@ -525,6 +525,87 @@ imov MACRO reg, val ;; Increment pointer register and move |
mov @reg, val ;; Write value to memory address pointed to by register |
;**** **** **** **** **** |
; Division |
; |
; ih, il: input (hi byte, lo byte) |
; oh, ol: output (hi byte, lo byte) |
; |
Divide_By_16 MACRO ih, il, oh, ol |
mov A, ih |
swap A |
mov ol, A |
anl A, #00Fh |
mov oh, A |
mov A, ol |
anl A, #0F0h |
mov ol, A |
mov A, il |
swap A |
anl A, #00Fh |
orl A, ol |
mov ol, A |
Divide_12Bit_By_16 MACRO ih, il, ol ;; Only if ih < 16 |
mov A, ih |
swap A |
mov ol, A |
mov A, il |
swap A |
anl A, #00Fh |
orl A, ol |
mov ol, A |
Divide_By_8 MACRO ih, il, oh, ol |
mov A, ih |
swap A |
rl A |
mov ol, A |
anl A, #01Fh |
mov oh, A |
mov A, ol |
anl A, #0E0h |
mov ol, A |
mov A, il |
swap A |
rl A |
anl A, #01Fh |
orl A, ol |
mov ol, A |
Divide_11Bit_By_8 MACRO ih, il, ol ;; Only if ih < 8 |
mov A, ih |
swap A |
rl A |
mov ol, A |
mov A, il |
swap A |
rl A |
anl A, #01Fh |
orl A, ol |
mov ol, A |
Divide_By_4 MACRO ih, il, oh, ol |
clr C |
mov A, ih |
rrc A |
mov oh, A |
mov A, il |
rrc A |
mov ol, A |
clr C |
mov A, oh |
rrc A |
mov oh, A |
mov A, ol |
rrc A |
mov ol, A |
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** |
@ -1538,9 +1619,9 @@ set_pwm_limit_high_rpm: |
clr C |
mov A, Comm_Period4x_L |
IF MCU_48MHZ == 1 |
subb A, #0A0h ; Limit Comm_Period to 160, which is 500k erpm |
subb A, #0A0h ; Limit Comm_Period4x to 160, which is ~510k erpm |
subb A, #0E4h ; Limit Comm_Period to 228, which is 350k erpm |
subb A, #0E4h ; Limit Comm_Period4x to 228, which is ~358k erpm |
mov A, Comm_Period4x_H |
subb A, #00h |
@ -1688,7 +1769,7 @@ initialize_timing: |
; Called immediately after each commutation |
; |
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** |
calc_next_comm_timing: |
calc_next_comm_period: |
; Read commutation time |
clr IE_EA |
clr TMR2CN0_TR2 ; Timer 2 disabled |
@ -1707,43 +1788,50 @@ IF MCU_48MHZ == 1 |
rrca Temp1 |
; Calculate this commutation time |
mov Temp4, Prev_Comm_L |
mov Temp5, Prev_Comm_H |
mov Prev_Comm_L, Temp1 ; Store timestamp as previous commutation |
mov Prev_Comm_H, Temp2 |
jb Flag_Startup_Phase, calc_next_comm_startup |
; Calculate this commutation time |
clr C |
mov A, Temp1 |
subb A, Temp4 ; Calculate the new commutation time |
mov Temp1, A |
subb A, Prev_Comm_L ; Calculate the new commutation time |
mov Prev_Comm_L, Temp1 ; Save timestamp as previous commutation |
mov Temp1, A ; Store commutation period in Temp1 (lo byte) |
mov A, Temp2 |
subb A, Temp5 |
jb Flag_Startup_Phase, calc_next_comm_startup |
subb A, Prev_Comm_H |
mov Prev_Comm_H, Temp2 ; Save timestamp as previous commutation |
IF MCU_48MHZ == 1 |
anl A, #7Fh |
mov Temp2, A |
mov Temp2, A ; Store commutation period in Temp2 (hi byte) |
jnb Flag_High_Rpm, calc_next_comm_normal ; Branch normal rpm |
ajmp calc_next_comm_timing_fast ; Branch high rpm |
ajmp calc_next_comm_period_fast ; Branch high rpm |
calc_next_comm_startup: |
; Calculate this commutation time |
mov Temp4, Prev_Comm_L |
mov Temp5, Prev_Comm_H |
mov Temp6, Prev_Comm_X |
mov Prev_Comm_L, Temp1 ; Store timestamp as previous commutation |
mov Prev_Comm_H, Temp2 |
mov Prev_Comm_X, Temp3 ; Store extended timestamp as previous commutation |
mov Temp2, A |
clr C |
mov A, Temp1 |
subb A, Temp4 ; Calculate the new commutation time |
