Throttle_Rate: DS 1 ; Throttle rate
Pgm_Demag_Comp: DS 1 ; Demag compensation
_Pgm_BEC_Voltage_High: DS 1 ; BEC voltage
_Pgm_Center_Throttle: DS 1 ; Center throttle (in bidirectional mode)
_Pgm_Main_Spoolup_Time: DS 1 ; Main spoolup time
Pgm_Enable_Temp_Prot: DS 1 ; Temperature protection enable
Pgm_Enable_Power_Prot: DS 1 ; Low RPM power protection enable
_Pgm_Enable_Pwm_Input: DS 1 ; Enable PWM input signal
_Pgm_Pwm_Dither: DS 1 ; Output PWM dither
Pgm_Brake_On_Stop: DS 1 ; Braking when throttle is zero
Pgm_LED_Control: DS 1 ; LED control
; The sequence of the variables below is no longer of importance
Pgm_Startup_Pwr_Decoded: DS 1 ; Programmed startup power decoded
Stack: DS 16 ; Reserved stack space
Dithering_Patterns: DS 16 ; Bit patterns for pwm dithering
Temp_Storage: DS 48 ; Temporary storage
;**** **** **** **** ****
; EEPROM code segments
; A segment of the flash is used as "EEPROM", which is not available in SiLabs MCUs
EEPROM_FW_MAIN_REVISION EQU 0 ; Main revision of the firmware
EEPROM_FW_SUB_REVISION EQU 9 ; Sub revision of the firmware
EEPROM_LAYOUT_REVISION EQU 200 ; Revision of the EEPROM layout
Eep_FW_Main_Revision: DB EEPROM_FW_MAIN_REVISION ; EEPROM firmware main revision number
Eep_FW_Sub_Revision: DB EEPROM_FW_SUB_REVISION ; EEPROM firmware sub revision number
Eep_Layout_Revision: DB EEPROM_LAYOUT_REVISION ; EEPROM layout revision number
_Eep_Pgm_Gov_P_Gain: DB 0FFh
_Eep_Pgm_Motor_Gain: DB 0FFh
_Eep_Pgm_Motor_Idle: DB 0FFh
Eep_Pgm_Startup_Pwr: DB DEFAULT_PGM_STARTUP_PWR ; EEPROM copy of programmed startup power
_Eep_Pgm_Pwm_Freq: DB 0FFh
Eep_Pgm_Direction: DB DEFAULT_PGM_DIRECTION ; EEPROM copy of programmed rotation direction
_Eep__Pgm_Input_Pol: DB 0FFh
Eep_Initialized_L: DB 055h ; EEPROM initialized signature (lo byte)
Eep_Initialized_H: DB 0AAh ; EEPROM initialized signature (hi byte)
_Eep_Enable_TX_Program: DB 0FFh ; EEPROM TX programming enable
_Eep_Main_Rearm_Start: DB 0FFh
_Eep_Pgm_Gov_Setup_Target: DB 0FFh
_Eep_Pgm_Startup_Rpm: DB 0FFh
_Eep_Pgm_Startup_Accel: DB 0FFh
_Eep_Pgm_Volt_Comp: DB 0FFh
Eep_Pgm_Comm_Timing: DB DEFAULT_PGM_COMM_TIMING ; EEPROM copy of programmed commutation timing
_Eep_Pgm_Damping_Force: DB 0FFh
_Eep_Pgm_Gov_Range: DB 0FFh
_Eep_Pgm_Startup_Method: DB 0FFh
_Eep_Pgm_Min_Throttle: DB 0FFh ; EEPROM copy of programmed minimum throttle
_Eep_Pgm_Max_Throttle: DB 0FFh ; EEPROM copy of programmed minimum throttle
Eep_Pgm_Beep_Strength: DB DEFAULT_PGM_BEEP_STRENGTH ; EEPROM copy of programmed beep strength
Eep_Pgm_Beacon_Strength: DB DEFAULT_PGM_BEACON_STRENGTH ; EEPROM copy of programmed beacon strength
Eep_Pgm_Beacon_Delay: DB DEFAULT_PGM_BEACON_DELAY ; EEPROM copy of programmed beacon delay
_Eep_Pgm_Throttle_Rate: DB 0FFh
Eep_Pgm_Demag_Comp: DB DEFAULT_PGM_DEMAG_COMP ; EEPROM copy of programmed demag compensation
_Eep_Pgm_BEC_Voltage_High: DB 0FFh
_Eep_Pgm_Center_Throttle: DB 0FFh ; EEPROM copy of programmed center throttle
_Eep_Pgm_Main_Spoolup_Time: DB 0FFh
Eep_Pgm_Temp_Prot_Enable: DB DEFAULT_PGM_ENABLE_TEMP_PROT ; EEPROM copy of programmed temperature protection enable
Eep_Pgm_Enable_Power_Prot: DB DEFAULT_PGM_ENABLE_POWER_PROT ; EEPROM copy of programmed low rpm power protection enable
_Eep_Pgm_Enable_Pwm_Input: DB 0FFh
_Eep_Pgm_Pwm_Dither: DB 0FFh
Eep_Pgm_Brake_On_Stop: DB DEFAULT_PGM_BRAKE_ON_STOP ; EEPROM copy of programmed braking when throttle is zero
Eep_Pgm_LED_Control: DB DEFAULT_PGM_LED_CONTROL ; EEPROM copy of programmed LED control
Eep_Dummy: DB 0FFh ; EEPROM address for safety reason
Eep_Name: DB "Bluejay (BETA) " ; Name tag (16 Bytes)
;**** **** **** **** ****
Interrupt_Table_Definition ; SiLabs interrupts
CSEG AT 80h ; Code segment after interrupt vectors
;**** **** **** **** ****
; Table definitions
; Rampup pwm power (8-bit)
STARTUP_POWER_TABLE: DB 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 25, 37, 50, 62, 75
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Macros
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
DSHOT_TLM_CLOCK EQU 24500000 ; 24.5MHz
DSHOT_TLM_START_DELAY EQU -(5 * 25 / 4) ; Start telemetry after 5 us (~30 us after receiving DShot cmd)
DSHOT_TLM_PREDELAY EQU 7 ; 7 timer 0 ticks inherent delay
IF MCU_48MHZ == 1
DSHOT_TLM_CLOCK_48 EQU 49000000 ; 49MHz
DSHOT_TLM_START_DELAY_48 EQU -(16 * 49 / 4) ; Start telemetry after 16 us (~30 us after receiving DShot cmd)
DSHOT_TLM_PREDELAY_48 EQU 11 ; 11 timer 0 ticks inherent delay
Set_DShot_Tlm_Bitrate MACRO rate
mov DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1, #(DSHOT_TLM_PREDELAY - (1 * DSHOT_TLM_CLOCK / 4 / rate))
mov DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2, #(DSHOT_TLM_PREDELAY - (2 * DSHOT_TLM_CLOCK / 4 / rate))
mov DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3, #(DSHOT_TLM_PREDELAY - (3 * DSHOT_TLM_CLOCK / 4 / rate))
IF MCU_48MHZ == 1
mov DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1_Tmp, #(DSHOT_TLM_PREDELAY_48 - (1 * DSHOT_TLM_CLOCK_48 / 4 / rate))
mov DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2_Tmp, #(DSHOT_TLM_PREDELAY_48 - (2 * DSHOT_TLM_CLOCK_48 / 4 / rate))
mov DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3_Tmp, #(DSHOT_TLM_PREDELAY_48 - (3 * DSHOT_TLM_CLOCK_48 / 4 / rate))
Push_Mem MACRO reg, val
mov @reg, val ;; Write value to memory address pointed to by register
inc reg ;; Increment pointer
DShot_GCR_Get_Time MACRO
mov A, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2
cjne A, Tmp_B, ($+5)
mov A, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3
; Prepare telemetry packet while waiting for timer 3 to wrap
Wait_For_Timer3 MACRO
LOCAL wait_for_t3 done_waiting
jb Flag_Telemetry_Pending, wait_for_t3
jnb Flag_Timer3_Pending, done_waiting
call dshot_tlm_create_packet
jnb Flag_Timer3_Pending, done_waiting
sjmp wait_for_t3
; Used for subdividing the DShot telemetry routine into chunks,
; that will return if timer 3 has wrapped
Early_Return_Packet_Stage MACRO num
Early_Return_Packet_Stage_ num, %(num+1)
Early_Return_Packet_Stage_ MACRO num next
IF num > 0
inc Temp5 ;; Increment current packet stage
jb Flag_Timer3_Pending, dshot_packet_stage_&num ;; Return early if timer 3 has wrapped
pop PSW
IF num < 5
cjne Temp5, #(num), dshot_packet_stage_&next ;; If this is not current stage, skip to next
Decode_DShot_2Bit MACRO dest, decode_fail
movx A, @Temp1
mov Temp7, A
clr C
subb A, Temp6 ;; Subtract previous timestamp
clr C
subb A, Temp2
jc decode_fail ;; Check that bit is longer than minimum
subb A, Temp2 ;; Check if bit is zero or one
rlca dest ;; Shift bit into data byte
inc Temp1 ;; Next bit
movx A, @Temp1
mov Temp6, A
clr C
subb A, Temp7
clr C
subb A, Temp2
jc decode_fail
subb A, Temp2
rlca dest
inc Temp1
;**** **** **** **** ****
; Compound instructions for convenience
xcha MACRO var1, var2 ;; Exchange via accumulator
mov A, var1
xch A, var2
mov var1, A
rrca MACRO var ;; Rotate right through carry via accumulator
mov A, var
rrc A
mov var, A
rlca MACRO var ;; Rotate left through carry via accumulator
mov A, var
rlc A
mov var, A
rla MACRO var ;; Rotate left via accumulator
mov A, var
rl A
mov var, A
ljc MACRO label ;; Long jump if carry set
LOCAL skip
jnc skip
jmp label
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Interrupt handlers
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Timer 0 interrupt routine (High priority)
; Generate DShot telemetry signal
; Requirements:
; - Must NOT be called while Flag_Telemetry_Pending is cleared
; - Must NOT write to Temp5, Temp8
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
push PSW
mov PSW, #10h ; Select register bank 2 for this interrupt
dec Temp1
cjne Temp1, #(Temp_Storage-1), t0_int_dshot_tlm_transition
inc Temp1 ; Set pointer to uncritical position
; If last pulse is high, telemetry is finished,
; otherwise wait for it to return to high
jb RTX_PORT.RTX_PIN, t0_int_dshot_tlm_finish
cpl RTX_PORT.RTX_PIN ; Invert signal level
mov TL0, @Temp1 ; Schedule next update
pop PSW
; Configure RTX_PIN for digital input
anl RTX_MDOUT, #(NOT (1 SHL RTX_PIN)) ; Set RTX_PIN output mode to open-drain
setb RTX_PORT.RTX_PIN ; Float high
clr IE_ET0 ; Disable timer 0 interrupts
mov CKCON0, Temp8 ; Restore regular DShot timer 0/1 clock settings
mov TMOD, #0AAh ; Timer 0/1 gated by INT0/1
clr TCON_IE0 ; Clear int0 pending flag
clr TCON_IE1 ; Clear int1 pending flag
mov TL0, #0 ; Reset timer 0 count
setb IE_EX0 ; Enable int0 interrupts
setb IE_EX1 ; Enable int1 interrupts
Enable_PCA_Interrupt ; Enable pca interrupts
clr Flag_Telemetry_Pending ; Mark that new telemetry packet may be created
pop PSW
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Timer 1 interrupt routine
; Decode DShot frame
; Process new throttle value and update pwm registers
; Schedule DShot telemetry
