1 year ago
9 changed files with 1449 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
### Structure |
Buttons - |
ADS1115 - Working |
I2C - Working |
Display - |
RubyFPV - DONE |
==== RC Controller ==== |
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
/ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ \ |
\ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ / |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ |
14.8V I2C:180 R:200 RUBY |
==== RC Controller ==== |
* * |
+---+---+ +---+---+ |
* | | | * * | | | * |
+---+---+ +---+---+ |
/ | | | | | | \ |
\ +---+---+ +---+---+ / |
* * |
14.8V I2C:180 R:200 ESP |
ToDO: |
Send Gimbal Data by Reading ADS1115 |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
# Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flags |
nvs, data, nvs, 0x9000, 0x5000, |
otadata, data, ota, 0xe000, 0x2000, |
app0, app, ota_0, 0x10000, 0x200000, |
app1, app, ota_1, 0x210000,0x200000, |
spiffs, data, spiffs, 0x410000,0xbf0000, |
# 12MB LITTLEFS DiskSpace, 2MB ROM with 2MB OTA |
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ |
This directory is intended for project header files. |
A header file is a file containing C declarations and macro definitions |
to be shared between several project source files. You request the use of a |
header file in your project source file (C, C++, etc) located in `src` folder |
by including it, with the C preprocessing directive `#include'. |
```src/main.c |
#include "header.h" |
int main (void) |
{ |
... |
} |
``` |
Including a header file produces the same results as copying the header file |
into each source file that needs it. Such copying would be time-consuming |
and error-prone. With a header file, the related declarations appear |
in only one place. If they need to be changed, they can be changed in one |
place, and programs that include the header file will automatically use the |
new version when next recompiled. The header file eliminates the labor of |
finding and changing all the copies as well as the risk that a failure to |
find one copy will result in inconsistencies within a program. |
In C, the usual convention is to give header files names that end with `.h'. |
It is most portable to use only letters, digits, dashes, and underscores in |
header file names, and at most one dot. |
Read more about using header files in official GCC documentation: |
* Include Syntax |
* Include Operation |
* Once-Only Headers |
* Computed Includes |
https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Header-Files.html |
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ |
This directory is intended for project specific (private) libraries. |
PlatformIO will compile them to static libraries and link into executable file. |
The source code of each library should be placed in a an own separate directory |
("lib/your_library_name/[here are source files]"). |
For example, see a structure of the following two libraries `Foo` and `Bar`: |
|--lib |
| | |
| |--Bar |
| | |--docs |
| | |--examples |
| | |--src |
| | |- Bar.c |
| | |- Bar.h |
| | |- library.json (optional, custom build options, etc) https://docs.platformio.org/page/librarymanager/config.html |
| | |
| |--Foo |
| | |- Foo.c |
| | |- Foo.h |
| | |
| |
|- platformio.ini |
|--src |
|- main.c |
and a contents of `src/main.c`: |
``` |
#include <Foo.h> |
#include <Bar.h> |
int main (void) |
{ |
... |
} |
``` |
PlatformIO Library Dependency Finder will find automatically dependent |
libraries scanning project source files. |
More information about PlatformIO Library Dependency Finder |
- https://docs.platformio.org/page/librarymanager/ldf.html |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
; PlatformIO Project Configuration File |
; |
; Build options: build flags, source filter |
; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags |
; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages |
; Advanced options: extra scripting |
; |
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples |
; https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html |
[env:m5stack-core2] |
platform = espressif32 |
board = m5stack-core2 |
framework = arduino |
board_build.mcu = esp32 |
board_build.f_cpu = 240000000L |
board_build.partitions = bert2M_fat12M_16MB.csv |
lib_deps = |
m5stack/M5Core2 |
lorol/LittleFS_esp32 |
lemmingdev/ESP32-BLE-Gamepad@^0.3.4 |
robtillaart/ADS1X15@^0.3.10 |
Wire |
; For OTA via WiFi |
; upload_protocol = espota |
; upload_port = |
@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ |
#pragma once |
#include <stdint.h> |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
extern "C" { |
#endif |
typedef unsigned int u32; |
typedef unsigned short u16; |
typedef unsigned char u8; |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
} |
#endif |
// Protocol is: |
// 1. * Master sends a command to slave (2...N bytes, depending on command type). First byte of all commands is the command start flag; |
// 2. * Slave responds with the right answer based on the command (1...N bytes, depending on command response type); |
// 3. * Repeat the steps above; |
// That means: slave device (Ruby extension device) just waits on I2C for commands from master (Ruby main controller) and responds to those commands as needed. |
// Note!!! All commands and responses have 1 extra byte at the end as the CRC |
// Use the example function at the end of file to compute the CRC |
// Note!!! Always check the CRC value when you get something. Ignore the commands with bad CRC. There can always be noise or bad I2C devices on the I2C bus. |
// Note: the address [I2C_DEVICE_MAX_ADDRESS_RANGE-2] is used by the Ruby Pico Extender. If you use one, your plugin should use a different address. |
// Capabilities flags supported by the slave Ruby device; these capabilities will be queried by the Ruby controller and will be reported back to Ruby controller using the I2C interface; |
#define I2C_CAPABILITY_FLAG_SPI ((u16)(((u16)0x01)<<1)) // Set if the slave device does support SPI communication with the Ruby controller (if not, only I2C is used) |
#define I2C_CAPABILITY_FLAG_BUTTONS ((u16)(((u16)0x01)<<2)) // Set if the slave device has buttons (for UI navigation in Ruby); |
#define I2C_CAPABILITY_FLAG_ROTARY ((u16)(((u16)0x01)<<3)) // Set if the slave device has rotary encoder (for UI navigation/Camera control); |
#define I2C_CAPABILITY_FLAG_ROTARY2 ((u16)(((u16)0x01)<<4)) // Set if the slave device has the secondary rotary encoder (for UI navigation/Camera control); |
#define I2C_CAPABILITY_FLAG_LEDS ((u16)(((u16)0x01)<<5)) // Set if the slave device has LEDs to be controlled by the Ruby controller; |
#define I2C_CAPABILITY_FLAG_RC_INPUT ((u16)(((u16)0x01)<<6)) // Set if the slave device has RC input hardware; |
#define I2C_CAPABILITY_FLAG_RC_OUTPUT ((u16)(((u16)0x01)<<7)) // Set if the slave device should output RC frames to the FC; |
#define I2C_CAPABILITY_FLAG_FLIGHT_CONTROL ((u16)(((u16)0x01)<<8)) // Set if the slave device wants to send flight commands to the vehicle; |
#define I2C_CAPABILITY_FLAG_CAMERA_CONTROL ((u16)(((u16)0x01)<<9)) // Set if the slave device wants to send camera commands (brightness, contrast, etc); |
#define I2C_CAPABILITY_FLAG_SOUNDS ((u16)(((u16)0x01)<<10)) // Set if the slave device can play sounds (alarms); |
#define I2C_COMMAND_ID_GET_FLAGS 0x01 |
// Get flags: master asks the slave for the capabilities it supports; |
// Master sends: 1 byte: command id (I2C_COMMAND_ID_GET_FLAGS) |
// Slave responds: 2 bytes: capabilities (flags as OR-ed bits) supported by the I2C device; |
// Get flags: master asks the slave for the version; |
// Master sends: 1 byte: command id (I2C_COMMAND_ID_GET_VERSION); |
// Slave responds: 1 byte: version of the software on the I2C slave device; |
#define I2C_COMMAND_ID_GET_NAME 0x03 |
// Get name: master asks slave for the device name, to be used in the user interface; |
// Master sends: 1 byte: command id; |
// Slave responds: I2C_PROTOCOL_STRING_LENGTH bytes: null terminated string, padded with 0 up to I2C_PROTOCOL_STRING_LENGTH bytes; |
// Set address: master asks slave to set it's address to a custom one, to avoid conflicts |
// Master sends: 2 bytes: command id and the new I2C address to be used by slave device; |
// Slave responds: 1 byte: 0 - ok, 1 - error |
// Get buttons: master asks slave if any buttons where pressed; |
// Master sends: 1 byte: command id; |
// Slave responds: 4 bytes: |
// first 2 bytes: each bit represents 1 if a button was pressed, for a possible of 16 buttons on the device; |
// last 2 bytes: each bit represents 1 if a button was long pressed, for a possible of 16 buttons on the device; |
// bit 0 - Menu/Ok button |
// bit 1 - Cancel button |
// bit 2 - Plus button |
// bit 3 - Minus button |
// bit 4 - QA1 button |
// bit 5 - QA2 button |
// bit 6 - QA3 button |
// bit 7 - Action Plus button |
// bit 8 - Action Minus button |
// bit 9... - future use |
// Get rotary encoder events (for main and secondary rotary encoders, if present); |