mov A, Temp2 |
subb A, Temp5 |
mov A, Temp3 |
subb A, Temp6 ; Calculate the new extended commutation time |
IF MCU_48MHZ == 1 |
anl A, #7Fh |
mov Temp3, A |
jz calc_next_comm_startup_no_X |
; Extended byte is not zero, so commutation time is above 0xFFFF |
mov Temp1, #0FFh |
mov Temp2, #0FFh |
sjmp calc_next_comm_startup_average |
mov Comm_Period4x_L, #0FFh |
mov Comm_Period4x_H, #0FFh |
ajmp calc_next_comm_done |
calc_next_comm_startup_no_X: |
; Extended byte = 0, so commutation time fits within two bytes |
@ -1751,8 +1839,6 @@ calc_next_comm_startup_no_X: |
mov Temp8, Prev_Prev_Comm_H |
mov Prev_Prev_Comm_L, Temp4 |
mov Prev_Prev_Comm_H, Temp5 |
mov Temp1, Prev_Comm_L ; Reload this commutation timestamp |
mov Temp2, Prev_Comm_H |
; Calculate the new commutation time based upon the two last commutations (to reduce sensitivity to offset) |
clr C |
@ -1763,190 +1849,141 @@ calc_next_comm_startup_no_X: |
subb A, Temp8 |
mov Temp2, A |
calc_next_comm_startup_average: |
clr C |
mov A, Comm_Period4x_H ; Average with previous and save |
rrc A |
mov Temp4, A |
mov A, Comm_Period4x_L |
rrc A |
mov Temp3, A |
mov A, Temp1 |
add A, Temp3 |
mov Comm_Period4x_L, A |
mov A, Temp2 |
addc A, Temp4 |
mov Comm_Period4x_H, A |
jnc ($+8) |
mov Comm_Period4x_L, #0FFh |
mov Comm_Period4x_H, #0FFh |
mov Temp3, Comm_Period4x_L ; Comm_Period4x holds the time of 4 commutations |
mov Temp4, Comm_Period4x_H |
sjmp calc_new_wait_times_setup |
sjmp calc_next_comm_div_4_1 |
calc_next_comm_normal: |
; Prepare averaging by dividing Comm_Period4x and current commutation period (Temp2/1) according to speed. |
mov Temp3, Comm_Period4x_L ; Comm_Period4x holds the time of 4 commutations |
mov Temp4, Comm_Period4x_H |
mov Temp5, Comm_Period4x_L ; Copy variables |
mov Temp6, Comm_Period4x_H |
mov Temp7, #4 ; Divide Comm_Period4x 4 times as default |
mov Temp8, #2 ; Divide new commutation time 2 times as default |
clr C |
mov A, Temp4 |
subb A, #04h |
jc calc_next_comm_avg_period_div |
mov A, Temp4 ; Is Comm_Period4x_H below 4? (above ~80k erpm) |
subb A, #4 |
jc calc_next_comm_div_16_4 ; Yes - Use averaging for high speeds |
dec Temp7 ; Reduce averaging time constant for low speeds |
dec Temp8 |
subb A, #4 ; Is Comm_Period4x_H below 8? (above ~40k erpm) |
jc calc_next_comm_div_8_2 ; Yes - Use averaging for low speeds |
clr C |
mov A, Temp4 |
subb A, #08h |
jc calc_next_comm_avg_period_div |
; No - Use averaging for even lower speeds |
jb Flag_Initial_Run_Phase, calc_next_comm_avg_period_div ; Do not average very fast during initial run |
; Do not average very fast during initial run |
jb Flag_Initial_Run_Phase, calc_next_comm_div_8_2_slow |
dec Temp7 ; Reduce averaging time constant more for even lower speeds |
dec Temp8 |
calc_next_comm_div_4_1: |
; Update Comm_Period4x from 1 new commutation period |
calc_next_comm_avg_period_div: |
clr C |
rrca Temp6 ; Divide by 2 |
rrca Temp5 |
djnz Temp7, calc_next_comm_avg_period_div |
; Divide Temp4/3 by 4 and store in Temp6/5 |
Divide_By_4 Temp4, Temp3, Temp6, Temp5 |
clr C |
mov A, Temp3 |
subb A, Temp5 ; Subtract a fraction |
mov Temp3, A |
mov A, Temp4 |
subb A, Temp6 |
mov Temp4, A |
sjmp calc_next_comm_average_and_update |
mov A, Temp8 ; Divide new time |
jz calc_next_comm_new_period_div_done |
calc_next_comm_div_8_2: |