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
clr IE_EX0 ; Disable int0 interrupts
clr TCON_TR1 ; Stop timer 1
mov TL1, DShot_Timer_Preset ; Reset sync timer
push PSW
mov PSW, #8h ; Select register bank 1 for this interrupt
push ACC
push B
clr TMR2CN0_TR2 ; Timer 2 disabled
mov Temp2, TMR2L ; Read timer value
mov Temp3, TMR2H
setb TMR2CN0_TR2 ; Timer 2 enabled
; Check frame time length
clr C
mov A, Temp2
subb A, DShot_Frame_Start_L
mov Temp2, A
mov A, Temp3
subb A, DShot_Frame_Start_H
jnz t1_int_frame_fail ; Frame too long
clr C
mov A, Temp2
subb A, DShot_Frame_Length_Thr
jc t1_int_frame_fail ; Frame too short
subb A, DShot_Frame_Length_Thr
jnc t1_int_frame_fail ; Frame too long
; Check that correct number of pulses is received
cjne Temp1, #16, t1_int_frame_fail ; Read current pointer
; Decode transmitted data
mov Temp1, #0 ; Set pointer
mov Temp2, DShot_Pwm_Thr ; DShot pulse width criteria
mov Temp6, #0 ; Reset timestamp
; Decode DShot data Msb. Use more code space to save time (by not using loop)
Decode_DShot_2Bit Temp5, t1_int_frame_fail
Decode_DShot_2Bit Temp5, t1_int_frame_fail
sjmp t1_int_decode_lsb
sjmp t1_int_outside_range
; Decode DShot data Lsb
Decode_DShot_2Bit Temp4, t1_int_outside_range
Decode_DShot_2Bit Temp4, t1_int_outside_range
Decode_DShot_2Bit Temp4, t1_int_outside_range
Decode_DShot_2Bit Temp4, t1_int_outside_range
sjmp t1_int_decode_checksum
inc Rcp_Outside_Range_Cnt
mov A, Rcp_Outside_Range_Cnt
jnz ($+4)
dec Rcp_Outside_Range_Cnt
clr C
mov A, Rcp_Outside_Range_Cnt
subb A, #50 ; Allow a given number of outside pulses
jc t1_int_exit_timeout ; If outside limits - ignore first pulses
setb Flag_Rcp_Stop ; Set pulse length to zero
clr A
mov DShot_Cmd, A ; Clear DShot command
mov DShot_Cmd_Cnt, A ; Clear DShot command count
ajmp t1_int_exit_no_tlm ; Exit without resetting timeout
mov Rcp_Timeout_Cntd, #10 ; Set timeout count
ajmp t1_int_exit_no_tlm
; Decode DShot data checksum
Decode_DShot_2Bit Temp3, t1_int_outside_range
Decode_DShot_2Bit Temp3, t1_int_outside_range
; XOR check (in inverted data, which is ok), only low nibble is considered
mov A, Temp4
swap A
xrl A, Temp4
xrl A, Temp5
xrl A, Temp3
jnb Flag_Rcp_DShot_Inverted, ($+4)
cpl A ; Invert checksum if using inverted DShot
anl A, #0Fh
jnz t1_int_outside_range ; XOR check
; Invert DShot data and subtract 96 (still 12 bits)
clr C
mov A, Temp4
cpl A
mov Temp3, A
subb A, #96
mov Temp4, A
mov A, Temp5
cpl A
anl A, #0Fh
subb A, #0
mov Temp5, A
jnc t1_normal_range
mov A, Temp3 ; Check for 0 or DShot command
mov Temp5, #0
mov Temp4, #0
jz t1_normal_range
mov Temp3, #0
clr C ; We are in the special DShot range
rrc A ; Divide by 2
jnc t1_dshot_set_cmd ; Check for tlm bit set (if not telemetry, Temp3 will be zero and result in invalid command)
mov Temp3, A
cjne A, DShot_Cmd, t1_dshot_set_cmd
inc DShot_Cmd_Cnt
sjmp t1_normal_range
mov DShot_Cmd, Temp3
mov DShot_Cmd_Cnt, #0
; Check for bidirectional operation (0=stop, 96-2095->fwd, 2096-4095->rev)
jnb Flag_Pgm_Bidir, t1_int_not_bidir ; If not bidirectional operation - branch
; Subtract 2000 (still 12 bits)
clr C
mov A, Temp4
subb A, #0D0h
mov B, A
mov A, Temp5
subb A, #07h
clr Flag_Rcp_Dir_Rev
jc t1_int_bidir_rev_chk ; If result is negative - branch
mov Temp4, B
mov Temp5, A
setb Flag_Rcp_Dir_Rev
jb Flag_Pgm_Bidir_Rev, ($+5)
cpl Flag_Rcp_Dir_Rev
clr C ; Multiply throttle value by 2
rlca Temp4
rlca Temp5
; From here Temp5/Temp4 should be at most 3999 (4095-96)
mov A, Temp4 ; Divide by 16 (12 to 8-bit)
anl A, #0F0h
orl A, Temp5 ; Note: Assumes Temp5 to be 4-bit
swap A
mov B, #5 ; Divide by 5 (80 in total)
div AB
mov Temp3, A
; Align to 11 bits
;clr C ; Note: Cleared by div
rrca Temp5
mov A, Temp4
rrc A
; Scale from 2000 to 2048
add A, Temp3
mov Temp4, A
mov A, Temp5
addc A, #0
mov Temp5, A
jnb ACC.3, ($+7) ; Limit to 11-bit maximum
mov Temp4, #0FFh
mov Temp5, #07h
; Do not boost when changing direction in bidirectional mode
jb Flag_Motor_Started, t1_int_startup_boosted
mov A, Flags_Startup ; Boost pwm during direct start
jz t1_int_startup_boosted
mov A, Temp5
jnz t1_int_stall_boost ; Already more power than minimum at startup
mov Temp2, #Pgm_Startup_Boost ; Read startup boost setting (power at startup)
mov B, @Temp2
clr C ; Set power to at least be minimum startup power
mov A, Temp4
subb A, B
jnc t1_int_stall_boost
mov Temp4, B
mov A, Startup_Stall_Cnt ; Check stall count
jz t1_int_startup_boosted
mov B, #40 ; Note: Stall count should be less than 6
mul AB
add A, Temp4 ; Add more power when failing to start motor (stalling)
mov Temp4, A
mov A, Temp5
addc A, #0
mov Temp5, A
jnb ACC.3, ($+7) ; Limit to 11-bit maximum
mov Temp4, #0FFh
mov Temp5, #07h
; Set 8-bit value
mov A, Temp4
anl A, #0F8h
orl A, Temp5 ; Assumes Temp5 to be 3-bit (11-bit rcp)
swap A
rl A
mov Temp2, A
jnz t1_int_rcp_not_zero
mov A, Temp4 ; Only set Rcp_Stop if all all 11 bits are zero
jnz t1_int_rcp_not_zero
setb Flag_Rcp_Stop
sjmp t1_int_zero_rcp_checked
mov Rcp_Stop_Cnt, #0 ; Reset rcp stop counter
clr Flag_Rcp_Stop ; Pulse ready
; Decrement outside range counter
mov A, Rcp_Outside_Range_Cnt
jz ($+4)
dec Rcp_Outside_Range_Cnt
; Set pwm limit
clr C
mov A, Pwm_Limit ; Limit to the smallest
mov Temp6, A ; Store limit in Temp6
subb A, Pwm_Limit_By_Rpm
jc ($+4)
mov Temp6, Pwm_Limit_By_Rpm
; Check against limit
clr C
mov A, Temp6
subb A, Temp2 ; 8-bit rc pulse
jnc t1_int_scale_pwm_resolution
IF PWM_BITS_H == 0 ; 8-bit pwm
mov A, Temp6
mov Temp2, A
mov A, Temp6 ; Multiply limit by 8 for 11-bit pwm
mov B, #8
mul AB
mov Temp4, A
mov Temp5, B
; Scale pwm resolution and invert (duty cycle is defined inversely)
IF PWM_BITS_H == 3 ; 11-bit pwm
mov A, Temp5
cpl A
anl A, #7
mov Temp3, A
mov A, Temp4
cpl A
mov Temp2, A
ELSEIF PWM_BITS_H == 2 ; 10-bit pwm
clr C
mov A, Temp5
rrc A
cpl A
anl A, #3
mov Temp3, A
mov A, Temp4
rrc A
cpl A
mov Temp2, A
ELSEIF PWM_BITS_H == 1 ; 9-bit pwm
mov B, Temp5
mov A, Temp4
mov C, B.0
rrc A
mov C, B.1
rrc A
cpl A
mov Temp2, A
mov A, Temp5
rr A
rr A
cpl A
anl A, #1
mov Temp3, A
ELSEIF PWM_BITS_H == 0 ; 8-bit pwm
mov A, Temp2 ; Temp2 already 8-bit
cpl A
mov Temp2, A
mov Temp3, #0
; 11-bit effective dithering of 8/9/10-bit pwm
jnb Flag_Dithering, t1_int_set_pwm
mov A, Temp4 ; 11-bit low byte
cpl A
anl A, #((1 SHL (3 - PWM_BITS_H)) - 1); Get index into dithering pattern table
add A, #Dithering_Patterns
mov Temp1, A ; Reuse DShot pwm pointer since it is not currently in use.
mov A, @Temp1 ; Retrieve pattern
rl A ; Rotate pattern
mov @Temp1, A ; Store pattern
jnb ACC.0, t1_int_set_pwm ; Increment if bit is set
mov A, Temp2
add A, #1
mov Temp2, A
jnz t1_int_set_pwm
mov A, Temp3
addc A, #0
mov Temp3, A
jnb ACC.PWM_BITS_H, t1_int_set_pwm
dec Temp3 ; Reset on overflow
dec Temp2
; Set pwm registers
clr C
mov A, Temp2 ; Skew damping fet timing
IF MCU_48MHZ == 0
subb A, #((FETON_DELAY+1) SHR 1)
subb A, #(FETON_DELAY)
mov Temp4, A
mov A, Temp3
subb A, #0
mov Temp5, A
jnc t1_int_set_pwm_damp_set
clr A
mov Temp4, A
mov Temp5, A
mov Power_Pwm_Reg_L, Temp2
mov Power_Pwm_Reg_H, Temp3
mov Damp_Pwm_Reg_L, Temp4
mov Damp_Pwm_Reg_H, Temp5
mov Rcp_Timeout_Cntd, #10 ; Set timeout count
; Prepare DShot telemetry
jnb Flag_Rcp_DShot_Inverted, t1_int_exit_no_tlm ; Only send telemetry for inverted DShot
jnb Flag_Telemetry_Pending, t1_int_exit_no_tlm ; Check if telemetry packet is ready
; Prepare timer 0 for sending telemetry data
mov CKCON0, #01h ; Timer 0 is system clock divided by 4
mov TMOD, #0A2h ; Timer 0 runs free not gated by INT0
; Configure RTX_PIN for digital output
setb RTX_PORT.RTX_PIN ; Default to high level
orl RTX_MDOUT, #(1 SHL RTX_PIN) ; Set output mode to push-pull
mov Temp1, #0 ; Set pointer to start
; Note: Delay must be large enough to ensure port is ready for output
mov TL0, DShot_GCR_Start_Delay ; Telemetry will begin after this delay
clr TCON_TF0 ; Clear timer 0 overflow flag
setb IE_ET0 ; Enable timer 0 interrupts
sjmp t1_int_exit_no_int
mov Temp1, #0 ; Set pointer to start
mov TL0, #0 ; Reset timer 0
setb IE_EX0 ; Enable int0 interrupts
setb IE_EX1 ; Enable int1 interrupts
Enable_PCA_Interrupt ; Enable pca interrupts
pop B ; Restore preserved registers
pop ACC
pop PSW
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Timer 2 interrupt routine
; Update RC pulse timeout and stop counters
; Happens every 32ms
; Requirements: Temp variables can NOT be used since PSW.x is not set
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
push ACC
clr TMR2CN0_TF2H ; Clear interrupt flag
inc Timer2_X
IF MCU_48MHZ == 1
jnb Flag_Clock_At_48MHz, t2_int_start ; Always run if clock is 24MHz
jbc Flag_Skip_Timer2_Int, t2_int_exit ; Flag set? - Skip interrupt and clear flag
setb Flag_Skip_Timer2_Int ; Skip next interrupt
; Update RC pulse timeout counter
mov A, Rcp_Timeout_Cntd ; RC pulse timeout count zero?
