@ -82,10 +82,40 @@ int16_t med_roll[MEDIAN_MAX]; |
// Transmission modes
uint8_t transmission_mode = MODE_NONE; |
// uint8_t transmission_mode = MODE_NONE;
uint8_t transmission_mode = MODE_ESPNOW; |
uint16_t ble_counter_raw = 0; |
uint16_t ble_counter = 0; |
// ESPNOW variables
uint8_t espnow_channel_request = 1; |
uint8_t default_server_address[6]; |
uint8_t destination_server_address[6]; |
esp_now_peer_info_t peerInfo; |
PairingStatus pairing_status = NOT_PAIRED; |
struct_data data_to_send; |
struct_data data_receive; |
struct_pairing pairing_data; |
MessageType message_type; |
uint8_t espnow_channel; |
uint32_t millis_current, millis_previous; |
int16_t sent_counter_raw = 0; |
int16_t sent_counter = 0; |
int16_t ruby_pitch = 0; |
int16_t ruby_roll = 0; |
uint32_t last_seconds = 0; |
uint32_t last_updated = 0; |
bool isConnected = false; |
bool rubybutton_state[9]; |
bool ruby_mode = false; |
uint32_t last_rubybutton[9]; |
bool aux_state[9]; |
bool toggles[TOGGLE_MAX]; |
@ -138,14 +168,14 @@ lcd_cmd_t lcd_st7789v[] = { |
}; |
NimBLEAdvertising *pAdvertising; |
//// NimBLEAdvertising *pAdvertising;
// For the ADS1115 to read all the gimbals voltage levels
ADS1115 ADS(0x48, &Wire); |
// BLE Gamepad use
// 49 BleGamepad(std::string deviceName = "ESP32 BLE Gamepad", std::string deviceManufacturer = "Espressif", uint8_t batteryLevel = 100);
BleGamepad bleGamepad("S3R8TX", "Espressif", 100); |
BleGamepad bleGamepad("S3R8TX-02", "Espressif", 50); |
EspSoftwareSerial::UART SWSerialPort; |
@ -172,6 +202,8 @@ uint32_t discharged_time_grandtotal = 0; |
uint32_t flight_time = 0; |
uint32_t flight_time_total = 0; |
bool armed = false; |
void setup() { |
Serial.begin(115200); |
@ -254,7 +286,44 @@ void setup() { |
Serial.print("Wire Speed: "); |
Serial.println(ADS.getWireClock()); |
// Initialize ESPNow Protocol
WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); |
uint8_t temp_addr[] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }; |
destination_server_address[0] = EEPROM.read(1); |
destination_server_address[1] = EEPROM.read(2); |
destination_server_address[2] = EEPROM.read(3); |
destination_server_address[3] = EEPROM.read(4); |
destination_server_address[4] = EEPROM.read(5); |
destination_server_address[5] = EEPROM.read(6); |
espnow_channel = EEPROM.read(7); |
if(espnow_channel > ESPNOW_MAX_CHANNEL) |
espnow_channel = ESPNOW_MAX_CHANNEL; |
// Channel 0 only for syncing purposes.
if(espnow_channel == 0) |
espnow_channel = 1; |
// Showing Info
Serial.print("Bridge MAC: "); |
printMAC(destination_server_address); |
Serial.print(" On Channel: "); |
Serial.println(espnow_channel); |
memcpy(default_server_address, temp_addr, sizeof(uint8_t[6])); |
pairing_status = PAIR_REQUEST; |
// Initialize the auxilary buttons
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 9; i++) { |
aux_state[i] = false; |
} |
// Initialize virtual ruby buttons
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 9; i++) { |
last_rubybutton[i] = 0; |
rubybutton_state[i] = false; |
} |
// Setting up Tasks
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( |
taskSystem, |
@ -311,6 +380,15 @@ void setup() { |
} |
void printMAC(const uint8_t * mac_addr) { |
char macStr[18]; |
snprintf( |
macStr, sizeof(macStr), "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", |
mac_addr[0], mac_addr[1], mac_addr[2], mac_addr[3], mac_addr[4], mac_addr[5]); |
Serial.print(macStr); |
} |
void init_storage(void) { |
if(!FFat.begin()){ |
@ -324,6 +402,30 @@ void init_storage(void) { |
***/ |
// Serial.printf("Total space: %10u\n", FFat.totalBytes());
// Serial.printf("Free space: %10u\n", FFat.freeBytes());
Serial.println("LITTLEFS mount failed"); |
if(!LITTLEFS.format()) { |
Serial.println(F("Unable to FORMAT!")); |
} |
} |
***/ |
// If reading the first byte != 127 initialize the whole block...