; Update Comm_Period4x from 1/2 new commutation period |
calc_next_comm_new_period_div: |
clr C |
rrca Temp2 ; Divide by 2 |
; Divide Temp4/3 by 8 and store in Temp5 |
Divide_11Bit_By_8 Temp4, Temp3, Temp5 |
mov Temp6, #0 |
clr C ; Divide by 2 |
rrca Temp2 |
rrca Temp1 |
djnz Temp8, calc_next_comm_new_period_div |
calc_next_comm_new_period_div_done: |
mov A, Temp3 |
add A, Temp1 ; Add the divided new time |
mov Temp3, A |
mov A, Temp4 |
addc A, Temp2 |
mov Temp4, A |
mov Comm_Period4x_L, Temp3 ; Store Comm_Period4x_X |
mov Comm_Period4x_H, Temp4 |
jnc calc_new_wait_times_setup ; If period larger than 0xffff - go to slow case |
sjmp calc_next_comm_average_and_update |
mov Temp4, #0FFh |
mov Comm_Period4x_L, Temp4 ; Set commutation period registers to very slow timing (0xffff) |
mov Comm_Period4x_H, Temp4 |
calc_next_comm_div_8_2_slow: |
; Update Comm_Period4x from 1/2 new commutation period |
calc_new_wait_times_setup: |
; Set high rpm flag (if above 156k erpm) |
clr C |
mov A, Temp4 |
subb A, #2 ; Is Comm_Period4x_H below 2? |
jnc ($+4) |
setb Flag_High_Rpm ; Yes - Set high rpm flag |
; Divide Temp4/3 by 8 and store in Temp6/5 |
Divide_By_8 Temp4, Temp3, Temp6, Temp5 |
; Load programmed commutation timing |
jnb Flag_Startup_Phase, calc_new_wait_per_startup_done ; Set dedicated timing during startup |
clr C ; Divide by 2 |
rrca Temp2 |
rrca Temp1 |
mov Temp8, #3 |
sjmp calc_new_wait_per_demag_done |
sjmp calc_next_comm_average_and_update |
calc_new_wait_per_startup_done: |
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Comm_Timing ; Load timing setting |
mov A, @Temp1 |
mov Temp8, A ; Store in Temp8 |
calc_next_comm_div_16_4: |
; Update Comm_Period4x from 1/4 new commutation period |
clr C |
mov A, Demag_Detected_Metric ; Check demag metric |
subb A, #130 |
jc calc_new_wait_per_demag_done |
; Divide Temp4/3 by 16 and store in Temp5 |
Divide_12Bit_By_16 Temp4, Temp3, Temp5 |
mov Temp6, #0 |
inc Temp8 ; Increase timing (if metric 130 or above) |
; Divide Temp2/1 by 4 and store in Temp2/1 |
Divide_By_4 Temp2, Temp1, Temp2, Temp1 |
clr C |
mov A, Demag_Detected_Metric |
subb A, #160 |
jc ($+3) |
calc_next_comm_average_and_update: |
; Comm_Period4x = Comm_Period4x - (Comm_Period4x / (16, 8 or 4)) + (Comm_Period / (4, 2 or 1)) |
inc Temp8 ; Increase timing again (if metric 160 or above) |
; Temp6/5: Comm_Period4x divided by (16, 8 or 4) |
clr C ; Subtract a fraction |
mov A, Temp3 ; Comm_Period4x_L |
subb A, Temp5 |
mov Temp3, A |
mov A, Temp4 ; Comm_Period4x_H |
subb A, Temp6 |
mov Temp4, A |
clr C |
mov A, Temp8 ; Limit timing to max |
subb A, #6 |
jc ($+4) |
; Temp2/1: This commutation period divided by (4, 2 or 1) |
mov A, Temp3 ; Add the divided new time |
add A, Temp1 |
mov Comm_Period4x_L, A |
mov A, Temp4 |
addc A, Temp2 |
mov Comm_Period4x_H, A |
mov Temp8, #5 ; Set timing to max (if timing 6 or above) |
jnc calc_next_comm_done ; Is period larger than 0xffff? |
mov Comm_Period4x_L, #0FFh ; Yes - Set commutation period registers to very slow timing (0xffff) |
mov Comm_Period4x_H, #0FFh |
calc_new_wait_per_demag_done: |
; Set timing reduction |
mov Temp7, #2 |
calc_next_comm_done: |
clr C |
mov A, Comm_Period4x_H |
subb A, #2 ; Is Comm_Period4x_H below 2? (above ~160k erpm) |
jnc ($+4) |
setb Flag_High_Rpm ; Yes - Set high rpm flag |
