@ -5,106 +5,198 @@
# define sq(x) ((x)*(x))
# endif
const uint32_t init_speed [ 5 ] = { 9600 , 19200 , 38400 , 57600 , 115200 } ;
static void GPS_NewData ( uint16_t c ) ;
static void gpsPrint ( const char * str ) ;
static const char * const gpsInitStrings [ ] = {
" $PUBX,41,1,0003,0001,19200,0*23 \r \n " , / / UBX0 . .3
" $PUBX,41,1,0003,0001,38400,0*26 \r \n " ,
" $PUBX,41,1,0003,0001,57600,0*2D \r \n " ,
" $PUBX,41,1,0003,0001,115200,0*1E \r \n " ,
" $PMTK251,19200*22 \r \n " , / / MTK4 . .7
" $PMTK251,38400*27 \r \n " ,
" $PMTK251,57600*2C \r \n " ,
" $PMTK251,115200*1F \r \n " ,
/ / GPS timeout for wrong baud rate / disconnection / etc in milliseconds ( default 2.5 second )
# define GPS_TIMEOUT (2500)
/ / How many entries in gpsInitData array below
# define GPS_INIT_ENTRIES (5)
typedef struct gpsInitData_t {
uint32_t baudrate ;
const char * ubx ;
const char * mtk ;
} gpsInitData_t ;
static const gpsInitData_t gpsInitData [ ] = {
{ 115200 , " $PUBX,41,1,0003,0001,115200,0*1E \r \n " , " $PMTK251,115200*1F \r \n " } ,
{ 57600 , " $PUBX,41,1,0003,0001,57600,0*2D \r \n " , " $PMTK251,57600*2C \r \n " } ,
{ 38400 , " $PUBX,41,1,0003,0001,38400,0*26 \r \n " , " $PMTK251,38400*27 \r \n " } ,
{ 19200 , " $PUBX,41,1,0003,0001,19200,0*23 \r \n " , " $PMTK251,19200*22 \r \n " } ,
/ / 9600 is not enough for 5 Hz updates - leave for compatibility to dumb NMEA that only runs at this speed
{ 9600 , " " , " " }
} ;
static const uint8_t ubloxInit [ ] = {
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0xF0 , 0x05 , 0x00 , 0xFF , 0x19 , / / disable all default NMEA messages
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0xF0 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0xFD , 0x15 ,
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0xF0 , 0x01 , 0x00 , 0xFB , 0x11 ,
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0xF0 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xFA , 0x0F ,
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0xF0 , 0x02 , 0x00 , 0xFC , 0x13 ,
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0xF0 , 0x04 , 0x00 , 0xFE , 0x17 ,
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0x01 , 0x02 , 0x01 , 0x0E , 0x47 , / / set POSLLH MSG rate
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x01 , 0x0F , 0x49 , / / set STATUS MSG rate
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0x01 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x12 , 0x4F , / / set SOL MSG rate
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0x01 , 0x12 , 0x01 , 0x1E , 0x67 , / / set VELNED MSG rate
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x16 , 0x08 , 0x00 , 0x03 , 0x07 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0x51 , 0x08 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x8A , 0x41 , / / set WAAS to EGNOS
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x08 , 0x06 , 0x00 , 0xC8 , 0x00 , 0x01 , 0x00 , 0x01 , 0x00 , 0xDE , 0x6A / / set rate to 5 Hz
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0xF0 , 0x05 , 0x00 , 0xFF , 0x19 , / / VGS : Course over ground and Ground speed
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0xF0 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0xFD , 0x15 , / / GSV : GNSS Satellites in View
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0xF0 , 0x01 , 0x00 , 0xFB , 0x11 , / / GLL : Latitude and longitude , with time of position fix and status