// Byte 0: Flag to determine the storage state.
uint8_t val = EEPROM.read(0); |
if(val != 127) { |
Serial.println("Formatting EEPROM..."); |
// Formatting the block... (Erasing the 10 blocks)
for(uint16_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) { |
EEPROM.write(i, 0x00); |
EEPROM.commit(); |
} |
EEPROM.write(0, 127); |
EEPROM.commit(); |
} |
} |
@ -554,8 +656,19 @@ void load_rccontroller(void) { |
x > 120 && y > 85 && |
x < 200 && y < 170 |
) { |
// Temporary disable...
transmission_mode = MODE_BLE; |
last_toggle = millis(); |
} else if( |
x > 0 && y > 140 && |
x < 30 && y < 170 |
) { |
current_screen--; |
} else if( |
x > 290 && y > 140 && |
x < 320 && y < 170 |
) { |
current_screen++; |
} |
} |
@ -566,50 +679,210 @@ void load_rccontroller(void) { |
} |
} |
if(!touch_state) { |
switch(touch_type) { |
break; |
current_screen++; |
// sound_change_screen = true;
break; |
current_screen--; |
// sound_change_screen = true;
break; |
case TP_SLIDE_UP: |
// current_hack--;
if(transmission_mode > MODE_NONE) |
transmission_mode--; |
if(transmission_mode < MODE_NONE) { |
transmission_mode = MODE_NONE; |
} |
***/ |
break; |
// if(!touch_state) {
// switch(touch_type) {
// break;
// current_screen++;
// // sound_change_screen = true;
// break;
// case TP_SLIDE_LEFT:
// current_screen--;
// // sound_change_screen = true;
// break;
// case TP_SLIDE_UP:
// // current_hack--;
// /***
// if(transmission_mode > MODE_NONE)
// transmission_mode--;
// if(transmission_mode < MODE_NONE) {
// transmission_mode = MODE_NONE;
// }
// ***/
// break;
// case TP_SLIDE_DOWN:
// // current_hack++;
// /****
// transmission_mode++;
// if(transmission_mode > MODE_BLE) {
// transmission_mode = MODE_BLE;
// }
// ***/
// break;
// case TP_NONE:
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
// }
} // End of Touch Read
} |
void load_rcsettings(void) { |
char strbuf[255]; |
sprite.setTextDatum(TL_DATUM); |
sprite.fillSprite(TFT_BLACK); |
sprite.setSwapBytes(false); |
sprite.setTextSize(2); |
sprite.setTextColor(TFT_ORANGE); |
sprintf(strbuf, "### RC SETTINGS ###"); |
sprite.drawString(strbuf, 0, 150); |
sprintf(strbuf, "B: %dmV R: %d BT: %d", batt_volt, profile_gimbal_rate, ble_counter); |
sprite.drawString(strbuf, 0, 134); |
sprite.loadFont(FONT_NOTO_SMALL); |
sprite.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE); |
sprintf(strbuf, "ESPNOW"); |
sprite.drawString(strbuf, 80, 14); |
// current_hack++;
transmission_mode++; |
if(transmission_mode > MODE_BLE) { |
transmission_mode = MODE_BLE; |
sprite.unloadFont(); |
// Show the channel
sprite.loadFont(FONT_NOTO_BIG); |
sprite.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE); |
sprintf(strbuf, "%d", espnow_channel); |
sprite.drawString(strbuf, 150, 8); |
sprite.fillRoundRect(0, 60, 320, 50, 10, 0x090A); |
sprintf(strbuf, "UPDATE VEHICLE"); |
sprite.drawString(strbuf, 8, 70); |
sprite.fillRoundRect(0, 0, 50, 50, 10, 0x090A); |
sprintf(strbuf, "-"); |
sprite.drawString(strbuf, 14, 10); |
sprite.fillRoundRect(270, 0, 50, 50, 10, 0x090A); |
sprintf(strbuf, "+"); |
sprite.drawString(strbuf, 284, 10); |
sprite.unloadFont(); |
sprite.pushSprite(0, 0); |
// Reading input from the touch screen
if(touch.read()) { |
TP_Point t = touch.getPoint(0); |
// Since the watch design is horizontally, the touch x position needs to invert
int x = map(t.y, 0, 320, 320, 0); |
int y = t.x; |
display_touch_count++; |
if(!touch_state) { |
last_touch = millis(); |
last_x = x; |
last_y = y; |
touch_state = true; |
} else { |
if( |
(uint32_t)(millis() - last_touch) > 250 |
) { |
if((uint32_t)(millis() - last_toggle) > 500) { |
if( |
x > 0 && y > 0 && |
x < 50 && y < 50 |
) { |
espnow_channel--; |
last_toggle = millis(); |
} else if( |
x > 270 && y > 0 && |
x < 320 && y < 50 |
) { |
espnow_channel++; |
last_toggle = millis(); |
} else if( |
x > 0 && y > 60 && |
x < 320 && y < 110) { |
auto_pairing(); |
last_toggle = millis(); |
// Switch Screen Locations
} else if( |
x > 0 && y > 140 && |
x < 30 && y < 170 |
) { |
current_screen--; |
// Switch Screen Locations
} else if( |