; Commutation period: 60 deg / 6 runs = 60 deg |
calc_next_comm_15deg: |
; Commutation period: 360 deg / 6 runs = 60 deg |
; 60 deg / 4 = 15 deg |
; Load current commutation timing and compute 15 deg timing |
; Divide Comm_Period4x by 16 (Comm_Period1x divided by 4) and store in Temp4/3 |
mov A, Comm_Period4x_H ; Divide by 16 |
swap A |
anl A, #00Fh |
mov Temp2, A |
mov A, Comm_Period4x_H |
swap A |
anl A, #0F0h |
mov Temp1, A |
mov A, Comm_Period4x_L |
swap A |
anl A, #00Fh |
add A, Temp1 |
mov Temp1, A |
Divide_By_16 Comm_Period4x_H, Comm_Period4x_L, Temp4, Temp3 |
; Subtract timing reduction |
clr C |
mov A, Temp1 |
subb A, Temp7 |
mov A, Temp3 |
subb A, #2 ; Set timing reduction |
mov Temp3, A |
mov A, Temp2 |
mov A, Temp4 |
subb A, #0 |
mov Temp4, A |
jc load_min_time ; Check that result is still positive |
jnz calc_next_comm_timing_exit ; Check that result is still above minimum |
jc calc_next_comm_15deg_set_min ; Check that result is still positive |
jnz calc_next_comm_period_exit ; Check that result is still above minimum |
mov A, Temp3 |
jnz calc_next_comm_timing_exit |
jnz calc_next_comm_period_exit |
load_min_time: |
calc_next_comm_15deg_set_min: |
mov Temp3, #1 ; Set minimum waiting time (Timers cannot wait for a delay of 0) |
mov Temp4, #0 |
sjmp calc_next_comm_timing_exit |
sjmp calc_next_comm_period_exit |
;**** **** **** **** **** |
; Calculate next commutation timing fast routine |
; Fast calculation (Comm_Period4x_H less than 2) |
calc_next_comm_timing_fast: |
calc_next_comm_period_fast: |
; Calculate new commutation time |
mov Temp3, Comm_Period4x_L ; Comm_Period4x holds the time of 4 commutations |
mov Temp4, Comm_Period4x_H |
mov A, Temp4 ; Divide by 16 and store in Temp5 |
swap A |
mov Temp7, A |
mov A, Temp3 |
swap A |
anl A, #0Fh |
orl A, Temp7 |
mov Temp5, A |
; Divide by 16 and store in Temp5 |
Divide_12Bit_By_16 Temp4, Temp3, Temp5 |
clr C |
mov A, Temp3 ; Subtract a fraction |
@ -1957,14 +1994,12 @@ calc_next_comm_timing_fast: |
mov Temp4, A |
; Note: Temp2 is assumed to be zero (approx. Comm_Period4x_H / 4) |
clr C |
mov A, Temp1 |
rrc A ; Divide by 4 |
clr C |
rrc A |
mov Temp1, A |
mov A, Temp3 ; Add the divided new time |
add A, Temp1 |
mov A, Temp1 ; Divide by 4 |
rr A |
rr A |
anl A, #03Fh |
add A, Temp3 ; Add the divided new time |
mov Temp3, A |
mov A, Temp4 |
addc A, #0 |
@ -1974,12 +2009,10 @@ calc_next_comm_timing_fast: |
mov Comm_Period4x_H, Temp4 |
clr C |
subb A, #2 ; If erpm below 156k - go to normal case |
subb A, #2 ; Is Comm_Period4x_H 2 or more? (below ~160k erpm) |
jc ($+4) |
clr Flag_High_Rpm ; Clear high rpm bit |
clr Flag_High_Rpm ; Yes - Clear high rpm bit |
; Set timing reduction |
mov Temp1, #2 |
mov A, Temp4 ; Divide Comm_Period4x by 16 and store in Temp4/3 |
swap A |
mov Temp7, A |
@ -1988,22 +2021,16 @@ calc_next_comm_timing_fast: |
swap A |
anl A, #0Fh |
orl A, Temp7 |
mov Temp3, A |
clr C |
subb A, Temp1 |
subb A, #2 ; Timing reduction |
mov Temp3, A |
jc load_min_time_fast ; Check that result is still positive |
jnz calc_new_wait_times_fast_done ; Check that result is still above minimum |
jc calc_next_comm_fast_set_min ; Check that result is still positive |
jnz calc_next_comm_period_exit ; Check that result is still above minimum |
load_min_time_fast: |
calc_next_comm_fast_set_min: |
