4 years ago
5 changed files with 1724 additions and 381 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,675 @@ |
#include "LoRa_E32.h"
LoRa_E32::LoRa_E32(HardwareSerial hs) { |
this->auxPin = 4; |
this->m0Pin = 18; |
this->m1Pin = 5; |
this->hs = &Serial2; |
this->bpsRate = UART_BPS_RATE_9600; |
// this->bpsRate = UART_BPS_RATE_115200;
} |
bool LoRa_E32::begin(){ |
pinMode(this->auxPin, INPUT); |
pinMode(this->m0Pin, OUTPUT); |
pinMode(this->m1Pin, OUTPUT); |
digitalWrite(this->m0Pin, HIGH); |
digitalWrite(this->m1Pin, HIGH); |
if (this->hs){ |
this->serialDef.begin(*this->hs, this->bpsRate, this->serialConfig); |
while (!this->hs) { |
} |
} |
this->serialDef.stream->setTimeout(1000); |
Status status = setMode(MODE_0_NORMAL); |
return status==SUCCESS; |
} |
* Utility method to wait until module is doen tranmitting |
* a timeout is provided to avoid an infinite loop |
*/ |
Status LoRa_E32::waitCompleteResponse(unsigned long timeout, unsigned int waitNoAux) { |
Status result = SUCCESS; |
unsigned long t = millis(); |
// make darn sure millis() is not about to reach max data type limit and start over
if (((unsigned long) (t + timeout)) == 0){ |
t = 0; |
} |
// if AUX pin was supplied and look for HIGH state
// note you can omit using AUX if no pins are available, but you will have to use delay() to let module finish
if (this->auxPin != -1) { |
while (digitalRead(this->auxPin) == LOW) { |
if ((millis() - t) > timeout){ |
result = ERR_TIMEOUT; |
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("LORA: Timeout error!")); |
return result; |
} |
} |
} else { |
// if you can't use aux pin, use 4K7 pullup with Arduino
// you may need to adjust this value if transmissions fail
this->managedDelay(waitNoAux); |
// DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Wait no AUX pin!"));
} |
// per data sheet control after aux goes high is 2ms so delay for at least that long)
this->managedDelay(20); |
// DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Complete!"));
return result; |
} |
* delay() in a library is not a good idea as it can stop interrupts |
* just poll internal time until timeout is reached |
*/ |
void LoRa_E32::managedDelay(unsigned long timeout) { |
unsigned long t = millis(); |
// make darn sure millis() is not about to reach max data type limit and start over
if(((unsigned long) (t + timeout)) == 0) { |
t = 0; |
} |
while((millis() - t) < timeout) { |
} |
} |
* Method to indicate availability |
*/ |
int LoRa_E32::available(unsigned long timeout) { |
// unsigned long t = millis();
// // make darn sure millis() is not about to reach max data type limit and start over
// if (((unsigned long) (t + timeout)) == 0){
// t = 0;
// }
// if (this->auxPin != 0) {
// if (digitalRead(this->auxPin) == HIGH){
// return 0;
// }else{
// while (digitalRead(this->auxPin) == LOW) {
// if ((millis() - t) > timeout){
// DEBUG_PRINTLN("Timeout error!");
// return 0;
// }
// }
// return 2;
// }
// }else{
return this->serialDef.stream->available(); |
// }
} |
* Method to indicate availability |
*/ |
void LoRa_E32::flush() { |
this->serialDef.stream->flush(); |
} |
void LoRa_E32::cleanUARTBuffer() { |
// bool IsNull = true;
while (this->available()) { |
// IsNull = false;
this->serialDef.stream->read(); |
} |
} |
* Method to send a chunk of data provided data is in a struct--my personal favorite as you |
* need not parse or worry about sprintf() inability to handle floats |
* |
* TTP: put your structure definition into a .h file and include in both the sender and reciever |
* sketches |
* |
* NOTE: of your sender and receiver MCU's are different (Teensy and Arduino) caution on the data |
* types each handle ints floats differently |
* |
*/ |
Status LoRa_E32::sendStruct(void *structureManaged, uint16_t size_) { |
if(size_ > MAX_SIZE_TX_PACKET){ |
} |
Status result = SUCCESS; |
uint8_t len = this->serialDef.stream->write((uint8_t *) structureManaged, size_); |
if(len!=size_){ |
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Send... len:")) |
DEBUG_PRINT(F(" size:")) |
DEBUG_PRINT(size_); |
if(len==0){ |
} else { |
} |
} |
if(result != SUCCESS) return result; |
result = this->waitCompleteResponse(1000); |
if(result != SUCCESS) return result; |
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Clear buffer...")) |
this->cleanUARTBuffer(); |
return result; |
} |
* |
* Method to get a chunk of data provided data is in a struct--my personal favorite as you |
* need not parse or worry about sprintf() inability to handle floats |
* |
* TTP: put your structure definition into a .h file and include in both the sender and reciever |
* sketches |
* |
* NOTE: of your sender and receiver MCU's are different (Teensy and Arduino) caution on the data |
* types each handle ints floats differently |
* |
*/ |
Status LoRa_E32::receiveStruct(void *structureManaged, uint16_t size_) { |
Status result = SUCCESS; |
uint8_t len = this->serialDef.stream->readBytes((uint8_t *) structureManaged, size_); |
DEBUG_PRINT("Available buffer: "); |
DEBUG_PRINT(" structure size: "); |
*/ |
if(len!=size_){ |
if(len==0){ |
} else { |
} |
} |
if(result != SUCCESS) |
return result; |
result = this->waitCompleteResponse(1000); |
if(result != SUCCESS) |
return result; |
return result; |
} |
* method to set the mode (program, normal, etc.) |
*/ |
Status LoRa_E32::setMode(MODE_TYPE mode) { |
// data sheet claims module needs some extra time after mode setting (2ms)
// most of my projects uses 10 ms, but 40ms is safer
this->managedDelay(40); |
if (this->m0Pin == -1 && this->m1Pin == -1) { |
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("The M0 and M1 pins is not set, this mean that you are connect directly the pins as you need!")) |
}else{ |
switch (mode) |
{ |
case MODE_0_NORMAL: |
// Mode 0 | normal operation
digitalWrite(this->m0Pin, LOW); |
digitalWrite(this->m1Pin, LOW); |
break; |
case MODE_1_WAKE_UP: |
digitalWrite(this->m0Pin, HIGH); |
digitalWrite(this->m1Pin, LOW); |
break; |
digitalWrite(this->m0Pin, LOW); |
digitalWrite(this->m1Pin, HIGH); |
break; |
case MODE_3_SLEEP: |
// Mode 3 | Setting operation
digitalWrite(this->m0Pin, HIGH); |
digitalWrite(this->m1Pin, HIGH); |
break; |
default: |
} |
} |
// data sheet says 2ms later control is returned, let's give just a bit more time
// these modules can take time to activate pins
this->managedDelay(40); |
// wait until aux pin goes back low
Status res = this->waitCompleteResponse(1000); |
if(res == SUCCESS){ |
this->mode = mode; |
} |
return res; |
} |
MODE_TYPE LoRa_E32::getMode(){ |
return this->mode; |
} |
void LoRa_E32::writeProgramCommand(PROGRAM_COMMAND cmd){ |
uint8_t CMD[3] = {cmd, cmd, cmd}; |
uint8_t size = this->serialDef.stream->write(CMD, 3); |
this->managedDelay(50); //need ti check
} |
ResponseStructContainer LoRa_E32::getConfiguration(){ |
ResponseStructContainer rc; |
rc.status.code = checkUARTConfiguration(MODE_3_PROGRAM); |
if (rc.status.code!=SUCCESS) return rc; |
MODE_TYPE prevMode = this->mode; |
