@ -15,6 +15,12 @@ |
#include "Arduino.h"
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <WebServer.h>
#include <Update.h>
// #define USE_SONAR
// #define DEBUG
@ -62,6 +68,313 @@ |
uint32_t nextWireUpdate = 0; |
// Starting up Webserver
WebServer server(80); |
/*** Firmware Upgrade Page ***/ |
const char* firmware_upgrade_html PROGMEM = R"rawliteral( |
<script> |
var iBytesUploaded = 0; |
var iBytesTotal = 0; |
var iPreviousBytesLoaded = 0; |
var iMaxFilesize = 1048576; // 1MB
var oTimer = 0; |
var sResultFileSize = ''; |
function secondsToTime(secs) { |
var hr = Math.floor(secs / 3600); |
var min = Math.floor((secs - (hr * 3600))/60); |
var sec = Math.floor(secs - (hr * 3600) - (min * 60)); |
if (hr < 10) {hr = "0" + hr; } |
if (min < 10) {min = "0" + min;} |
if (sec < 10) {sec = "0" + sec;} |
if (hr) {hr = "00";} |
return hr + ':' + min + ':' + sec; |
}; |
function bytesToSize(bytes) { |
var sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB']; |
if (bytes == 0) return 'n/a'; |
var i = parseInt(Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024))); |
return (bytes / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(1) + ' ' + sizes[i]; |
}; |
function fileSelected() { |
document.getElementById('upload_response').style.display = 'none'; |
document.getElementById('error').style.display = 'none'; |
document.getElementById('error2').style.display = 'none'; |
document.getElementById('abort').style.display = 'none'; |
document.getElementById('warnsize').style.display = 'none'; |
var oFile = document.getElementById('image_file').files[0]; |
var rFilter = /^(image\/bmp|image\/gif|image\/jpeg|image\/png|image\/tiff)$/i; |
if (! rFilter.test(oFile.type)) { |
document.getElementById('error').style.display = 'block'; |
return; |
} |
if (oFile.size > iMaxFilesize) { |
document.getElementById('warnsize').style.display = 'block'; |
return; |
} |
var oImage = document.getElementById('preview'); |
var oReader = new FileReader(); |
oReader.onload = function(e){ |
oImage.src = e.target.result; |
oImage.onload = function () { // binding onload event
sResultFileSize = bytesToSize(oFile.size); |
document.getElementById('fileinfo').style.display = 'block'; |
document.getElementById('filename').innerHTML = 'Name: ' + oFile.name; |
document.getElementById('filesize').innerHTML = 'Size: ' + sResultFileSize; |
document.getElementById('filetype').innerHTML = 'Type: ' + oFile.type; |
document.getElementById('filedim').innerHTML = 'Dimension: ' + oImage.naturalWidth + ' x ' + oImage.naturalHeight; |
}; |
}; |
oReader.readAsDataURL(oFile); |
} |
function startUploading() { |
iPreviousBytesLoaded = 0; |
document.getElementById('upload_response').style.display = 'none'; |
document.getElementById('error').style.display = 'none'; |
document.getElementById('error2').style.display = 'none'; |
document.getElementById('abort').style.display = 'none'; |
document.getElementById('warnsize').style.display = 'none'; |
document.getElementById('progress_percent').innerHTML = ''; |
var oProgress = document.getElementById('progress'); |
oProgress.style.display = 'block'; |
oProgress.style.width = '0px'; |
var vFD = new FormData(document.getElementById('upload_form')); |
var oXHR = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
oXHR.upload.addEventListener('progress', uploadProgress, false); |
oXHR.addEventListener('load', uploadFinish, false); |
oXHR.addEventListener('error', uploadError, false); |
oXHR.addEventListener('abort', uploadAbort, false); |
oXHR.open('POST', '/update'); |
oXHR.send(vFD); |
oTimer = setInterval(doInnerUpdates, 300); |
} |
function doInnerUpdates() { |
var iCB = iBytesUploaded; |
var iDiff = iCB - iPreviousBytesLoaded; |
if (iDiff == 0) |
return; |
iPreviousBytesLoaded = iCB; |
iDiff = iDiff * 2; |
var iBytesRem = iBytesTotal - iPreviousBytesLoaded; |
var secondsRemaining = iBytesRem / iDiff; |
var iSpeed = iDiff.toString() + 'B/s'; |
if (iDiff > 1024 * 1024) { |
iSpeed = (Math.round(iDiff * 100/(1024*1024))/100).toString() + 'MB/s'; |
} else if (iDiff > 1024) { |
iSpeed = (Math.round(iDiff * 100/1024)/100).toString() + 'KB/s'; |
} |
document.getElementById('speed').innerHTML = iSpeed; |
document.getElementById('remaining').innerHTML = '| ' + secondsToTime(secondsRemaining); |
} |
function uploadProgress(e) { |
if (e.lengthComputable) { |
iBytesUploaded = e.loaded; |
iBytesTotal = e.total; |
var iPercentComplete = Math.round(e.loaded * 100 / e.total); |