jz ($+4) ; Yes - do not decrement
dec Rcp_Timeout_Cntd ; No - decrement
jnb Flag_Rcp_Stop, t2_int_exit ; Exit if pulse is above stop value
; Update RC pulse stop counter
inc Rcp_Stop_Cnt ; Increment stop counter
mov A, Rcp_Stop_Cnt
jnz ($+4) ; Branch if counter has not wrapped
dec Rcp_Stop_Cnt ; Set stop counter back to max
pop ACC ; Restore preserved registers
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Timer 3 interrupt routine
; Used for commutation timing
; Requirements: Temp variables can NOT be used since PSW.x is not set
; ACC can not be used, as it is not pushed to stack
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
clr IE_EA ; Disable all interrupts
anl EIE1, #7Fh ; Disable timer 3 interrupts
anl TMR3CN0, #07Fh ; Clear timer 3 interrupt flag
mov TMR3RLL, #0FAh ; Set a short delay before next interrupt
mov TMR3RLH, #0FFh
clr Flag_Timer3_Pending ; Flag that timer has wrapped
setb IE_EA ; Enable all interrupts
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Int0 interrupt routine (High priority)
; Read and store DShot pwm signal for decoding
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
push ACC
mov A, TL0 ; Read pwm for DShot immediately
mov TL1, DShot_Timer_Preset ; Reset sync timer
; Temp1 in register bank 1 points to pwm timings
push PSW
mov PSW, #8h
movx @Temp1, A ; Store pwm
inc Temp1
pop PSW
pop ACC
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Int1 interrupt routine
; Used for RC pulse timing
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
clr IE_EX1 ; Disable int1 interrupts
setb TCON_TR1 ; Start timer 1
clr TMR2CN0_TR2 ; Timer 2 disabled
mov DShot_Frame_Start_L, TMR2L ; Read timer value
mov DShot_Frame_Start_H, TMR2H
setb TMR2CN0_TR2 ; Timer 2 enabled
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; PCA interrupt routine
; Update pwm registers according to PCA clock signal
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
clr IE_EA ; Disable all interrupts
push ACC
IF FETON_DELAY != 0 ; HI/LO enable style drivers
mov A, PCA0L ; Read low byte first, to transfer high byte to holding register
mov A, PCA0H
jnb Flag_Low_Pwm_Power, pca_int_hi_pwm
; Power below 50%, update pca in the 0x00-0x0F range
jb ACC.PWM_BITS_H, pca_int_exit ; PWM edge selection bit (continue if up edge)
sjmp pca_int_set_pwm
; Power above 50%, update pca in the 0x20-0x2F range
jnb ACC.PWM_BITS_H, pca_int_exit ; PWM edge selection bit (continue if down edge)
jb ACC.(PWM_BITS_H-1), pca_int_exit
mov A, PCA0L
jb ACC.7, pca_int_exit
; Set power pwm auto-reload registers
mov PCA0_POWER_L, Power_Pwm_Reg_L
mov PCA0_POWER_H, Power_Pwm_Reg_H
mov PCA0_POWER_H, Power_Pwm_Reg_L
; Set damp pwm auto-reload registers
mov PCA0_DAMP_L, Damp_Pwm_Reg_L
mov PCA0_DAMP_H, Damp_Pwm_Reg_H
mov PCA0_DAMP_H, Damp_Pwm_Reg_L
setb Flag_Low_Pwm_Power
mov A, Power_Pwm_Reg_H
jb ACC.(PWM_BITS_H-1), ($+5)
mov A, Power_Pwm_Reg_L
jb ACC.7, ($+5)
clr Flag_Low_Pwm_Power
IF FETON_DELAY == 0 ; EN/PWM style drivers
anl EIE1, #0EFh ; Pwm updated, disable pca interrupts
pop ACC ; Restore preserved registers
setb IE_EA ; Enable all interrupts
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Misc utility functions
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Wait a number of milliseconds (Multiple entry points)
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
mov Temp2, #1
sjmp wait_ms_o
mov Temp2, #5
sjmp wait_ms_o
mov Temp2, #10
sjmp wait_ms_o
mov Temp2, #100
sjmp wait_ms_o
mov Temp2, #200
sjmp wait_ms_o
mov Temp2, #250
sjmp wait_ms_o
wait_ms_o: ; Outer loop
mov Temp1, #23
wait_ms_m: ; Middle loop
clr A
djnz ACC, $ ; Inner loop (41.8us - 1024 cycles)
djnz Temp1, wait_ms_m
djnz Temp2, wait_ms_o
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Beeper routines (Multiple entry points)
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
mov Temp3, #66 ; Off wait loop length (Tone)
mov Temp4, #(3500 / 66) ; Number of beep pulses (Duration)
sjmp beep
mov Temp3, #45
mov Temp4, #(3500 / 45)
sjmp beep
mov Temp3, #38
mov Temp4, #(3500 / 38)
sjmp beep
mov Temp3, #25
mov Temp4, #(3500 / 25)
sjmp beep
mov Temp3, #20
mov Temp4, #(3500 / 20)
sjmp beep
mov Temp3, #66
mov Temp4, #(2000 / 66)
sjmp beep
mov Temp3, #45
mov Temp4, #(2000 / 45)
sjmp beep
mov A, Beep_Strength
jnz beep_start ; Start if beep strength is not 0
mov Temp2, #2
clr A
BcomFET_off ; BcomFET off
djnz ACC, $ ; Allow some time after comfet is turned off
BpwmFET_on ; BpwmFET on (in order to charge the driver of the BcomFET)
djnz ACC, $ ; Let the pwmfet be turned on a while
BpwmFET_off ; BpwmFET off again
djnz ACC, $ ; Allow some time after pwmfet is turned off
BcomFET_on ; BcomFET on
djnz ACC, $ ; Allow some time after comfet is turned on
mov A, Temp2 ; Turn on pwmfet
jb ACC.0, beep_apwmfet_on
jnb ACC.0, beep_cpwmfet_on
mov A, Beep_Strength ; On time according to beep strength
djnz ACC, $
mov A, Temp2 ; Turn off pwmfet
jb ACC.0, beep_apwmfet_off
jnb ACC.0, beep_cpwmfet_off
mov A, #150 ; Off for 25 us
djnz ACC, $
djnz Temp2, beep_onoff ; Toggle next pwmfet
mov A, Temp3
beep_off: ; Fets off loop
mov Temp1, #200
djnz Temp1, $
djnz ACC, beep_off ; Off time according to beep frequency
djnz Temp4, beep_start ; Number of beep pulses (duration)
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; LED control
; Controls LEDs
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
mov Temp1, #Pgm_LED_Control
mov A, @Temp1
mov Temp2, A
anl A, #03h
jnz led_0_done
mov A, Temp2
anl A, #0Ch
jnz led_1_done
mov A, Temp2
anl A, #030h
jnz led_2_done
mov A, Temp2
anl A, #0C0h
jnz led_3_done
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Power and temperature control
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Switch power off routine
; Switches all fets off
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
All_pwmFETs_Off ; Turn off all pwm fets
All_comFETs_Off ; Turn off all commutation fets
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Set pwm limit low rpm
; Sets power limit for low rpm and disables demag for low rpm
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
jb Flag_High_Rpm, set_pwm_limit_high_rpm ; If high rpm, limit pwm by rpm instead
; Set pwm limit
mov Temp1, #0FFh ; Default full power
jb Flag_Startup_Phase, set_pwm_limit_low_rpm_exit ; Exit if startup phase set
mov Temp2, #Pgm_Enable_Power_Prot ; Check if low RPM power protection is enabled
mov A, @Temp2
jz set_pwm_limit_low_rpm_exit ; Exit if disabled
mov A, Comm_Period4x_H
jz set_pwm_limit_low_rpm_exit ; Avoid divide by zero
mov A, #255 ; Divide 255 by Comm_Period4x_H
mov B, Comm_Period4x_H
div AB
mov B, Low_Rpm_Pwr_Slope ; Multiply by slope
jnb Flag_Initial_Run_Phase, ($+6) ; More protection for initial run phase
mov B, #5
mul AB
mov Temp1, A ; Set new limit
xch A, B
jz ($+4) ; Limit to max
mov Temp1, #0FFh
clr C
mov A, Temp1 ; Limit to min
subb A, Pwm_Limit_Beg
jnc set_pwm_limit_low_rpm_exit
mov Temp1, Pwm_Limit_Beg
mov Pwm_Limit_By_Rpm, Temp1
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Set pwm limit high rpm
; Sets power limit for high rpm
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
clr C
mov A, Comm_Period4x_L
IF MCU_48MHZ == 1
subb A, #0A0h ; Limit Comm_Period to 160, which is 500k erpm
subb A, #0E4h ; Limit Comm_Period to 228, which is 350k erpm
mov A, Comm_Period4x_H
subb A, #00h
mov A, Pwm_Limit_By_Rpm
jnc set_pwm_limit_high_rpm_inc_limit
dec A
sjmp set_pwm_limit_high_rpm_store
inc A
jz ($+4)
mov Pwm_Limit_By_Rpm, A
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Check motor temperature and limit power
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
inc Adc_Conversion_Cnt ; Increment conversion counter
clr C
mov A, Adc_Conversion_Cnt ; Is conversion count equal to temp rate?
subb A, #8
jc temp_increase_pwm_limit ; No - increase pwm limit
; Wait for ADC conversion to complete
jnb ADC0CN0_ADINT, check_temp_and_limit_power
; Read ADC result
; Stop ADC
mov Adc_Conversion_Cnt, #0 ; Yes - temperature check. Reset counter
mov A, Temp2 ; Move ADC MSB to Temp3
mov Temp3, A
mov Temp2, #Pgm_Enable_Temp_Prot ; Is temp protection enabled?
mov A, @Temp2
jz temp_check_exit ; No - branch
mov A, Temp3 ; Is temperature reading below 256?
jnz temp_average_inc_dec ; No - proceed
mov A, Current_Average_Temp ; Yes - decrement average
jz temp_average_updated ; Already zero - no change
sjmp temp_average_dec ; Decrement
clr C
mov A, Temp1 ; Check if current temperature is above or below average
subb A, Current_Average_Temp
jz temp_average_updated_load_acc ; Equal - no change
mov A, Current_Average_Temp ; Above - increment average
jnc temp_average_inc
jz temp_average_updated ; Below - decrement average if average is not already zero
dec A ; Decrement average
sjmp temp_average_updated
inc A ; Increment average
jz temp_average_dec
sjmp temp_average_updated
mov A, Current_Average_Temp
mov Current_Average_Temp, A
clr C
subb A, Temp_Prot_Limit ; Is temperature below first limit?
jc temp_check_exit ; Yes - exit
mov Pwm_Limit, #192 ; No - limit pwm
clr C
subb A, #(TEMP_LIMIT_STEP/2) ; Is temperature below second limit
jc temp_check_exit ; Yes - exit
mov Pwm_Limit, #128 ; No - limit pwm
clr C
subb A, #(TEMP_LIMIT_STEP/2) ; Is temperature below third limit
jc temp_check_exit ; Yes - exit
mov Pwm_Limit, #64 ; No - limit pwm
clr C
subb A, #(TEMP_LIMIT_STEP/2) ; Is temperature below final limit
jc temp_check_exit ; Yes - exit
mov Pwm_Limit, #0 ; No - limit pwm
mov A, Pwm_Limit
add A, #16 ; Increase pwm limit
jnc ($+4) ; Check if above maximum
mov A, #255 ; Set maximum value
mov Pwm_Limit, A ; Set new pwm limit
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Commutation and timing
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Initialize timing routine
; Part of initialization before motor start
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
mov Comm_Period4x_L, #00h ; Set commutation period registers
mov Comm_Period4x_H, #0F0h
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Calculate next commutation timing routine
; Called immediately after each commutation
; Also sets up timer 3 to wait advance timing
; Two entry points are used
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
calc_next_comm_timing: ; Entry point for run phase
; Read commutation time
clr IE_EA
clr TMR2CN0_TR2 ; Timer 2 disabled
mov Temp1, TMR2L ; Load timer 2 value
mov Temp2, TMR2H
mov Temp3, Timer2_X
jnb TMR2CN0_TF2H, ($+4) ; Check if interrupt is pending
inc Temp3 ; If it is pending, then timer has already wrapped
setb TMR2CN0_TR2 ; Timer 2 enabled
setb IE_EA
IF MCU_48MHZ == 1
clr C
rrca Temp3
rrca Temp2
rrca Temp1
; Calculate this commutation time
mov Temp4, Prev_Comm_L
mov Temp5, Prev_Comm_H
mov Prev_Comm_L, Temp1 ; Store timestamp as previous commutation
mov Prev_Comm_H, Temp2
clr C
mov A, Temp1
subb A, Temp4 ; Calculate the new commutation time
mov Temp1, A
mov A, Temp2
subb A, Temp5
jb Flag_Startup_Phase, calc_next_comm_startup
IF MCU_48MHZ == 1
anl A, #7Fh
mov Temp2, A
jnb Flag_High_Rpm, calc_next_comm_normal ; Branch normal rpm
ajmp calc_next_comm_timing_fast ; Branch high rpm
mov Temp6, Prev_Comm_X
mov Prev_Comm_X, Temp3 ; Store extended timestamp as previous commutation
mov Temp2, A
mov A, Temp3
subb A, Temp6 ; Calculate the new extended commutation time
IF MCU_48MHZ == 1
anl A, #7Fh
mov Temp3, A
jz calc_next_comm_startup_no_X
mov Temp1, #0FFh
mov Temp2, #0FFh
sjmp calc_next_comm_startup_average
mov Temp7, Prev_Prev_Comm_L
mov Temp8, Prev_Prev_Comm_H
mov Prev_Prev_Comm_L, Temp4
mov Prev_Prev_Comm_H, Temp5
