Browse Source

committed (untested) GPS support by sbaron;

fix for channel map cli stuff by simonk.
reindented some code, so changes are large.

git-svn-id: 7c89a4a9-59b9-e629-4cfe-3a2d53b20e61
timecop 13 years ago
  1. 38
  2. 8
  3. 4928
  4. 1
  5. 44
  6. 249
  7. 12
  8. 231
  9. 8
  10. 2


@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@
<Name>-O14 -S0 -C0 -N00("ARM Cortex-M3") -D00(1BA00477) -L00(4) -FO7 -FD20000000 -FC800 -FN1 -FF0STM32F10x_128 -FS08000000 -FL010000)</Name>
<Name>-UV0168AVR -O206 -S8 -C0 -N00("ARM CoreSight SW-DP") -D00(1BA01477) -L00(0) -TO18 -TC10000000 -TP21 -TDS8007 -TDT0 -TDC1F -TIEFFFFFFFF -TIP8 -FO11 -FD20000000 -FC800 -FN1 -FF0STM32F10x_128 -FS08000000 -FL010000</Name>
@ -558,10 +558,10 @@
@ -600,10 +600,10 @@
@ -637,8 +637,8 @@
@ -693,8 +693,8 @@
@ -707,8 +707,8 @@
@ -735,8 +735,8 @@
@ -966,8 +966,8 @@


@ -754,7 +754,7 @@
@ -768,7 +768,7 @@
@ -778,9 +778,9 @@
<Flash3>"" ()</Flash3>

File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File


@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ typedef enum {
FEATURE_GPS = 1 << 9,
} AvailableFeatures;
typedef void (* sensorInitFuncPtr)(void);


@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ const char *mixerNames[] = {
// sync this with AvailableFeatures enum from board.h
const char *featureNames[] = {
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ const clicmd_t cmdTable[] = {
{ "exit", "", cliExit },
{ "feature", "list or -val or val", cliFeature },
{ "help", "", cliHelp },
{ "map", "mapping of first 4 channels", cliMap },
{ "map", "mapping of rc channel order", cliMap },
{ "mixer", "mixer name or list", cliMixer },
{ "save", "save and reboot", cliSave },
{ "set", "name=value or blank for list", cliSet },
@ -113,6 +113,8 @@ const clivalue_t valueTable[] = {
static void cliSetVar(const clivalue_t *var, const int32_t value);
static void cliPrintVar(const clivalue_t *var);
** The following two functions together make up an itoa()
** implementation. Function i2a() is a 'private' function
@ -147,6 +149,8 @@ char *itoa(int i, char *a, int r)
return a;
static void cliPrompt(void)
uartPrint("\r\n# ");
@ -255,35 +259,27 @@ static void cliMap(char *cmdline)
uint8_t len;
uint8_t i;
char out[9];
len = strlen(cmdline);
if (len == 0 || len != 8) {
uartPrint("Current assignment: ");
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
out[cfg.rcmap[i]] = rcChannelLetters[i];
out[i] = '\0';
} else {
bool fail = false;
if (len == 8) {
// uppercase it
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
cmdline[i] = toupper(cmdline[i]);
if (!strchr(rcChannelLetters, cmdline[i])) {
fail = true;
if (fail)
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (strchr(rcChannelLetters, cmdline[i]) && !strchr(cmdline + i + 1, cmdline[i]))
uartPrint("Must be any order of AETR1234\r\n");
else {
uartPrint("Current assignment: ");
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
out[cfg.rcmap[i]] = rcChannelLetters[i];
out[i] = '\0';
static void cliMixer(char *cmdline)


@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
#include "board.h"
#include "mw.h"
#ifndef PI
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
#ifndef sq
#define sq(x) ((x)*(x))
static void GPS_NewData(uint16_t c);
static bool GPS_newFrame(char c);
static void GPS_distance(int32_t lat1, int32_t lon1, int32_t lat2, int32_t lon2, uint16_t * dist, int16_t * bearing);
* GPS low level routines
void USART2_IRQHandler(void)
static void uart2Init(void)
NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;
GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
USART_InitTypeDef USART_InitStructure;
RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_USART2, ENABLE);
NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = USART2_IRQn;
NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = 0;
NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 1;
NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_3;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IN_FLOATING;
GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);
USART_InitStructure.USART_BaudRate = 9600;
USART_InitStructure.USART_WordLength = USART_WordLength_8b;
USART_InitStructure.USART_StopBits = USART_StopBits_1;
USART_InitStructure.USART_Parity = USART_Parity_No;
USART_InitStructure.USART_Mode = USART_Mode_Rx;
USART_InitStructure.USART_HardwareFlowControl = USART_HardwareFlowControl_None;
USART_Init(USART2, &USART_InitStructure);
void gpsInit(void)
* Multiwii GPS code
static void GPS_NewData(uint16_t c)
if (GPS_newFrame(c)) {
if (GPS_update == 1)
GPS_update = 0;
GPS_update = 1;
if (GPS_fix == 1 && GPS_numSat > 3) {
if (GPS_fix_home == 0) {
GPS_fix_home = 1;
GPS_latitude_home = GPS_latitude;
GPS_longitude_home = GPS_longitude;
if (GPSModeHold == 1)
GPS_distance(GPS_latitude_hold, GPS_longitude_hold, GPS_latitude, GPS_longitude, &GPS_distanceToHold, &GPS_directionToHold);
GPS_distance(GPS_latitude_home, GPS_longitude_home, GPS_latitude, GPS_longitude, &GPS_distanceToHome, &GPS_directionToHome);
/* this is an equirectangular approximation to calculate distance and bearing between 2 GPS points (lat/long)
it's much more faster than an exact calculation
the error is neglectible for few kilometers assuming a constant R for earth
input: lat1/long1 <-> lat2/long2 unit: 1/100000 degree
output: distance in meters, bearing in degrees
static void GPS_distance(int32_t lat1, int32_t lon1, int32_t lat2, int32_t lon2, uint16_t * dist, int16_t * bearing)
float dLat = (lat2 - lat1); // difference of latitude in 1/100000 degrees
float dLon = (lon2 - lon1) * cos(lat1 * (PI / 180 / 100000.0)); // difference of longitude in 1/100000 degrees
*dist = 6372795 / 100000.0 * PI / 180 * (sqrt(sq(dLat) + sq(dLon)));
*bearing = 180 / PI * (atan2(dLon, dLat));
/* The latitude or longitude is coded this way in NMEA frames
dm.m coded as degrees + minutes + minute decimal
- d can be 1 or more char long. generally: 2 char long for latitude, 3 char long for longitude
- m is always 2 char long
- m can be 1 or more char long
This function converts this format in a unique unsigned long where 1 degree = 100 000
static uint32_t GPS_coord_to_degrees(char *s)
char *p, *d = s;
uint32_t sec, m = 1000;
uint16_t min, dec = 0;
if (!*s)
return 0;
for (p = s; *p != 0; p++) {
if (d != s) {
*p -= '0';
dec += *p * m;
m /= 10;
if (*p == '.')
d = p;
m = 10000;
min = *--d - '0';
min += (*--d - '0') * 10;
sec = (m * min + dec) / 6;
while (d != s) {
m *= 10;
*--d -= '0';
sec += *d * m;
return sec;
// helper functions
static uint16_t grab_fields(char *src, uint8_t mult)
{ // convert string to uint16
uint8_t i;
uint16_t tmp = 0;
for (i = 0; src[i] != 0; i++) {
if (src[i] == '.') {
if (mult == 0)
src[i + mult] = 0;
tmp *= 10;
if (src[i] >= '0' && src[i] <= '9')
tmp += src[i] - '0';
return tmp;
static uint8_t hex_c(uint8_t n)
{ // convert '0'..'9','A'..'F' to 0..15
n -= '0';
if (n > 9)
n -= 7;
n &= 0x0F;
return n;
/* This is a light implementation of a GPS frame decoding
This should work with most of modern GPS devices configured to output NMEA frames.
