Fork from bluejay at github and modified for my custom ESC. I need to modify it because some mistake design on my ESC hardware.
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; BLHeli bootloader for SiLabs MCUs. Based upon AVRootloader (copyright HR)
XTAL EQU 25000000
BOOT_START EQU 1C00h ; Bootloader segment address
BOOT_DELAY EQU XTAL/4 ; About 250ms (don't set to fast to avoid connection problems)
BOOT_BAUDRATE EQU 19200 ; Only used if no baudrate detection activated, XTAL is than important
BOOT_VERSION EQU 6 ; Version 6 (must be not changed)
BOOT_PAGES EQU 1 ; Number of flash segments for bootloader
UART_LOOP EQU 26 ; Depends upon timing of putc, getc
POLYNOM EQU 0A001h ; CRC Polynom
Xl EQU R0 ; Temporary X
Paral EQU R2 ; Params for UART
Parah EQU R3
Cmdl EQU R4 ; Commands
Cmdh EQU R5
Cntl EQU R6 ; Baudtime
Cnth EQU R7
Bit_Reg: DS 1 ; Bit storage register
Byte_Reg: DS 1 ; Byte storage register
Crcl: DS 1 ; CRC 16Bit
Crch: DS 1
Baudl: DS 1 ; Baudtime
Baudh: DS 1
Bit_Cnt: DS 1 ; Counter in UART loops
Byte_Cntl: DS 1 ; Generic counter
Byte_Cnth: DS 1
BL_Flash_Key_1: DS 1 ; Flash keys
BL_Flash_Key_2: DS 1
CSEG AT BOOT_START ; Bootloader start
init:clr IE_EA
; Select register bank 0 for main program routines
clr PSW.3 ; Select register bank 0 for main program routines
; Disable the WDT.
mov WDTCN, #0DEh ; Disable watchdog
mov WDTCN, #0ADh
; Initialize stack
mov SP, #0c0h ; Stack = 64 upper bytes of RAM
; Initialize clock
mov CLKSEL, #00h ; Set clock divider to 1
; Initialize VDD monitor
orl VDM0CN, #080h ; Enable the VDD monitor
mov Baudl, #38h ; Wait 100us
mov Baudh, #03h
acall waitf
; Initialize flash keys
mov BL_Flash_Key_1, #0A5h ; First key code
mov BL_Flash_Key_2, #0F1h ; Second key code
; Initialize ports
orl RTX_MDIN, #(1 SHL RTX_PIN) ; Set digital
anl RTX_MDOUT, #NOT(1 SHL RTX_PIN) ; Disable pushpull
setb RTX_PORT.RTX_PIN ; Set data high
mov RTX_SKIP, #0FFh
mov XBR2, #40h; ; Enable crossbar
; Set number of connect attempts before exiting bootloader
mov Cmdh, #250
; Identifier scanning
abd: mov Xl, #(low(BOOT_DELAY / 6)+1)
mov Xh, #(high(BOOT_DELAY / 6)+1)
mov Cmdl, #(high((BOOT_DELAY / 6) SHR 8)+1)
mov Crcl, #0
mov Crch, #0
mov Parah, #(BOOT_MSG - BOOT_SIGN)
mov Baudl, #low(BAUDTIME)
mov Baudh, #high(BAUDTIME)
jnb RTX_PORT.RTX_PIN, ($+5)
ajmp wait_for_low
; Identifier (BOOT_SIGN) scanning with timeout and checksum
id1: jb RTX_PORT.RTX_PIN, id3 ; Look for high
djnz Xl, id1 ; Subtract 1 from X (BOOT_DELAY)
djnz Xh, id1
djnz Cmdl, id1
ajmp exit
id3: jnb RTX_PORT.RTX_PIN, id4 ; Look for low
djnz Xl, id3 ; Subtract 1 from X (BOOT_DELAY)
djnz Xh, id3
djnz Cmdl, id3
ajmp exit
id4: acall getx ; Read character
clr A
movc A, @A+DPTR ; Load BOOT_SIGN character
inc DPTR
clr C
subb A, Paral ; Compare with read character
jz id5
djnz Cmdh, abd ; Retry if not last connect attempt
ajmp exit
djnz Parah, id1
acall getw ; Read CRC
jz ($+4) ; Check CRC
ajmp abd
; Send info about chip/bootloader (BOOT_MSG + BOOT_INFO)
mov Parah, #((BOOT_INFO - BOOT_MSG) + 4)
in1: clr A
movc A, @A+DPTR ; Load character
mov Paral, A
inc DPTR
acall putc
djnz Parah, in1
; Main commandloop
; 0=Run/restart
; 1=Program flash, 2=Erase flash, 3=Read flash
; 0xFF=Set address, 0xFE=Set buffer, 0xFD=Keep alive
main:mov Paral, #SUCCESS
mai1:acall putc
mov Crcl, #0 ; Reset CRC
mov Crch, #0
acall getw ; Get command
mov A, Paral
mov Cmdl, A
mov A, Parah
mov Cmdh, A
clr C
mov A, Cmdh
subb A, #0FEh
jc mai2 ; Jump if not set address or set buffer
acall getw ; Address or number of bytes
mov Byte_Cntl, Paral ; Store number of bytes for set buffer
mov Byte_Cnth, Parah
mov A, Cmdh
jnb ACC.0, mai2 ; Jump if set buffer
mov DPL, Paral ; Store flash address (for set address)