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0xF0 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xFA , 0x0F , / / GGA : Global positioning system fix data
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0xF0 , 0x02 , 0x00 , 0xFC , 0x13 , / / GSA : GNSS DOP and Active Satellites
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0xF0 , 0x04 , 0x00 , 0xFE , 0x17 , / / RMC : Recommended Minimum data
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0x01 , 0x02 , 0x01 , 0x0E , 0x47 , / / set POSLLH MSG rate
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x01 , 0x0F , 0x49 , / / set STATUS MSG rate
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0x01 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x12 , 0x4F , / / set SOL MSG rate
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x01 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0x01 , 0x12 , 0x01 , 0x1E , 0x67 , / / set VELNED MSG rate
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x16 , 0x08 , 0x00 , 0x03 , 0x07 , 0x03 , 0x00 , 0x51 , 0x08 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x8A , 0x41 , / / set WAAS to EGNOS
0xB5 , 0x62 , 0x06 , 0x08 , 0x06 , 0x00 , 0xC8 , 0x00 , 0x01 , 0x00 , 0x01 , 0x00 , 0xDE , 0x6A , / / set rate to 5 Hz
} ;
void gpsInit ( uint32_t baudrate )
static const char * mtkNMEAInit [ ] = {
" $PMTK314,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0*28 \r \n " , / / only GGA and RMC sentence
" $PMTK220,200*2C \r \n " / / 5 Hz update rate
} ;
static const char * mtkBinaryInit [ ] = {
" $PMTK319,1*24 \r \n " , / / SBAS Integrity Mode
" $PMTK220,200*2C \r \n " , / / 5 Hz update rate
" $PMTK397,0*23 \r \n " , / / NAVTHRES_OFF
" $PMTK313,1*2E \r \n " , / / SBAS_ON
" $PMTK301,2*2E \r \n " , / / WAAS_ON
" $PGCMD,16,0,0,0,0,0*6A \r \n " / / Binary ON
} ;
enum {
} ;
typedef struct gpsData_t {
uint8_t state ; / / GPS thread state . Used for detecting cable disconnects and configuring attached devices
uint8_t baudrateIndex ; / / index into auto - detecting or current baudrate
int errors ; / / gps error counter - crc error / lost of data / sync etc . reset on each reinit .
uint32_t lastMessage ; / / last time valid GPS data was received ( millis )
uint32_t lastLastMessage ; / / last - last valid GPS message . Used to calculate delta .
} gpsData_t ;
gpsData_t gpsData ;
static void gpsNewData ( uint16_t c ) ;
static bool gpsNewFrameNMEA ( char c ) ;
static bool gpsNewFrameUBLOX ( uint8_t data ) ;
void gpsInit ( uint8_t baudrate )
portMode_t mode = MODE_RXTX ;
/ / init gpsData structure . if we ' re not actually enabled , don ' t bother doing anything else
gpsData . state = GPS_UNKNOWN ;
if ( ! feature ( FEATURE_GPS ) )
return ;
gpsData . baudrateIndex = baudrate ;
gpsData . lastMessage = millis ( ) ;
gpsData . errors = 0 ;
/ / only RX is needed for NMEA - style GPS
if ( mcfg . gps_type = = GPS_NMEA )
mode = MODE_RX ;
gpsSetPIDs ( ) ;
core . gpsport = uartOpen ( USART2 , gpsNewData , gpsInitData [ baudrate ] . baudrate , mode ) ;
/ / signal GPS " thread " to initialize when it gets to it
gpsData . state = GPS_INITIALIZING ;
void gpsInitHardware ( void )
int i ;
int offset = 0 ;
GPS_set_pids ( ) ;
core . gpsport = uartOpen ( USART2 , GPS_NewData , baudrate , MODE_RXTX ) ;
if ( mcfg . gps_type = = GPS_UBLOX )
else if ( mcfg . gps_type = = GPS_MTK )
if ( mcfg . gps_type ! = GPS_NMEA ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i + + ) {
serialSetBaudRate ( core . gpsport , init_speed [ i ] ) ;
/ / verify the requested change took effect .