It assumes there are some NMEA GGA frames to decode on the serial bus
Here we use only the following data :
- latitude
- longitude
- GPS fix is/is not ok
- GPS num sat (4 is enough to be +/- reliable)
// added by Mis
- GPS altitude (for OSD displaying)
- GPS speed (for OSD displaying)
#define FRAME_GGA 1
#define FRAME_RMC 2
static bool GPS_newFrame(char c)
uint8_t frameOK = 0;
static uint8_t param = 0, offset = 0, parity = 0;
static char string[15];
static uint8_t checksum_param, frame = 0;
if (c == '$') {
param = 0;
offset = 0;
parity = 0;
} else if (c == ',' || c == '*') {
string[offset] = 0;
if (param == 0) { //frame identification
frame = 0;
if (string[0] == 'G' && string[1] == 'P' && string[2] == 'G' && string[3] == 'G' && string[4] == 'A')
frame = FRAME_GGA;
if (string[0] == 'G' && string[1] == 'P' && string[2] == 'R' && string[3] == 'M' && string[4] == 'C')
frame = FRAME_RMC;
} else if (frame == FRAME_GGA) {
if (param == 2) {
GPS_latitude = GPS_coord_to_degrees(string);
} else if (param == 3 && string[0] == 'S')
GPS_latitude = -GPS_latitude;
else if (param == 4) {
GPS_longitude = GPS_coord_to_degrees(string);
} else if (param == 5 && string[0] == 'W')
GPS_longitude = -GPS_longitude;
else if (param == 6) {
GPS_fix = string[0] > '0';
} else if (param == 7) {
GPS_numSat = grab_fields(string, 0);
} else if (param == 9) {
GPS_altitude = grab_fields(string, 0);
} // altitude in meters added by Mis
} else if (frame == FRAME_RMC) {
if (param == 7) {
GPS_speed = ((uint32_t) grab_fields(string, 1) * 514444L) / 100000L;
} // speed in cm/s added by Mis
offset = 0;
if (c == '*')
checksum_param = 1;
parity ^= c;
} else if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') {
if (checksum_param) { //parity checksum
uint8_t checksum = hex_c(string[0]);
checksum <<= 4;
checksum += hex_c(string[1]);
if (checksum == parity)
frameOK = 1;
checksum_param = 0;
} else {
if (offset < 15)
string[offset++] = c;
if (!checksum_param)
parity ^= c;
return frameOK && (frame == FRAME_GGA);


@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ void throttleCalibration(void)
uint8_t offset = useServo ? 2 : 0;
uint8_t len = pwmGetNumOutputChannels() - offset;
uint8_t i;
// write maxthrottle (high)
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ void throttleCalibration(void)
int main(void)
uint8_t i;
#if 0
// using this to write asm for bootloader :)
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ int main(void)
AFIO->MAPR = 0x02000000;
GPIOB->BRR = 0x18; // set low 4 & 3
GPIOB->CRL = 0x44433444; // PIN 4 & 3 Output 50MHz
@ -72,6 +72,10 @@ int main(void)
if (feature(FEATURE_VBAT))
// Optional GPS - available only when using PPM, otherwise required pins won't be usable
if (feature(FEATURE_PPM) && feature(FEATURE_GPS))
previousTime = micros();
calibratingG = 400;
#if defined(POWERMETER)
@ -79,7 +83,7 @@ int main(void)
pMeter[i] = 0;
// loopy
// loopy
while (1) {


@ -10,23 +10,23 @@ int16_t debug1, debug2, debug3, debug4;
uint8_t buzzerState = 0;
uint32_t currentTime = 0;
uint32_t previousTime = 0;
uint16_t cycleTime = 0; // this is the number in micro second to achieve a full loop, it can differ a little and is taken into account in the PID loop
uint8_t GPSModeHome = 0; // if GPS RTH is activated
uint8_t GPSModeHold = 0; // if GPS PH is activated
uint8_t headFreeMode = 0; // if head free mode is a activated
uint8_t passThruMode = 0; // if passthrough mode is activated