rc.status.code = this->setMode(MODE_3_PROGRAM); |
if (rc.status.code!=SUCCESS) return rc; |
this->writeProgramCommand(READ_CONFIGURATION); |
rc.data = malloc(sizeof(Configuration)); |
rc.status.code = this->receiveStruct((uint8_t *)rc.data, sizeof(Configuration)); |
#ifdef LoRa_E32_DEBUG
this->printParameters((Configuration *)rc.data); |
if (rc.status.code!=SUCCESS) { |
this->setMode(prevMode); |
return rc; |
} |
DEBUG_PRINTLN("----------------------------------------"); |
DEBUG_PRINT(F("HEAD BIN INSIDE: ")); DEBUG_PRINT(((Configuration *)rc.data)->HEAD, BIN);DEBUG_PRINT(" ");DEBUG_PRINT(((Configuration *)rc.data)->HEAD, DEC);DEBUG_PRINT(" ");DEBUG_PRINTLN(((Configuration *)rc.data)->HEAD, HEX); |
DEBUG_PRINTLN("----------------------------------------"); |
rc.status.code = this->setMode(prevMode); |
if (rc.status.code!=SUCCESS) return rc; |
// this->printParameters(*configuration);
if (0xC0 != ((Configuration *)rc.data)->HEAD && 0xC2 != ((Configuration *)rc.data)->HEAD){ |
rc.status.code = ERR_HEAD_NOT_RECOGNIZED; |
} |
// rc.data = configuration;
return rc; |
} |
RESPONSE_STATUS LoRa_E32::checkUARTConfiguration(MODE_TYPE mode){ |
if (mode==MODE_3_PROGRAM && this->bpsRate!=UART_BPS_RATE_9600){ |
} |
return SUCCESS; |
} |
ResponseStatus LoRa_E32::setConfiguration(Configuration configuration, PROGRAM_COMMAND saveType){ |
ResponseStatus rc; |
rc.code = checkUARTConfiguration(MODE_3_PROGRAM); |
if (rc.code!=SUCCESS) return rc; |
MODE_TYPE prevMode = this->mode; |
rc.code = this->setMode(MODE_3_PROGRAM); |
if (rc.code!=SUCCESS) return rc; |
this->writeProgramCommand(READ_CONFIGURATION); |
configuration.HEAD = saveType; |
rc.code = this->sendStruct((uint8_t *)&configuration, sizeof(Configuration)); |
if (rc.code!=SUCCESS) { |
this->setMode(prevMode); |
return rc; |
} |
DEBUG_PRINTLN("----------------------------------------"); |
DEBUG_PRINTLN("----------------------------------------"); |
rc.code = this->setMode(prevMode); |
if (rc.code!=SUCCESS) return rc; |
// this->printParameters(*configuration);
if (0xC0 != configuration.HEAD && 0xC2 != configuration.HEAD){ |
} |
return rc; |
} |
ResponseStructContainer LoRa_E32::getModuleInformation(){ |
ResponseStructContainer rc; |
rc.status.code = checkUARTConfiguration(MODE_3_PROGRAM); |
if (rc.status.code!=SUCCESS) return rc; |
MODE_TYPE prevMode = this->mode; |
rc.status.code = this->setMode(MODE_3_PROGRAM); |
if (rc.status.code!=SUCCESS) return rc; |
this->writeProgramCommand(READ_MODULE_VERSION); |
struct ModuleInformation *moduleInformation = (ModuleInformation *)malloc(sizeof(ModuleInformation)); |
rc.status.code = this->receiveStruct((uint8_t *)moduleInformation, sizeof(ModuleInformation)); |
if (rc.status.code!=SUCCESS) { |
this->setMode(prevMode); |
return rc; |
} |
rc.status.code = this->setMode(prevMode); |
if (rc.status.code!=SUCCESS) return rc; |
// this->printParameters(*configuration);
if (0xC3 != moduleInformation->HEAD){ |
rc.status.code = ERR_HEAD_NOT_RECOGNIZED; |
} |
DEBUG_PRINTLN("----------------------------------------"); |
DEBUG_PRINT(F("HEAD BIN INSIDE: ")); DEBUG_PRINT(moduleInformation->HEAD, BIN);DEBUG_PRINT(" ");DEBUG_PRINT(moduleInformation->HEAD, DEC);DEBUG_PRINT(" ");DEBUG_PRINTLN(moduleInformation->HEAD, HEX); |
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Freq.: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(moduleInformation->frequency, HEX); |
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Version : ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(moduleInformation->version, HEX); |
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Features : ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(moduleInformation->features, HEX); |
DEBUG_PRINTLN("----------------------------------------"); |
rc.data = moduleInformation; // malloc(sizeof (moduleInformation));
return rc; |
} |
ResponseStatus LoRa_E32::resetModule(){ |
ResponseStatus status; |
status.code = checkUARTConfiguration(MODE_3_PROGRAM); |
if (status.code!=SUCCESS) return status; |
MODE_TYPE prevMode = this->mode; |
status.code = this->setMode(MODE_3_PROGRAM); |
if (status.code!=SUCCESS) return status; |
this->writeProgramCommand(WRITE_RESET_MODULE); |
status.code = this->waitCompleteResponse(1000); |
if (status.code!=SUCCESS) { |
this->setMode(prevMode); |
return status; |
} |
status.code = this->setMode(prevMode); |
if (status.code!=SUCCESS) return status; |
return status; |
} |
ResponseContainer LoRa_E32::receiveMessage(){ |
ResponseContainer rc; |
rc.status.code = SUCCESS; |
rc.data = this->serialDef.stream->readString(); |
this->cleanUARTBuffer(); |
// if (rc.status.code!=SUCCESS) {
// return rc;
// }
// rc.data = message; // malloc(sizeof (moduleInformation));
return rc; |
} |
ResponseContainer LoRa_E32::receiveMessageUntil(char delimiter){ |
ResponseContainer rc; |
rc.status.code = SUCCESS; |
rc.data = this->serialDef.stream->readStringUntil(delimiter); |
// this->cleanUARTBuffer();
// if (rc.status.code!=SUCCESS) {
// return rc;
// }
// rc.data = message; // malloc(sizeof (moduleInformation));
return rc; |
} |
ResponseStructContainer LoRa_E32::receiveMessage(const uint8_t size){ |
ResponseStructContainer rc; |
rc.data = malloc(size); |
rc.status.code = this->receiveStruct((uint8_t *)rc.data, size); |
this->cleanUARTBuffer(); |
if (rc.status.code!=SUCCESS) { |
return rc; |
} |
return rc; |
} |
ResponseStatus LoRa_E32::sendMessage(const void *message, const uint8_t size){ |
ResponseStatus status; |
status.code = this->sendStruct((uint8_t *)message, size); |
if (status.code!=SUCCESS) return status; |
return status; |
} |
ResponseStatus LoRa_E32::sendMessage(const String message){ |
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Send message: ")); |
DEBUG_PRINT(message); |
byte size = message.length(); // sizeof(message.c_str())+1;
DEBUG_PRINT(F(" size: ")); |
char messageFixed[size]; |
memcpy(messageFixed,message.c_str(),size); |
ResponseStatus status; |
status.code = this->sendStruct((uint8_t *)&messageFixed, size); |
if (status.code!=SUCCESS) return status; |
return status; |
} |
ResponseStatus LoRa_E32::sendFixedMessage(byte ADDH, byte ADDL, byte CHAN, const String message){ |
// DEBUG_PRINT("String/size: ");
// DEBUG_PRINT(message);
// DEBUG_PRINT("/");
byte size = message.length(); // sizeof(message.c_str())+1;
// #pragma pack(push, 1)
// struct FixedStransmissionString {
// byte ADDH = 0;
// byte ADDL = 0;
// byte CHAN = 0;
// char message[];
// } fixedStransmission;
// #pragma pack(pop)
// fixedStransmission.ADDH = ADDH;
// fixedStransmission.ADDL = ADDL;
// fixedStransmission.CHAN = CHAN;
// char* msg = (char*)message.c_str();
// memcpy(fixedStransmission.message, (char*)msg, size);
//// fixedStransmission.message = message;
// DEBUG_PRINT("Message: ");
// DEBUG_PRINTLN(fixedStransmission.message);
// ResponseStatus status;
// status.code = this->sendStruct((uint8_t *)&fixedStransmission, sizeof(fixedStransmission));
// if (status.code!=SUCCESS) return status;