// Master asks slave if any rotary encoder events (first or secondary rotary encoder) took place. |
// Master sends: 1 byte: command id; |
// Slave responds: 1 byte: each bit represents: |
// bit 0: rotary encoder was pressed; |
// bit 1: rotary encoder was long pressed; |
// bit 2: rotary encoder was rotated CCW; |
// bit 3: rotary encoder was rotated CW; |
// bit 4: rotary encoder was rotated fast CCW; |
// bit 5: rotary encoder was rotated fast CW; |
#define I2C_COMMAND_RC_FLAG_IBUS (1<<1) |
#define I2C_COMMAND_RC_FLAG_PPM (1<<2) |
// Set RC Input flags: master tells the slave what RC protocol to read and if the RC input UART should be inverted or not (SBUS should be inverted). |
// Master sends: 2 bytes: command id and the RC input flags: |
// bit 0-4: RC protocol: 1 - parse SBUS RC input; 2 - parse IBUS RC input; 4 - parse PPM RC input; |
// bit 4: 0 - non inverted UART, 1 - invert UART; |
// Slave responds: 1 byte: 0 - ok, 1 - error |
// Gets the current RC channels values from the slave device; |
// Master sends: 1 byte: command id; |
// Slave responds: 26 bytes: 1 byte flags, 1 byte frame number, 24 bytes for RC channels values (16 channels, 12 bits per channel, for 0...4095 posible values). |
// byte 0: flags: bit 0 is set if RC input failsafe event occured on the slave device. |
// byte 1: frame number: monotonically increasing on each received RC frame |
// byte 1-16 - LSBits (8 bits) of each channel, from ch 1 to ch 16; |
// byte 17-24 - MSBits (4 bits) of each channel, from ch 1 to ch 16; |
// Unused channels should be set to zero. |
// Set RC Output flags: master tells the slave what RC protocol to generate and if the RC output UART should be inverted or not (SBUS should be inverted). |
// Master sends: 2 bytes: command id and the RC output flags (same bits as RC input flags): |
// bit 0-4: RC protocol: 1 - SBUS RC output; 2 - IBUS RC output; 4 - PPM RC output; |
// bit 4: 0 - non inverted UART, 1 - invert UART; |
// Slave responds: 1 byte: 0 - ok, 1 - error |
// Sets the current RC channels values to the slave device; |
// Master sends: 26 bytes: 1 byte command id, 1 byte flags, 24 bytes: RC channels values (16 channels, 12 bits per channel, for 0...4095 posible values). |
// byte 0: command id (this one); |
// byte 1: flags: bit 0: set if failsafe should be signaled by the slave device; not set otherways; |
// byte 2-17 - LSBits (8 bits) of each channel, from ch 1 to ch 16; |
// byte 18-25 - MSBits (4 bits) of each channel, from ch 1 to ch 16; |
// Unused channels should be set to zero. |
// Ask the slave device if the vehicle should receive the arm or disarm command |
// Master sends: 1 byte: command id; |
// Slave responds: 1 byte: |
// bit 0: 0 - no change; 1 - has new arm state |
// bit 1: 0 - disarm; 1 - arm |
// Ask the slave device if the vehicle should receive a new flight mode |
// Master sends: 1 byte: command id; |
// Slave responds: 1 byte: |
// bit 0: 0 - no change; 1 - has new flight mode; |
// bit 1..7: new flight mode as defined by ArduPilot; |
// Ask the slave device if they have any pending camera params changes (or wants to change something); |
// Master sends: 1 byte: command id; |
// Slave responds: 1 byte: |
// bit 0: 0 - no change; 1 - wants to do some changes |
// Ask the slave device for the new camera params; |
// Master sends: 1 byte: command id; |
// Slave responds: 4 bytes: |
// byte 0: brightness (0..100) |
// byte 1: contrast (0..100) |
// byte 2: saturation (0..100) |
// byte 3: sharpness (0..100) |
// Ask the slave device if they want to change the video quality |
// Master sends: 1 byte: command id; |
// Slave responds: 1 byte: |
// bit 0: 0 - no (video quality is auto, decided by Ruby), 0-100 sets a custom video quality (0=lowest quality) |
// Ask the slave to play a particular sound |
// Master sends: 2 bytes: command id; sound id: |
// 1 - battery alarm; |
// 2 - arm alarm; |
// 3 - disarm alarm; |
// Slave responds: 1 byte: |
// bit 0: 0 - failed; 1 - succeeded; |
// CRC table used for CRC calculations |
const u8 s_crc_i2c_table[256] = { |
0x00,0x31,0x62,0x53,0xC4,0xF5,0xA6,0x97,0xB9,0x88,0xDB,0xEA,0x7D,0x4C,0x1F,0x2E, |
0x43,0x72,0x21,0x10,0x87,0xB6,0xE5,0xD4,0xFA,0xCB,0x98,0xA9,0x3E,0x0F,0x5C,0x6D, |
0x86,0xB7,0xE4,0xD5,0x42,0x73,0x20,0x11,0x3F,0x0E,0x5D,0x6C,0xFB,0xCA,0x99,0xA8, |
0xC5,0xF4,0xA7,0x96,0x01,0x30,0x63,0x52,0x7C,0x4D,0x1E,0x2F,0xB8,0x89,0xDA,0xEB, |
0x3D,0x0C,0x5F,0x6E,0xF9,0xC8,0x9B,0xAA,0x84,0xB5,0xE6,0xD7,0x40,0x71,0x22,0x13, |
0x7E,0x4F,0x1C,0x2D,0xBA,0x8B,0xD8,0xE9,0xC7,0xF6,0xA5,0x94,0x03,0x32,0x61,0x50, |