uint16_t cycleTime = 0; // this is the number in micro second to achieve a full loop, it can differ a little and is taken into account in the PID loop
uint8_t GPSModeHome = 0; // if GPS RTH is activated
uint8_t GPSModeHold = 0; // if GPS PH is activated
uint8_t headFreeMode = 0; // if head free mode is a activated
uint8_t passThruMode = 0; // if passthrough mode is activated
int16_t headFreeModeHold;
int16_t annex650_overrun_count = 0;
uint8_t armed = 0;
uint8_t vbat; // battery voltage in 0.1V steps
uint8_t vbat; // battery voltage in 0.1V steps
volatile int16_t failsafeCnt = 0;
int16_t failsafeEvents = 0;
int16_t rcData[8]; // interval [1000;2000]
int16_t rcCommand[4]; // interval [1000;2000] for THROTTLE and [-500;+500] for ROLL/PITCH/YAW
int16_t rcData[8]; // interval [1000;2000]
int16_t rcCommand[4]; // interval [1000;2000] for THROTTLE and [-500;+500] for ROLL/PITCH/YAW
//uint8_t rcRate8;
//uint8_t rcExpo8;
int16_t lookupRX[7]; // lookup table for expo & RC rate
int16_t lookupRX[7]; // lookup table for expo & RC rate
// uint8_t P8[8], I8[8], D8[8]; //8 bits is much faster and the code is much shorter
uint8_t dynP8[3], dynI8[3], dynD8[3];
@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ uint8_t dynP8[3], dynI8[3], dynD8[3];
// uint8_t activate2[CHECKBOXITEMS];
uint8_t rcOptions[CHECKBOXITEMS];
uint8_t okToArm = 0;
uint8_t accMode = 0; // if level mode is a activated
uint8_t magMode = 0; // if compass heading hold is a activated
uint8_t baroMode = 0; // if altitude hold is activated
uint8_t accMode = 0; // if level mode is a activated
uint8_t magMode = 0; // if compass heading hold is a activated
uint8_t baroMode = 0; // if altitude hold is activated
int16_t axisPID[3];
volatile uint16_t rcValue[18] = { 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502 }; // interval [1000;2000]
@ -49,15 +49,16 @@ volatile uint16_t rcValue[18] = { 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1502
// **********************
int32_t GPS_latitude, GPS_longitude;
int32_t GPS_latitude_home, GPS_longitude_home;
int32_t GPS_latitude_hold, GPS_longitude_hold;
uint8_t GPS_fix, GPS_fix_home = 0;
uint8_t GPS_numSat;
uint16_t GPS_distanceToHome; // in meters
int16_t GPS_directionToHome = 0; // in degrees
uint16_t GPS_distanceToHome, GPS_distanceToHold; // distance to home or hold point in meters
int16_t GPS_directionToHome, GPS_directionToHold; // direction to home or hol point in degrees
uint16_t GPS_altitude, GPS_speed; // altitude in 0.1m and speed in 0.1m/s - Added by Mis
uint8_t GPS_update = 0; // it's a binary toogle to distinct a GPS position update
int16_t GPS_angle[2]; // it's the angles that must be applied for GPS correction
uint16_t GPS_distanceToHome; // in meters
int16_t GPS_directionToHome = 0; // in degrees
uint16_t GPS_distanceToHome, GPS_distanceToHold; // distance to home or hold point in meters
int16_t GPS_directionToHome, GPS_directionToHold; // direction to home or hol point in degrees
uint16_t GPS_altitude, GPS_speed; // altitude in 0.1m and speed in 0.1m/s - Added by Mis
uint8_t GPS_update = 0; // it's a binary toogle to distinct a GPS position update
int16_t GPS_angle[2]; // it's the angles that must be applied for GPS correction
//Automatic ACC Offset Calibration
@ -72,11 +73,11 @@ uint16_t AccInflightCalibrationActive = 0;
// power meter
// **********************