x > 290 && y > 140 && |
x < 320 && y < 170 |
) { |
current_screen++; |
} |
***/ |
break; |
case TP_NONE: |
break; |
default: |
break; |
if(espnow_channel > ESPNOW_MAX_CHANNEL) |
espnow_channel--; |
if(espnow_channel < 1) |
espnow_channel++; |
} |
touch_gestures(x, y); |
// Reset state for next cycle to detect
touch_state = false; |
} |
} |
// if(!touch_state) {
// switch(touch_type) {
// break;
// current_screen++;
// // sound_change_screen = true;
// break;
// case TP_SLIDE_LEFT:
// current_screen--;
// // sound_change_screen = true;
// break;
// case TP_SLIDE_UP:
// // current_hack--;
// /***
// if(transmission_mode > MODE_NONE)
// transmission_mode--;
// if(transmission_mode < MODE_NONE) {
// transmission_mode = MODE_NONE;
// }
// ***/
// break;
// case TP_SLIDE_DOWN:
// // current_hack++;
// /****
// transmission_mode++;
// if(transmission_mode > MODE_BLE) {
// transmission_mode = MODE_BLE;
// }
// ***/
// break;
// case TP_NONE:
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
// }
} // End of Touch Read
} |
@ -680,7 +953,7 @@ void load_mainscreen(void) { |
sprite.setTextSize(2); |
sprite.setTextColor(TFT_ORANGE); |
sprintf(strbuf, "### MAINSCREEN ###"); |
sprintf(strbuf, "F: %ds U: %ds", flight_time, uptime); |
sprite.drawString(strbuf, 0, 150); |
sprintf(strbuf, "B: %dmV R: %d", batt_volt, profile_gimbal_rate); |
@ -689,8 +962,10 @@ void load_mainscreen(void) { |
// Top Left Physical Switch
if(toggles[0]) { |
sprintf(strbuf, "ARMED"); |
if(!armed) armed = true; |
} else { |
sprintf(strbuf, "DISARMED"); |
if(armed) armed = false; |
} |
sprite.drawString(strbuf, 0, 118); |
@ -724,6 +999,7 @@ void load_mainscreen(void) { |
x < 80 && y < 80 |
) { |
toggles[0] = !toggles[0]; |
aux_state[0] = toggles[0]; |
last_toggle = millis(); |
// Button 2
@ -732,6 +1008,7 @@ void load_mainscreen(void) { |
x < 160 && y < 80 |
) { |
toggles[1] = !toggles[1]; |
aux_state[1] = toggles[1]; |
last_toggle = millis(); |
// Button 3
@ -740,6 +1017,7 @@ void load_mainscreen(void) { |
x < 240 && y < 80 |
) { |
toggles[2] = !toggles[2]; |
aux_state[2] = toggles[2]; |
last_toggle = millis(); |
// Button 4
@ -748,7 +1026,22 @@ void load_mainscreen(void) { |
x < 320 && y < 80 |
) { |
toggles[3] = !toggles[3]; |
aux_state[3] = toggles[3]; |
last_toggle = millis(); |
// Switch Screen Locations
} else if( |
x > 0 && y > 140 && |
x < 30 && y < 170 |
) { |
current_screen--; |
// Switch Screen Locations
} else if( |
x > 290 && y > 140 && |
x < 320 && y < 170 |
) { |
current_screen++; |
} |
} |
@ -759,37 +1052,36 @@ void load_mainscreen(void) { |
} |
} |
if(!touch_state) { |
switch(touch_type) { |
break; |
current_screen++; |
// sound_change_screen = true;
break; |
// current_screen--;
// sound_change_screen = true;
break; |
case TP_SLIDE_UP: |
// current_hack--;
break; |
// current_hack++;
break; |
case TP_NONE: |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
} |
// if(!touch_state && armed == false) {
// switch(touch_type) {
// break;
// current_screen++;
// // sound_change_screen = true;
// break;
// case TP_SLIDE_LEFT:
// // current_screen--;
// // sound_change_screen = true;
// break;
// case TP_SLIDE_UP:
// // current_hack--;
// break;
// case TP_SLIDE_DOWN:
// // current_hack++;
// break;
// case TP_NONE:
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
// }
} // End of Touch Read
} |
@ -1346,13 +1638,20 @@ void taskDisplay(void *pvParameters) { |
break; |
ruby_mode = false; |
load_mainscreen(); |
break; |
ruby_mode = false; |
load_rccontroller(); |
break; |
ruby_mode = true; |
load_rcsettings(); |
break; |
case SCREEN_GPS: |
screen_gps(); |
@ -1374,12 +1673,281 @@ void taskDisplay(void *pvParameters) { |
void taskESPNow(void *pvParameters) { |
(void) pvParameters; |
uint32_t last_updated = 0; |
for(;;) { |
vTaskDelay(10); |
vTaskDelay(1); |
if(transmission_mode == MODE_ESPNOW) { |
if(!isConnected) { |
// Not connected...so... make it connect
connect_bridge(); |
} else { |
if((uint32_t)(millis() - last_updated) > 1) { |
data_to_send.message_type = DATA; |
if(!ruby_mode) { |
// Gimbal mode...
