@ -31,30 +31,30 @@ IPF can be edited using INAV Configurator user interface, of via CLI
### Operations
| Operation ID | Name | Notes |
|---- |---- |---- |
| 0 | TRUE | Always evaluates as true |
| 1 | EQUAL | Evaluates `false` if `false` or `0` |
| 2 | GREATER_THAN | |
| 3 | LOWER_THAN | |
| 4 | LOW | `true` if `<1333` |
| 5 | MID | `true` if `>=1333 and <=1666` |
| 6 | HIGH | `true` if `>1666` |
| 7 | AND | |
| 8 | OR | |
| 9 | XOR | |
| 10 | NAND | |
| 11 | NOR | |
| 12 | NOT | |
| 13 | STICKY | `Operand A` is the activation operator, `Operand B` is the deactivation operator. After activation, the operator will return `true` until Operand B is evaluated as `true`|
| 14 | ADD | Add `Operand A` to `Operand B` and returns the result |
| 15 | SUB | Substract `Operand B` from `Operand A` and returns the result |
| 16 | MUL | Multiply `Operand A` by `Operand B` and returns the result |
| 17 | DIV | Divide `Operand A` by `Operand B` and returns the result |
| 18 | GVAR SET | Store value from `Operand B` into the Global Variable addressed by `Operand B`. Bear in mind, that operand `Global Variable` means: Value stored in Global Variable of an index! To store in GVAR 1 use `Value 1` not `Global Variable 1` |
| 19 | GVAR INC | Increase the GVAR indexed by `Operand A` with value from `Operand B` |
| 20 | GVAR DEC | Decrease the GVAR indexed by `Operand A` with value from `Operand B` |
| 21 | IO PORT SET | Set I2C IO Expander pin `Operand A` to value of `Operand B`. `Operand A` accepts values `0-7` and `Operand B` accepts `0` and `1` |
| 1 | EQUAL | Evaluates `false` if `false` or `0` |
| 2 | GREATER_THAN | `true` if `Operand A` is a higher value than `Operand B` |
| 3 | LOWER_THAN | `true` if `Operand A` is a lower value than `Operand B` |
| 4 | LOW | `true` if `<1333` |
| 5 | MID | `true` if `>=1333 and <=1666` |
| 6 | HIGH | `true` if `>1666` |
| 7 | AND |`true`if`OperandA`and`OperandB`arethesamevalueorboth`true` |
| 8 | OR | `true` if `Operand A` and/or `OperandB` is `true` |
| 9 | XOR | `true` if `Operand A` or `Operand B` is `true`, but not both |
| 10 | NAND | `false` if `Operand A` and `Operand B` are both `true`|
| 11 | NOR | `true` if `Operand A` and `Operand B` are both `false` |
| 12 | NOT | The boolean opposite to `Operand A` |
| 13 | STICKY | `Operand A` is activation operator, `Operand B` is deactivation operator. After activation, operator will return `true` until Operand B is evaluated as `true`|
| 14 | ADD | Add `Operand A` to `Operand B` and returns the result |
| 15 | SUB | Substract `Operand B` from `Operand A` and returns the result |
| 16 | MUL | Multiply `Operand A` by `Operand B` and returns the result |
| 17 | DIV | Divide `Operand A` by `Operand B` and returns the result |
| 18 | GVAR SET | Store value from `Operand B` into the Global Variable addressed by `Operand B`. Bear in mind, that operand `Global Variable` means: Value stored in Global Variable of an index! To store in GVAR 1 use `Value 1` not `Global Variable 1` |
| 19 | GVAR INC | Increase the GVAR indexed by `Operand A` with value from `Operand B` |
| 20 | GVAR DEC | Decrease the GVAR indexed by `Operand A` with value from `Operand B` |
| 21 | IO PORT SET | Set I2C IO Expander pin `Operand A` to value of `Operand B`. `Operand A` accepts values `0-7` and `Operand B` accepts `0` and `1` |
| 22 | OVERRIDE_ARMING_SAFETY | Allows to arm on any angle even without GPS fix |
| 23 | OVERRIDE_THROTTLE_SCALE | Override throttle scale to the value defined by operand. Operand type `0` and value `50` means throttle will be scaled by 50%. |
| 24 | SWAP_ROLL_YAW | basically, when activated, yaw stick will control roll and roll stick will control yaw. Required for tail-sitters VTOL during vertical-horizonral transition when body frame changes |
@ -66,111 +66,110 @@ IPF can be edited using INAV Configurator user interface, of via CLI
