@ -133,6 +133,10 @@ IPF can be edited using INAV Configurator user interface, of via CLI |
| 34 | GPS_VALID | boolean `0`/`1`. True when the GPS has a valid 3D Fix | |
| 35 | LOITER_RADIUS | The current loiter radius in cm. | |
| 36 | ACTIVE_PROFILE | integer for the active config profile `[1..MAX_PROFILE_COUNT]` | |
| 37 | BATT_CELLS | Number of battery cells detected | |
| 38 | AGL_STATUS | boolean `1` when AGL can be trusted, `0` when AGL estimate can not be trusted | |
| 39 | AGL | integer Above The Groud Altitude in `cm` | |
| 40 | RANGEFINDER_RAW | integer raw distance provided by the rangefinder in `cm` | |