mov Temp1, Prev_Comm_L ; Reload this commutation time
mov Temp2, Prev_Comm_H
; Calculate the new commutation time based upon the two last commutations (to reduce sensitivity to offset)
clr C
mov A, Temp1
subb A, Temp7
mov Temp1, A
mov A, Temp2
subb A, Temp8
mov Temp2, A
clr C
mov A, Comm_Period4x_H ; Average with previous and save
rrc A
mov Temp4, A
mov A, Comm_Period4x_L
rrc A
mov Temp3, A
mov A, Temp1
add A, Temp3
mov Comm_Period4x_L, A
mov A, Temp2
addc A, Temp4
mov Comm_Period4x_H, A
jnc ($+8)
mov Comm_Period4x_L, #0FFh
mov Comm_Period4x_H, #0FFh
sjmp calc_new_wait_times_setup
; Calculate new commutation time
mov Temp3, Comm_Period4x_L ; Comm_Period4x(-l-h) holds the time of 4 commutations
mov Temp4, Comm_Period4x_H
mov Temp5, Comm_Period4x_L ; Copy variables
mov Temp6, Comm_Period4x_H
mov Temp7, #4 ; Divide Comm_Period4x 4 times as default
mov Temp8, #2 ; Divide new commutation time 2 times as default
clr C
mov A, Temp4
subb A, #04h
jc calc_next_comm_avg_period_div
dec Temp7 ; Reduce averaging time constant for low speeds
dec Temp8
clr C
mov A, Temp4
subb A, #08h
jc calc_next_comm_avg_period_div
jb Flag_Initial_Run_Phase, calc_next_comm_avg_period_div ; Do not average very fast during initial run
dec Temp7 ; Reduce averaging time constant more for even lower speeds
dec Temp8
clr C
rrca Temp6 ; Divide by 2
rrca Temp5
djnz Temp7, calc_next_comm_avg_period_div
clr C
mov A, Temp3
subb A, Temp5 ; Subtract a fraction
mov Temp3, A
mov A, Temp4
subb A, Temp6
mov Temp4, A
mov A, Temp8 ; Divide new time
jz calc_next_comm_new_period_div_done
clr C
rrca Temp2 ; Divide by 2
rrca Temp1
djnz Temp8, calc_next_comm_new_period_div
mov A, Temp3
add A, Temp1 ; Add the divided new time
mov Temp3, A
mov A, Temp4
addc A, Temp2
mov Temp4, A
mov Comm_Period4x_L, Temp3 ; Store Comm_Period4x_X
mov Comm_Period4x_H, Temp4
jnc calc_new_wait_times_setup ; If period larger than 0xffff - go to slow case
mov Temp4, #0FFh
mov Comm_Period4x_L, Temp4 ; Set commutation period registers to very slow timing (0xffff)
mov Comm_Period4x_H, Temp4
; Set high rpm bit (if above 156k erpm)
clr C
mov A, Temp4
subb A, #2
jnc ($+4)
setb Flag_High_Rpm ; Set high rpm bit
; Load programmed commutation timing
jnb Flag_Startup_Phase, calc_new_wait_per_startup_done ; Set dedicated timing during startup
mov Temp8, #3
sjmp calc_new_wait_per_demag_done
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Comm_Timing ; Load timing setting
mov A, @Temp1
mov Temp8, A ; Store in Temp8
clr C
mov A, Demag_Detected_Metric ; Check demag metric
subb A, #130
jc calc_new_wait_per_demag_done
inc Temp8 ; Increase timing
clr C
mov A, Demag_Detected_Metric
subb A, #160
jc ($+3)
inc Temp8 ; Increase timing again
clr C
mov A, Temp8 ; Limit timing to max
subb A, #6
jc ($+4)
mov Temp8, #5 ; Set timing to max
; Set timing reduction
mov Temp7, #2
; Load current commutation timing
mov A, Comm_Period4x_H ; Divide 4 times
swap A
anl A, #00Fh
mov Temp2, A
mov A, Comm_Period4x_H
swap A
anl A, #0F0h
mov Temp1, A
mov A, Comm_Period4x_L
swap A
anl A, #00Fh
add A, Temp1
mov Temp1, A
clr C
mov A, Temp1
subb A, Temp7
mov Temp3, A
mov A, Temp2
subb A, #0
mov Temp4, A
jc load_min_time ; Check that result is still positive
jnz calc_next_comm_timing_exit ; Check that result is still above minimum
mov A, Temp3
jnz calc_next_comm_timing_exit
mov Temp3, #1 ; Set minimum time
mov Temp4, #0
sjmp calc_next_comm_timing_exit
;**** **** **** **** ****
; Calculate next commutation timing fast routine
; Fast calculation (Comm_Period4x_H less than 2)
; Calculate new commutation time
mov Temp3, Comm_Period4x_L ; Comm_Period4x(-l-h) holds the time of 4 commutations
mov Temp4, Comm_Period4x_H
mov A, Temp4 ; Divide by 2 4 times
swap A
mov Temp7, A
mov A, Temp3
swap A
anl A, #0Fh
orl A, Temp7
mov Temp5, A
clr C
mov A, Temp3 ; Subtract a fraction
subb A, Temp5
mov Temp3, A
mov A, Temp4
subb A, #0
mov Temp4, A
clr C
mov A, Temp1
rrc A ; Divide by 2 2 times
clr C
rrc A
mov Temp1, A
mov A, Temp3 ; Add the divided new time
add A, Temp1
mov Temp3, A
mov A, Temp4
addc A, #0
mov Temp4, A
mov Comm_Period4x_L, Temp3 ; Store Comm_Period4x_X
mov Comm_Period4x_H, Temp4
clr C
subb A, #2 ; If erpm below 156k - go to normal case
jc ($+4)
clr Flag_High_Rpm ; Clear high rpm bit
; Set timing reduction
mov Temp1, #2
mov A, Temp4 ; Divide by 2 4 times
swap A
mov Temp7, A
mov Temp4, #0
mov A, Temp3
swap A
anl A, #0Fh
orl A, Temp7
mov Temp3, A
clr C
subb A, Temp1
mov Temp3, A
jc load_min_time_fast ; Check that result is still positive
jnz calc_new_wait_times_fast_done ; Check that result is still above minimum
mov Temp3, #1 ; Set minimum time
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Comm_Timing ; Load timing setting
mov A, @Temp1
mov Temp8, A ; Store in Temp8
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Wait advance timing routine
; NOTE: Be VERY careful if using temp registers. They are passed over this routine
; Waits for the advance timing to elapse and sets up the next zero cross wait
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Setup next wait time
mov TMR3RLL, Wt_ZC_Tout_Start_L
mov TMR3RLH, Wt_ZC_Tout_Start_H
setb Flag_Timer3_Pending
orl EIE1, #80h ; Enable timer 3 interrupts
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Calculate new wait times routine
; Calculates new wait times
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
clr C
clr A
subb A, Temp3 ; Negate
mov Temp1, A
clr A
subb A, Temp4
mov Temp2, A
IF MCU_48MHZ == 1
clr C
rlca Temp1 ; Multiply by 2
rlca Temp2
jb Flag_High_Rpm, calc_new_wait_times_fast ; Branch if high rpm
mov A, Temp1 ; Copy values
mov Temp3, A
mov A, Temp2
mov Temp4, A
setb C ; Negative numbers - set carry
mov A, Temp2
rrc A ; Divide by 2
mov Temp6, A
mov A, Temp1
rrc A
mov Temp5, A
mov Wt_Zc_Tout_Start_L, Temp1 ; Set 15deg time for zero cross scan timeout
mov Wt_Zc_Tout_Start_H, Temp2
clr C
mov A, Temp8 ; (Temp8 has Pgm_Comm_Timing)
subb A, #3 ; Is timing normal?
jz store_times_decrease ; Yes - branch
mov A, Temp8
jb ACC.0, adjust_timing_two_steps; If an odd number - branch
mov A, Temp1 ; Add 7.5deg and store in Temp1/2
add A, Temp5
mov Temp1, A
mov A, Temp2
addc A, Temp6
mov Temp2, A
mov A, Temp5 ; Store 7.5deg in Temp3/4
mov Temp3, A
mov A, Temp6
mov Temp4, A
sjmp store_times_up_or_down
mov A, Temp1 ; Add 15deg and store in Temp1/2
setb C ; Add 1 to final result (Temp1/2 * 2 + 1)
addc A, Temp1
mov Temp1, A
mov A, Temp2
addc A, Temp2
mov Temp2, A
mov Temp3, #0FFh ; Store minimum time in Temp3/4
mov Temp4, #0FFh
clr C
mov A, Temp8
subb A, #3 ; Is timing higher than normal?
jc store_times_decrease ; No - branch
mov Wt_Comm_Start_L, Temp3 ; Now commutation time (~60deg) divided by 4 (~15deg nominal)
mov Wt_Comm_Start_H, Temp4
mov Wt_Adv_Start_L, Temp1 ; New commutation advance time (~15deg nominal)
mov Wt_Adv_Start_H, Temp2
mov Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_L, Temp5 ; Use this value for zero cross scan delay (7.5deg)
mov Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_H, Temp6
sjmp calc_new_wait_times_exit
mov Wt_Comm_Start_L, Temp1 ; Now commutation time (~60deg) divided by 4 (~15deg nominal)
mov Wt_Comm_Start_H, Temp2
mov Wt_Adv_Start_L, Temp3 ; New commutation advance time (~15deg nominal)
mov Wt_Adv_Start_H, Temp4
mov Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_L, Temp5 ; Use this value for zero cross scan delay (7.5deg)
mov Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_H, Temp6
; Set very short delays for all but advance time during startup, in order to widen zero cross capture range
jnb Flag_Startup_Phase, calc_new_wait_times_exit
mov Wt_Comm_Start_L, #0F0h
mov Wt_Comm_Start_H, #0FFh
mov Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_L, #0F0h
mov Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_H, #0FFh
mov Wt_Zc_Tout_Start_L, #0F0h
mov Wt_Zc_Tout_Start_H, #0FFh
sjmp calc_new_wait_times_exit
;**** **** **** **** ****
; Calculate new wait times fast routine
mov A, Temp1 ; Copy values
mov Temp3, A
setb C ; Negative numbers - set carry
rrc A ; Divide by 2
mov Temp5, A
mov Wt_Zc_Tout_Start_L, Temp1 ; Set 15deg time for zero cross scan timeout
clr C
mov A, Temp8 ; (Temp8 has Pgm_Comm_Timing)
subb A, #3 ; Is timing normal?
jz store_times_decrease_fast ; Yes - branch
mov A, Temp8
jb ACC.0, adjust_timing_two_steps_fast ; If an odd number - branch
mov A, Temp1 ; Add 7.5deg and store in Temp1
add A, Temp5
mov Temp1, A
mov A, Temp5 ; Store 7.5deg in Temp3
mov Temp3, A
sjmp store_times_up_or_down_fast
mov A, Temp1 ; Add 15deg and store in Temp1
add A, Temp1
add A, #1
mov Temp1, A
mov Temp3, #0FFh ; Store minimum time in Temp3
clr C
mov A, Temp8
subb A, #3 ; Is timing higher than normal?
jc store_times_decrease_fast ; No - branch
mov Wt_Comm_Start_L, Temp3 ; Now commutation time (~60deg) divided by 4 (~15deg nominal)
mov Wt_Adv_Start_L, Temp1 ; New commutation advance time (~15deg nominal)
mov Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_L, Temp5 ; Use this value for zero cross scan delay (7.5deg)
sjmp calc_new_wait_times_exit
mov Wt_Comm_Start_L, Temp1 ; Now commutation time (~60deg) divided by 4 (~15deg nominal)
mov Wt_Adv_Start_L, Temp3 ; New commutation advance time (~15deg nominal)
mov Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_L, Temp5 ; Use this value for zero cross scan delay (7.5deg)
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Wait before zero cross scan routine
; Waits for the zero cross scan wait time to elapse
; Also sets up timer 3 for the zero cross scan timeout time
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
mov Startup_Zc_Timeout_Cntd, #2
setb Flag_Timer3_Pending
orl EIE1, #80h ; Enable timer 3 interrupts
mov A, Flags_Startup
jz wait_before_zc_scan_exit
mov Temp1, Comm_Period4x_L ; Set long timeout when starting
mov Temp2, Comm_Period4x_H
clr C
rrca Temp2
rrca Temp1
IF MCU_48MHZ == 0
clr C
rrca Temp2
rrca Temp1
jnb Flag_Startup_Phase, setup_zc_scan_timeout_startup_done
mov A, Temp2
add A, #40h ; Increase timeout somewhat to avoid false wind up
mov Temp2, A
clr IE_EA
anl EIE1, #7Fh ; Disable timer 3 interrupts
mov TMR3CN0, #00h ; Timer 3 disabled and interrupt flag cleared
clr C
clr A
subb A, Temp1 ; Set timeout
mov TMR3L, A
clr A
subb A, Temp2
mov TMR3H, A
mov TMR3CN0, #04h ; Timer 3 enabled and interrupt flag cleared
setb Flag_Timer3_Pending
orl EIE1, #80h ; Enable timer 3 interrupts
setb IE_EA
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Wait for comparator to go low/high routines
; Waits for the zero cross scan wait time to elapse
; Then scans for comparator going low/high
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
mov B, #00h ; Desired comparator output
jnb Flag_Dir_Change_Brake, comp_init
mov B, #40h
sjmp comp_init
mov B, #40h ; Desired comparator output
jnb Flag_Dir_Change_Brake, comp_init
mov B, #00h
setb Flag_Demag_Detected ; Set demag detected flag as default
mov Comparator_Read_Cnt, #0 ; Reset number of comparator reads
; Set number of comparator readings
mov Temp3, #(1 SHL MCU_48MHZ) ; Number of OK readings required
mov Temp4, #(1 SHL MCU_48MHZ) ; Max number of readings required
jb Flag_High_Rpm, comp_check_timeout ; Branch if high rpm
mov A, Flags_Startup ; Clear demag detected flag if start phases
jz ($+4)
clr Flag_Demag_Detected
jnb Flag_Startup_Phase, comp_not_startup
mov Temp3, #(27 SHL MCU_48MHZ) ; Set many samples during startup, approximately one pwm period
mov Temp4, #(27 SHL MCU_48MHZ)
sjmp comp_check_timeout
; Too low value (~<15) causes rough running at pwm harmonics.