mov Temp3, #1 ; Set minimum waiting time (Timers cannot wait for a delay of 0) |
calc_new_wait_times_fast_done: |
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Comm_Timing ; Load timing setting |
mov A, @Temp1 |
mov Temp8, A ; Store in Temp8 |
calc_next_comm_timing_exit: |
calc_next_comm_period_exit: |
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** |
@ -2037,6 +2064,10 @@ wait_advance_timing: |
; |
;**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** |
calc_new_wait_times: |
mov Temp1, #Pgm_Comm_Timing ; Load commutation timing setting |
mov A, @Temp1 |
mov Temp8, A ; Store in Temp8 |
clr C |
clr A |
subb A, Temp3 ; Negate |
@ -2054,6 +2085,34 @@ ENDIF |
jb Flag_High_Rpm, calc_new_wait_times_fast ; Branch if high rpm |
; Load programmed commutation timing |
jnb Flag_Startup_Phase, adjust_comm_timing |
mov Temp8, #3 ; Set dedicated timing during startup |
sjmp load_comm_timing_done |
adjust_comm_timing: |
; Adjust commutation timing according to demag metric |
clr C |
mov A, Demag_Detected_Metric ; Check demag metric |
subb A, #130 |
jc load_comm_timing_done |
inc Temp8 ; Increase timing (if metric 130 or above) |
subb A, #30 |
jc ($+3) |
inc Temp8 ; Increase timing again (if metric 160 or above) |
clr C |
mov A, Temp8 ; Limit timing to max |
subb A, #6 |
jc ($+4) |
mov Temp8, #5 ; Set timing to max (if timing 6 or above) |
load_comm_timing_done: |
mov A, Temp1 ; Copy values |
mov Temp3, A |
mov A, Temp2 |
@ -2067,6 +2126,8 @@ ENDIF |
rrc A |
mov Temp5, A |
mov Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_L, Temp5 ; Set 7.5deg time for zero cross scan delay |
mov Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_H, Temp6 |
mov Wt_Zc_Tout_Start_L, Temp1 ; Set 15deg time for zero cross scan timeout |
mov Wt_Zc_Tout_Start_H, Temp2 |
@ -2117,8 +2178,6 @@ store_times_increase: |
mov Wt_Comm_Start_H, Temp4 |
mov Wt_Adv_Start_L, Temp1 ; New commutation advance time (~15deg nominal) |
mov Wt_Adv_Start_H, Temp2 |
mov Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_L, Temp5 ; Use this value for zero cross scan delay (7.5deg) |
mov Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_H, Temp6 |
sjmp calc_new_wait_times_exit |
store_times_decrease: |
@ -2126,8 +2185,6 @@ store_times_decrease: |
mov Wt_Comm_Start_H, Temp2 |
mov Wt_Adv_Start_L, Temp3 ; New commutation advance time (~15deg nominal) |
mov Wt_Adv_Start_H, Temp4 |
mov Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_L, Temp5 ; Use this value for zero cross scan delay (7.5deg) |
mov Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_H, Temp6 |
; Set very short delays for all but advance time during startup, in order to widen zero cross capture range |
jnb Flag_Startup_Phase, calc_new_wait_times_exit |
@ -2149,6 +2206,7 @@ calc_new_wait_times_fast: |
rrc A ; Divide by 2 |
mov Temp5, A |
mov Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_L, Temp5 ; Use this value for zero cross scan delay (7.5deg) |
mov Wt_Zc_Tout_Start_L, Temp1 ; Set 15deg time for zero cross scan timeout |
clr C |
@ -2182,13 +2240,11 @@ store_times_up_or_down_fast: |
store_times_increase_fast: |
mov Wt_Comm_Start_L, Temp3 ; Now commutation time (~60deg) divided by 4 (~15deg nominal) |
mov Wt_Adv_Start_L, Temp1 ; New commutation advance time (~15deg nominal) |