#define PMOTOR_SUM 8 // index into pMeter[] for sum
uint32_t pMeter[PMOTOR_SUM + 1]; // we use [0:7] for eight motors,one extra for sum
uint8_t pMeterV; // dummy to satisfy the paramStruct logic in ConfigurationLoop()
uint32_t pAlarm; // we scale the eeprom value from [0:255] to this value we can directly compare to the sum in pMeter[6]
uint32_t pMeter[PMOTOR_SUM + 1]; // we use [0:7] for eight motors,one extra for sum
uint8_t pMeterV; // dummy to satisfy the paramStruct logic in ConfigurationLoop()
uint32_t pAlarm; // we scale the eeprom value from [0:255] to this value we can directly compare to the sum in pMeter[6]
// uint8_t powerTrigger1 = 0;
uint16_t powerValue = 0; // last known current
uint16_t powerValue = 0; // last known current
uint16_t intPowerMeterSum, intPowerTrigger1;
uint8_t batteryCellCount = 3; // cell count
uint16_t batteryWarningVoltage; // annoying buzzer after this one, battery ready to be dead
@ -84,10 +85,10 @@ uint16_t batteryWarningVoltage; // annoying buzzer after this one, battery ready
void blinkLED(uint8_t num, uint8_t wait, uint8_t repeat)
uint8_t i, r;
for (r = 0; r < repeat; r++) {
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
LED0_TOGGLE; // switch LEDPIN state
LED0_TOGGLE; // switch LEDPIN state
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ void blinkLED(uint8_t num, uint8_t wait, uint8_t repeat)
// this code is executed at each loop and won't interfere with control loop if it lasts less than 650 microseconds
void annexCode(void)
static uint32_t buzzerTime, calibratedAccTime;
#if defined(LCD_TELEMETRY)
static uint16_t telemetryTimer = 0, telemetryAutoTimer = 0, psensorTimer = 0;
@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ void annexCode(void)
if (rcData[THROTTLE] < 1500) {
prop2 = 100;
} else if (rcData[THROTTLE] < 2000) {
prop2 = 100 - (uint16_t) cfg.dynThrPID *(rcData[THROTTLE] - 1500) / 500;
prop2 = 100 - (uint16_t) cfg.dynThrPID * (rcData[THROTTLE] - 1500) / 500;
} else {
prop2 = 100 - cfg.dynThrPID;
@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ void annexCode(void)
if (axis != 2) { //ROLL & PITCH
uint16_t tmp2 = tmp / 100;
rcCommand[axis] = lookupRX[tmp2] + (tmp - tmp2 * 100) * (lookupRX[tmp2 + 1] - lookupRX[tmp2]) / 100;
prop1 = 100 - (uint16_t) cfg.rollPitchRate *tmp / 500;
prop1 = 100 - (uint16_t) cfg.rollPitchRate * tmp / 500;
prop1 = (uint16_t) prop1 *prop2 / 100;
} else { //YAW
rcCommand[axis] = tmp;
@ -160,7 +161,6 @@ void annexCode(void)
rcCommand[ROLL] = rcCommand[ROLL] * cosDiff - rcCommand[PITCH] * sinDiff;
rcCommand[PITCH] = rcCommand_PITCH;
#if defined(POWERMETER_HARD)
if (!(++psensorTimer % PSENSORFREQ)) {
pMeterRaw = analogRead(PSENSORPIN);
@ -184,23 +184,22 @@ void annexCode(void)
vbatRaw += vbatRawArray[i];
vbat = batteryAdcToVoltage(vbatRaw / 8);
if (rcOptions[BOXBEEPERON]) { // unconditional beeper on via AUXn switch
if (rcOptions[BOXBEEPERON]) { // unconditional beeper on via AUXn switch
buzzerFreq = 7;
} else if (((vbat > batteryWarningVoltage)
#if defined(POWERMETER)
#if defined(POWERMETER)
&& ((pMeter[PMOTOR_SUM] < pAlarm) || (pAlarm == 0))
) || (vbat < cfg.vbatmincellvoltage))
{ //VBAT ok AND powermeter ok, buzzer off
) || (vbat < cfg.vbatmincellvoltage)) { //VBAT ok AND powermeter ok, buzzer off
buzzerFreq = 0;
buzzerState = 0;
#if defined(POWERMETER)
} else if (pMeter[PMOTOR_SUM] > pAlarm) { // sound alarm for powermeter
#if defined(POWERMETER)