var iBytesTransfered = bytesToSize(iBytesUploaded); |
document.getElementById('progress_percent').innerHTML = iPercentComplete.toString() + '%'; |
document.getElementById('progress').style.width = (iPercentComplete * 4).toString() + 'px'; |
document.getElementById('b_transfered').innerHTML = iBytesTransfered; |
if (iPercentComplete == 100) { |
var oUploadResponse = document.getElementById('upload_response'); |
oUploadResponse.innerHTML = '<h1>Please wait...processing</h1>'; |
oUploadResponse.style.display = 'block'; |
} |
} else { |
document.getElementById('progress').innerHTML = 'unable to compute'; |
} |
} |
function uploadFinish(e) { |
var oUploadResponse = document.getElementById('upload_response'); |
oUploadResponse.innerHTML = e.target.responseText; |
oUploadResponse.style.display = 'block'; |
document.getElementById('progress_percent').innerHTML = '100%'; |
document.getElementById('progress').style.width = '400px'; |
document.getElementById('filesize').innerHTML = sResultFileSize; |
document.getElementById('remaining').innerHTML = '| 00:00:00'; |
clearInterval(oTimer); |
} |
function uploadError(e) { |
document.getElementById('error2').style.display = 'block'; |
clearInterval(oTimer); |
} |
function uploadAbort(e) { |
document.getElementById('abort').style.display = 'block'; |
clearInterval(oTimer); |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
.container { |
margin: auto; |
width: 50%; |
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.upload_form_cont { |
background: -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #f2f2f2); |
background: -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #f2f2f2); |
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #f2f2f2)); |
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #f2f2f2); |
background: -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #f2f2f2); |
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#ffffff', endColorstr='#f2f2f2'); |
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color:#000; |
overflow:hidden; |
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#upload_form {
float:center; |
padding:20px; |
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} |
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background-color:#fff; |
display:block; |
float:right; |
width:200px; |
} |
#upload_form > div {
margin-bottom:10px; |
} |
#speed,#remaining {
float:left; |
width:100px; |
} |
#b_transfered {
float:right; |
text-align:right; |
} |
.clear_both { |
clear:both; |
} |
input { |
border-radius:10px; |
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-webkit-border-radius:10px; |
border:1px solid #ccc; |
font-size:14pt; |
padding:5px 10px; |
} |
input[type=button] { |
background: -moz-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #dfdfdf); |
background: -ms-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #dfdfdf); |
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(100%, #dfdfdf)); |
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #dfdfdf); |
background: -o-linear-gradient(#ffffff, #dfdfdf); |
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#ffffff', endColorstr='#dfdfdf'); |
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background: linear-gradient(#ffffff, #dfdfdf); |
} |
#image_file {
width:400px; |
} |
#progress_info {
font-size:10pt; |
} |
#fileinfo,#error,#error2,#abort,#warnsize {
color:#aaa; |
display:none; |
font-size:10pt; |
font-style:italic; |
margin-top:10px; |
} |
#progress {
border:1px solid #ccc; |
display:none; |
float:left; |
height:14px; |
border-radius:10px; |
-moz-border-radius:10px; |
-ms-border-radius:10px; |
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background: -moz-linear-gradient(#66cc00, #4b9500); |
background: -ms-linear-gradient(#66cc00, #4b9500); |
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, #66cc00), color-stop(100%, #4b9500)); |
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#66cc00, #4b9500); |
background: -o-linear-gradient(#66cc00, #4b9500); |
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#66cc00', endColorstr='#4b9500'); |
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background: linear-gradient(#66cc00, #4b9500); |
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#progress_percent {
float:right; |
} |
#upload_response {
margin-top: 10px; |
padding: 20px; |
overflow: hidden; |
display: none; |
border: 1px solid #ccc; |