baudrate = serialGetBaudRate ( core . gpsport ) ;
switch ( baudrate ) {
case 19200 :
gpsPrint ( gpsInitStrings [ offset ] ) ;
break ;
case 38400 :
gpsPrint ( gpsInitStrings [ offset + 1 ] ) ;
break ;
case 57600 :
gpsPrint ( gpsInitStrings [ offset + 2 ] ) ;
break ;
case 115200 :
gpsPrint ( gpsInitStrings [ offset + 3 ] ) ;
break ;
switch ( mcfg . gps_type ) {
case GPS_NMEA :
/ / nothing to do , just set baud rate and try receiving some stuff and see if it parses
serialSetBaudRate ( core . gpsport , gpsInitData [ gpsData . baudrateIndex ] . baudrate ) ;
gpsData . state = GPS_RECEIVINGDATA ;
return ;
case GPS_UBLOX :
/ / UBX will run at mcfg . baudrate , it shouldn ' t be " autodetected " . So here we force it to that rate
if ( gpsData . state = = GPS_INITIALIZING ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < GPS_INIT_ENTRIES ; i + + ) {
/ / try different speed to INIT
serialSetBaudRate ( core . gpsport , gpsInitData [ i ] . baudrate ) ;
/ / but print our FIXED init string for the baudrate we want to be at
serialPrint ( core . gpsport , gpsInitData [ mcfg . gps_baudrate ] . ubx ) ;
delay ( 200 ) ;
/ / we ' re now ( hopefully ) at the correct rate , next state will switch to it
gpsData . baudrateIndex = mcfg . gps_baudrate ;
gpsData . state = GPS_INITDONE ;
} else {
/ / GPS_INITDONE , set our real baud rate and push some ublox config strings
serialSetBaudRate ( core . gpsport , gpsInitData [ gpsData . baudrateIndex ] . baudrate ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( ubloxInit ) ; i + + ) {
serialWrite ( core . gpsport , ubloxInit [ i ] ) ; / / send ubx init binary
delay ( 4 ) ;
/ / ublox should be init ' d , time to try receiving some junk
gpsData . state = GPS_RECEIVINGDATA ;
delay ( 10 ) ;
break ;
/ / TODO . need to find my old piece of shit MTK GPS .
break ;
serialSetBaudRate ( core . gpsport , baudrate ) ;
if ( mcfg . gps_type = = GPS_UBLOX ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( ubloxInit ) ; i + + ) {
serialWrite ( core . gpsport , ubloxInit [ i ] ) ; / / send ubx init binary
delay ( 4 ) ;
} else if ( mcfg . gps_type = = GPS_MTK ) {
gpsPrint ( " $PMTK314,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0*28 \r \n " ) ; / / only GGA and RMC sentence
gpsPrint ( " $PMTK220,200*2C \r \n " ) ; / / 5 Hz update rate
/ / clear error counter
gpsData . errors = 0 ;
/ / catch some GPS frames . TODO check this
delay ( 1000 ) ;
if ( GPS_Present )
sensorsSet ( SENSOR_GPS ) ;
void gpsThread ( void )
switch ( gpsData . state ) {
break ;
gpsInitHardware ( ) ;
break ;
gpsData . errors + + ;
/ / try another rate
gpsData . baudrateIndex + + ;
gpsData . baudrateIndex % = GPS_INIT_ENTRIES ;
gpsData . lastMessage = millis ( ) ;
/ / TODO - move some / all of these into gpsData
GPS_numSat = 0 ;
f . GPS_FIX = 0 ;
gpsData . state = GPS_INITIALIZING ;
break ;
/ / check for no data / gps timeout / cable disconnection etc
if ( millis ( ) - gpsData . lastMessage > GPS_TIMEOUT ) {
/ / remove GPS from capability
sensorsClear ( SENSOR_GPS ) ;
gpsData . state = GPS_LOSTCOMMS ;
break ;
static void gpsPrint ( const char * str )
static bool gpsNewFrame ( uint8_t c )
while ( * str ) {
serialWrite ( core . gpsport , * str ) ;
if ( mcfg . gps_type = = GPS_UBLOX )
delay ( 4 ) ;
str + + ;
switch ( mcfg . gps_type ) {