} else if (pMeter[PMOTOR_SUM] > pAlarm) { // sound alarm for powermeter
buzzerFreq = 4;
} else
buzzerFreq = 4; // low battery
buzzerFreq = 4; // low battery
if (buzzerFreq) {
if (buzzerState && (currentTime > buzzerTime + 250000)) {
buzzerState = 0;
@ -214,7 +213,7 @@ void annexCode(void)
if ((calibratingA > 0 && sensors(SENSOR_ACC)) || (calibratingG > 0)) { // Calibration phasis
if ((calibratingA > 0 && sensors(SENSOR_ACC)) || (calibratingG > 0)) { // Calibration phasis
} else {
if (calibratedACC == 1) {
@ -292,7 +291,7 @@ void computeRC(void)
static int16_t rcData4Values[8][4], rcDataMean[8];
static uint8_t rc4ValuesIndex = 0;
uint8_t chan, a;
#if defined(SBUS)
@ -363,11 +362,11 @@ void loop(void)
} else if (rcData[YAW] > cfg.maxcheck && rcData[PITCH] > cfg.maxcheck && armed == 0) {
if (rcDelayCommand == 20) {
if (cfg.mixerConfiguration == MULTITYPE_TRI) {
servo[5] = 1500; // we center the yaw servo in conf mode
servo[5] = 1500; // we center the yaw servo in conf mode
} else if (cfg.mixerConfiguration == MULTITYPE_FLYING_WING) {
servo[0] = cfg.wing_left_mid;
servo[1] = cfg.wing_right_mid;
servo[0] = cfg.wing_left_mid;
servo[1] = cfg.wing_right_mid;
#if defined(LCD_CONF)
@ -459,11 +458,11 @@ void loop(void)
if (AccInflightCalibrationArmed && armed == 1 && rcData[THROTTLE] > cfg.mincheck && !rcOptions[BOXARM]) { // Copter is airborne and you are turning it off via boxarm : start measurement
if (AccInflightCalibrationArmed && armed == 1 && rcData[THROTTLE] > cfg.mincheck && !rcOptions[BOXARM]) { // Copter is airborne and you are turning it off via boxarm : start measurement
InflightcalibratingA = 50;
AccInflightCalibrationArmed = 0;
if (rcOptions[BOXPASSTHRU]) { //Use the Passthru Option to activate : Passthru = TRUE Meausrement started, Land and passtrhu = 0 measurement stored
if (rcOptions[BOXPASSTHRU]) { //Use the Passthru Option to activate : Passthru = TRUE Meausrement started, Land and passtrhu = 0 measurement stored
if (!AccInflightCalibrationArmed) {
AccInflightCalibrationArmed = 1;
InflightcalibratingA = 50;
@ -475,8 +474,9 @@ void loop(void)
for(i = 0; i < CHECKBOXITEMS; i++) {
rcOptions[i] = (((rcData[AUX1] < 1300) | (1300 < rcData[AUX1] && rcData[AUX1] < 1700) << 1 | (rcData[AUX1] > 1700) << 2 | (rcData[AUX2] < 1300) << 3 | (1300 < rcData[AUX2] && rcData[AUX2] < 1700) << 4 | (rcData[AUX2] > 1700) << 5) & cfg.activate1[i]) || (((rcData[AUX3] < 1300) | (1300 < rcData[AUX3] && rcData[AUX3] < 1700) << 1 | (rcData[AUX3] > 1700) << 2 | (rcData[AUX4] < 1300) << 3 | (1300 < rcData[AUX4] && rcData[AUX4] < 1700) << 4 | (rcData[AUX4] > 1700) << 5) & cfg.activate2[i]);
for (i = 0; i < CHECKBOXITEMS; i++) {
rcOptions[i] = (((rcData[AUX1] < 1300) | (1300 < rcData[AUX1] && rcData[AUX1] < 1700) << 1 | (rcData[AUX1] > 1700) << 2 | (rcData[AUX2] < 1300) << 3 | (1300 < rcData[AUX2] && rcData[AUX2] < 1700) << 4 | (rcData[AUX2] > 1700) << 5) & cfg.activate1[i])
|| (((rcData[AUX3] < 1300) | (1300 < rcData[AUX3] && rcData[AUX3] < 1700) << 1 | (rcData[AUX3] > 1700) << 2 | (rcData[AUX4] < 1300) << 3 | (1300 < rcData[AUX4] && rcData[AUX4] < 1700) << 4 | (rcData[AUX4] > 1700) << 5) & cfg.activate2[i]);
//note: if FAILSAFE is disable, failsafeCnt > 5*FAILSAVE_DELAY is always false
@ -525,53 +525,55 @@ void loop(void)
} else
headFreeMode = 0;
#if defined(GPS)
if (rcOptions[BOXGPSHOME]) {
GPSModeHome = 1;
} else
GPSModeHome = 0;
if (rcOptions[BOXGPSHOLD]) {