border-radius:10px; |
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background: -o-linear-gradient(#bbb, #eee); |
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#bbb', endColorstr='#eee'); |
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background: linear-gradient(#bbb, #eee); |
} |
</style> |
<body> |
<header> |
<h2 align='center'>*** OpenFlightRX - Firmware Uploader ***</h2> |
</header> |
<div class='container'> |
<div class='contr'><h2>Please select a file to upload the firmware.</h2></div> |
<div class='upload_form_cont'> |
<form method='POST' action='/update' enctype='multipart/form-data' id='upload_form'> |
<div> |
<div><label for='image_file'>Please select image file</label></div> |
<div><input type='file' name='update' id='image_file' onchange='fileSelected();' /></div> |
</div> |
<div><input type='button' value='Upload' onclick='startUploading()' /></div> |
<div id='fileinfo'> |
<div id='filename'></div> |
<div id='filesize'></div> |
<div id='filetype'></div> |
<div id='filedim'></div> |
</div> |
<div id='error'>You should select valid image files only!</div> |
<div id='error2'>An error occurred while uploading the file</div> |
<div id='abort'>The upload has been canceled by the user or the browser dropped the connection</div> |
<div id='warnsize'>Your file is very big. We can't accept it. Please select more small file</div> |
<div id='progress_info'> |
<div id='progress'></div> |
<div id='progress_percent'> </div> |
<div class='clear_both'></div> |
<div> |
<div id='speed'> </div> |
<div id='remaining'> </div> |
<div id='b_transfered'> </div> |
<div class='clear_both'></div> |
</div> |
<div id='upload_response'></div> |
</div> |
</form> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</body> |
)rawliteral"; |
/*** Index Page ***/ |
const char* index_html PROGMEM = R"rawliteral(<pre><strong>OpenFlightRX v1.0.0</strong> |
)rawliteral"; |
// WebPages ----- END
// For NRF24L01 (E01) - EByte
// #include "nRF24L01.h"
#include "RF24.h"
@ -95,14 +408,17 @@ TaskHandle_t NRFTask; |
* to suit you needs. For the 5 seconds frame... if not connected over wifi, it will stop the wifi syncing process. |
*/ |
// TTTT TTTT TTTT ---- YYYY YYYY YYYY ---- PPPP PPPP PPPP ---- RRRR RRRR RRRR ---- SSSS SSSS = 72-bits ( 9 bytes )
// 1234 5TTT TTTT TTTT 6789 AYYY YYYY YYYY ---- -PPP PPPP PPPP ---- -RRR RRRR RRRR (8-Bytes for AERT and switch commands!!)
// Data Structure
struct RxMessage { |
uint16_t throttle; |
uint16_t yaw; |
uint16_t pitch; |
uint16_t roll; |
uint8_t switches; |
uint8_t Byte00; |
uint8_t Byte01; |
uint8_t Byte02; |
uint8_t Byte03; |
uint8_t Byte04; |
uint8_t Byte05; |
uint8_t Byte06; |
}; |
RxMessage rxmessage; |
@ -149,6 +465,7 @@ int nrf_received_count_raw = 0; |
uint32_t last_seconds = 0; |
uint32_t last_telnet_seconds = 0; |
uint32_t last_webserver_seconds = 0; |
bool ip_shown = false; |
bool socket_connected = true; |
@ -160,6 +477,83 @@ uint32_t nrf_last_receive = 0; |
uint8_t freq_channel = 0; |
uint64_t pipe_code = 0; |
// Replace with your network credentials
const char* ssid = "BERTFPV"; |
const char* password = "LetMeIn1234"; // Must be >= 8 characters
/* Put IP Address details */ |
IPAddress local_ip(192,168,1,1); |
IPAddress gateway(192,168,1,1); |
IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,0); |
void setup_webserver(void) { |
// Create HostAP
Serial.println(F("Starting SoftAP")); |
WiFi.softAP(ssid, password); |
Serial.println(F("Setting IP")); |
WiFi.softAPConfig(local_ip, gateway, subnet); |
delay(100); // Delay 100mS
IPAddress IP = WiFi.softAPIP(); |
Serial.print(F("AP IP address: ")); |
Serial.println(IP); |
// init and get the time
// configTime(gmtOffset_sec, daylightOffset_sec, ntpServer);
// Setting up OTA
/*** Index Page ***/ |
server.on("/", HTTP_GET, []() { |
server.sendHeader("Connection", "close"); |
server.send(200, "text/html", firmware_upgrade_html); |
}); |
/*** Firmware Upgrade Page ***/ |
server.on("/firmware_upgrade", HTTP_GET, []() { |
server.sendHeader("Connection", "close"); |
server.send(200, "text/html", firmware_upgrade_html); |
}); |
// ################### HANDLING UPLOAD FIRMWARE HERE #########################
/*** handling uploading firmware file ***/ |
server.on("/update", HTTP_POST, []() { |
server.sendHeader("Connection", "close"); |
server.send(200, "text/plain", (Update.hasError()) ? "FAIL" : "OK. Device is rebooting"); |
// Try to delay a bit...