0xBB,0x8A,0xD9,0xE8,0x7F,0x4E,0x1D,0x2C,0x02,0x33,0x60,0x51,0xC6,0xF7,0xA4,0x95, |
0xF8,0xC9,0x9A,0xAB,0x3C,0x0D,0x5E,0x6F,0x41,0x70,0x23,0x12,0x85,0xB4,0xE7,0xD6, |
0x7A,0x4B,0x18,0x29,0xBE,0x8F,0xDC,0xED,0xC3,0xF2,0xA1,0x90,0x07,0x36,0x65,0x54, |
0x39,0x08,0x5B,0x6A,0xFD,0xCC,0x9F,0xAE,0x80,0xB1,0xE2,0xD3,0x44,0x75,0x26,0x17, |
0xFC,0xCD,0x9E,0xAF,0x38,0x09,0x5A,0x6B,0x45,0x74,0x27,0x16,0x81,0xB0,0xE3,0xD2, |
0xBF,0x8E,0xDD,0xEC,0x7B,0x4A,0x19,0x28,0x06,0x37,0x64,0x55,0xC2,0xF3,0xA0,0x91, |
0x47,0x76,0x25,0x14,0x83,0xB2,0xE1,0xD0,0xFE,0xCF,0x9C,0xAD,0x3A,0x0B,0x58,0x69, |
0x04,0x35,0x66,0x57,0xC0,0xF1,0xA2,0x93,0xBD,0x8C,0xDF,0xEE,0x79,0x48,0x1B,0x2A, |
0xC1,0xF0,0xA3,0x92,0x05,0x34,0x67,0x56,0x78,0x49,0x1A,0x2B,0xBC,0x8D,0xDE,0xEF, |
0x82,0xB3,0xE0,0xD1,0x46,0x77,0x24,0x15,0x3B,0x0A,0x59,0x68,0xFF,0xCE,0x9D,0xAC }; |
// CRC-8 function: |
/* |
u8 calculate_i2c_crc(u8* pData, int iLength) |
{ |
u8 uCrc = 0xFF; |
if ( NULL == pData || iLength <= 0 ) |
return uCrc; |
for ( int i = 0; i < iLength; i++) |
uCrc = s_crc_i2c_table[pData[i] ^ uCrc]; |
return uCrc; |
} |
*/ |
@ -0,0 +1,915 @@ |
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "main.h"
TFT_eSprite mainscreen_buffer = TFT_eSprite(&M5.Lcd); // Handling Display
ADS1115 ADS(0x48, &Wire1); // Hardware ADC for Gimbals
void setup() { |
Serial.begin(115200); |
// Initialize variables
init_var(); |
// Starting up display
M5.begin(true, true, true, false); // Initialize M5Core2
M5.Lcd.fillScreen(BLACK); |
mainscreen_buffer.createSprite(320, 240); |
// REF: https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/blob/master/docs/source/api/i2c.rst#i2c-begin
Wire.onReceive(onI2C0Receive); |
Wire.onRequest(onI2C0Request); |
bool ready_i2c = Wire.begin(0x6D, I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL, 100000); |
if(!ready_i2c) { |
Serial.println("I2C Slave init ERROR."); |
delay(5000); |
ESP.restart(); |
} else { |
i2c_status = true; |
} |
// Init Hardware ADC
if(!ADS.begin(ADS1115_SCL, ADS1115_SDA)) { |
Serial.println("ADS1115 ERROR!"); |
// delay(5000);
} |
// Setting WiFi
wifi_setup(); |
// Setup OTA
ota_setup(); |
// Setting up Tasks
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( |
taskSystem, |
"TaskSystem", // Name of the process
16384, // This stack size can be checked & adjusted by reading the Stack Highwater
5, // Priority
CPU_0 |
); |
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( |
taskDisplay, |
"TaskDisplay", // Name of the process
8192, // This stack size can be checked & adjusted by reading the Stack Highwater
5, // Priority
CPU_1 |
); |
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( |
taskInput, |
"TaskInput", // Name of the process
8192, // This stack size can be checked & adjusted by reading the Stack Highwater
5, // Priority
CPU_0 |
); |
} |
void ota_setup(void) { |
ArduinoOTA.begin(); |
// Set Port to 8266
ArduinoOTA.setPort(8266); |
ArduinoOTA.onStart([]() { |
String type; |
if(ArduinoOTA.getCommand() == U_FLASH) { |
type = "sketch"; |
} else { // U_FS
type = "filesystem"; |
} |
// NOTE: if updating FS this would be the place to unmount FS using FS.end()
if(DEBUG) Serial.println("Start updating " + type); |
}); |
ArduinoOTA.onEnd([]() { |
OTA_NOW = true; |
if(DEBUG) Serial.println("\nEnd"); |
ESP.restart(); |
}); |
ArduinoOTA.onProgress([](unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) { |
OTA_NOW = true; |
if(DEBUG) Serial.printf("Progress: %u%%\r", (progress / (total / 100))); |
}); |
ArduinoOTA.onError([](ota_error_t error) { |
if(DEBUG) Serial.printf("Error[%u]: ", error); |
if(error == OTA_AUTH_ERROR) { |
if(DEBUG) Serial.println("Auth Failed"); |
} else if(error == OTA_BEGIN_ERROR) { |
if(DEBUG) Serial.println("Begin Failed"); |
} else if(error == OTA_CONNECT_ERROR) { |
if(DEBUG) Serial.println("Connect Failed"); |
} else if(error == OTA_RECEIVE_ERROR) { |
if(DEBUG) Serial.println("Receive Failed"); |
} else if(error == OTA_END_ERROR) { |
if(DEBUG) Serial.println("End Failed"); |
} |
}); |
} |
void wifi_setup(void) { |
IPAddress local_ip(172,16,1,1); |
IPAddress gateway(172,16,1,1); |
IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,0); |
delay(100); |
WiFi.softAPConfig(local_ip, gateway, subnet); |
delay(100); |
IP = WiFi.softAPIP(); |
} |
void onI2C0Request(void) { |
} |
void onI2C0Receive(int len) { |
// Prevent interrupted during OTA
if(OTA_NOW) |
return; |
int ch = Wire.read(); |
if(!header_detected) { |
if(ch == 0xFF) { |
header_detected = true; |
} else { |
return; |
} |
} |
// Data...