if (GPSModeHold == 0) {
GPSModeHold = 1;
GPS_latitude_hold = GPS_latitude;
GPS_longitude_hold = GPS_longitude;
if (sensors(SENSOR_GPS)) {
if (rcOptions[BOXGPSHOME]) {
GPSModeHome = 1;
} else
GPSModeHome = 0;
if (rcOptions[BOXGPSHOLD]) {
if (GPSModeHold == 0) {
GPSModeHold = 1;
GPS_latitude_hold = GPS_latitude;
GPS_longitude_hold = GPS_longitude;
} else {
GPSModeHold = 0;
} else {
GPSModeHold = 0;
if (rcOptions[BOXPASSTHRU]) {
passThruMode = 1;
} else
passThruMode = 0;
} else { // not in rc loop
static int8_t taskOrder = 0; //never call all function in the same loop, to avoid high delay spikes
} else { // not in rc loop
static int8_t taskOrder = 0; //never call all function in the same loop, to avoid high delay spikes
switch (taskOrder) {
case 0:
if (sensors(SENSOR_MAG))
case 1:
if (sensors(SENSOR_BARO))
case 2:
if (sensors(SENSOR_BARO))
case 3:
#if GPS
taskOrder = 0;
case 0:
if (sensors(SENSOR_MAG))
case 1:
if (sensors(SENSOR_BARO))
case 2:
if (sensors(SENSOR_BARO))
case 3:
#if 0 // GPS - not used as we read gps data in interrupt mode
taskOrder = 0;
@ -590,7 +592,7 @@ void loop(void)
if (dif >= +180)
dif -= 360;
if (smallAngle25)
rcCommand[YAW] -= dif * cfg.P8[PIDMAG] / 30; // 18 deg
rcCommand[YAW] -= dif * cfg.P8[PIDMAG] / 30; // 18 deg
} else
magHold = heading;
@ -598,47 +600,48 @@ void loop(void)
if (sensors(SENSOR_BARO)) {
if (baroMode) {
if (abs(rcCommand[THROTTLE] - initialThrottleHold) > 20) {
baroMode = 0; // so that a new althold reference is defined
baroMode = 0; // so that a new althold reference is defined
rcCommand[THROTTLE] = initialThrottleHold + BaroPID;
#if GPS
uint16_t GPS_dist;
int16_t GPS_dir;
if ((GPSModeHome == 0 && GPSModeHold == 0) || (GPS_fix_home == 0)) {
GPS_angle[ROLL] = 0;
GPS_angle[PITCH] = 0;
} else {
if (GPSModeHome == 1) {
GPS_dist = GPS_distanceToHome;
GPS_dir = GPS_directionToHome;
if (GPSModeHold == 1) {
GPS_dist = GPS_distanceToHold;
GPS_dir = GPS_directionToHold;
if (sensors(SENSOR_GPS)) {
uint16_t GPS_dist = 0;
int16_t GPS_dir = 0;
if ((GPSModeHome == 0 && GPSModeHold == 0) || (GPS_fix_home == 0)) {
GPS_angle[ROLL] = 0;
GPS_angle[PITCH] = 0;
} else {
float radDiff;
if (GPSModeHome == 1) {
GPS_dist = GPS_distanceToHome;
GPS_dir = GPS_directionToHome;
if (GPSModeHold == 1) {
GPS_dist = GPS_distanceToHold;
GPS_dir = GPS_directionToHold;
radDiff = (GPS_dir - heading) * 0.0174533f;
GPS_angle[ROLL] = constrain(cfg.P8[PIDGPS] * sin(radDiff) * GPS_dist / 10, -cfg.D8[PIDGPS] * 10, +cfg.D8[PIDGPS] * 10); // with P=5.0, a distance of 1 meter = 0.5deg inclination
GPS_angle[PITCH] = constrain(cfg.P8[PIDGPS] * cos(radDiff) * GPS_dist / 10, -cfg.D8[PIDGPS] * 10, +cfg.D8[PIDGPS] * 10); // max inclination = D deg
float radDiff = (GPS_dir - heading) * 0.0174533f;
GPS_angle[ROLL] = constrain(cfg.P8[PIDGPS] * sin(radDiff) * GPS_dist / 10, -cfg.D8[PIDGPS] * 10, +cfg.D8[PIDGPS] * 10); // with P=5.0, a distance of 1 meter = 0.5deg inclination
GPS_angle[PITCH] = constrain(cfg.P8[PIDGPS] * cos(radDiff) * GPS_dist / 10, -cfg.D8[PIDGPS] * 10, +cfg.D8[PIDGPS] * 10); // max inclination = D deg
//**** PITCH & ROLL & YAW PID ****
for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
if (accMode == 1 && axis < 2) { //LEVEL MODE
// 50 degrees max inclination
errorAngle = constrain(2 * rcCommand[axis] - GPS_angle[axis], -500, +500) - angle[axis] + cfg.accTrim[axis]; //16 bits is ok here