data_to_send.throttle = throttle_val; |
data_to_send.yaw = yaw_val; |
data_to_send.pitch = pitch_val; |
data_to_send.roll = roll_val; |
} else { |
// Switch mode...
// Pitch Up: UP
// Pitch Down: DOWN
// Roll Left: BACK
// Roll Right: MENU/OK
ruby_pitch = pitch_val; |
ruby_roll = roll_val; |
// UP
if(ruby_pitch > 1750) { |
rubybutton_state[2] = 0; |
rubybutton_state[3] = 1; |
} else if(ruby_pitch < 1250) { |
rubybutton_state[2] = 1; |
rubybutton_state[3] = 0; |
} else if(ruby_roll > 1750) { |
rubybutton_state[1] = 0; |
rubybutton_state[0] = 1; |
} else if(ruby_roll < 1250) { |
rubybutton_state[1] = 1; |
rubybutton_state[0] = 0; |
} else if(ruby_pitch > 1250 && ruby_pitch < 1750) { |
rubybutton_state[2] = 0; |
rubybutton_state[3] = 0; |
} else if(ruby_roll > 1250 && ruby_roll < 1750) { |
rubybutton_state[1] = 0; |
rubybutton_state[0] = 0; |
} |
} |
// Converting Ruby Button state to send.
data_to_send.rubybutton = ( |
rubybutton_state[0] | |
rubybutton_state[1] << 1 | |
rubybutton_state[2] << 2 | |
rubybutton_state[3] << 3 | |
rubybutton_state[4] << 4 | |
rubybutton_state[5] << 5 | |
rubybutton_state[6] << 6 | |
rubybutton_state[7] << 7 | |
rubybutton_state[8] << 8 |
); |
// Convert the state into one variable
data_to_send.aux = ( |
aux_state[0] | |
aux_state[1] << 1 | |
aux_state[2] << 2 | |
aux_state[3] << 3 | |
aux_state[4] << 4 | |
aux_state[5] << 5 | |
aux_state[6] << 6 | |
aux_state[7] << 7 | |
aux_state[8] << 8 | |
aux_state[9] << 9 | |
aux_state[10] << 10 | |
aux_state[11] << 11 |
); |
// Sending Data
esp_now_send(destination_server_address, (uint8_t *) &data_to_send, sizeof(data_to_send)); |
last_updated = millis(); |
} |
// Unpress the buttons (virtually)
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 9; i++) { |
if(rubybutton_state[i]) { |
if((uint32_t)(millis() - last_rubybutton[i]) > 100) { |
rubybutton_state[i] = false; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} // End of for...loop
} |
PairingStatus auto_pairing(void) { |
switch(pairing_status) { |
// Set WiFi Channel
esp_now_deinit(); // Cleaning Up
WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); |
esp_wifi_set_promiscuous(true); |
esp_wifi_set_promiscuous(false); |
WiFi.disconnect(); |
if(esp_now_init() != ESP_OK) { |
Serial.println("Error initializing ESP-NOW"); |
} |
Serial.println("Pairing on channel: "); |
Serial.println(WiFi.channel()); |
//// esp_now_set_self_role(ESP_NOW_ROLE_COMBO);
// Setting up callbacks
esp_now_register_send_cb(on_data_sent); |
esp_now_register_recv_cb(on_data_recv); |
Serial.println("After esp_now_register..."); |
// Adding peer...