i2c_received[i2c_received_length++] = ch; |
All commands sent by Ruby are in this format: |
1 byte: start command header, always 0xFF; |
2 byte: command id, see below; |
N bytes: command data, size depending on command; |
1 byte: CRC; |
***/ |
for(int i = 0; i <=i2c_received_length; i++) { |
Serial.print(i2c_received[i], HEX); Serial.print(" "); |
} |
Serial.println(); |
***/ |
if( |
i2c_received[1] == I2C_COMMAND_ID_GET_FLAGS || |
i2c_received[1] == I2C_COMMAND_ID_GET_NAME || |
i2c_received[1] == I2C_COMMAND_ID_GET_BUTTONS_EVENTS || |
i2c_received[1] == I2C_COMMAND_ID_GET_ROTARY_EVENTS || |
i2c_received[1] == I2C_COMMAND_ID_RC_GET_CHANNELS |
) { |
if(i2c_received_length == 2) { |
parse_i2c_command(); |
// Reset back to starting point.
i2c_received_length = 0; |
header_detected = false; |
} |
} else if( |
i2c_received[1] == I2C_COMMAND_ID_SET_RC_INPUT_FLAGS |
) { |
if(i2c_received_length == 3) { |
parse_i2c_command(); |
// Reset back to starting point.
i2c_received_length = 0; |
header_detected = false; |
} |
} |
} |
void parse_i2c_command(void) { |
uint8_t crc = 0xFF; |
// Firewall (CRC)
for(uint16_t i = 0; i < i2c_received_length - 1; i++) |
crc = s_crc_i2c_table[i2c_received[i] ^ crc]; |
if(crc != i2c_received[i2c_received_length]) { |
Serial.printf("Invalid Command CRC: RX = 0x%2X # CRC = 0x%2X # RET = 0x%2X\n", i2c_received[1], i2c_received[i2c_received_length], crc); |
return; |
} |
**/ |
i2c_send_length = 0; |
if(i2c_received[1] == I2C_COMMAND_ID_GET_FLAGS) { |
if(DEBUG) Serial.println("Get flags command"); |
i2c_send[0] = |
i2c_send[1] = 0; |
i2c_send_length = 2; |
} else if(i2c_received[1] == I2C_COMMAND_ID_SET_RC_INPUT_FLAGS) { |
if(DEBUG) Serial.println("Set RC Input Flags"); |
uint8_t flags = i2c_received[2]; |
if(flags & I2C_COMMAND_RC_FLAG_SBUS) |
if(DEBUG) Serial.print("SBUS"); |
if(flags & I2C_COMMAND_RC_FLAG_IBUS) |
if(DEBUG) Serial.print("IBUS"); |
if(flags & I2C_COMMAND_RC_FLAG_PPM) |
if(DEBUG) Serial.print("PPM"); |
if(DEBUG) Serial.println(" INVERTED"); |
else |
if(DEBUG) Serial.println(); |
i2c_send[0] = 0; |
i2c_send_length = 1; |
} else if(i2c_received[1] == I2C_COMMAND_ID_RC_GET_CHANNELS) { |
Gets the current RC channels values from the slave device; |
Master sends: 1 byte: command id; |
Slave responds: 26 bytes: 1 byte flags, 1 byte frame number, 24 bytes for RC channels values (16 channels, 12 bits per channel, for 0...4095 posible values). |
byte 0: flags: bit 0 is set if RC input failsafe event occured on the slave device. |
byte 1: frame number: monotonically increasing on each received RC frame |
byte 2 -17 - LSBits (8 bits) of each channel, from ch 1 to ch 16; |
byte 18-25 - MSBits (4 bits) of each channel, from ch 1 to ch 16; |
Unused channels should be set to zero. |
**/ |
// Serial.println("RC get channels");
i2c_send[0] = 0; // SBUS is Fail Safe.. temporary
i2c_send[1] = frame_count; |
// Channel [ 1 ~ 16 ] LSB @ byte 2 ~ 17
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) |
i2c_send[2 + i] = sbusData.ch[i] & 0xFF; |
// Channel [ 1 ~ 16 ] MSB @ byte 18 ~ 25
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { |
if((i % 2) == 0) { |
i2c_send[18 + i/2] = (sbusData.ch[i] >> 8) & 0x0F; |
} else { |
i2c_send[18 + i/2] = (i2c_send[18 + i/2]) | ((sbusData.ch[i] >> 8) & 0x0F) << 4; |
} |
} |
i2c_send_length = 26; |
} else if(i2c_received[1] == I2C_COMMAND_ID_GET_NAME) { |
Get name: master asks slave for the device name, to be used in the user interface; |
Master sends: 1 byte: command id; |
Slave responds: I2C_PROTOCOL_STRING_LENGTH bytes: null terminated string, padded with 0 up to I2C_PROTOCOL_STRING_LENGTH bytes; |
**/ |
uint8_t device_name[] = "ESP32 Extender"; |
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 14; i++) { |
i2c_send[i] = device_name[i]; |
} |
for(uint8_t i = 14; i < I2C_PROTOCOL_STRING_LENGTH; i++) { |
i2c_send[i] = 0; |
} |
i2c_send_length = I2C_PROTOCOL_STRING_LENGTH; |
} else if(i2c_received[1] == I2C_COMMAND_ID_GET_ROTARY_EVENTS) { |