// return status;
char messageFixed[size]; |
memcpy(messageFixed,message.c_str(),size); |
return this->sendFixedMessage(ADDH, ADDL, CHAN, (uint8_t *)messageFixed, size); |
} |
ResponseStatus LoRa_E32::sendBroadcastFixedMessage(byte CHAN, const String message){ |
return this->sendFixedMessage(0xFF, 0xFF, CHAN, message); |
} |
typedef struct fixedStransmission |
{ |
byte ADDH = 0; |
byte ADDL = 0; |
byte CHAN = 0; |
unsigned char message[]; |
}FixedStransmission; |
FixedStransmission *init_stack(int m){ |
FixedStransmission *st = (FixedStransmission *)malloc(sizeof(FixedStransmission)+m*sizeof(int)); |
return st; |
} |
ResponseStatus LoRa_E32::sendFixedMessage( byte ADDH,byte ADDL, byte CHAN, const void *message, const uint8_t size){ |
// #pragma pack(push, 1)
// struct FixedStransmission {
// byte ADDH = 0;
// byte ADDL = 0;
// byte CHAN = 0;
// unsigned char message[];
// } fixedStransmission;
// #pragma pack(pop)
FixedStransmission *fixedStransmission = init_stack(size); |
// STACK *resize_stack(STACK *st, int m){
// if (m<=st->max){
// return st; /* Take sure do not kill old values */
// }
// STACK *st = (STACK *)realloc(sizeof(STACK)+m*sizeof(int));
// st->max = m;
// return st;
// }
fixedStransmission->ADDH = ADDH; |
fixedStransmission->ADDL = ADDL; |
fixedStransmission->CHAN = CHAN; |
// fixedStransmission.message = &message;
memcpy(fixedStransmission->message,(unsigned char*)message,size); |
ResponseStatus status; |
status.code = this->sendStruct((uint8_t *)fixedStransmission, size+3); |
free(fixedStransmission); |
if (status.code!=SUCCESS) return status; |
return status; |
} |
ResponseStatus LoRa_E32::sendBroadcastFixedMessage(byte CHAN, const void *message, const uint8_t size){ |
return this->sendFixedMessage(0xFF, 0xFF, CHAN, message, size); |
} |
ResponseContainer LoRa_E32::receiveInitialMessage(uint8_t size){ |
ResponseContainer rc; |
rc.status.code = SUCCESS; |
char buff[size]; |
uint8_t len = this->serialDef.stream->readBytes(buff, size); |
if (len!=size) { |
if (len==0){ |
rc.status.code = ERR_NO_RESPONSE_FROM_DEVICE; |
}else{ |
rc.status.code = ERR_DATA_SIZE_NOT_MATCH; |
} |
return rc; |
} |
rc.data = buff; |
return rc; |
} |
#define KeeLoq_NLF 0x3A5C742E
unsigned long LoRa_E32::encrypt(unsigned long data) |
{ |
unsigned long x = data; |
unsigned long r; |
int keyBitNo, index; |
unsigned long keyBitVal,bitVal; |
for (r = 0; r < 528; r++) |
{ |
keyBitNo = r & 63; |
if(keyBitNo < 32) |
keyBitVal = bitRead(this->halfKeyloqKey,keyBitNo); // key low
else |
keyBitVal = bitRead(this->halfKeyloqKey, keyBitNo - 32);// key hight
index = 1 * bitRead(x,1) + 2 * bitRead(x,9) + 4 * bitRead(x,20) + 8 * bitRead(x,26) + 16 * bitRead(x,31); |
bitVal = bitRead(x,0) ^ bitRead(x, 16) ^ bitRead(KeeLoq_NLF,index) ^ keyBitVal; |
x = (x>>1) ^ bitVal<<31; |
} |
return x; |
} |
unsigned long LoRa_E32::decrypt(unsigned long data) |
{ |
unsigned long x = data; |
unsigned long r; |
int keyBitNo, index; |
unsigned long keyBitVal,bitVal; |
for (r = 0; r < 528; r++) |
{ |
keyBitNo = (15-r) & 63; |
if(keyBitNo < 32) |
keyBitVal = bitRead(this->halfKeyloqKey,keyBitNo); // key low
else |
keyBitVal = bitRead(this->halfKeyloqKey, keyBitNo - 32); // key hight
index = 1 * bitRead(x,0) + 2 * bitRead(x,8) + 4 * bitRead(x,19) + 8 * bitRead(x,25) + 16 * bitRead(x,30); |
bitVal = bitRead(x,31) ^ bitRead(x, 15) ^ bitRead(KeeLoq_NLF,index) ^ keyBitVal; |
x = (x<<1) ^ bitVal; |
} |
return x; |
} |
#ifdef LoRa_E32_DEBUG
void LoRa_E32::printParameters(struct Configuration *configuration) { |
DEBUG_PRINTLN("----------------------------------------"); |
DEBUG_PRINT(F("HEAD : ")); DEBUG_PRINT(configuration->HEAD, BIN);DEBUG_PRINT(" ");DEBUG_PRINT(configuration->HEAD, DEC);DEBUG_PRINT(" ");DEBUG_PRINTLN(configuration->HEAD, HEX); |
DEBUG_PRINT(F("AddH : ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(configuration->ADDH, DEC); |
DEBUG_PRINT(F("AddL : ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(configuration->ADDL, DEC); |
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Chan : ")); DEBUG_PRINT(configuration->CHAN, DEC); DEBUG_PRINT(" -> "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(configuration->getChannelDescription()); |
DEBUG_PRINT(F("SpeedParityBit : ")); DEBUG_PRINT(configuration->SPED.uartParity, BIN);DEBUG_PRINT(" -> "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(configuration->SPED.getUARTParityDescription()); |
DEBUG_PRINT(F("SpeedUARTDatte : ")); DEBUG_PRINT(configuration->SPED.uartBaudRate, BIN);DEBUG_PRINT(" -> "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(configuration->SPED.getUARTBaudRate()); |
DEBUG_PRINT(F("SpeedAirDataRate : ")); DEBUG_PRINT(configuration->SPED.airDataRate, BIN);DEBUG_PRINT(" -> "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(configuration->SPED.getAirDataRate()); |
DEBUG_PRINT(F("OptionTrans : ")); DEBUG_PRINT(configuration->OPTION.fixedTransmission, BIN);DEBUG_PRINT(" -> "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(configuration->OPTION.getFixedTransmissionDescription()); |
DEBUG_PRINT(F("OptionPullup : ")); DEBUG_PRINT(configuration->OPTION.ioDriveMode, BIN);DEBUG_PRINT(" -> "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(configuration->OPTION.getIODroveModeDescription()); |
DEBUG_PRINT(F("OptionWakeup : ")); DEBUG_PRINT(configuration->OPTION.wirelessWakeupTime, BIN);DEBUG_PRINT(" -> "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(configuration->OPTION.getWirelessWakeUPTimeDescription()); |
DEBUG_PRINT(F("OptionFEC : ")); DEBUG_PRINT(configuration->OPTION.fec, BIN);DEBUG_PRINT(" -> "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(configuration->OPTION.getFECDescription()); |
DEBUG_PRINT(F("OptionPower : ")); DEBUG_PRINT(configuration->OPTION.transmissionPower, BIN);DEBUG_PRINT(" -> "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(configuration->OPTION.getTransmissionPowerDescription()); |
DEBUG_PRINTLN("----------------------------------------"); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ |
/* |
* EBYTE LoRa E32 Series |
*/ |
#ifndef LoRa_E32_h |
#define LoRa_E32_h |
#ifdef ESP32 |
#endif |
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> |
#endif |
#include "statesNaming.h" |
#if ARDUINO >= 100 |
#include "Arduino.h" |
#else |
#include "WProgram.h" |
#endif |
#define MAX_SIZE_TX_PACKET 58 |
// Uncomment to enable printing out nice debug messages. |
// #define LoRa_E32_DEBUG |
// Operating Freq |
#define FREQUENCY_915 |
// Define where debug output will be printed. |
#define DEBUG_PRINTER Serial |
// Setup debug printing macros. |
#ifdef LoRa_E32_DEBUG |
#define DEBUG_PRINT(...) { DEBUG_PRINTER.print(__VA_ARGS__); } |
#define DEBUG_PRINTLN(...) { DEBUG_PRINTER.println(__VA_ARGS__); } |
#else |
#define DEBUG_PRINT(...) {} |
#define DEBUG_PRINTLN(...) {} |
#endif |
enum MODE_TYPE |
{ |
MODE_0_NORMAL = 0, |
MODE_1_WAKE_UP = 1, |
MODE_3_SLEEP = 3, |
}; |
{ |
}; |
#pragma pack(push, 1) |
struct Speed { |
uint8_t airDataRate : 3; //bit 0-2 |