; Too high a value (~>35) causes the RCT4215 630 to run rough on full throttle
mov Temp4, #(20 SHL MCU_48MHZ)
mov A, Comm_Period4x_H ; Set number of readings higher for lower speeds
IF MCU_48MHZ == 0
clr C
rrc A
jnz ($+3)
inc A ; Minimum 1
mov Temp3, A
clr C
subb A, #(20 SHL MCU_48MHZ)
jc ($+4)
mov Temp3, #(20 SHL MCU_48MHZ) ; Maximum 20
jb Flag_Timer3_Pending, comp_check_timeout_not_timed_out ; Has zero cross scan timeout elapsed?
mov A, Comparator_Read_Cnt ; Check that comparator has been read
jz comp_check_timeout_not_timed_out ; If not read - branch
jnb Flag_Startup_Phase, comp_check_timeout_timeout_extended ; Extend timeout during startup
djnz Startup_Zc_Timeout_Cntd, comp_check_timeout_extend_timeout
setb Flag_Comp_Timed_Out
sjmp comp_exit
call setup_zc_scan_timeout
inc Comparator_Read_Cnt ; Increment comparator read count
Read_Comp_Out ; Read comparator output
anl A, #40h
cjne A, B, comp_read_wrong
; Comp read ok
mov A, Startup_Cnt ; Force a timeout for the first commutation
jz comp_start
jb Flag_Demag_Detected, comp_start ; Do not accept correct comparator output if it is demag
djnz Temp3, comp_check_timeout ; Decrement readings counter - repeat comparator reading if not zero
clr Flag_Comp_Timed_Out
sjmp comp_exit
jb Flag_Startup_Phase, comp_read_wrong_startup
jb Flag_Demag_Detected, comp_read_wrong_extend_timeout
inc Temp3 ; Increment number of OK readings required
clr C
mov A, Temp3
subb A, Temp4
jc comp_check_timeout ; If below initial requirement - take another reading
sjmp comp_start ; Otherwise - go back and restart
inc Temp3 ; Increment number of OK readings required
clr C
mov A, Temp3
subb A, Temp4 ; If above initial requirement - do not increment further
jc ($+3)
dec Temp3
sjmp comp_check_timeout ; Continue to look for good ones
clr Flag_Demag_Detected ; Clear demag detected flag
anl EIE1, #7Fh ; Disable timer 3 interrupts
mov TMR3CN0, #00h ; Timer 3 disabled and interrupt flag cleared
jnb Flag_High_Rpm, comp_read_wrong_low_rpm ; Branch if not high rpm
mov TMR3L, #00h ; Set timeout to ~1ms
mov TMR3H, #-(8 SHL MCU_48MHZ)
mov TMR3CN0, #04h ; Timer 3 enabled and interrupt flag cleared
setb Flag_Timer3_Pending
orl EIE1, #80h ; Enable timer 3 interrupts
jmp comp_start ; If comparator output is not correct - go back and restart
mov A, Comm_Period4x_H ; Set timeout to ~4x comm period 4x value
mov Temp7, #0FFh ; Default to long
IF MCU_48MHZ == 1
clr C
rlc A
jc comp_read_wrong_load_timeout
clr C
rlc A
jc comp_read_wrong_load_timeout
clr C
rlc A
jc comp_read_wrong_load_timeout
mov Temp7, A
clr C
clr A
subb A, Temp7
mov TMR3L, #0
mov TMR3H, A
sjmp comp_read_wrong_timeout_set
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Setup commutation timing routine
; Sets up and starts wait from commutation to zero cross
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
clr IE_EA
anl EIE1, #7Fh ; Disable timer 3 interrupts
mov TMR3CN0, #00h ; Timer 3 disabled and interrupt flag cleared
mov TMR3L, Wt_Comm_Start_L
mov TMR3H, Wt_Comm_Start_H
mov TMR3CN0, #04h ; Timer 3 enabled and interrupt flag cleared
; Setup next wait time
mov TMR3RLL, Wt_Adv_Start_L
mov TMR3RLH, Wt_Adv_Start_H
setb Flag_Timer3_Pending
orl EIE1, #80h ; Enable timer 3 interrupts
setb IE_EA ; Enable interrupts again
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Evaluate comparator integrity
; Checks comparator signal behavior versus expected behavior
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
mov A, Flags_Startup
jz eval_comp_check_timeout
jb Flag_Initial_Run_Phase, ($+5) ; Do not increment beyond startup phase
inc Startup_Cnt ; Increment counter
sjmp eval_comp_exit
jnb Flag_Comp_Timed_Out, eval_comp_exit ; Has timeout elapsed?
jb Flag_Dir_Change_Brake, eval_comp_exit ; Do not exit run mode if it is braking
jb Flag_Demag_Detected, eval_comp_exit ; Do not exit run mode if it is a demag situation
dec SP ; Routine exit without "ret" command
dec SP
ljmp run_to_wait_for_power_on_fail ; Yes - exit run mode
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Wait for commutation routine
; Waits from zero cross to commutation
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Update demag metric
mov A, Demag_Detected_Metric ; Sliding average of 8, 256 when demag and 0 when not. Limited to minimum 120
mov B, #7
mul AB ; Multiply by 7
jnb Flag_Demag_Detected, ($+4) ; Add new value for current demag status
inc B
mov C, B.0 ; Divide by 8
rrc A
mov C, B.1
rrc A
mov C, B.2
rrc A
mov Demag_Detected_Metric, A
clr C
subb A, #120 ; Limit to minimum 120
jnc ($+5)
mov Demag_Detected_Metric, #120
clr C
mov A, Demag_Detected_Metric ; Check demag metric
subb A, Demag_Pwr_Off_Thresh
jc wait_for_comm_wait ; Cut power if many consecutive demags. This will help retain sync during hard accelerations
; Setup next wait time
mov TMR3RLL, Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_L
mov TMR3RLH, Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_H
setb Flag_Timer3_Pending
orl EIE1, #80h ; Enable timer 3 interrupts
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Commutation routines
; Performs commutation switching
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Comm phase 1 to comm phase 2
jb Flag_Pgm_Dir_Rev, comm1_comm2_rev
clr IE_EA ; Disable all interrupts
BcomFET_off ; Turn off comfet
AcomFET_on ; Turn on comfet
Set_Pwm_C ; To reapply power after a demag cut
setb IE_EA
Set_Comp_Phase_B ; Set comparator phase
clr IE_EA ; Disable all interrupts
BcomFET_off ; Turn off comfet
CcomFET_on ; Turn on comfet (reverse)
Set_Pwm_A ; To reapply power after a demag cut
setb IE_EA
Set_Comp_Phase_B ; Set comparator phase
; Comm phase 2 to comm phase 3
jb Flag_Pgm_Dir_Rev, comm2_comm3_rev
clr IE_EA ; Disable all interrupts
CpwmFET_off ; Turn off pwmfet
Set_Pwm_B ; To reapply power after a demag cut
setb IE_EA
Set_Comp_Phase_C ; Set comparator phase
clr IE_EA ; Disable all interrupts
ApwmFET_off ; Turn off pwmfet (reverse)
Set_Pwm_B ; To reapply power after a demag cut
setb IE_EA
Set_Comp_Phase_A ; Set comparator phase (reverse)
; Comm phase 3 to comm phase 4
jb Flag_Pgm_Dir_Rev, comm3_comm4_rev
clr IE_EA ; Disable all interrupts
AcomFET_off ; Turn off comfet
CcomFET_on ; Turn on comfet
Set_Pwm_B ; To reapply power after a demag cut
setb IE_EA
Set_Comp_Phase_A ; Set comparator phase
clr IE_EA ; Disable all interrupts
CcomFET_off ; Turn off comfet (reverse)
AcomFET_on ; Turn on comfet (reverse)
Set_Pwm_B ; To reapply power after a demag cut
setb IE_EA
Set_Comp_Phase_C ; Set comparator phase (reverse)
; Comm phase 4 to comm phase 5
jb Flag_Pgm_Dir_Rev, comm4_comm5_rev
clr IE_EA ; Disable all interrupts
BpwmFET_off ; Turn off pwmfet
Set_Pwm_A ; To reapply power after a demag cut
setb IE_EA
Set_Comp_Phase_B ; Set comparator phase
clr IE_EA ; Disable all interrupts
BpwmFET_off ; Turn off pwmfet
AcomFET_on ; To reapply power after a demag cut
setb IE_EA
Set_Comp_Phase_B ; Set comparator phase
; Comm phase 5 to comm phase 6
jb Flag_Pgm_Dir_Rev, comm5_comm6_rev
clr IE_EA ; Disable all interrupts
CcomFET_off ; Turn off comfet
BcomFET_on ; Turn on comfet
Set_Pwm_A ; To reapply power after a demag cut
setb IE_EA
Set_Comp_Phase_C ; Set comparator phase
clr IE_EA ; Disable all interrupts
AcomFET_off ; Turn off comfet (reverse)
BcomFET_on ; Turn on comfet
Set_Pwm_C ; To reapply power after a demag cut
setb IE_EA
Set_Comp_Phase_A ; Set comparator phase (reverse)
; Comm phase 6 to comm phase 1
jb Flag_Pgm_Dir_Rev, comm6_comm1_rev
clr IE_EA ; Disable all interrupts
ApwmFET_off ; Turn off pwmfet
BcomFET_on ; To reapply power after a demag cut
setb IE_EA
Set_Comp_Phase_A ; Set comparator phase
clr IE_EA ; Disable all interrupts
CpwmFET_off ; Turn off pwmfet (reverse)
BcomFET_on ; To reapply power after a demag cut
setb IE_EA
Set_Comp_Phase_C ; Set comparator phase (reverse)
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; DShot
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Detect DShot RCP level
; Determine if RCP signal level is normal or inverted DShot
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
mov A, #50 ; Must detect the same level 50 times (25 us)
jc ($+5)
jb RTX_PORT.RTX_PIN, detect_rcp_level ; Level changed from low to high - start over
jnc ($+5)
jnb RTX_PORT.RTX_PIN, detect_rcp_level ; Level changed from high to low - start over
djnz ACC, detect_rcp_level_read
mov Flag_Rcp_DShot_Inverted, C
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Check DShot command
; Determine received DShot command and perform action
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
mov A, DShot_Cmd
jz dshot_cmd_exit_no_clear
mov Temp1, A
clr C
subb A, #6 ; Beacon beeps for command 1-5
jnc dshot_cmd_direction_1
call beacon_beep
call wait200ms
sjmp dshot_cmd_exit
; Change programmed motor direction to normal
cjne Temp1, #7, dshot_cmd_direction_2
clr C
mov A, DShot_Cmd_Cnt
subb A, #6 ; Needs to receive it 6 times in a row
jc dshot_cmd_exit_no_clear
mov A, #1
jnb Flag_Pgm_Bidir, ($+5)
mov A, #3
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Direction
mov @Temp1, A
clr Flag_Pgm_Dir_Rev
clr Flag_Pgm_Bidir_Rev
sjmp dshot_cmd_exit
; Change programmed motor direction to reversed
cjne Temp1, #8, dshot_cmd_direction_bidir_off
clr C
mov A, DShot_Cmd_Cnt
subb A, #6 ; Needs to receive it 6 times in a row
jc dshot_cmd_exit_no_clear
mov A, #2
jnb Flag_Pgm_Bidir, ($+5)
mov A, #4
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Direction
mov @Temp1, A
setb Flag_Pgm_Dir_Rev
setb Flag_Pgm_Bidir_Rev
sjmp dshot_cmd_exit
; Change programmed motor mode to normal (not bidirectional)
cjne Temp1, #9, dshot_cmd_direction_bidir_on
clr C
mov A, DShot_Cmd_Cnt
subb A, #6 ; Needs to receive it 6 times in a row
jc dshot_cmd_exit_no_clear
jnb Flag_Pgm_Bidir, dshot_cmd_exit
clr C
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Direction
mov A, @Temp1
subb A, #2
mov @Temp1, A
clr Flag_Pgm_Bidir
sjmp dshot_cmd_exit
; Change programmed motor mode to bidirectional
cjne Temp1, #10, dshot_cmd_direction_normal
clr C
mov A, DShot_Cmd_Cnt
subb A, #6 ; Needs to receive it 6 times in a row
jc dshot_cmd_exit_no_clear
jb Flag_Pgm_Bidir, dshot_cmd_exit
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Direction
mov A, @Temp1
add A, #2
mov @Temp1, A
setb Flag_Pgm_Bidir
mov DShot_Cmd, #0
mov DShot_Cmd_Cnt, #0
; Change programmed motor direction to that stored in eeprom
cjne Temp1, #20, dshot_cmd_direction_reverse
clr C
mov A, DShot_Cmd_Cnt
subb A, #6 ; Needs to receive it 6 times in a row
jc dshot_cmd_exit_no_clear
clr IE_EA ; DPTR used in interrupts
mov DPTR, #Eep_Pgm_Direction ; Read from flash
mov A, #0
movc A, @A+DPTR
setb IE_EA
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Direction
mov @Temp1, A
rrc A ; Lsb to carry
clr Flag_Pgm_Dir_Rev
clr Flag_Pgm_Bidir_Rev
jc ($+4)
setb Flag_Pgm_Dir_Rev
jc ($+4)
setb Flag_Pgm_Bidir_Rev
sjmp dshot_cmd_exit
dshot_cmd_direction_reverse: ; Temporary reverse
; Change programmed motor direction to the reverse of what is stored in eeprom
cjne Temp1, #21, dshot_cmd_save_settings
clr C
mov A, DShot_Cmd_Cnt
subb A, #6 ; Needs to receive it 6 times in a row
jc dshot_cmd_exit_no_clear
clr IE_EA ; DPTR used in interrupts
mov DPTR, #Eep_Pgm_Direction ; Read from flash
mov A, #0
movc A, @A+DPTR
setb IE_EA
mov Temp1, A
cjne Temp1, #1, ($+5)
mov A, #2
cjne Temp1, #2, ($+5)
mov A, #1
cjne Temp1, #3, ($+5)
mov A, #4
cjne Temp1, #4, ($+5)
mov A, #3
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Direction
mov @Temp1, A
rrc A ; Lsb to carry
clr Flag_Pgm_Dir_Rev
clr Flag_Pgm_Bidir_Rev
jc ($+4)
setb Flag_Pgm_Dir_Rev
jc ($+4)
setb Flag_Pgm_Bidir_Rev
sjmp dshot_cmd_exit
cjne Temp1, #12, dshot_cmd_exit
clr C
mov A, DShot_Cmd_Cnt
subb A, #6 ; Needs to receive it 6 times in a row
jc dshot_cmd_exit_no_clear
mov Flash_Key_1, #0A5h ; Initialize flash keys to valid values
mov Flash_Key_2, #0F1h
call erase_and_store_all_in_eeprom