case GPS_NMEA : / / NMEA
case GPS_MTK_NMEA : / / MTK in NMEA mode
return gpsNewFrameNMEA ( c ) ;
case GPS_UBLOX : / / UBX binary
return gpsNewFrameUBLOX ( c ) ;
case GPS_MTK_BINARY : / / MTK in BINARY mode ( TODO )
return false ;
/ / wait to send all
while ( ! isSerialTransmitBufferEmpty ( core . gpsport ) ) ;
delay ( 30 ) ;
return false ;
* Multiwii GPS code - revision : 1097
@ -130,9 +222,6 @@ static void GPS_calc_location_error(int32_t * target_lat, int32_t * target_lng,
static void GPS_calc_poshold ( void ) ;
static void GPS_calc_nav_rate ( int max_speed ) ;
static void GPS_update_crosstrack ( void ) ;
static bool GPS_newFrame ( char c ) ;
static bool GPS_NMEA_newFrame ( char c ) ;
static bool GPS_UBLOX_newFrame ( uint8_t data ) ;
static bool UBLOX_parse_gps ( void ) ;
static int16_t GPS_calc_desired_speed ( int16_t max_speed , bool _slow ) ;
int32_t wrap_18000 ( int32_t error ) ;
@ -285,7 +374,7 @@ static int32_t nav_bearing;
/ / saves the bearing at takeof ( 1 deg = 1 ) used to rotate to takeoff direction when arrives at home
static int16_t nav_takeoff_bearing ;
void GPS_ NewData( uint16_t c )
static void gps NewData( uint16_t c )
int axis ;
static uint32_t nav_loopTimer ;
@ -293,7 +382,11 @@ void GPS_NewData(uint16_t c)
int32_t dir ;
int16_t speed ;
if ( GPS_newFrame ( c ) ) {
if ( gpsNewFrame ( c ) ) {
/ / new data received and parsed , we ' re in business
gpsData . lastLastMessage = gpsData . lastMessage ;
gpsData . lastMessage = millis ( ) ;
sensorsSet ( SENSOR_GPS ) ;
if ( GPS_update = = 1 )
GPS_update = 0 ;
@ -411,7 +504,7 @@ void GPS_reset_nav(void)
/ / Get the relevant P I D values and set the PID controllers
void GPS_set_pid s( void )
void gpsSetPID s( void )
posholdPID_PARAM . kP = ( float ) cfg . P8 [ PIDPOS ] / 100.0f ;
posholdPID_PARAM . kI = ( float ) cfg . I8 [ PIDPOS ] / 100.0f ;
@ -777,19 +870,6 @@ static uint8_t hex_c(uint8_t n)
return n ;
static bool GPS_newFrame ( char c )
switch ( mcfg . gps_type ) {
case GPS_NMEA : / / NMEA
case GPS_MTK : / / MTK outputs NMEA too
return GPS_NMEA_newFrame ( c ) ;
case GPS_UBLOX : / / UBX
return GPS_UBLOX_newFrame ( c ) ;
return false ;
/* This is a light implementation of a GPS frame decoding
This should work with most of modern GPS devices configured to output NMEA frames .
It assumes there are some NMEA GGA frames to decode on the serial bus
@ -805,7 +885,7 @@ static bool GPS_newFrame(char c)
# define FRAME_GGA 1
# define FRAME_RMC 2
static bool GPS_NMEA_newFrame ( char c )
static bool gpsNewFrameNMEA ( char c )
uint8_t frameOK = 0 ;
static uint8_t param = 0 , offset = 0 , parity = 0 ;
@ -868,8 +948,6 @@ static bool GPS_NMEA_newFrame(char c)
if ( ! checksum_param )
parity ^ = c ;
if ( frame )
GPS_Present = 1 ;
return frameOK & & ( frame = = FRAME_GGA ) ;
@ -1026,7 +1104,7 @@ void _update_checksum(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len, uint8_t *ck_a, uint8_t *ck_b)
static bool GPS_UBLOX_newFrame ( uint8_t data )
static bool gpsNewFrameUBLOX ( uint8_t data )
bool parsed = false ;
@ -1083,10 +1161,8 @@ static bool GPS_UBLOX_newFrame(uint8_t data)
_step = 0 ;
if ( _ck_b ! = data )
break ; / / bad checksum
GPS_Present = 1 ;
if ( UBLOX_parse_gps ( ) ) {
if ( UBLOX_parse_gps ( ) )
parsed = true ;
} / / end switch
return parsed ;