String getAirDataRate() { |
return getAirDataRateDescriptionByParams(this->airDataRate); |
} |
uint8_t uartBaudRate: 3; //bit 3-5 |
String getUARTBaudRate() { |
return getUARTBaudRateDescriptionByParams(this->uartBaudRate); |
} |
uint8_t uartParity: 2; //bit 6-7 |
String getUARTParityDescription() { |
return getUARTParityDescriptionByParams(this->uartParity); |
} |
}; |
struct Option { |
byte transmissionPower : 2; //bit 0-1 |
String getTransmissionPowerDescription() { |
return getTransmissionPowerDescriptionByParams(this->transmissionPower); |
} |
byte fec : 1; //bit 2 |
String getFECDescription() { |
return getFECDescriptionByParams(this->fec); |
} |
byte wirelessWakeupTime : 3; //bit 3-5 |
String getWirelessWakeUPTimeDescription() { |
return getWirelessWakeUPTimeDescriptionByParams(this->wirelessWakeupTime); |
} |
byte ioDriveMode : 1; //bit 6 |
String getIODroveModeDescription() { |
return getIODriveModeDescriptionDescriptionByParams(this->ioDriveMode); |
} |
byte fixedTransmission : 1; //bit 7 |
String getFixedTransmissionDescription() { |
return getFixedTransmissionDescriptionByParams(this->fixedTransmission); |
} |
}; |
struct Configuration { |
byte HEAD = 0; |
byte ADDH = 0; |
byte ADDL = 0; |
struct Speed SPED; |
byte CHAN = 0; |
String getChannelDescription() { |
return String(this->CHAN + OPERATING_FREQUENCY) + F("MHz") ; |
} |
struct Option OPTION; |
}; |
struct ModuleInformation { |
byte HEAD = 0; |
byte frequency = 0; |
byte version = 0; |
byte features = 0; |
}; |
struct ResponseStatus { |
Status code; |
String getResponseDescription() { |
return getResponseDescriptionByParams(this->code); |
} |
}; |
struct ResponseStructContainer { |
void *data; |
ResponseStatus status; |
void close() { |
free(this->data); |
} |
}; |
struct ResponseContainer { |
String data; |
ResponseStatus status; |
}; |
//struct FixedStransmission { |
// byte ADDL = 0; |
// byte ADDH = 0; |
// byte CHAN = 0; |
// void *message; |
//}; |
#pragma pack(pop) |
class LoRa_E32 { |
public: |
LoRa_E32(HardwareSerial hs); |
/* |
LoRa_E32(byte txE32pin, byte rxE32pin, UART_BPS_RATE bpsRate = UART_BPS_RATE_9600); |
LoRa_E32(byte txE32pin, byte rxE32pin, byte auxPin, UART_BPS_RATE bpsRate = UART_BPS_RATE_9600); |
LoRa_E32(byte txE32pin, byte rxE32pin, byte auxPin, byte m0Pin, byte m1Pin, UART_BPS_RATE bpsRate = UART_BPS_RATE_9600); |
#endif |
LoRa_E32(HardwareSerial* serial, UART_BPS_RATE bpsRate = UART_BPS_RATE_9600); |
LoRa_E32(HardwareSerial* serial, byte auxPin, UART_BPS_RATE bpsRate = UART_BPS_RATE_9600); |
LoRa_E32(HardwareSerial* serial, byte auxPin, byte m0Pin, byte m1Pin, UART_BPS_RATE bpsRate = UART_BPS_RATE_9600); |
LoRa_E32(byte txE32pin, byte rxE32pin, HardwareSerial* serial, UART_BPS_RATE bpsRate, uint32_t serialConfig = SERIAL_8N1); |
LoRa_E32(byte txE32pin, byte rxE32pin, HardwareSerial* serial, byte auxPin, UART_BPS_RATE bpsRate, uint32_t serialConfig = SERIAL_8N1); |
LoRa_E32(byte txE32pin, byte rxE32pin, HardwareSerial* serial, byte auxPin, byte m0Pin, byte m1Pin, UART_BPS_RATE bpsRate, uint32_t serialConfig = SERIAL_8N1); |
#endif |
LoRa_E32(SoftwareSerial* serial, UART_BPS_RATE bpsRate = UART_BPS_RATE_9600); |
LoRa_E32(SoftwareSerial* serial, byte auxPin, UART_BPS_RATE bpsRate = UART_BPS_RATE_9600); |
LoRa_E32(SoftwareSerial* serial, byte auxPin, byte m0Pin, byte m1Pin, UART_BPS_RATE bpsRate = UART_BPS_RATE_9600); |
#endif |
// LoRa_E32(byte txE32pin, byte rxE32pin, UART_BPS_RATE bpsRate = UART_BPS_RATE_9600, MODE_TYPE mode = MODE_0_NORMAL); |
// LoRa_E32(HardwareSerial* serial = &Serial, UART_BPS_RATE bpsRate = UART_BPS_RATE_9600, MODE_TYPE mode = MODE_0_NORMAL); |
// LoRa_E32(SoftwareSerial* serial, UART_BPS_RATE bpsRate = UART_BPS_RATE_9600, MODE_TYPE mode = MODE_0_NORMAL); |
*/ |
bool begin(); |
Status setMode(MODE_TYPE mode); |
MODE_TYPE getMode(); |
ResponseStructContainer getConfiguration(); |
ResponseStatus setConfiguration(Configuration configuration, PROGRAM_COMMAND saveType = WRITE_CFG_PWR_DWN_LOSE); |
ResponseStructContainer getModuleInformation(); |
ResponseStatus resetModule(); |
ResponseStatus sendMessage(const void *message, const uint8_t size); |
ResponseStructContainer receiveMessage(const uint8_t size); |
ResponseStatus sendMessage(const String message); |
ResponseContainer receiveMessage(); |
ResponseStatus sendFixedMessage(byte ADDH,byte ADDL, byte CHAN, const String message); |
ResponseStatus sendBroadcastFixedMessage(byte CHAN, const String message); |
ResponseStatus sendFixedMessage(byte ADDH,byte ADDL, byte CHAN, const void *message, const uint8_t size); |
ResponseStatus sendBroadcastFixedMessage(byte CHAN, const void *message, const uint8_t size ); |
ResponseContainer receiveInitialMessage(const uint8_t size); |
ResponseContainer receiveMessageUntil(char delimiter = '\0'); |
int available(unsigned long timeout = 10); |
private: |
HardwareSerial* hs; |
SoftwareSerial* ss; |
#endif |
bool isSoftwareSerial = true; |
int8_t txE32pin = -1; |
int8_t rxE32pin = -1; |
int8_t auxPin = -1; |
uint32_t serialConfig = SERIAL_8N1; |
#endif |
int8_t m0Pin = -1; |
int8_t m1Pin = -1; |
unsigned long halfKeyloqKey = 0x06660708; |
unsigned long encrypt(unsigned long data); |
unsigned long decrypt(unsigned long data); |
struct NeedsStream{ |
template< typename T > |
void begin( T &t, int baud){ |
DEBUG_PRINTLN("Begin "); |
t.setTimeout(500); |
t.begin(baud); |
stream = &t; |
} |
// template< typename T > |
// void begin( T &t, int baud, SerialConfig config ){ |
// DEBUG_PRINTLN("Begin "); |
// t.setTimeout(500); |
// t.begin(baud, config); |
// stream = &t; |
// } |
// |
template< typename T > |
void begin( T &t, int baud, uint32_t config ){ |
DEBUG_PRINTLN("Begin "); |
t.setTimeout(500); |
t.begin(baud, config); |
stream = &t; |
} |
template< typename T > |
void begin( T &t, int baud, uint32_t config, int8_t txE32pin, int8_t rxE32pin ){ |
DEBUG_PRINTLN("Begin "); |
t.setTimeout(500); |
t.begin(baud, config, txE32pin, rxE32pin); |
stream = &t; |
} |
#endif |
void listen(){ |
} |
Stream *stream; |
}; |
NeedsStream serialDef; |
void managedDelay(unsigned long timeout); |
Status waitCompleteResponse(unsigned long timeout = 1000, unsigned int waitNoAux = 100); |
void flush(); |
void cleanUARTBuffer(); |
Status sendStruct(void *structureManaged, uint16_t size_); |
Status receiveStruct(void *structureManaged, uint16_t size_); |
void writeProgramCommand(PROGRAM_COMMAND cmd); |
RESPONSE_STATUS checkUARTConfiguration(MODE_TYPE mode); |
#ifdef LoRa_E32_DEBUG |
void printParameters(struct Configuration *configuration); |
#endif |
}; |
#endif |
@ -1,425 +1,323 @@ |
* Filename: OpenFlightRX.ino |
* Description: |
* To receive signals from LoRA module and configurable over WiFi |
* DateTime: 2020-10-27 |
* Author: Englebert |
* Date: Fri 25 Sep 2020 04:22:40 PM +08 |
* |
* TODO/Wish Lists: |
* 1. BT Serial Relay - For INAV |
* 2. WiFi Configuration - NOT going to work because going to cause issue on LoRA speed. Demolish the idea. |