mov Flash_Key_1, #0 ; Initialize flash keys to invalid values
mov Flash_Key_2, #0
setb IE_EA
jmp dshot_cmd_exit
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; DShot beacon beep
; Beep with beacon strength
; Beep type 1-5 in Temp1
; Note: This routine switches off power
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
clr IE_EA ; Disable all interrupts
call switch_power_off ; Switch power off in case braking is set
mov Temp2, #Pgm_Beacon_Strength ; Set beacon beep strength
mov Beep_Strength, @Temp2
cjne Temp1, #1, beacon_beep2
call beep_f1
sjmp beacon_beep_exit
cjne Temp1, #2, beacon_beep3
call beep_f2
sjmp beacon_beep_exit
cjne Temp1, #3, beacon_beep4
call beep_f3
sjmp beacon_beep_exit
cjne Temp1, #4, beacon_beep5
call beep_f4
sjmp beacon_beep_exit
call beep_f5
mov Temp2, #Pgm_Beep_Strength ; Set normal beep strength
mov Beep_Strength, @Temp2
setb IE_EA ; Enable all interrupts
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; DShot telemetry create packet
; Create DShot telemetry packet and prepare it for being sent
; The routine is divided into 6 sections that can return early
; in order to reduce commutation interference
; Requirements: Must NOT be called while Flag_Telemetry_Pending is set
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
push PSW
mov PSW, #10h ; Select register bank 2
Early_Return_Packet_Stage 0
; Read commutation period
clr IE_EA
mov Tlm_Data_L, Comm_Period4x_L
mov Tlm_Data_H, Comm_Period4x_H
setb IE_EA
; Multiply period by 3/4 (1/2 + 1/4)
mov A, Tlm_Data_L
mov C, Tlm_Data_H.0
rrc A
mov Temp2, A
mov C, Tlm_Data_H.1
rrc A
add A, Temp2
mov Tlm_Data_L, A
mov A, Tlm_Data_H
rr A
clr ACC.7
mov Temp2, A
rr A
clr ACC.7
addc A, Temp2
mov Tlm_Data_H, A
Early_Return_Packet_Stage 1
mov A, Tlm_Data_H
; 12-bit encode telemetry data
jnz dshot_12bit_encode
mov A, Tlm_Data_L ; Already 12-bit
jnz dshot_tlm_12bit_encoded
; If period is zero then reset to FFFFh (FFFh for 12-bit)
mov Tlm_Data_H, #0Fh
mov Tlm_Data_L, #0FFh
Early_Return_Packet_Stage 2
mov A, Tlm_Data_L
; Compute inverted xor checksum (4-bit)
swap A
xrl A, Tlm_Data_L
xrl A, Tlm_Data_H
cpl A
; GCR encode the telemetry data (16-bit)
mov Temp1, #Temp_Storage ; Store pulse timings in Temp_Storage
mov Tmp_B, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1 ; Final transition time
call dshot_gcr_encode ; GCR encode lowest 4-bit of A (store through Temp1)
Early_Return_Packet_Stage 3
mov A, Tlm_Data_L
call dshot_gcr_encode
Early_Return_Packet_Stage 4
mov A, Tlm_Data_L
swap A
call dshot_gcr_encode
Early_Return_Packet_Stage 5
mov A, Tlm_Data_H
call dshot_gcr_encode
Push_Mem Temp1, Tmp_B ; Initial transition time
mov Temp5, #0 ; Reset current packet stage
pop PSW
setb Flag_Telemetry_Pending ; Mark that packet is ready to be sent
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; DShot 12-bit encode
; Encodes 16-bit e-period as a 12-bit value of the form:
; <e e e m m m m m m m m m> where M SHL E ~ e-period [us]
; Note: Not callable to improve performance
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Encode 16-bit e-period as a 12-bit value
jb ACC.7, dshot_12bit_7 ; ACC = Tlm_Data_H
jb ACC.6, dshot_12bit_6
jb ACC.5, dshot_12bit_5
jb ACC.4, dshot_12bit_4
jb ACC.3, dshot_12bit_3
jb ACC.2, dshot_12bit_2
jb ACC.1, dshot_12bit_1
mov A, Tlm_Data_L ; Already 12-bit (E=0)
ajmp dshot_tlm_12bit_encoded
;mov A, Tlm_Data_H
mov C, Tlm_Data_L.7
rlc A
mov Tlm_Data_L, A
mov Tlm_Data_H, #0fh
ajmp dshot_tlm_12bit_encoded
;mov A, Tlm_Data_H
mov C, Tlm_Data_L.7
rlc A
mov C, Tlm_Data_L.6
rlc A
mov Tlm_Data_L, A
mov Tlm_Data_H, #0dh
ajmp dshot_tlm_12bit_encoded
;mov A, Tlm_Data_H
mov C, Tlm_Data_L.7
rlc A
mov C, Tlm_Data_L.6
rlc A
mov C, Tlm_Data_L.5
rlc A
mov Tlm_Data_L, A
mov Tlm_Data_H, #0bh
ajmp dshot_tlm_12bit_encoded
mov A, Tlm_Data_L
anl A, #0f0h
clr Tlm_Data_H.4
orl A, Tlm_Data_H
swap A
mov Tlm_Data_L, A
mov Tlm_Data_H, #09h
ajmp dshot_tlm_12bit_encoded
mov A, Tlm_Data_L
mov C, Tlm_Data_H.0
rrc A
mov C, Tlm_Data_H.1
rrc A
mov C, Tlm_Data_H.2
rrc A
mov Tlm_Data_L, A
mov Tlm_Data_H, #07h
ajmp dshot_tlm_12bit_encoded
mov A, Tlm_Data_L
mov C, Tlm_Data_H.0
rrc A
mov C, Tlm_Data_H.1
rrc A
mov Tlm_Data_L, A
mov Tlm_Data_H, #05h
ajmp dshot_tlm_12bit_encoded
mov A, Tlm_Data_L
mov C, Tlm_Data_H.0
rrc A
mov Tlm_Data_L, A
mov Tlm_Data_H, #03h
ajmp dshot_tlm_12bit_encoded
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; DShot GCR encode
; GCR encode e-period data for DShot telemetry
; Input
; - Temp1: Data pointer for storing pulse timings
; - A: 4-bit value to GCR encode
; - B: Time that must be added to transition
; Output
; - B: Time remaining to be added to next transition
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
anl A, #0Fh
rl A ; Multiply by 2 to match jump offsets
mov DPTR, #dshot_gcr_encode_jump_table
jmp @A+DPTR
ajmp dshot_gcr_encode_0_11001
ajmp dshot_gcr_encode_1_11011
ajmp dshot_gcr_encode_2_10010
ajmp dshot_gcr_encode_3_10011
ajmp dshot_gcr_encode_4_11101
ajmp dshot_gcr_encode_5_10101
ajmp dshot_gcr_encode_6_10110
ajmp dshot_gcr_encode_7_10111
ajmp dshot_gcr_encode_8_11010
ajmp dshot_gcr_encode_9_01001
ajmp dshot_gcr_encode_A_01010
ajmp dshot_gcr_encode_B_01011
ajmp dshot_gcr_encode_C_11110
ajmp dshot_gcr_encode_D_01101
ajmp dshot_gcr_encode_E_01110
ajmp dshot_gcr_encode_F_01111
; GCR encoding is ordered by least significant bit first,
; and represented as pulse durations.
Push_Mem Temp1, Tmp_B
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
mov Tmp_B, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, Tmp_B
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
mov Tmp_B, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, A
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3
mov Tmp_B, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, Tmp_B
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3
mov Tmp_B, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, Tmp_B
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
mov Tmp_B, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, Tmp_B
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2
mov Tmp_B, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, A
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2
mov Tmp_B, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, Tmp_B
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2
mov Tmp_B, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, A
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
mov Tmp_B, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, Tmp_B
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3
mov Tmp_B, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2
Push_Mem Temp1, A
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2
mov Tmp_B, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2
Push_Mem Temp1, Tmp_B
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2
mov Tmp_B, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2
Push_Mem Temp1, A
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
mov Tmp_B, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, Tmp_B
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
mov Tmp_B, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2
Push_Mem Temp1, A
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
mov Tmp_B, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2
Push_Mem Temp1, Tmp_B
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
Push_Mem Temp1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1
mov Tmp_B, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; ESC programming (EEPROM emulation)
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Read all eeprom parameters routine
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Check initialized signature
mov DPTR, #Eep_Initialized_L
mov Temp1, #Bit_Access
call read_eeprom_byte
mov A, Bit_Access
cjne A, #055h, read_eeprom_store_defaults
inc DPTR ; Now Eep_Initialized_H
call read_eeprom_byte
mov A, Bit_Access
cjne A, #0AAh, read_eeprom_store_defaults
jmp read_eeprom_read
mov Flash_Key_1, #0A5h
mov Flash_Key_2, #0F1h
call set_default_parameters
call erase_and_store_all_in_eeprom
mov Flash_Key_1, #0
mov Flash_Key_2, #0
jmp read_eeprom_exit
; Read eeprom
mov DPTR, #_Eep_Pgm_Gov_P_Gain
mov Temp1, #_Pgm_Gov_P_Gain
mov Temp4, #10 ; 10 parameters
call read_eeprom_byte
inc DPTR
inc Temp1
djnz Temp4, read_eeprom_block1
mov DPTR, #_Eep_Enable_TX_Program
mov Temp1, #_Pgm_Enable_TX_Program
mov Temp4, #26 ; 26 parameters
call read_eeprom_byte
inc DPTR
inc Temp1
djnz Temp4, read_eeprom_block2
mov DPTR, #Eep_Dummy ; Set pointer to uncritical area
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Erase flash and store all parameter value in EEPROM routine
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
clr IE_EA ; Disable interrupts
call read_tags
call erase_flash ; Erase flash
mov DPTR, #Eep_FW_Main_Revision ; Store firmware main revision
call write_eeprom_byte_from_acc
inc DPTR ; Now firmware sub revision
call write_eeprom_byte_from_acc
inc DPTR ; Now layout revision
call write_eeprom_byte_from_acc
; Write eeprom
mov DPTR, #_Eep_Pgm_Gov_P_Gain
mov Temp1, #_Pgm_Gov_P_Gain
mov Temp4, #10 ; 10 parameters
call write_eeprom_byte
inc DPTR
inc Temp1
djnz Temp4, write_eeprom_block1
mov DPTR, #_Eep_Enable_TX_Program
mov Temp1, #_Pgm_Enable_TX_Program
mov Temp4, #26 ; 26 parameters
call write_eeprom_byte
inc DPTR
inc Temp1
djnz Temp4, write_eeprom_block2
call write_tags
call write_eeprom_signature
mov DPTR, #Eep_Dummy ; Set pointer to uncritical area
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Read eeprom byte routine
; Gives data in A and in address given by Temp1
; Assumes address in DPTR
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
clr A
movc A, @A+DPTR ; Read from flash
mov @Temp1, A
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Write eeprom byte routine
; Assumes data in address given by Temp1, or in accumulator
; Assumes address in DPTR
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
mov A, @Temp1
orl PSCTL, #01h ; Set the PSWE bit
anl PSCTL, #0FDh ; Clear the PSEE bit
mov Temp8, A
clr C
mov A, DPH ; Check that address is not in bootloader area
subb A, #1Ch
jc ($+3)
mov A, Temp8
mov FLKEY, Flash_Key_1 ; First key code
mov FLKEY, Flash_Key_2 ; Second key code
movx @DPTR, A ; Write to flash
anl PSCTL, #0FEh ; Clear the PSWE bit
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Erase flash routine (erases the flash segment used for "eeprom" variables)
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
orl PSCTL, #02h ; Set the PSEE bit
orl PSCTL, #01h ; Set the PSWE bit
mov FLKEY, Flash_Key_1 ; First key code
mov FLKEY, Flash_Key_2 ; Second key code
mov DPTR, #Eep_Initialized_L
movx @DPTR, A
anl PSCTL, #0FCh ; Clear the PSEE and PSWE bits
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Write eeprom signature routine
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
mov DPTR, #Eep_Initialized_L
mov A, #055h
call write_eeprom_byte_from_acc
mov DPTR, #Eep_Initialized_H
mov A, #0AAh
call write_eeprom_byte_from_acc
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Read all tags from flash and store in temporary storage
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
mov Temp3, #48 ; Number of tags
mov Temp2, #Temp_Storage ; Set RAM address
mov Temp1, #Bit_Access
mov DPTR, #Eep_ESC_Layout ; Set flash address
call read_eeprom_byte
mov A, Bit_Access
mov @Temp2, A ; Write to RAM
inc Temp2
inc DPTR
djnz Temp3, read_tag
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Write all tags from temporary storage and store in flash
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
mov Temp3, #48 ; Number of tags
mov Temp2, #Temp_Storage ; Set RAM address
mov DPTR, #Eep_ESC_Layout ; Set flash address
mov A, @Temp2 ; Read from RAM
call write_eeprom_byte_from_acc
inc Temp2
inc DPTR
djnz Temp3, write_tag