errorAngle = constrain(2 * rcCommand[axis] - GPS_angle[axis], -500, +500) - angle[axis] + cfg.accTrim[axis]; //16 bits is ok here
#ifdef LEVEL_PDF
PTerm = -(int32_t) angle[axis] * cfg.P8[PIDLEVEL] / 100;
PTerm = (int32_t) errorAngle * cfg.P8[PIDLEVEL] / 100; //32 bits is needed for calculation: errorAngle*P8[PIDLEVEL] could exceed 32768 16 bits is ok for result
PTerm = (int32_t) errorAngle * cfg.P8[PIDLEVEL] / 100; //32 bits is needed for calculation: errorAngle*P8[PIDLEVEL] could exceed 32768 16 bits is ok for result
PTerm = constrain(PTerm, -cfg.D8[PIDLEVEL] * 5, +cfg.D8[PIDLEVEL] * 5);
errorAngleI[axis] = constrain(errorAngleI[axis] + errorAngle, -10000, +10000); //WindUp //16 bits is ok here
ITerm = ((int32_t) errorAngleI[axis] * cfg.I8[PIDLEVEL]) >> 12; //32 bits is needed for calculation:10000*I8 could exceed 32768 16 bits is ok for result
ITerm = ((int32_t) errorAngleI[axis] * cfg.I8[PIDLEVEL]) >> 12; //32 bits is needed for calculation:10000*I8 could exceed 32768 16 bits is ok for result
} else { //ACRO MODE or YAW axis
error = (int32_t) rcCommand[axis] * 10 * 8 / cfg.P8[axis]; //32 bits is needed for calculation: 500*5*10*8 = 200000 16 bits is ok for result if P8>2 (P>0.2)
error -= gyroData[axis];
@ -648,9 +651,9 @@ void loop(void)
errorGyroI[axis] = constrain(errorGyroI[axis] + error, -16000, +16000); //WindUp //16 bits is ok here
if (abs(gyroData[axis]) > 640)
errorGyroI[axis] = 0;
ITerm = (errorGyroI[axis] / 125 * cfg.I8[axis]) >> 6; // 16 bits is ok here 16000/125 = 128 ; 128*250 = 32000
ITerm = (errorGyroI[axis] / 125 * cfg.I8[axis]) >> 6; // 16 bits is ok here 16000/125 = 128 ; 128*250 = 32000
PTerm -= (int32_t) gyroData[axis] * dynP8[axis] / 10 / 8; // 32 bits is needed for calculation
PTerm -= (int32_t) gyroData[axis] * dynP8[axis] / 10 / 8; // 32 bits is needed for calculation
delta = gyroData[axis] - lastGyro[axis]; //16 bits is ok here, the dif between 2 consecutive gyro reads is limited to 800
lastGyro[axis] = gyroData[axis];
@ -658,7 +661,7 @@ void loop(void)
delta2[axis] = delta1[axis];
delta1[axis] = delta;
DTerm = ((int32_t) deltaSum * dynD8[axis]) >> 5; //32 bits is needed for calculation
DTerm = ((int32_t) deltaSum * dynD8[axis]) >> 5; //32 bits is needed for calculation
axisPID[axis] = PTerm + ITerm - DTerm;


@ -216,10 +216,11 @@ extern uint8_t baroMode;
extern uint16_t intPowerMeterSum, intPowerTrigger1;
extern int32_t GPS_latitude, GPS_longitude;
extern int32_t GPS_latitude_home, GPS_longitude_home;
extern int32_t GPS_latitude_hold, GPS_longitude_hold;
extern uint8_t GPS_fix, GPS_fix_home;
extern uint8_t GPS_numSat;
extern uint16_t GPS_distanceToHome;
extern int16_t GPS_directionToHome;
extern uint16_t GPS_distanceToHome, GPS_distanceToHold;
extern int16_t GPS_directionToHome, GPS_directionToHold;
extern uint8_t GPS_update;
extern uint8_t GPSModeHome;
extern uint8_t GPSModeHold;
@ -278,3 +279,6 @@ uint32_t featureMask(void);
// cli
void cliProcess(void);
// gps
void gpsInit(void);


@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ void serialCom(void)
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
serialize8(sensors(SENSOR_ACC) << 1 | sensors(SENSOR_BARO) << 2 | sensors(SENSOR_MAG) << 3 | sensors(SENSOR_GPS) << 4);
serialize8(accMode | baroMode << 1 | magMode << 2 | (GPSModeHome | GPSModeHold) << 3);
serialize8(accMode | baroMode << 1 | magMode << 2 | GPSModeHome << 3 | GPSModeHold << 4);
#if defined(LOG_VALUES)
cycleTimeMax = 0;