* 3. Status Display - |
* 4. Sending SBUS over ESP32 |
* 5. Serial Configuration for the 1st time or debugging |
* 6. Configuration over LoRA signals using the last byte. |
* |
* |
* REF: |
* WiFi AP - https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-access-point-ap-web-server/
* |
* Frequency for RFM95W: |
* 900MHz ~ 930MHz (900000000Hz - 930000000Hz) |
* |
* EEPROM Format: |
* |
* |
* H: Header. Must be equal to 0x70. Else this will be consider not valid |
* FFFF: 4 bytes Frequency Channel Number |
* S: Sync word. Key to prevent other LoRA channels listened. Valid Range: 0x00 ~ 0xFF |
* Description: |
* |
* Signal Format: |
* TYPRS---- |
* Hell0 012 |
* Every power cycle: |
* 1. Read configuration from EEPROM |
* 2. Set the: |
* a. Address: 0x0000 ~ 0xFFFF |
* b. Channel: 0x00 ~ 0x1F (900Mhz ~ 931Mhz) (Default at 915Mhz) (Msia: 919 ~ 923) |
* c. TXPower: 10dBm, 14dBm, 17dBm, 20dBm |
* d. AirRate: 0.3kbps ~ 19.2kbps (Default at 2.4kbps) |
*/ |
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "LoRa_E32.h"
// LoRA Module Needed
#include <SPI.h>
#include <LoRa.h>
// Display
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
// For storing configurations and settings
#include <EEPROM.h>
//define the pins used by the transceiver module
#define SS 5
#define RST 14
#define DIO0 2
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 128 // OLED display width, in pixels
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 64 // OLED display height, in pixels
// Declaration for an SSD1306 display connected to I2C (SDA, SCL pins)
#define OLED_RESET -1 // Reset pin # (or -1 if sharing Arduino reset pin)
Adafruit_SSD1306 display(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, &Wire, OLED_RESET); |
uint64_t last_received_lora = 0; |
uint64_t last_display = 0; |
uint32_t uptime = 0; |
uint32_t lora_packets = 0; |
uint32_t lora_packets_per_second = 0; |
uint32_t delayed = 0; |
uint32_t frequency = 900000000; |
uint8_t syncword = 0x00; |
bool stop_delay = false; |
bool tx_mode = false; |
bool oled = true; |
uint8_t counter = 0; |
String LoRaData; |
// Example:
// String a = explode("Data|Raw1|Raw2", "|", 4);
String explode(String data, char separator, int index) { |
int found = 0; |
int strIndex[] = {0, -1}; |
int maxIndex = data.length() - 1; |
for(int i = 0; i <= maxIndex && found<=index; i++) { |
if(data.charAt(i) == separator || i == maxIndex) { |
found++; |
strIndex[0] = strIndex[1]+1; |
strIndex[1] = (i == maxIndex) ? i+1 : i; |
} |
} |
return found>index ? data.substring(strIndex[0], strIndex[1]) : ""; |
} |
// Debugging over telnet
#include <WiFi.h>
const char* ssid = "Pi3_2G"; |
const char* password = "trustno1"; |
void showFreeMem() { |
Serial.println(F("")); |
Serial.print(F("FREE Memory: ")); |
Serial.println(ESP.getFreeHeap()); |
} |
WiFiServer server(23); |
WiFiClient serverClients[MAX_SRV_CLIENTS]; |
void showHelp() { |
Serial.println(F("*** Help ***")); |
Serial.print(F("free - Show FREE memory\nhelp - this page\nreboot - restart the device\nsetfreq - change frequency and syncword\ngetfreq - retrive current settings\ntx - TX Mode\nrx - RX Mode\n")); |
} |
// Temporary hardcode Address...
#define ADDR_H 0x00
#define ADDR_L 0x00
#define CHANNEL 0x13 // 900MHz + 19 = 919MHz (Channel 19)
#define AIR_RATE AIR_DATA_RATE_101_192 // Default to 2.4kbps (AirRate)
#define TX_POWER POWER_17 // Temporary at 17dBm
void resetFunc(void) { |
ESP.restart(); |
} |
LoRa_E32 e32ttl100(Serial2); |
void getOpenFlightRXSettings(void) { |
uint16_t addr = 0x00; |
// LoRa related all on Core 0
TaskHandle_t LoraTask; |
// If heder not the same then use the default settings
if(EEPROM.read(addr) != 0x70) { |
return; |
} |
// Retriving data
frequency = (EEPROM.read(0x01) << 24) | (EEPROM.read(0x02) << 16) | (EEPROM.read(0x03) << 8) | (EEPROM.read(0x04)); |
// TTTT TTTT TTTT ---- YYYY YYYY YYYY ---- PPPP PPPP PPPP ---- RRRR RRRR RRRR ---- SSSS SSSS = 72-bits ( 9 bytes )
// Data Structure
struct LoraMessage { |
byte throttle[2]; |
byte yaw[2]; |
byte pitch[2]; |
byte roll[2]; |
byte switches[1]; |
} lora_message; |
Serial.println(frequency); |
Serial.println(EEPROM.read(0x01), HEX); |
Serial.println(EEPROM.read(0x02), HEX); |
Serial.println(EEPROM.read(0x03), HEX); |
Serial.println(EEPROM.read(0x04), HEX); |
*/ |
void printParameters(struct Configuration configuration); |
void printModuleInformation(struct ModuleInformation moduleInformation); |
void setup_lora(void); |
void telnet_server(void); |
void lora_recv(void); |
// Default to minimum if less then 900MHz
if(frequency < 900000000) frequency = 900000000; |
int lora_received_count_raw = 0; |
int lora_received_count = 0; |
// Default to maximum if more than 930MHz
if(frequency > 930000000) frequency = 930000000; |
uint32_t last_seconds = 0; |
uint32_t last_telnet_seconds = 0; |
// Sync Word
syncword = EEPROM.read(0x05); |
bool ip_shown = false; |
// Receiver or TX mode
tx_mode = EEPROM.read(0x06) & 0x01; |
// Debug...
Serial.print(F("Freq:")); |
Serial.print(frequency); |
Serial.println(F("Hz")); |
void setup() { |
Serial.begin(115200); |
Serial.print(F("Sync:")); |
Serial.println(syncword, HEX); |
// LoRa Setup
setup_lora(); |
Serial.print(F("Mode:")); |
Serial.println(tx_mode, DEC); |
// WiFi Setup
WiFi.begin(ssid, password); |
// Telnet
server.begin(); |
server.setNoDelay(true); |
} |
void setOpenFlightRXSettings(void) { |
uint8_t addr = 0x00; |
void loop() { |
// Each seconds tick
if(millis() > last_seconds) { |
lora_received_count = lora_received_count_raw; |
lora_received_count_raw = 0; |
last_seconds = millis() + 1000; |
// Header
write_data(addr++, 0x70); |
Serial.print(F("LoRA:")); |
Serial.println(lora_received_count); |
// Frequency
write_data(addr++, ((frequency & 0xFF000000) >> 24 )); |
Serial.println(EEPROM.read(addr - 1), HEX); |
write_data(addr++, ((frequency & 0x00FF0000) >> 16 )); |
Serial.println(EEPROM.read(addr - 1), HEX); |
write_data(addr++, ((frequency & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); |
Serial.println(EEPROM.read(addr - 1), HEX); |
write_data(addr++, ((frequency & 0x000000FF))); |
Serial.println(EEPROM.read(addr - 1), HEX); |
// Sync Word
write_data(addr++, syncword); |
Serial.println(EEPROM.read(addr - 1), HEX); |
// TX Mode/RX Mode
write_data(addr++, (tx_mode)); |
Serial.println(EEPROM.read(addr - 1), HEX); |
if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED && ip_shown == false) { |
Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); |
ip_shown = true; |
} |
} |
Serial.println(F("**** New Settings Saved *****")); |
Serial.print(F("FREQ:")); |
Serial.println(frequency); |
Serial.print(F("SYNC:")); |
Serial.println(syncword, HEX); |
Serial.print(F("MODE:")); |
Serial.println(tx_mode, DEC); |
} |
lora_recv(); |
void resetConfig(void) { |
// Erase 1st byte will do.
EEPROM.write(0x00, 0x00); |
EEPROM.commit(); |
telnet_server(); |
} |
void write_data(uint16_t addr, uint8_t val) { |
// Only enabel the timerAlarmDisable if crash in future....