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Settings
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Set default parameters
; Sets default programming parameters
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
mov Temp1, #_Pgm_Gov_P_Gain
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_Gov_P_Gain
Push_Mem Temp1, #DEFAULT_PGM_STARTUP_BOOST ; Pgm_Startup_Boost
Push_Mem Temp1, #DEFAULT_PGM_STARTUP_BEEP ; Pgm_Startup_Beep
Push_Mem Temp1, #DEFAULT_PGM_DITHERING ; Pgm_Dithering
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_Motor_Gain
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_Motor_Idle
Push_Mem Temp1, #DEFAULT_PGM_STARTUP_PWR ; Pgm_Startup_Pwr
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_Pwm_Freq
Push_Mem Temp1, #DEFAULT_PGM_DIRECTION ; Pgm_Direction
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_Input_Pol
inc Temp1 ; Skip Initialized_L_Dummy
inc Temp1 ; Skip Initialized_H_Dummy
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_Enable_TX_Program
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_Main_Rearm_Start
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_Gov_Setup_Target
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_Startup_Rpm
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_Startup_Accel
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_Volt_Comp
Push_Mem Temp1, #DEFAULT_PGM_COMM_TIMING ; Pgm_Comm_Timing
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_Damping_Force
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_Gov_Range
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_Startup_Method
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_Min_Throttle
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_Max_Throttle
Push_Mem Temp1, #DEFAULT_PGM_BEEP_STRENGTH ; Pgm_Beep_Strength
Push_Mem Temp1, #DEFAULT_PGM_BEACON_STRENGTH ; Pgm_Beacon_Strength
Push_Mem Temp1, #DEFAULT_PGM_BEACON_DELAY ; Pgm_Beacon_Delay
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_Throttle_Rate
Push_Mem Temp1, #DEFAULT_PGM_DEMAG_COMP ; Pgm_Demag_Comp
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_BEC_Voltage_High
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_Center_Throttle
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_Main_Spoolup_Time
Push_Mem Temp1, #DEFAULT_PGM_ENABLE_TEMP_PROT ; Pgm_Enable_Temp_Prot
Push_Mem Temp1, #DEFAULT_PGM_ENABLE_POWER_PROT ; Pgm_Enable_Power_Prot
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_Enable_Pwm_Input
Push_Mem Temp1, #0FFh ; _Pgm_Pwm_Dither
Push_Mem Temp1, #DEFAULT_PGM_BRAKE_ON_STOP ; Pgm_Brake_On_Stop
Push_Mem Temp1, #DEFAULT_PGM_LED_CONTROL ; Pgm_LED_Control
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Decode settings
; Decodes various settings
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Load programmed direction
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Direction
mov A, @Temp1
clr C
subb A, #3
setb Flag_Pgm_Bidir
jnc ($+4)
clr Flag_Pgm_Bidir
clr Flag_Pgm_Dir_Rev
mov A, @Temp1
jnb ACC.1, ($+5)
setb Flag_Pgm_Dir_Rev
mov C, Flag_Pgm_Dir_Rev
mov Flag_Pgm_Bidir_Rev, C
; Decode startup power
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Startup_Pwr
mov A, @Temp1
dec A
movc A, @A+DPTR
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Startup_Pwr_Decoded
mov @Temp1, A
; Decode low rpm power slope
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Startup_Pwr
mov A, @Temp1
mov Low_Rpm_Pwr_Slope, A
clr C
subb A, #2
jnc ($+5)
mov Low_Rpm_Pwr_Slope, #2
; Decode demag compensation
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Demag_Comp
mov A, @Temp1
mov Demag_Pwr_Off_Thresh, #255 ; Set default
cjne A, #2, decode_demag_high
mov Demag_Pwr_Off_Thresh, #160 ; Settings for demag comp low
cjne A, #3, decode_demag_done
mov Demag_Pwr_Off_Thresh, #130 ; Settings for demag comp high
; Decode temperature protection limit
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Enable_Temp_Prot
mov A, @Temp1
mov Temp1, A
jz decode_temp_done
djnz Temp1, decode_temp_step
mov Temp_Prot_Limit, A
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Dithering ; Read programmed dithering setting
mov A, @Temp1
clr Flag_Dithering
jz decode_dithering
setb Flag_Dithering
IF PWM_BITS_H == 2 ; Initialize pwm dithering bit patterns
mov Temp1, #Dithering_Patterns
Push_Mem Temp1, #00h
Push_Mem Temp1, #55h
mov Temp1, #Dithering_Patterns
Push_Mem Temp1, #00h
Push_Mem Temp1, #11h
Push_Mem Temp1, #55h
Push_Mem Temp1, #77h
mov Temp1, #Dithering_Patterns
Push_Mem Temp1, #00h
Push_Mem Temp1, #01h
Push_Mem Temp1, #11h
Push_Mem Temp1, #25h
Push_Mem Temp1, #55h
Push_Mem Temp1, #5Bh
Push_Mem Temp1, #77h
Push_Mem Temp1, #7fh
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Main program
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Main program entry point
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
mov Flash_Key_1, #0 ; Initialize flash keys to invalid values
mov Flash_Key_2, #0
mov WDTCN, #0DEh ; Disable watchdog (WDT)
mov WDTCN, #0ADh
mov SP, #Stack ; Initialize stack (16 bytes of indirect RAM)
orl VDM0CN, #080h ; Enable the VDD monitor
mov RSTSRC, #06h ; Set missing clock and VDD monitor as a reset source if not 1S capable
mov CLKSEL, #00h ; Set clock divider to 1 (Oscillator 0 at 24MHz)
call switch_power_off
; Ports initialization
mov P0, #P0_INIT
mov P0, #P0_INIT
mov P0SKIP, #P0_SKIP
mov P1, #P1_INIT
mov P1, #P1_INIT
mov P1SKIP, #P1_SKIP
Initialize_Xbar ; Initialize the XBAR and related functionality
call switch_power_off ; Switch power off again, after initializing ports
; Clear RAM
clr A ; Clear accumulator
mov Temp1, A ; Clear Temp1
mov @Temp1, A ; Clear RAM address
djnz Temp1, clear_ram ; Decrement address and repeat
call set_default_parameters ; Set default programmed parameters
call read_all_eeprom_parameters ; Read all programmed parameters
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Beep_Strength ; Read programmed beep strength
mov Beep_Strength, @Temp1 ; Set beep strength
; Initializing beeps
clr IE_EA ; Disable interrupts explicitly
call wait100ms ; Wait a bit to avoid audible resets if not properly powered
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Startup_Beep ; Read programmed startup beep setting
mov A, @Temp1
jnz startup_beep_melody
call beep_f2_short ; Short startup beep
call wait250ms
call wait250ms
call wait250ms
call wait250ms
sjmp startup_beep_done
call beep_f1 ; Normal startup melody
call wait5ms
call beep_f2
call wait5ms
call beep_f1
call wait5ms
call beep_f3
call wait200ms
call beep_f2
call beep_f4
call beep_f4
call led_control ; Set LEDs to programmed values
call wait250ms ; Wait for flight controller to get ready
call wait250ms
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; No signal entry point
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
clr IE_EA ; Disable interrupts explicitly
mov Flash_Key_1, #0 ; Initialize flash keys to invalid values
mov Flash_Key_2, #0
mov Temp1, #250 ; Check if input signal is high for more than 15ms
mov Temp2, #250
jnb RTX_PORT.RTX_PIN, bootloader_done ; Look for low
djnz Temp2, input_high_check_2
djnz Temp1, input_high_check_1
ljmp 1C00h ; Jump to bootloader
call decode_settings
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Beep_Strength ; Set beep strength
mov Beep_Strength, @Temp1
call switch_power_off
IF MCU_48MHZ == 1
Set_MCU_Clk_24MHz ; Set clock frequency
; Setup timers for DShot
mov TCON, #51h ; Timer 0/1 run and INT0 edge triggered
mov CKCON0, #01h ; Timer 0/1 clock is system clock divided by 4 (for DShot150)
mov TMOD, #0AAh ; Timer 0/1 set to 8bits auto reload and gated by INT0/1
mov TH0, #0 ; Auto reload value zero
mov TH1, #0
mov TMR2CN0, #04h ; Timer 2 enabled (system clock divided by 12)
mov TMR3CN0, #04h ; Timer 3 enabled (system clock divided by 12)
Initialize_PCA ; Initialize PCA
Set_Pwm_Polarity ; Set pwm polarity
Enable_Power_Pwm_Module ; Enable power pwm module
Enable_Damp_Pwm_Module ; Enable damping pwm module
Initialize_Comparator ; Initialize comparator
Initialize_Adc ; Initialize ADC operation
call wait1ms
mov Startup_Stall_Cnt, #0 ; Reset stall count
mov DShot_Cmd, #0 ; Clear DShot command
mov DShot_Cmd_Cnt, #0 ; Clear DShot command count
clr Flag_Telemetry_Pending ; Clear DShot telemetry
call detect_rcp_level ; Detect RCP level (normal or inverted DShot)
; Route RCP according to detected DShot signal (normal or inverted)
mov IT01CF, #(80h + (RTX_PIN SHL 4) + RTX_PIN) ; Route RCP input to INT0/1, with INT1 inverted
jnb Flag_Rcp_DShot_Inverted, ($+6)
mov IT01CF, #(08h + (RTX_PIN SHL 4) + RTX_PIN) ; Route RCP input to INT0/1, with INT0 inverted
; Setup interrupts for DShot
mov IE, #2Dh ; Enable timer 1/2 interrupts and INT0/1 interrupts
mov EIE1, #90h ; Enable timer 3 and PCA0 interrupts
mov IP, #03h ; High priority to timer 0 and INT0 interrupts
setb IE_EA ; Enable all interrupts
; Setup variables for DShot150 (Only on 24MHz because frame length threshold cannot be scaled up)
IF MCU_48MHZ == 0
mov DShot_Timer_Preset, #-64 ; Load DShot sync timer preset (for DShot150)
mov DShot_Pwm_Thr, #8 ; Load DShot qualification pwm threshold (for DShot150)
mov DShot_Frame_Length_Thr, #160 ; Load DShot frame length criteria
Set_DShot_Tlm_Bitrate 187500 ; = 5/4 * 150000
; Test whether signal is DShot150
mov Rcp_Outside_Range_Cnt, #10 ; Set out of range counter
call wait100ms ; Wait for new RC pulse
mov A, Rcp_Outside_Range_Cnt ; Check if pulses were accepted
mov DShot_Cmd, #0
mov DShot_Cmd_Cnt, #0
jz arming_begin
mov CKCON0, #0Ch ; Timer 0/1 clock is system clock (for DShot300/600)
; Setup variables for DShot300
mov DShot_Timer_Preset, #-128 ; Load DShot sync timer preset (for DShot300)
mov DShot_Pwm_Thr, #16 ; Load DShot pwm threshold (for DShot300)
mov DShot_Frame_Length_Thr, #80 ; Load DShot frame length criteria
Set_DShot_Tlm_Bitrate 375000 ; = 5/4 * 300000
; Test whether signal is DShot300
mov Rcp_Outside_Range_Cnt, #10 ; Set out of range counter
call wait100ms ; Wait for new RC pulse
mov A, Rcp_Outside_Range_Cnt ; Check if pulses were accepted
mov DShot_Cmd, #0
mov DShot_Cmd_Cnt, #0
jz arming_begin
; Setup variables for DShot600
mov DShot_Timer_Preset, #-64 ; Load DShot sync timer preset (for DShot600)
mov DShot_Pwm_Thr, #8 ; Load DShot pwm threshold (for DShot600)
mov DShot_Frame_Length_Thr, #40 ; Load DShot frame length criteria
Set_DShot_Tlm_Bitrate 750000 ; = 5/4 * 600000
; Test whether signal is DShot600
mov Rcp_Outside_Range_Cnt, #10 ; Set out of range counter
call wait100ms ; Wait for new RC pulse
mov A, Rcp_Outside_Range_Cnt ; Check if pulses were accepted
mov DShot_Cmd, #0
mov DShot_Cmd_Cnt, #0
jz arming_begin
ljmp init_no_signal
push PSW
mov PSW, #10h ; Temp8 in register bank 2 holds value
mov Temp8, CKCON0 ; Save DShot clock settings for telemetry
pop PSW
clr IE_EA
call beep_f1_short ; Beep signal that RC pulse is ready
setb IE_EA
call wait100ms
jnb Flag_Rcp_Stop, arming_wait ; Wait until throttle is zero
clr IE_EA
call beep_f2_short ; Beep signal that ESC is armed
setb IE_EA
wait_for_power_on: ; Armed and waiting for power on
clr A
mov Comm_Period4x_L, A ; Reset commutation period for telemetry
mov Comm_Period4x_H, A
mov Power_On_Wait_Cnt_L, A ; Clear beacon wait counter
mov Power_On_Wait_Cnt_H, A
inc Power_On_Wait_Cnt_L ; Increment low wait counter
mov A, Power_On_Wait_Cnt_L
cpl A
jnz wait_for_power_on_no_beep ; Counter wrapping (about 3 sec)
inc Power_On_Wait_Cnt_H ; Increment high wait counter
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Beacon_Delay
mov A, @Temp1
mov Temp1, #20 ; 1 min
dec A
jz beep_delay_set
mov Temp1, #40 ; 2 min
dec A
jz beep_delay_set
mov Temp1, #100 ; 5 min
dec A
jz beep_delay_set
mov Temp1, #200 ; 10 min
dec A
jz beep_delay_set
mov Power_On_Wait_Cnt_H, #0 ; Reset counter for infinite delay
clr C
mov A, Power_On_Wait_Cnt_H
subb A, Temp1 ; Check against chosen delay
jc wait_for_power_on_no_beep ; Has delay elapsed?