Get rotary encoder events (for main and secondary rotary encoders, if present); |
Master asks slave if any rotary encoder events (first or secondary rotary encoder) took place. |
Master sends: 1 byte: command id; |
Slave responds: 1 byte: each bit represents: |
bit 0: rotary encoder was pressed; |
bit 1: rotary encoder was long pressed; |
bit 2: rotary encoder was rotated CCW; |
bit 3: rotary encoder was rotated CW; |
bit 4: rotary encoder was rotated fast CCW; |
bit 5: rotary encoder was rotated fast CW; |
**/ |
uint8_t rotary_encoder = 0; |
i2c_send[0] = rotary_encoder; |
i2c_send_length = 1; |
} else if(i2c_received[1] == I2C_COMMAND_ID_GET_BUTTONS_EVENTS) { |
Get buttons: master asks slave if any buttons where pressed; |
Master sends: 1 byte: command id; |
Slave responds: 4 bytes: |
first 2 bytes: each bit represents 1 if a button was pressed, for a possible of 16 buttons on the device; |
last 2 bytes: each bit represents 1 if a button was long pressed, for a possible of 16 buttons on the device; |
bit 0 - Menu/Ok button |
bit 1 - Cancel button |
bit 2 - Plus button |
bit 3 - Minus button |
bit 4 - QA1 button |
bit 5 - QA2 button |
bit 6 - QA3 button |
bit 7 - Action Plus button |
bit 8 - Action Minus button |
bit 9... - future use |
**/ |
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) |
rubybutton[i] = 0; |
if((uint32_t)(millis() - rubybutton_last[0]) > rubybutton_delay) { |
rubybutton[0] = button1; |
// Reset after read
button1 = 0; |
// digitalWrite(BUTTON_MENU, rubybutton[0]);
rubybutton_last[0] = millis(); |
} |
if((uint32_t)(millis() - rubybutton_last[1]) > rubybutton_delay) { |
rubybutton[1] = button2; |
// Reset after read
button2 = 0; |
// digitalWrite(BUTTON_BACK, rubybutton[1]);
rubybutton_last[1] = millis(); |
} |
if((uint32_t)(millis() - rubybutton_last[2]) > rubybutton_delay) { |
rubybutton[2] = button6; |
// Reset after read
button6 = 0; |
// digitalWrite(BUTTON_UP, rubybutton[2]);
rubybutton_last[2] = millis(); |
} |
if((uint32_t)(millis() - rubybutton_last[3]) > rubybutton_delay) { |
rubybutton[3] = button7; |
// Reset after read
button7 = 0; |
// digitalWrite(BUTTON_DOWN, rubybutton[3]);
rubybutton_last[3] = millis(); |
} |
i2c_send[0] = |
rubybutton[0] | // Menu/Ok button
rubybutton[1] << 1 | // Cancel button
rubybutton[2] << 2 | // Plus button
rubybutton[3] << 3 ; // Minus button
i2c_send[1] = 0; |
i2c_send[2] = 0; |
i2c_send[3] = 0; |
i2c_send_length = 4; |
// Others undefined
} else { |
if(DEBUG) Serial.print("Others: "); |
for(uint16_t i = 0; i < i2c_received_length; i++) |
if(DEBUG) Serial.printf("0x%2X ", i2c_received[i]); |
if(DEBUG) Serial.println(); |
} |
// Calculating CRC
if(i2c_send_length > 0) { |
crc = 0xFF; |
for(uint16_t i = 0; i < i2c_send_length; i++) { |
crc = s_crc_i2c_table[i2c_send[i] ^ crc]; |
} |
i2c_send[i2c_send_length++] = crc; |
Wire.slaveWrite(i2c_send, i2c_send_length); |
i2c_counter_raw++; |
} |
} |
// Tasks
void taskSystem(void *pvParameters) { |
(void) pvParameters; |
uint32_t last_update = 0; |
uint32_t last_update_ota_handler = 0; |
for(;;) { |
vTaskDelay(1); |
if((uint32_t)(millis() - last_update) > 999) { |
i2c_counter = i2c_counter_raw; |
i2c_counter_raw = 0; |
uptime++; |
// frame_count = frame_count_raw;
// frame_count_raw = 0;
// profile_gimbal_rate = profile_gimbal_rate_raw;
// profile_gimbal_rate_raw = 0;
// if(counter == 0) {
/// signalNotOK = true;
// }
last_update = millis(); |
} |
if((uint32_t)(millis() - last_update_ota_handler) > 20) { |
ArduinoOTA.handle(); |
} |
} |
} |
void taskDisplay(void *pvParameters) { |
(void) pvParameters; |
uint32_t last_update = 0; |
uint8_t delay = 50; // Screen refreshing time. 50mS delay. Roughly 20Hz for display rate.
for(;;) { |
vTaskDelay(delay); |
if((uint32_t)(millis() - last_update) > delay) { |
// Prevent processing when OTA
if(OTA_NOW) |
continue; |
M5.update(); |
// Preventing it back to intro screen
if(current_screen <= SCREEN_INTRO) current_screen = SCREEN_BUTTONS; |
// Preventing over...