// timerAlarmDisable(timer);
EEPROM.write(addr, val); |
EEPROM.commit(); |
// timerAlarmEnable(timer);
void lora_recv(void) { |
/***** LORA ***/ |
if(e32ttl100.available() > 1){ |
ResponseStructContainer rsc = e32ttl100.receiveMessage(sizeof(LoraMessage)); |
struct LoraMessage loramessage = *(LoraMessage*) rsc.data; |
Serial.print(F("Throttle:")); |
Serial.println(*(uint16_t*)(loramessage.throttle)); |
Serial.print(F("Yaw:")); |
Serial.println(*(uint16_t*)(loramessage.yaw)); |
Serial.print(F("Pitch:")); |
Serial.println(*(uint16_t*)(loramessage.pitch)); |
Serial.print(F("Roll:")); |
Serial.println(*(uint16_t*)(loramessage.roll)); |
Serial.print(F("Switches:")); |
Serial.println(*(uint8_t*)(loramessage.switches)); |
// free(rsc.data);
*/ |
rsc.close(); |
lora_received_count_raw++; |
} |
} |
/* create a hardware timer */ |
hw_timer_t * timer = NULL; |
void telnet_server(void) { |
uint8_t i; |
if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) { |
//check if there are any new clients
if (server.hasClient()){ |
for(i = 0; i < MAX_SRV_CLIENTS; i++){ |
//find free/disconnected spot
if (!serverClients[i] || !serverClients[i].connected()){ |
if(serverClients[i]) serverClients[i].stop(); |
serverClients[i] = server.available(); |
if (!serverClients[i]) Serial.println("available broken"); |
Serial.print("New client: "); |
Serial.print(i); Serial.print(' '); |
Serial.println(serverClients[i].remoteIP()); |
break; |
} |
} |
if (i >= MAX_SRV_CLIENTS) { |
//no free/disconnected spot so reject
server.available().stop(); |
} |
} |
//check clients for data
for(i = 0; i < MAX_SRV_CLIENTS; i++){ |
if (serverClients[i] && serverClients[i].connected()){ |
if(serverClients[i].available()){ |
// get data from the telnet client and push it to the UART
while(serverClients[i].available()) Serial.write(serverClients[i].read()); |
} |
} else { |
if (serverClients[i]) { |
serverClients[i].stop(); |
} |
} |
} |
*/ |
// TODO.... convert the LoRa...packets to here...so can able to telnet in...
if(millis() > last_telnet_seconds) { |
char sbuf[8]; |
sprintf(sbuf, "RATE:%i\n", lora_received_count); |
int len = strlen(sbuf); |
for(i = 0; i < MAX_SRV_CLIENTS; i++){ |
if (serverClients[i] && serverClients[i].connected()){ |
serverClients[i].write(sbuf, len); |
delay(1); |
} |
} |
last_telnet_seconds = millis() + 1000; |
} |
void IRAM_ATTR onTimer(){ |
uptime++; |
if(!stop_delay) delayed++; |
lora_packets_per_second = lora_packets; |
lora_packets = 0; |
} else { |
// Serial.println("WiFi not connected!");
for(i = 0; i < MAX_SRV_CLIENTS; i++) { |
if (serverClients[i]) serverClients[i].stop(); |
} |
delay(10); |
*/ |
} |
} |
void setup() { |
//initialize Serial Monitor
Serial.begin(115200); |
void setup_lora() { |
// Startup all pins and UART
e32ttl100.begin(); |
while (!Serial); |
Serial.println(F("OpenFlightRX v1.0 @ 2020")); |
ResponseStructContainer c; |
c = e32ttl100.getConfiguration(); |
// Define a range for the EEPROM (512 bytes). May be can be lesser
EEPROM.begin(512); |
// It's important get configuration pointer before all other operation
Configuration configuration = *(Configuration*) c.data; |
Serial.println(c.status.getResponseDescription()); |
Serial.println(c.status.code); |
// Getting settings and starts the system
getOpenFlightRXSettings(); |
printParameters(configuration); |
// Setup LoRa transceiver module
LoRa.setPins(SS, RST, DIO0); |
/****** Setting up E32 Parameters *****/ |
// Communication address
configuration.ADDL = ADDR_L; |
configuration.ADDH = ADDR_H; |
// while (!LoRa.begin(914990000)) {
Serial.print(F("Starting up LoRA")); |
while(!LoRa.begin(frequency)) { |
Serial.print(F(".")); |
delay(500); |
} |
Serial.println(F("OK")); |
// The sync word assures you don't get LoRa messages from other LoRa transceivers
// ranges from 0-0xFF
LoRa.setSyncWord(syncword); |
LoRa.setPreambleLength(8); |
// LoRa.setSpreadingFactor(6);
// LoRa.setSpreadingFactor(7);
//7.8E3, 10.4E3, 15.6E3, 20.8E3, 31.25E3, 41.7E3, 62.5E3, 125E3, and 250E3.
// LoRa.setSignalBandwidth(250E3);
// LoRa.setCodingRate4(5);
// LoRa.setSpreadingFactor(9);
// LoRa.setSignalBandwidth(62.5E3);
// LoRa.setCodingRate4(8);
if(tx_mode) |
LoRa.setTxPower(20); |
/* Use 1st timer of 4 */ |
/* 1 tick take 1/(80MHZ/80) = 1us so we set divider 80 and count up */ |
timer = timerBegin(0, 80, true); |
/* Attach onTimer function to our timer */ |
timerAttachInterrupt(timer, &onTimer, true); |
/* Set alarm to call onTimer function every second 1 tick is 1us => 1 second is 1000000us */ |
/* Repeat the alarm (third parameter) */ |
timerAlarmWrite(timer, 1000000, true); |
/* Start an alarm */ |
timerAlarmEnable(timer); |
/**** TO BE COMMENTED OUT ****/ |
// SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC = generate display voltage from 3.3V internally
if(!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C)) { |
Serial.println(F("SSD1306 not found")); |
oled = false; |
} |
// Communication channel
configuration.CHAN = CHANNEL; |
// Communication rate
configuration.SPED.airDataRate = AIR_RATE; |
configuration.SPED.uartBaudRate = UART_BPS_9600; |
// configuration.SPED.uartBaudRate = UART_BPS_115200;
configuration.SPED.uartParity = MODE_00_8N1; |
// Transmission Power
configuration.OPTION.transmissionPower = TX_POWER; |
configuration.OPTION.wirelessWakeupTime = WAKE_UP_1250; |
// Other configurations
configuration.OPTION.fec = FEC_0_OFF; |
configuration.OPTION.fixedTransmission = FT_FIXED_TRANSMISSION; |
configuration.OPTION.ioDriveMode = IO_D_MODE_PUSH_PULLS_PULL_UPS; |
// Set not to hold configuration to save the life time of the device ;)
ResponseStatus rs = e32ttl100.setConfiguration(configuration, WRITE_CFG_PWR_DWN_LOSE); |
// ResponseStatus rs = e32ttl100.setConfiguration(configuration, WRITE_CFG_PWR_DWN_SAVE);
Serial.println(rs.getResponseDescription()); |
Serial.println(rs.code); |
printParameters(configuration); |
if(oled) { |
// Clear the buffer
display.clearDisplay(); |
display.setTextSize(2); |
display.setTextColor(SSD1306_WHITE); |
display.setCursor(0, 0); |
display.print("START RX LORA..."); |
display.display(); |
display.clearDisplay(); |
display.setTextColor(SSD1306_WHITE); |
display.setCursor(0, 0); |
display.print("DONE!"); |
display.display(); |
} |
ResponseStructContainer cMi; |
cMi = e32ttl100.getModuleInformation(); |
// It's important get information pointer before all other operation
ModuleInformation mi = *(ModuleInformation*)cMi.data; |
Serial.println(cMi.status.getResponseDescription()); |
Serial.println(cMi.status.code); |
printModuleInformation(mi); |
c.close(); |
cMi.close(); |
// Creating Lora Task on Core 0. This will keep sending over and over again...
// xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(
// RecvLoRaSignals, /* Task function. */
// "RecvLoRaSignals", /* name of task. */
// 10000, /* Stack size of task */
// NULL, /* parameter of the task */
// 0, /* priority of the task */
// &LoraTask, /* Task handle to keep track of created task */
// 0); /* pin task to core 0 */
} |
void loop() { |
if(!tx_mode) { |
// try to parse packet
int packetSize = LoRa.parsePacket(); |
if (packetSize) { |
// received a packet
// Serial.print("Received packet '");
if(!stop_delay) { |
stop_delay = true; |
} |
// read packet
while (LoRa.available()) { |
LoRaData = LoRa.readString(); |
// Serial.print(LoRaData);
} |
lora_packets++; |
last_received_lora = millis(); |
// print RSSI of packet
// Serial.print("' with RSSI ");
// Serial.println(LoRa.packetRssi());
// if(millis() - last_display > 1000) {
if(oled) { |
display.clearDisplay(); |
display.setTextSize(2); |
display.setTextColor(SSD1306_WHITE); |
display.setCursor(0, 0); |
display.print("RSSI:"); |
display.print(LoRa.packetRssi()); |
display.setCursor(0, 16); |
display.print("SNR:"); |
display.print(LoRa.packetSnr()); |
display.setTextSize(1); |
display.setCursor(0, 32); |
display.print("Data:"); |
display.print(LoRaData); |
display.setCursor(0, 48); |
display.print("Packet/s:"); |
display.print(lora_packets_per_second); |
display.setCursor(0, 40); |
display.print("Freq:"); |
display.print(frequency); |
display.setCursor(0, 56); |
display.print("Up:"); |
display.print(uptime); |
display.setCursor(64, 56); |
display.print("Band: "); |
display.print(LoRa.packetFrequencyError()); |
display.display(); |
} |
Serial.print(F("RSSI:")); |
Serial.println(LoRa.packetRssi()); |
Serial.print(F("SNR:")); |
Serial.println(LoRa.packetSnr()); |
Serial.print(F("Data:")); |
Serial.println(LoRaData); |
Serial.print(F("Packet/s:")); |
Serial.println(lora_packets_per_second); |
*/ |
last_display = millis(); |
} else { |
if(millis() - last_received_lora > 1000) { |
if(oled) { |
display.clearDisplay(); |
display.setCursor(0, 0); |
display.setTextColor(SSD1306_WHITE); |
display.print("SIGNAL LOST"); |
display.display(); |
} |
} |
} |
} else { |
// TX mode. For distance checking via remote ;)
LoRa.beginPacket(); |
LoRa.print("HELLO "); |
LoRa.print(counter); |
LoRa.endPacket(); |
if(oled) { |
display.clearDisplay(); |
display.setTextSize(2); |
display.setTextColor(SSD1306_WHITE); |
display.setCursor(0, 0); |
display.print("TX MODE"); |
display.display(); |
} |
counter++; |
delay(25); |
} |
void RecvLoRaSignals(void *pvParameters) { |
// Forever loop in this loop :P
for(;;) { |
/***** LORA ***/ |
if(e32ttl100.available() > 1){ |
ResponseStructContainer rsc = e32ttl100.receiveMessage(sizeof(LoraMessage)); |
struct LoraMessage loramessage = *(LoraMessage*) rsc.data; |
Serial.print(F("Throttle:")); |
Serial.println(*(uint16_t*)(loramessage.throttle)); |
Serial.print(F("Yaw:")); |
Serial.println(*(uint16_t*)(loramessage.yaw)); |
Serial.print(F("Pitch:")); |
Serial.println(*(uint16_t*)(loramessage.pitch)); |
Serial.print(F("Roll:")); |
Serial.println(*(uint16_t*)(loramessage.roll)); |
Serial.print(F("Switches:")); |
Serial.println(*(uint8_t*)(loramessage.switches)); |
// free(rsc.data);
*/ |
rsc.close(); |
lora_received_count_raw++; |
} |
} // End of forever loop - for(;;)
} |
void printParameters(struct Configuration configuration) { |
Serial.println("----------------------------------------"); |
Serial.print(F("HEAD BIN: ")); Serial.print(configuration.HEAD, BIN);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(configuration.HEAD, DEC);Serial.print(" ");Serial.println(configuration.HEAD, HEX); |
Serial.println(F(" ")); |
Serial.print(F("AddH BIN: ")); Serial.println(configuration.ADDH, BIN); |
Serial.print(F("AddL BIN: ")); Serial.println(configuration.ADDL, BIN); |
Serial.print(F("Chan BIN: ")); Serial.print(configuration.CHAN, DEC); Serial.print(" -> "); Serial.println(configuration.getChannelDescription()); |
Serial.println(F(" ")); |
Serial.print(F("SpeedParityBit BIN : ")); Serial.print(configuration.SPED.uartParity, BIN);Serial.print(" -> "); Serial.println(configuration.SPED.getUARTParityDescription()); |
Serial.print(F("SpeedUARTDataRate BIN : ")); Serial.print(configuration.SPED.uartBaudRate, BIN);Serial.print(" -> "); Serial.println(configuration.SPED.getUARTBaudRate()); |
Serial.print(F("SpeedAirDataRate BIN : ")); Serial.print(configuration.SPED.airDataRate, BIN);Serial.print(" -> "); Serial.println(configuration.SPED.getAirDataRate()); |
Serial.print(F("OptionTrans BIN : ")); Serial.print(configuration.OPTION.fixedTransmission, BIN);Serial.print(" -> "); Serial.println(configuration.OPTION.getFixedTransmissionDescription()); |
Serial.print(F("OptionPullup BIN : ")); Serial.print(configuration.OPTION.ioDriveMode, BIN);Serial.print(" -> "); Serial.println(configuration.OPTION.getIODroveModeDescription()); |
Serial.print(F("OptionWakeup BIN : ")); Serial.print(configuration.OPTION.wirelessWakeupTime, BIN);Serial.print(" -> "); Serial.println(configuration.OPTION.getWirelessWakeUPTimeDescription()); |
Serial.print(F("OptionFEC BIN : ")); Serial.print(configuration.OPTION.fec, BIN);Serial.print(" -> "); Serial.println(configuration.OPTION.getFECDescription()); |
Serial.print(F("OptionPower BIN : ")); Serial.print(configuration.OPTION.transmissionPower, BIN);Serial.print(" -> "); Serial.println(configuration.OPTION.getTransmissionPowerDescription()); |
Serial.println("----------------------------------------"); |
// Processing CLI
if(Serial.available() > 0){ |
String serial_commands_string = Serial.readStringUntil('\n'); |
serial_commands_string.trim(); |
String serial_command = explode(serial_commands_string, ' ', 0); |
if(serial_command == "reset") { |
Serial.println(F("Clearing EEPROM settings...")); |
resetConfig(); |
resetFunc(); |
} else if(serial_command == "free") { |
showFreeMem(); |
} else if(serial_command == "help") { |
showHelp(); |
} else if(serial_command == "reboot") { |
resetFunc(); |
} else if(serial_command == "setfreq") { |
String frequency_raw = explode(serial_commands_string, ' ', 1); |
String syncword_raw = explode(serial_commands_string, ' ', 2); |
if( |
frequency_raw.length() > 0 && |
syncword_raw.length() > 0) { |
frequency = frequency_raw.toInt(); |
syncword = (uint8_t) (syncword_raw.toInt() & 0xFF); |
setOpenFlightRXSettings(); |
} |
} else if(serial_command == "getfreq") { |
Serial.print(F("FREQ:")); |
Serial.println(frequency); |
Serial.print(F("SYNC:")); |
Serial.println(syncword, HEX); |
} else if(serial_command == "tx") { |
tx_mode = true; |
setOpenFlightRXSettings(); |
} else if(serial_command == "rx") { |
tx_mode = false; |
setOpenFlightRXSettings(); |
} |
} |
} |
void printModuleInformation(struct ModuleInformation moduleInformation) { |
Serial.println("----------------------------------------"); |
Serial.print(F("HEAD BIN: ")); Serial.print(moduleInformation.HEAD, BIN);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(moduleInformation.HEAD, DEC);Serial.print(" ");Serial.println(moduleInformation.HEAD, HEX); |
Serial.print(F("Freq.: ")); Serial.println(moduleInformation.frequency, HEX); |
Serial.print(F("Version : ")); Serial.println(moduleInformation.version, HEX); |
Serial.print(F("Features : ")); Serial.println(moduleInformation.features, HEX); |
Serial.println("----------------------------------------"); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
### Notes: |
Every power cycle, E32 settings will reset back to default. Below are the default settings: |
SpeedParityBit BIN : 0 -> 8N1 (Default) |
SpeedUARTDataRate BIN : 11 -> 9600bps (default) |
SpeedAirDataRate BIN : 10 -> 2.4kbps (default) |
OptionTrans BIN : 0 -> Transparent transmission (default) |
OptionPullup BIN : 1 -> TXD, RXD, AUX are push-pulls/pull-ups |
OptionWakeup BIN : 0 -> 250ms (default) |