mov Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_L, Temp5 ; Use this value for zero cross scan delay (7.5deg) |
sjmp calc_new_wait_times_exit |
store_times_decrease_fast: |
mov Wt_Comm_Start_L, Temp1 ; Now commutation time (~60deg) divided by 4 (~15deg nominal) |
mov Wt_Adv_Start_L, Temp3 ; New commutation advance time (~15deg nominal) |
mov Wt_Zc_Scan_Start_L, Temp5 ; Use this value for zero cross scan delay (7.5deg) |
calc_new_wait_times_exit: |
@ -3941,9 +3997,9 @@ motor_start_bidir_done: |
call comm5_comm6 ; Initialize commutation |
call comm6_comm1 |
call initialize_timing ; Initialize timing |
call calc_next_comm_timing ; Set virtual commutation point |
call calc_next_comm_period ; Set virtual commutation point |
call initialize_timing ; Initialize timing |
call calc_next_comm_timing |
call calc_next_comm_period |
call initialize_timing ; Initialize timing |
@ -3962,7 +4018,7 @@ run1: |
; evaluate_comparator_integrity ; Check whether comparator reading has been normal |
call wait_for_comm ; Wait from zero cross to commutation |
call comm1_comm2 ; Commutate |
call calc_next_comm_timing ; Calculate next timing and wait advance timing wait |
call calc_next_comm_period ; Calculate next timing and wait advance timing wait |
; wait_advance_timing ; Wait advance timing and start zero cross wait |
; calc_new_wait_times |
; wait_before_zc_scan ; Wait zero cross wait and start zero cross timeout |
@ -3976,7 +4032,7 @@ run2: |
call set_pwm_limit ; Set pwm power limit for low or high rpm |
call wait_for_comm |
call comm2_comm3 |
call calc_next_comm_timing |
call calc_next_comm_period |
; wait_advance_timing |
; calc_new_wait_times |
; wait_before_zc_scan |
@ -3989,7 +4045,7 @@ run3: |
; evaluate_comparator_integrity |
call wait_for_comm |
call comm3_comm4 |
call calc_next_comm_timing |
call calc_next_comm_period |
; wait_advance_timing |
; calc_new_wait_times |
; wait_before_zc_scan |
@ -4002,7 +4058,7 @@ run4: |
; evaluate_comparator_integrity |
call wait_for_comm |
call comm4_comm5 |
call calc_next_comm_timing |
call calc_next_comm_period |
; wait_advance_timing |
; calc_new_wait_times |
; wait_before_zc_scan |
@ -4015,7 +4071,7 @@ run5: |
; evaluate_comparator_integrity |
call wait_for_comm |
call comm5_comm6 |
call calc_next_comm_timing |
call calc_next_comm_period |
; wait_advance_timing |
; calc_new_wait_times |
; wait_before_zc_scan |
@ -4030,7 +4086,7 @@ run6: |
call wait_for_comm |
call comm6_comm1 |
call check_temp_and_limit_power |
call calc_next_comm_timing |
call calc_next_comm_period |
; wait_advance_timing |
; calc_new_wait_times |
; wait_before_zc_scan |
@ -4120,15 +4176,15 @@ run6_check_dir_change: |
jmp run4 ; Go back to run 4, thereby changing force direction |
run6_check_speed: |
mov Temp1, #0F0h ; Default minimum speed |
mov Temp1, #0F0h ; Default minimum speed (~1330 erpm) |
jnb Flag_Dir_Change_Brake, run6_brake_done; Is it a direction change? |
mov Pwm_Limit, Pwm_Limit_Beg ; Set max power while braking to initial power limit |
mov Temp1, #20h ; Bidirectional braking termination speed |
mov Temp1, #20h ; Bidirectional braking termination speed (~9970 erpm) |
run6_brake_done: |
clr C |
mov A, Comm_Period4x_H ; Is Comm_Period4x more than 32ms (~1220 eRPM)? |
mov A, Comm_Period4x_H ; Is Comm_Period4x below minimum speed?? |
subb A, Temp1 |
ljc run1 ; No - go back to run 1 |