| 33 | SIN | Computes SIN of `Operand A` value in degrees. Output is multiplied by `Operand B` value. If `Operand B` is `0`, result is multiplied by `500` |
| 34 | COS | Computes COS of `Operand A` value in degrees. Output is multiplied by `Operand B` value. If `Operand B` is `0`, result is multiplied by `500` |
| 35 | TAN | Computes TAN of `Operand A` value in degrees. Output is multiplied by `Operand B` value. If `Operand B` is `0`, result is multiplied by `500` |
| 36 | MAP_INPUT | Scales `Operand A` from [`0` : `Operand B`] to [`0` : `1000`]. Note: input will be constrained and then scaled |
| 37 | MAP_OUTPUT | Scales `Operand A` from [`0` : `1000`] to [`0` : `Operand B`]. Note: input will be constrained and then scaled |
| 38 | RC_CHANNEL_OVERRIDE | Overrides channel set by `Operand A` to value of `Operand B` |
| 39 | SET_HEADING_TARGET | Sets heading-hold target to `Operand A`, in degrees. Value wraps-around. |
| 40 | MOD | Divide `Operand A` by `Operand B` and returns the remainder |
| 41 | LOITER_RADIUS_OVERRIDE | Sets the loiter radius to `Operand A` [`0` : `100000`] in cm. If the value is lower than the loiter radius set in the **Advanced Tuning**, that will be used. |
| 42 | SET_PROFILE | Sets the active config profile (PIDFF/Rates/Filters/etc) to `Operand A`. `Operand A` must be a valid profile number, currently from 1 to 3. If not, the profile will not change |
| 43 | MIN | Finds the lowest value of `Operand A` and `Operand B` |
| 44 | MAX | Finds the highest value of `Operand A` and `Operand B` |
| 33 | SIN | Computes SIN of `Operand A` value in degrees. Output is multiplied by `Operand B` value. If `Operand B` is `0`, result is multiplied by `500` |
| 34 | COS | Computes COS of `Operand A` value in degrees. Output is multiplied by `Operand B` value. If `Operand B` is `0`, result is multiplied by `500` |
| 35 | TAN | Computes TAN of `Operand A` value in degrees. Output is multiplied by `Operand B` value. If `Operand B` is `0`, result is multiplied by `500` |
| 36 | MAP_INPUT | Scales `Operand A` from [`0` : `Operand B`] to [`0` : `1000`]. Note: input will be constrained and then scaled |
| 37 | MAP_OUTPUT | Scales `Operand A` from [`0` : `1000`] to [`0` : `Operand B`]. Note: input will be constrained and then scaled |
| 38 | RC_CHANNEL_OVERRIDE | Overrides channel set by `Operand A` to value of `Operand B` |
| 39 | SET_HEADING_TARGET | Sets heading-hold target to `Operand A`, in degrees. Value wraps-around. |
| 40 | MOD | Divide `Operand A` by `Operand B` and returns the remainder |
| 41 | LOITER_RADIUS_OVERRIDE | Sets the loiter radius to `Operand A` [`0` : `100000`] in cm. If the value is lower than the loiter radius set in the **Advanced Tuning**, that will be used. |
| 42 | SET_PROFILE | Sets the active config profile (PIDFF/Rates/Filters/etc) to `Operand A`. `Operand A` must be a valid profile number, currently from 1 to 3. If not, the profile will not change |
| 43 | MIN | Finds the lowest value of `Operand A` and `Operand B` |
| 44 | MAX | Finds the highest value of `Operand A` and `Operand B` |
| 45 | FLIGTH_AXIS_ANGLE_OVERRIDE | Sets the target attitude angle for axis. In other words, when active, it enforces Angle mode (Heading Hold for Yaw) on this axis (Angle mode does not have to be active). `Operand A` defines the axis: `0` - Roll, `1` - Pitch, `2` - Yaw. `Operand B` defines the angle in degrees |
| 46 | FLIGTH_AXIS_RATE_OVERRIDE | Sets the target rate (rotation speed) for axis. `Operand A` defines the axis: `0` - Roll, `1` - Pitch, `2` - Yaw. `Operand B` defines the rate in degrees per second |
| 46 | FLIGTH_AXIS_RATE_OVERRIDE | Sets the target rate (rotation speed) for axis. `Operand A` defines the axis: `0` - Roll, `1` - Pitch, `2` - Yaw. `Operand B` defines the rate in degrees per second |
### Operands
| Operand Type | Name | Notes |
|---- |---- |---- |
| 0 | VALUE | Value derived from `value` field |
| 1 | GET_RC_CHANNEL | `value` points to RC channel number, indexed from 1 |