if(current_screen > SCREEN_RUBYTOGGLES) current_screen = SCREEN_RUBYTOGGLES; |
switch(current_screen) { |
screen_intro(); |
break; |
screen_buttons(); |
break; |
screen_controller(); |
break; |
screen_rubytoggles(); |
break; |
} |
last_update = millis(); |
} |
} |
} |
void taskInput(void *pvParameters) { |
(void) pvParameters; |
uint32_t last_update = 0; |
uint32_t last_voltage_read = 0; |
for(;;) { |
vTaskDelay(1); |
// Prevent processing when OTA
if(OTA_NOW) |
continue; |
if((uint32_t)(millis() - last_update) > 5) { |
last_update = millis(); |
} |
if((uint32_t)(millis() - last_voltage_read) > 500) { |
battery_voltage = (float)analogRead(BAT_PIN) * BAT_SCALE; |
last_voltage_read = millis(); |
} |
} |
} |
void draw_gimbal_huge(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { |
// Top
mainscreen_buffer.drawFastHLine(x, y, 120, TFT_DARKGREEN); |
// Bottom
mainscreen_buffer.drawFastHLine(x, y + 119, 120, TFT_DARKGREEN); |
// Left
mainscreen_buffer.drawFastVLine(x, y, 120, TFT_DARKGREEN); |
// Right
mainscreen_buffer.drawFastVLine(x + 119, y, 120, TFT_DARKGREEN); |
// Middle dotted lines
for(uint16_t x1 = x; x1 < x + 120; x1 += 10) { |
mainscreen_buffer.drawFastHLine(x1, y + 60, 5, TFT_DARKGREEN); |
} |
for(uint16_t y1 = y; y1 < y + 120; y1 += 10) { |
mainscreen_buffer.drawFastVLine(x + 60, y1, 5, TFT_DARKGREEN); |
} |
} |
void screen_rubytoggles(void) { |
mainscreen_buffer.fillRect(0, 0, 320, 240, BLACK); // Clear the screen
mainscreen_buffer.setTextSize(2); |
mainscreen_buffer.setTextColor(TFT_BLUE); |
mainscreen_buffer.setCursor(0, 0); |
mainscreen_buffer.print("> RC CONTROLLER "); // Title
mainscreen_buffer.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE); |
mainscreen_buffer.print("[RUBYFPV]"); // Title
mainscreen_buffer.drawRect(16, 32, 60, 60, TFT_WHITE); |
mainscreen_buffer.drawRect(16, 122, 60, 60, TFT_WHITE); |
mainscreen_buffer.drawRect(260, 32, 60, 60, TFT_WHITE); |
mainscreen_buffer.drawRect(260, 122, 60, 60, TFT_WHITE); |
footer(); |
mainscreen_buffer.pushSprite(0, 0); // Display it
// Handle inputs
e = M5.Buttons.event; |
coordinate = M5.Touch.getPressPoint(); |
#define E_TOUCH 0x0001
#define E_RELEASE 0x0002
#define E_MOVE 0x0004
#define E_GESTURE 0x0008
#define E_TAP 0x0010
#define E_DBLTAP 0x0020
#define E_DRAGGED 0x0040
#define E_PRESSED 0x0080
#define E_PRESSING 0x0100
#define E_LONGPRESSED 0x0200
#define E_LONGPRESSING 0x0400
***/ |
if(e) { |
if(DEBUG) { |
bool touch = (e & E_TOUCH); |
bool release = (e & E_RELEASE); |
bool move = (e & E_MOVE); |
bool gesture = (e & E_GESTURE); |
bool tap = (e & E_TAP); |
bool dtap = (e & E_DBLTAP); |
bool dragged = (e & E_DRAGGED); |
bool pressed = (e & E_PRESSED); |
bool pressing = (e & E_PRESSING); |
bool lpressed = (e & E_LONGPRESSED); |
bool lpressing = (e & E_LONGPRESSING); |
Serial.printf("[%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d]Pos X:%d, Y:%d\r\n", touch, release, move, gesture, tap, dtap, dragged, pressed, pressing, lpressed, lpressing, e.to.x, e.to.y); |
} |
if(e & E_TOUCH) { |
if( |
e.to.x >= 16 && |
e.to.x <= 76 && |
e.to.y >= 32 && |
e.to.y <= 92 |
) { |
if(DEBUG) Serial.printf("RUBY BUTTON 1\r\n"); |
button1 = true; |
} |
if( |
e.to.x >= 16 && |
e.to.x <= 76 && |
e.to.y >= 122 && |
e.to.y <= 182 |
) { |
if(DEBUG) Serial.printf("RUBY BUTTON 2\r\n"); |
button2 = true; |
} |
if( |
e.to.x >= 260 && |
e.to.x <= 320 && |
e.to.y >= 32 && |
e.to.y <= 92 |
) { |
if(DEBUG) Serial.printf("RUBY BUTTON 6\r\n"); |
button6 = true; |
} |
if( |
e.to.x >= 200 && |
e.to.x <= 320 && |
e.to.y >= 122 && |
e.to.y <= 182 |
) { |
if(DEBUG) Serial.printf("RUBY BUTTON 7\r\n"); |
button7 = true; |
} |
} // End of E_TOUCH
// Determine move position
touch_reader(); |
} |
} |
void screen_controller(void) { |
mainscreen_buffer.fillRect(0, 0, 320, 240, BLACK); // Clear the screen