OptionFEC BIN : 1 -> Turn on Forward Error Correction Switch (Default) |
OptionPower BIN : 0 -> 20dBm (Default) |
Meaning, every startup must load the desire settings into the E32 before starting up. Normal reboot is ok. Only full power cycle will back to default. |
Things to be configure before power on: |
Transmission Power: 10, 14, 17 and 20 |
Address: 0x0000 ~ 0xFFFE |
Channel: 900MHz ~ 931MHz |
TXPower: 19.3dBm ~ 20.0dBm |
AirRate: 0.3kbps ~ 19.2kbps (2.4kbps) <--- Testing on 2.4 first. Based on calculation is about 300 Bytes/second. |
@ -0,0 +1,452 @@ |
#include "Arduino.h" |
#define FREQUENCY_915 |
#ifdef FREQUENCY_433 |
#elif defined(FREQUENCY_170) |
#elif defined(FREQUENCY_470) |
#elif defined(FREQUENCY_868) |
#elif defined(FREQUENCY_915) |
#else |
#endif |
typedef enum RESPONSE_STATUS { |
SUCCESS = 1, |
ERR_UNKNOWN, /* something shouldn't happened */ |
} Status; |
static String getResponseDescriptionByParams(byte status){ |
switch (status) |
{ |
case SUCCESS: |
return F("Success"); |
break; |
return F("Unknown"); |
break; |
return F("Not support!"); |
break; |
return F("Not implement"); |
break; |
return F("Not initial!"); |
break; |
return F("Invalid param!"); |
break; |
return F("Data size not match!"); |
break; |
return F("Buff too small!"); |
break; |
return F("Timeout!!"); |
break; |
return F("Hardware error!"); |
break; |
return F("Save mode returned not recognized!"); |
break; |
return F("No response from device! (Check wiring)"); |
break; |
return F("Wrong UART configuration! (BPS must be 9600 for configuration)"); |
break; |
return F("The device support only 58byte of data transmission!"); |
break; |
default: |
return F("Invalid status!"); |
} |
} |
{ |
MODE_00_8N1 = B00, |
MODE_01_8O1 = B01, |
MODE_10_8E1 = B10, |
MODE_11_8N1 = B11 |
}; |
static String getUARTParityDescriptionByParams(byte uartParity){ |
switch (uartParity) |
{ |
case MODE_00_8N1: |
return F("8N1 (Default)"); |
break; |
case MODE_01_8O1: |
return F("8O1"); |
break; |
case MODE_10_8E1: |
return F("8E1"); |
break; |
case MODE_11_8N1: |
return F("8N1"); |
break; |
default: |
return F("Invalid UART Parity!"); |
} |
} |
{ |
UART_BPS_1200 = B000, |
UART_BPS_2400 = B001, |
UART_BPS_4800 = B010, |
UART_BPS_9600 = B011, |
UART_BPS_19200 = B100, |
UART_BPS_38400 = B101, |
UART_BPS_57600 = B110, |
UART_BPS_115200 = B111 |
}; |
{ |
UART_BPS_RATE_1200 = 1200, |
UART_BPS_RATE_2400 = 2400, |
UART_BPS_RATE_4800 = 4800, |
UART_BPS_RATE_9600 = 9600, |
UART_BPS_RATE_19200 = 19200, |
UART_BPS_RATE_38400 = 38400, |
UART_BPS_RATE_57600 = 57600, |
UART_BPS_RATE_115200 = 115200 |
}; |
static String getUARTBaudRateDescriptionByParams(byte uartBaudRate) |
{ |
switch (uartBaudRate) |
{ |
case UART_BPS_1200: |
return F("1200bps"); |
break; |
case UART_BPS_2400: |
return F("2400bps"); |
break; |
case UART_BPS_4800: |
return F("4800bps"); |
break; |
case UART_BPS_9600: |
return F("9600bps (default)"); |
break; |
case UART_BPS_19200: |
return F("19200bps"); |
break; |
case UART_BPS_38400: |
return F("38400bps"); |
break; |
case UART_BPS_57600: |
return F("57600bps"); |
break; |
case UART_BPS_115200: |
return F("115200bps"); |
break; |
default: |
return F("Invalid UART Baud Rate!"); |
} |
} |
{ |
AIR_DATA_RATE_000_03 = B000, |
AIR_DATA_RATE_001_12 = B001, |
AIR_DATA_RATE_010_24 = B010, |
AIR_DATA_RATE_011_48 = B011, |
AIR_DATA_RATE_100_96 = B100, |
AIR_DATA_RATE_101_192 = B101, |
AIR_DATA_RATE_110_192 = B110, |
AIR_DATA_RATE_111_192 = B111 |
}; |
static String getAirDataRateDescriptionByParams(byte airDataRate) |
{ |
switch (airDataRate) |
{ |
case AIR_DATA_RATE_000_03: |
return F("0.3kbps"); |
break; |
case AIR_DATA_RATE_001_12: |
return F("1.2kbps"); |
break; |
case AIR_DATA_RATE_010_24: |
return F("2.4kbps (default)"); |
break; |
case AIR_DATA_RATE_011_48: |
return F("4.8kbps"); |
break; |
case AIR_DATA_RATE_100_96: |
return F("9.6kbps"); |
break; |
case AIR_DATA_RATE_101_192: |
return F("19.2kbps"); |
break; |
case AIR_DATA_RATE_110_192: |
return F("19.2kbps"); |
break; |
case AIR_DATA_RATE_111_192: |
return F("19.2kbps"); |
break; |
default: |
return F("Invalid Air Data Rate!"); |
} |
} |
{ |
}; |
static String getFixedTransmissionDescriptionByParams(byte fixedTransmission) |
{ |
switch (fixedTransmission) |
{ |
return F("Transparent transmission (default)"); |
break; |
return F("Fixed transmission (first three bytes can be used as high/low address and channel)"); |
break; |
default: |
return F("Invalid fixed transmission param!"); |
} |
} |
{ |
}; |
static String getIODriveModeDescriptionDescriptionByParams(byte ioDriveMode) |
{ |
switch (ioDriveMode) |
{ |
return F("TXD, RXD, AUX are open-collectors"); |
break; |
return F("TXD, RXD, AUX are push-pulls/pull-ups"); |
break; |
default: |
return F("Invalid IO drive mode!"); |
} |
} |
{ |
WAKE_UP_250 = B000, |
WAKE_UP_500 = B001, |
WAKE_UP_750 = B010, |
WAKE_UP_1000 = B011, |
WAKE_UP_1250 = B100, |
WAKE_UP_1500 = B101, |
WAKE_UP_1750 = B110, |
WAKE_UP_2000 = B111 |
}; |
static String getWirelessWakeUPTimeDescriptionByParams(byte wirelessWakeUPTime) |
{ |
switch (wirelessWakeUPTime) |
{ |
case WAKE_UP_250: |
return F("250ms (default)"); |
break; |
case WAKE_UP_500: |
return F("500ms"); |
break; |
case WAKE_UP_750: |
return F("750ms"); |
break; |
case WAKE_UP_1000: |
return F("1000ms"); |
break; |
case WAKE_UP_1250: |
return F("1250ms"); |
break; |
case WAKE_UP_1500: |
return F("1500ms"); |
break; |
case WAKE_UP_1750: |
return F("1750ms"); |
break; |
case WAKE_UP_2000: |
return F("2000ms"); |
break; |
default: |
return F("Invalid wireless wake-up mode!"); |
} |
} |
{ |
FEC_0_OFF = B0, |
FEC_1_ON = B1 |
}; |
static String getFECDescriptionByParams(byte fec) |
{ |
switch (fec) |
{ |
case FEC_0_OFF: |
return F("Turn off Forward Error Correction Switch"); |
break; |
case FEC_1_ON: |
return F("Turn on Forward Error Correction Switch (Default)"); |
break; |
default: |
return F("Invalid FEC param"); |
} |
} |
#ifdef E32_TTL_100 |
{ |
POWER_20 = B00, |
POWER_17 = B01, |
POWER_14 = B10, |
POWER_10 = B11 |
}; |
static String getTransmissionPowerDescriptionByParams(byte transmissionPower) |
{ |
switch (transmissionPower) |
{ |
case POWER_20: |
return F("20dBm (Default)"); |
break; |
case POWER_17: |
return F("17dBm"); |
break; |
case POWER_14: |
return F("14dBm"); |
break; |
case POWER_10: |
return F("10dBm"); |
break; |
default: |
return F("Invalid transmission power param"); |
} |
} |
#elif defined(E32_TTL_500) |
{ |
POWER_27 = B00, |
POWER_24 = B01, |
POWER_21 = B10, |
POWER_18 = B11 |
}; |
static String getTransmissionPowerDescriptionByParams(byte transmissionPower) |
{ |
switch (transmissionPower) |
{ |
case POWER_27: |
return F("27dBm (Default)"); |
break; |
case POWER_24: |
return F("24dBm"); |
break; |
case POWER_21: |
return F("21dBm"); |
break; |
case POWER_18: |
return F("18dBm"); |
break; |
default: |
return F("Invalid transmission power param"); |
} |
} |
#elif defined(E32_TTL_1W) |
{ |
POWER_30 = B00, |
POWER_27 = B01, |
POWER_24 = B10, |
POWER_21 = B11 |
}; |
static String getTransmissionPowerDescriptionByParams(byte transmissionPower) |
{ |
switch (transmissionPower) |
{ |
case POWER_30: |
return F("30dBm (Default)"); |
break; |
case POWER_27: |
return F("27dBm"); |
break; |
case POWER_24: |
return F("24dBm"); |
break; |
case POWER_21: |
return F("21dBm"); |
break; |
default: |
return F("Invalid transmission power param"); |
} |
} |
#else |
{ |
POWER_20 = B00, |
POWER_17 = B01, |
POWER_14 = B10, |
POWER_10 = B11 |
}; |
static String getTransmissionPowerDescriptionByParams(byte transmissionPower) |
{ |
switch (transmissionPower) |
{ |
case POWER_20: |
return F("20dBm (Default)"); |
break; |
case POWER_17: |
return F("17dBm"); |
break; |
case POWER_14: |
return F("14dBm"); |
break; |
case POWER_10: |
return F("10dBm"); |
break; |
default: |
return F("Invalid transmission power param"); |
} |
} |
#endif |
Reference in new issue