mov DPH, Parah
mai2:acall getw ; Get CRC
mov Paral, #ERRORCRC
jnz mai1
clr C
mov A, Cmdh
subb A, #0FEh
jz setbuf ; If command is set buffer, receive data
jnc main
cjne Cmdh, #0, mai4 ; Jump if command != 0 (and not set buffer)
; Run application/restart bootloader
mov A, Cmdl
jz rst
exit:mov Bit_Access, #0 ; Clear variable used by flash lock detect
mov Bit_Access_Int, #0FFh ; Set variable to indicate that program execution came from bootloader
mov BL_Flash_Key_1, #0 ; Set flash keys to invalid values
mov BL_Flash_Key_2, #0
ljmp 0000h
rst: ajmp init
; Set buffer
setbuf:mov Xl, Byte_Cntl ; Set number of bytes
mov Xh, Byte_Cnth
inc Xl
inc Xh
set4:djnz Xl, set5
djnz Xh, set5
ajmp set6
set5:acall getc ; Receive data
mov A, Paral
movx @Xl, A ; Store data in XRAM
ajmp set4
set6:inc Cmdh
ajmp mai2
mai4:clr C
mov A, Cmdh
subb A, #3
jnc mai5 ; Jump if command >= 3
; Program/erase
mov A, Cmdh
mov C, ACC.0
mov Bit_Reg.0, C
mov Paral, #ERRORPROG
clr C
mov A, DPL
subb A, #low(BOOT_START)
mov A, DPH
subb A, #high(BOOT_START)
jnc mai1 ; Jump if in bootloader segment
jb Bit_Reg.0, pro3 ; Jump if program command
; Erase flash
orl PSCTL, #02h ; Set the PSEE bit
orl PSCTL, #01h ; Set the PSWE bit
mov FLKEY, BL_Flash_Key_1 ; First key code
mov FLKEY, BL_Flash_Key_2 ; Second key code
movx @DPTR, A
jnb Bit_Reg.0, pro6 ; Jump if erase command
; Program flash
pro3:mov Xl, Byte_Cntl ; Set number of bytes
mov Xh, Byte_Cnth
inc Xl
inc Xh
orl PSCTL, #01h ; Set the PSWE bit
anl PSCTL, #0FDh ; Clear the PSEE bit
pro4:djnz Xl, pro5
djnz Xh, pro5
ajmp pro6
clr C
mov A, DPH ; Check that address is not in bootloader area
subb A, #1Ch
jc ($+5)
inc DPTR ; Increment flash address
ajmp pro4
movx A, @Xl ; Read from XRAM
mov FLKEY, BL_Flash_Key_1 ; First key code
mov FLKEY, BL_Flash_Key_2 ; Second key code
movx @DPTR, A ; Write to flash
inc DPTR ; Increment flash address
ajmp pro4
pro6:anl PSCTL, #0FCh ; Clear the PSEE and PSWE bits
ajmp main ; Successfully done erase or program
; Read flash
mai5:mov Paral, #ERRORCOMMAND ; Illegal command
cjne Cmdh, #3, mai6 ; Jump if not read flash command
rd1: clr A
movc A, @A+DPTR ; Read from flash
inc DPTR ; Increment flash address
mov Paral, A
acall putp
djnz Cmdl, rd1 ; Decrement bytes to read
acall putw ; CRC
ajmp main
mai6:ajmp mai1
; Send char with crc
putw:mov Paral, Crcl
mov Parah, Crch
acall putc
mov A, Parah
mov Paral, A
putp:mov A, Paral
xrl Crcl, A
mov Bit_Cnt, #8
put1:clr C
mov A, Crch
rrc A
mov Crch, A
mov A, Crcl
rrc A
mov Crcl, A
jnc put2
xrl Crch, #high(POLYNOM)
xrl Crcl, #low(POLYNOM)
put2:djnz Bit_Cnt, put1
; Send char
putc:acall waitf
acall waitf
mov Bit_Cnt, #10
mov A, Paral
cpl A
put3:jb Bit_Reg.1, ($+5)
setb RTX_PORT.RTX_PIN ; Set pin high
jnb Bit_Reg.1, ($+5)
clr RTX_PORT.RTX_PIN ; Set pin low
acall waitf
clr C
rrc A
jc put4
clr Bit_Reg.1
put4:djnz Bit_Cnt, put3
; Receive char/word
getw:acall getc
mov A, Paral
mov Parah, A
getc:jb RTX_PORT.RTX_PIN, ($+5) ; Wait for high
ajmp getc
get1:jnb RTX_PORT.RTX_PIN, ($+5) ; Wait for low
ajmp get1
getx:mov Bit_Cnt, #8
mov Cntl, Baudl
mov Cnth, Baudh
clr C
mov A, Cnth ; Wait half a baud
rrc A
mov Cnth, A
mov A, Cntl
rrc A
mov Cntl, A
acall waith
get2:acall waitf ; Wait one baud
clr C
mov A, Paral
rrc A
jnb RTX_PORT.RTX_PIN, ($+5)
orl A, #080h
mov Paral, A
jnb ACC.7, ($+6)
xrl Crcl, #low(POLYNOM)
clr C
mov A, Crch
rrc A
mov Crch, A
mov A, Crcl
rrc A
mov Crcl, A
jnc get3
xrl Crch, #high(POLYNOM)
xrl Crcl, #low(POLYNOM)
get3:djnz Bit_Cnt, get2
mov A, Crcl
xrl A, Crch
xrl A, Crch
mov Crcl, A
; UART delays
waitf:mov Cntl, Baudl
mov Cnth, Baudh
waith:inc Cntl
inc Cnth
wait1:djnz Cntl, wait1
djnz Cnth, wait1
setb Bit_Reg.1
BOOT_MSG: DB "471d" ; Interface-MCU_BootlaoderRevision