dec Power_On_Wait_Cnt_H ; Decrement high wait counter for continued beeping
mov Temp1, #4 ; Beep tone 4
call beacon_beep
jb Flag_Telemetry_Pending, wait_for_power_telemetry_done
setb Flag_Timer3_Pending ; Set flag to avoid early return
call dshot_tlm_create_packet ; Create telemetry packet (0 rpm)
call wait10ms
mov A, Rcp_Timeout_Cntd ; Load RC pulse timeout counter value
jnz wait_for_power_on_not_missing ; If it is not zero - proceed
ljmp init_no_signal ; If pulses missing - go back to detect input signal
jnb Flag_Rcp_Stop, wait_for_power_on_nonzero ; Higher than stop, Yes - proceed
mov A, DShot_Cmd
jz wait_for_power_on_loop ; Check DShot command if not zero, otherwise wait for power
call dshot_cmd_check
sjmp wait_for_power_on_not_missing ; Check DShot command again, in case it needs to be received multiple times
call wait100ms ; Wait to see if start pulse was only a glitch
mov DShot_Cmd, #0 ; Reset DShot command
mov DShot_Cmd_Cnt, #0
mov A, Rcp_Timeout_Cntd ; Load RC pulse timeout counter value
jnz init_start ; If it is not zero - proceed
ljmp init_no_signal ; If it is zero (pulses missing) - go back to detect input signal
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Motor start entry point
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
clr IE_EA ; Disable interrupts
call switch_power_off
setb IE_EA ; Enable interrupts
clr A
mov Flags1, A ; Clear flags1
mov Flags_Startup, A ; Clear startup flags
mov Demag_Detected_Metric, A ; Clear demag metric
call wait1ms
; Read initial average temperature
Start_Adc ; Start adc conversion
jnb ADC0CN0_ADINT, $ ; Wait for adc conversion to complete
Read_Adc_Result ; Read initial temperature
mov A, Temp2
jnz ($+3) ; Is reading below 256?
mov Temp1, A ; Yes - set average temperature value to zero
mov Current_Average_Temp, Temp1 ; Set initial average temperature
mov Adc_Conversion_Cnt, #8 ; Make sure a temp reading is done
call check_temp_and_limit_power
mov Adc_Conversion_Cnt, #8 ; Make sure a temp reading is done next time
; Set up start operating conditions
clr IE_EA ; Disable interrupts
mov Temp2, #Pgm_Startup_Pwr_Decoded
mov Pwm_Limit_Beg, @Temp2 ; Set initial pwm limit
mov Pwm_Limit, Pwm_Limit_Beg
mov Pwm_Limit_By_Rpm, Pwm_Limit_Beg
setb IE_EA ; Enable interrupts
; Begin startup sequence
IF MCU_48MHZ == 1
; Scale DShot criteria for 48MHz
clr C
rlca DShot_Timer_Preset ; Scale sync timer preset
clr C
rlca DShot_Frame_Length_Thr ; Scale frame length criteria
clr C
rlca DShot_Pwm_Thr ; Scale pulse width criteria
; Scale DShot telemetry for 24MHz
xcha DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1_Tmp
xcha DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2_Tmp
xcha DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3_Tmp
mov DShot_GCR_Start_Delay, #DSHOT_TLM_START_DELAY_48
jnb Flag_Pgm_Bidir, init_start_bidir_done ; Check if bidirectional operation
clr Flag_Pgm_Dir_Rev ; Set spinning direction. Default fwd
jnb Flag_Rcp_Dir_Rev, ($+5) ; Check force direction
setb Flag_Pgm_Dir_Rev ; Set spinning direction
;**** **** **** **** ****
; Motor start beginning
setb Flag_Startup_Phase ; Set startup phase flag
mov Startup_Cnt, #0 ; Reset counter
call comm5_comm6 ; Initialize commutation
call comm6_comm1
call initialize_timing ; Initialize timing
call calc_next_comm_timing ; Set virtual commutation point
call initialize_timing ; Initialize timing
call calc_next_comm_timing
call initialize_timing ; Initialize timing
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Run entry point
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
; Run 1 = B(p-on) + C(n-pwm) - comparator A evaluated
; Out_cA changes from low to high
call wait_for_comp_out_high ; Wait for high
; setup_comm_wait ; Setup wait time from zero cross to commutation
; evaluate_comparator_integrity ; Check whether comparator reading has been normal
call wait_for_comm ; Wait from zero cross to commutation
call comm1_comm2 ; Commutate
call calc_next_comm_timing ; Calculate next timing and wait advance timing wait
; wait_advance_timing ; Wait advance timing and start zero cross wait
; calc_new_wait_times
; wait_before_zc_scan ; Wait zero cross wait and start zero cross timeout
; Run 2 = A(p-on) + C(n-pwm) - comparator B evaluated
; Out_cB changes from high to low
call wait_for_comp_out_low
; setup_comm_wait
; evaluate_comparator_integrity
call set_pwm_limit ; Set pwm power limit for low or high rpm
call wait_for_comm
call comm2_comm3
call calc_next_comm_timing
; wait_advance_timing
; calc_new_wait_times
; wait_before_zc_scan
; Run 3 = A(p-on) + B(n-pwm) - comparator C evaluated
; Out_cC changes from low to high
call wait_for_comp_out_high
; setup_comm_wait
; evaluate_comparator_integrity
call wait_for_comm
call comm3_comm4
call calc_next_comm_timing
; wait_advance_timing
; calc_new_wait_times
; wait_before_zc_scan
; Run 4 = C(p-on) + B(n-pwm) - comparator A evaluated
; Out_cA changes from high to low
call wait_for_comp_out_low
; setup_comm_wait
; evaluate_comparator_integrity
call wait_for_comm
call comm4_comm5
call calc_next_comm_timing
; wait_advance_timing
; calc_new_wait_times
; wait_before_zc_scan
; Run 5 = C(p-on) + A(n-pwm) - comparator B evaluated
; Out_cB changes from low to high
call wait_for_comp_out_high
; setup_comm_wait
; evaluate_comparator_integrity
call wait_for_comm
call comm5_comm6
call calc_next_comm_timing
; wait_advance_timing
; calc_new_wait_times
; wait_before_zc_scan
; Run 6 = B(p-on) + A(n-pwm) - comparator C evaluated
; Out_cC changes from high to low
Start_Adc ; Start adc conversion
call wait_for_comp_out_low
; setup_comm_wait
; evaluate_comparator_integrity
call wait_for_comm
call comm6_comm1
call check_temp_and_limit_power
call calc_next_comm_timing
; wait_advance_timing
; calc_new_wait_times
; wait_before_zc_scan
; Check if it is direct startup
jnb Flag_Startup_Phase, normal_run_checks
; Set spoolup power variables
mov Pwm_Limit, Pwm_Limit_Beg ; Set initial max power
; Check startup counter
mov Temp2, #24 ; Set nominal startup parameters
mov Temp3, #12
clr C
mov A, Startup_Cnt ; Load counter
subb A, Temp2 ; Is counter above requirement?
jc direct_start_check_rcp ; No - proceed
clr Flag_Startup_Phase ; Clear startup phase flag
setb Flag_Initial_Run_Phase ; Set initial run phase flag
mov Initial_Run_Rot_Cntd, Temp3 ; Set initial run rotation count
mov Pwm_Limit, Pwm_Limit_Beg
mov Pwm_Limit_By_Rpm, Pwm_Limit_Beg
sjmp normal_run_checks
jnb Flag_Rcp_Stop, run1 ; If pulse is above stop value - Continue to run
ajmp run_to_wait_for_power_on
; Check if it is initial run phase
jnb Flag_Initial_Run_Phase, initial_run_phase_done ; If not initial run phase - branch
jb Flag_Dir_Change_Brake, initial_run_phase_done ; If a direction change - branch
; Decrement startup rotation count
mov A, Initial_Run_Rot_Cntd
dec A
; Check number of initial rotations
jnz initial_run_check_startup_rot ; Branch if counter is not zero
clr Flag_Initial_Run_Phase ; Clear initial run phase flag
setb Flag_Motor_Started ; Set motor started
jmp run1 ; Continue with normal run
mov Initial_Run_Rot_Cntd, A ; Not zero - store counter
jb Flag_Pgm_Bidir, initial_run_continue_run ; Check if bidirectional operation
jb Flag_Rcp_Stop, run_to_wait_for_power_on ; Check if pulse is below stop value
jmp run1 ; Continue to run
; Reset stall count
mov Startup_Stall_Cnt, #0
setb Flag_Motor_Running
; Exit run loop after a given time
jb Flag_Pgm_Bidir, run6_check_timeout ; Check if bidirectional operation
mov Temp1, #250
mov Temp2, #Pgm_Brake_On_Stop
mov A, @Temp2
jz ($+4)
mov Temp1, #3 ; About 100ms before stopping when brake is set
clr C
mov A, Rcp_Stop_Cnt ; Load stop RC pulse counter low byte value
subb A, Temp1 ; Is number of stop RC pulses above limit?
jnc run_to_wait_for_power_on ; Yes, go back to wait for power on
mov A, Rcp_Timeout_Cntd ; Load RC pulse timeout counter value
jz run_to_wait_for_power_on ; If it is zero - go back to wait for power on
jnb Flag_Pgm_Bidir, run6_check_speed ; Check if bidirectional operation
jb Flag_Pgm_Dir_Rev, run6_check_dir_rev ; Check if actual rotation direction
jb Flag_Rcp_Dir_Rev, run6_check_dir_change ; Matches force direction
sjmp run6_check_speed
jnb Flag_Rcp_Dir_Rev, run6_check_dir_change
sjmp run6_check_speed
jb Flag_Dir_Change_Brake, run6_check_speed
setb Flag_Dir_Change_Brake ; Set brake flag
mov Pwm_Limit, Pwm_Limit_Beg ; Set max power while braking
jmp run4 ; Go back to run 4, thereby changing force direction
mov Temp1, #0F0h ; Default minimum speed
jnb Flag_Dir_Change_Brake, run6_brake_done; Is it a direction change?
mov Pwm_Limit, Pwm_Limit_Beg ; Set max power while braking
mov Temp1, #20h ; Bidirectional braking termination speed
clr C
mov A, Comm_Period4x_H ; Is Comm_Period4x more than 32ms (~1220 eRPM)?
subb A, Temp1
ljc run1 ; No - go back to run 1
jnb Flag_Dir_Change_Brake, run_to_wait_for_power_on ; If it is not a direction change - stop
; Turn spinning direction
clr Flag_Dir_Change_Brake ; Clear brake flag
clr Flag_Pgm_Dir_Rev ; Set spinning direction. Default fwd
jnb Flag_Rcp_Dir_Rev, ($+5) ; Check force direction
setb Flag_Pgm_Dir_Rev ; Set spinning direction
setb Flag_Initial_Run_Phase
mov Initial_Run_Rot_Cntd, #18
mov Pwm_Limit, Pwm_Limit_Beg ; Set initial max power
jmp run1 ; Go back to run 1
jb Flag_Motor_Running, run_to_wait_for_power_on
inc Startup_Stall_Cnt ; Increment stall count if motors did not properly start
clr IE_EA ; Disable all interrupts
call switch_power_off
mov Flags1, #0 ; Clear flags1
mov Flags_Startup, #0 ; Clear startup flags
IF MCU_48MHZ == 1
; Scale DShot criteria for 24MHz
setb C
rrca DShot_Timer_Preset ; Scale sync timer preset
clr C
rrca DShot_Frame_Length_Thr ; Scale frame length criteria
clr C
rrca DShot_Pwm_Thr ; Scale pulse width criteria
; Scale DShot telemetry for 24MHz
xcha DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_1_Tmp
xcha DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_2_Tmp
xcha DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3, DShot_GCR_Pulse_Time_3_Tmp
setb IE_EA ; Enable all interrupts
call wait100ms ; Wait for pwm to be stopped
call switch_power_off
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Brake_On_Stop ; Check if using brake on stop
mov A, @Temp1
jz run_to_wait_for_power_on_brake_done
jnb Flag_Rcp_Stop, ($+6) ; Check if RCP is zero, then it is a normal stop
mov Startup_Stall_Cnt, #0
clr C
mov A, Startup_Stall_Cnt
subb A, #4 ; Maximum consecutive stalls before stopping
ljc wait_for_power_on ; Go back to wait for power on
ljmp init_no_signal ; Stalled too many times
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
$include ( ; Include source code for bootloader
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
ljmp pgm_start