delay(1000); |
ESP.restart(); |
}, []() { |
HTTPUpload& upload = server.upload(); |
if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START) { |
// Serial.printf("Update: %s\n", upload.filename.c_str());
if(!Update.begin(UPDATE_SIZE_UNKNOWN)) { //start with max available size
Update.printError(Serial); |
} |
} else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE) { |
/*** flashing firmware to ESP ***/ |
if(Update.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize) != upload.currentSize) { |
Update.printError(Serial); |
} |
} else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END) { |
if(Update.end(true)) { |
//true to set the size to the current progress
// Serial.printf("Update Success: %u\nRebooting...\n", upload.totalSize);
} else { |
Update.printError(Serial); |
} |
} |
}); |
// Starting up Server
server.begin(); |
// Just to debug...
// if(WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED)
// Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());
} |
void setup() { |
// For USB Debugging
Serial.begin(115200); |
@ -268,8 +662,12 @@ void setup() { |
// NRF Setup
Serial.println(F("Setting up NRF")); |
setup_nrf_rx(); |
// Setup OTA
Serial.println(F("Setting up webserver")); |
setup_webserver(); |
} |
void loop() { |
@ -278,7 +676,6 @@ void loop() { |
nrf_received_count = nrf_received_count_raw; |
nrf_received_count_raw = 0; |
Serial.print("NRF:"); |
Serial.println(nrf_received_count); |
@ -293,7 +690,17 @@ void loop() { |
*/ |
} |
nrf_recv(); |
// Handling web services every 100mS
if(millis() > last_webserver_seconds) { |
server.handleClient(); |
last_webserver_seconds = millis() + 100; |
} |
// Temporary
////// nrf_recv();
// socket_client();
// telnet_server();
#ifdef USE_SONAR
@ -336,8 +743,8 @@ void loop() { |
uint32_t last_reconnect = 0; |
uint32_t last_sent = 0; |
const char * host = ""; |
const uint16_t port = 1001; |
// const char * host = "";
// const uint16_t port = 1001;
// void socket_client(void) {
// if(WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) {
@ -457,17 +864,17 @@ void sbusPreparePacket(uint8_t packet[], int channels[], bool isSignalLoss, bool |
if (isFailsafe) { |
} |
packet[0] = SBUS_FRAME_HEADER; //Header
packet[1] = (uint8_t) (output[0] & 0x07FF); |
packet[2] = (uint8_t) ((output[0] & 0x07FF)>>8 | (output[1] & 0x07FF)<<3); |
packet[3] = (uint8_t) ((output[1] & 0x07FF)>>5 | (output[2] & 0x07FF)<<6); |
packet[4] = (uint8_t) ((output[2] & 0x07FF)>>2); |
packet[5] = (uint8_t) ((output[2] & 0x07FF)>>10 | (output[3] & 0x07FF)<<1); |
packet[6] = (uint8_t) ((output[3] & 0x07FF)>>7 | (output[4] & 0x07FF)<<4); |
packet[7] = (uint8_t) ((output[4] & 0x07FF)>>4 | (output[5] & 0x07FF)<<7); |
packet[8] = (uint8_t) ((output[5] & 0x07FF)>>1); |
packet[9] = (uint8_t) ((output[5] & 0x07FF)>>9 | (output[6] & 0x07FF)<<2); |
packet[0] = SBUS_FRAME_HEADER; //Header
packet[1] = (uint8_t) (output[0] & 0x07FF); |
packet[2] = (uint8_t) ((output[0] & 0x07FF)>>8 | (output[1] & 0x07FF)<<3); |
packet[3] = (uint8_t) ((output[1] & 0x07FF)>>5 | (output[2] & 0x07FF)<<6); |
packet[4] = (uint8_t) ((output[2] & 0x07FF)>>2); |
packet[5] = (uint8_t) ((output[2] & 0x07FF)>>10 | (output[3] & 0x07FF)<<1); |
packet[6] = (uint8_t) ((output[3] & 0x07FF)>>7 | (output[4] & 0x07FF)<<4); |
packet[7] = (uint8_t) ((output[4] & 0x07FF)>>4 | (output[5] & 0x07FF)<<7); |
packet[8] = (uint8_t) ((output[5] & 0x07FF)>>1); |
packet[9] = (uint8_t) ((output[5] & 0x07FF)>>9 | (output[6] & 0x07FF)<<2); |
packet[10] = (uint8_t) ((output[6] & 0x07FF)>>6 | (output[7] & 0x07FF)<<5); |
packet[11] = (uint8_t) ((output[7] & 0x07FF)>>3); |
packet[12] = (uint8_t) ((output[8] & 0x07FF)); |
@ -490,32 +897,30 @@ void sbusPreparePacket(uint8_t packet[], int channels[], bool isSignalLoss, bool |
void setPPMValuesFromData(void) { |
static bool firstload = true; |
* The values for: |
* - throttle |
* - yaw |
* - pitch |
* - roll |
*/ |
rcChannels[2] = rxmessage.throttle; // Throttle
rcChannels[3] = rxmessage.yaw; // Yaw
rcChannels[1] = rxmessage.pitch; // Pitch
rcChannels[0] = rxmessage.roll; // Roll
// Misc: (64 * channel_a) | (32 * channel_b) | (16 * channel_d) | (8 * channel_e) | (4 * channel_f) | (2 * channel_g) | (1 * channel_h);
// ch6 reserved for the moment
// 2021 New Data format for saving 2 bytes:
// |-------| |-------| |-------| |-------| |-------| |-------| |-------|
// Byte 00 Byte 01 Byte 02 Byte 03 Byte 04 Byte 05 Byte 06
// Extracting data
// Processing switches channel....