memcpy(peerInfo.peer_addr, default_server_address, 6); |
peerInfo.channel = 0; |
peerInfo.encrypt = false; |
if(esp_now_add_peer(&peerInfo) != ESP_OK) { |
Serial.println("Failed to add peer"); |
return PAIR_REQUEST; |
} |
// Setting up pairing data for sending to master node
pairing_data.message_type = PAIRING; |
pairing_data.channel = espnow_channel; |
// Add peer and broadcasting it
// addPeer(default_server_address, espnow_channel);
// Serial.println("After addPeer...");
esp_now_send(default_server_address, (uint8_t *) &pairing_data, sizeof(pairing_data)); |
Serial.print("Sending to: "); |
char m[18]; |
sprintf(m, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", default_server_address[0], default_server_address[1], default_server_address[2], default_server_address[3], default_server_address[4], default_server_address[5]); |
Serial.println(m); |
millis_previous = millis(); |
pairing_status = PAIR_REQUESTED; |
break; |
if(uint32_t(millis() - millis_previous) > 250) { |
millis_previous = millis(); |
// Trying next channel
espnow_channel++; |
if(espnow_channel > ESPNOW_MAX_CHANNEL) { |
espnow_channel = 1; |
} |
pairing_status = PAIR_REQUEST; |
} |
break; |
// Nothing to do.
break; |
} |
return pairing_status; |
} |
void connect_bridge(void) { |
Serial.println("Connecting Brigde..."); |
// Set WiFi Channel
esp_now_deinit(); // Cleaning Up
WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); |
esp_wifi_set_promiscuous(true); |
esp_wifi_set_channel(espnow_channel, WIFI_SECOND_CHAN_NONE); |
esp_wifi_set_promiscuous(false); |
WiFi.disconnect(); |
if(esp_now_init() != ESP_OK) { |
Serial.println("Error initializing ESP-NOW"); |
isConnected = false; |
return; |
} |
// Setting up callbacks
esp_now_register_send_cb(on_data_sent); |
esp_now_register_recv_cb(on_data_recv); |
memcpy(peerInfo.peer_addr, destination_server_address, 6); |
peerInfo.channel = 0; |
peerInfo.encrypt = false; |
if(esp_now_add_peer(&peerInfo) != ESP_OK) { |
Serial.println("Unable to connect bridge"); |
isConnected = false; |
return; |
} |
Serial.print("Bridge channel: "); |
Serial.println(WiFi.channel()); |
isConnected = true; |
} |
// Handling call backs
void on_data_sent(const uint8_t *mac_addr, esp_now_send_status_t status) { |
// Remove the serial print to speed up the process. Only uncomment it for debugging purposes.
// Serial.print("\r\nLast Packet Send Status:\t");
// Serial.println(status == ESP_NOW_SEND_SUCCESS ? "Delivery Success" : "Delivery Fail");
if(status == ESP_NOW_SEND_SUCCESS) { |
sent_counter_raw++; |
} |
} |
void on_data_recv(const uint8_t * mac_addr, const uint8_t *incoming_data, int len) { |
// Remove the serial print to speed up the process. Only uncomment it for debugging purposes.
Serial.print("Packet received from: "); |
printMAC(mac_addr); |
Serial.println(); |
Serial.print("data size = "); |
Serial.println(sizeof(incoming_data)); |
uint8_t type = incoming_data[0]; |
switch(type) { |
case DATA: // received data from server
// Do nothing. As this program interested on sending data but not receiving.
break; |
case PAIRING: // received pairing data from server
memcpy(&pairing_data, incoming_data, sizeof(pairing_data)); |
printMAC(mac_addr); |
Serial.print("Pairing done for "); |
Serial.print(" on channel " ); |
Serial.print(pairing_data.channel); // channel used by the
// Save the details into EEPROM
EEPROM.write(1, mac_addr[0]); |
EEPROM.write(2, mac_addr[1]); |
EEPROM.write(3, mac_addr[2]); |
EEPROM.write(4, mac_addr[3]); |
EEPROM.write(5, mac_addr[4]); |
EEPROM.write(6, mac_addr[5]); |
EEPROM.write(7, pairing_data.channel); |
EEPROM.commit(); |
pairing_status = PAIR_PAIRED; // set the pairing status
break; |
} |
} |
/*** Template for task functions
void taskESPNow(void *pvParameters) { |
(void) pvParameters; |
@ -1595,6 +2163,10 @@ void taskSystem(void *pvParameters) { |
charge_time++; |
} |
if(armed) { |
flight_time++; |
} |
last_update = millis(); |
} |