rcChannels[5] = (rxmessage.switches & (1 << 0)) ? 2000 : 1000; |
rcChannels[6] = (rxmessage.switches & (1 << 1)) ? 2000 : 1000; |
rcChannels[7] = (rxmessage.switches & (1 << 2)) ? 2000 : 1000; |
rcChannels[8] = (rxmessage.switches & (1 << 3)) ? 2000 : 1000; |
rcChannels[9] = (rxmessage.switches & (1 << 4)) ? 2000 : 1000; |
rcChannels[10] = (rxmessage.switches & (1 << 5)) ? 2000 : 1000; |
rcChannels[11] = (rxmessage.switches & (1 << 6)) ? 2000 : 1000; |
rcChannels[12] = (rxmessage.switches & (1 << 7)) ? 2000 : 1000; |
rcChannels[4] = ((rxmessage.Byte00 >> 7) & 0x01) ? 2000 : 1000; // 1
rcChannels[5] = ((rxmessage.Byte00 >> 6) & 0x01) ? 2000 : 1000; // 2
rcChannels[6] = ((rxmessage.Byte00 >> 5) & 0x01) ? 2000 : 1000; // 3
rcChannels[7] = ((rxmessage.Byte00 >> 4) & 0x01) ? 2000 : 1000; // 4
rcChannels[8] = ((rxmessage.Byte00 >> 3) & 0x01) ? 2000 : 1000; // 5
rcChannels[9] = ((rxmessage.Byte00 >> 2) & 0x01) ? 2000 : 1000; // 6
rcChannels[10] = ((rxmessage.Byte00 >> 1) & 0x01) ? 2000 : 1000; // 7
rcChannels[11] = ((rxmessage.Byte00 >> 0) & 0x01) ? 2000 : 1000; // 8
rcChannels[12] = ((rxmessage.Byte01 >> 7) & 0x01) ? 2000 : 1000; // 9
rcChannels[2] = ((rxmessage.Byte01 & 0X7F) << 4) | (rxmessage.Byte02 & 0xF0) >> 4; // Throttle
rcChannels[3] = ((rxmessage.Byte02 & 0x07) << 8) | rxmessage.Byte03; // Yaw
rcChannels[1] = ((rxmessage.Byte04 & 0x7F) << 4) | (rxmessage.Byte05 & 0xF0) >> 4; // Pitch
rcChannels[0] = ((rxmessage.Byte05 & 0x07) << 8) | rxmessage.Byte06; // Roll
// Static values... so leave it
if(!firstload) { |
rcChannels[4] = 1000; // Channel C
rcChannels[13] = 1000; // Not in use
rcChannels[14] = 1000; // Not in use
rcChannels[15] = 1000; // Not in use
@ -524,11 +929,13 @@ void setPPMValuesFromData(void) { |
} |
void resetData(void) { |
rxmessage.throttle = 900; |
rxmessage.yaw = 900; |
rxmessage.pitch = 900; |
rxmessage.roll = 900; |
rxmessage.switches = 0; |
rxmessage.Byte00 = 0; |
rxmessage.Byte01 = 0; |
rxmessage.Byte02 = 0; |
rxmessage.Byte03 = 0; |
rxmessage.Byte04 = 0; |
rxmessage.Byte05 = 0; |
rxmessage.Byte06 = 0; |
setPPMValuesFromData(); |
} |