mainscreen_buffer.setTextSize(2); |
mainscreen_buffer.setTextColor(TFT_BLUE); |
mainscreen_buffer.setCursor(0, 0); |
mainscreen_buffer.print("> RC CONTROLLER "); // Title
mainscreen_buffer.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE); |
mainscreen_buffer.print("[GIMBALS]"); // Title
draw_gimbal_huge(39, 60); |
draw_gimbal_huge(161, 60); |
footer(); |
mainscreen_buffer.pushSprite(0, 0); // Display it
// Handle inputs
e = M5.Buttons.event; |
coordinate = M5.Touch.getPressPoint(); |
#define E_TOUCH 0x0001
#define E_RELEASE 0x0002
#define E_MOVE 0x0004
#define E_GESTURE 0x0008
#define E_TAP 0x0010
#define E_DBLTAP 0x0020
#define E_DRAGGED 0x0040
#define E_PRESSED 0x0080
#define E_PRESSING 0x0100
#define E_LONGPRESSED 0x0200
#define E_LONGPRESSING 0x0400
***/ |
if(e) { |
if(DEBUG) { |
bool touch = (e & E_TOUCH); |
bool release = (e & E_RELEASE); |
bool move = (e & E_MOVE); |
bool gesture = (e & E_GESTURE); |
bool tap = (e & E_TAP); |
bool dtap = (e & E_DBLTAP); |
bool dragged = (e & E_DRAGGED); |
bool pressed = (e & E_PRESSED); |
bool pressing = (e & E_PRESSING); |
bool lpressed = (e & E_LONGPRESSED); |
bool lpressing = (e & E_LONGPRESSING); |
Serial.printf("[%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d]Pos X:%d, Y:%d\r\n", touch, release, move, gesture, tap, dtap, dragged, pressed, pressing, lpressed, lpressing, e.to.x, e.to.y); |
} |
if(e & E_PRESSING) { |
} // End of E_PRESSING
**/ |
// Determine move position
touch_reader(); |
} |
} |
void screen_buttons(void) { |
mainscreen_buffer.fillRect(0, 0, 320, 240, BLACK); // Clear the screen
mainscreen_buffer.setTextSize(2); |
mainscreen_buffer.setTextColor(TFT_BLUE); |
mainscreen_buffer.setCursor(0, 0); |
mainscreen_buffer.print("> RC CONTROLLER"); // Title
mainscreen_buffer.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE); |
mainscreen_buffer.print(" [TOGGLES]"); // Title
// Buttons 1 - 3
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { |
int x = i * 80 + 48; |
mainscreen_buffer.drawRect(x, 32, 60, 60, TFT_WHITE); |
if(buttons[i]) |
mainscreen_buffer.fillRect(x+2, 34, 56, 56, TFT_RED); |
} |
// Buttons 4 - 6
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { |
int x = i * 80 + 48; |
mainscreen_buffer.drawRect(x, 112, 60, 60, TFT_WHITE); |
if(buttons[i+3]) |
mainscreen_buffer.fillRect(x+2, 114, 56, 56, TFT_RED); |
} |
footer(); |
mainscreen_buffer.pushSprite(0, 0); // Display it
// Handle inputs
e = M5.Buttons.event; |
coordinate = M5.Touch.getPressPoint(); |
#define E_TOUCH 0x0001
#define E_RELEASE 0x0002
#define E_MOVE 0x0004
#define E_GESTURE 0x0008
#define E_TAP 0x0010
#define E_DBLTAP 0x0020
#define E_DRAGGED 0x0040
#define E_PRESSED 0x0080
#define E_PRESSING 0x0100
#define E_LONGPRESSED 0x0200
#define E_LONGPRESSING 0x0400
***/ |
if(e) { |
if(DEBUG) { |
bool touch = (e & E_TOUCH); |
bool release = (e & E_RELEASE); |
bool move = (e & E_MOVE); |
bool gesture = (e & E_GESTURE); |
bool tap = (e & E_TAP); |
bool dtap = (e & E_DBLTAP); |
bool dragged = (e & E_DRAGGED); |
bool pressed = (e & E_PRESSED); |
bool pressing = (e & E_PRESSING); |
bool lpressed = (e & E_LONGPRESSED); |
bool lpressing = (e & E_LONGPRESSING); |
Serial.printf("[%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d]Pos X:%d, Y:%d\r\n", touch, release, move, gesture, tap, dtap, dragged, pressed, pressing, lpressed, lpressing, e.to.x, e.to.y); |
} |
if(e & E_PRESSING) { |
// Button 1
if( |
e.to.x >= 48 && |
e.to.x <= 108 && |
e.to.y >= 32 && |
e.to.y <= 92 |
) { |
if(DEBUG) Serial.printf("BUTTON 1\r\n"); |
buttons[0] = !buttons[0]; |
} |
// Button 2
if( |
e.to.x >= 128 && |
e.to.x <= 188 && |
e.to.y >= 32 && |
e.to.y <= 92 |
) { |
if(DEBUG) Serial.printf("BUTTON 2\r\n"); |
buttons[1] = !buttons[1]; |
} |
// Button 3
if( |
e.to.x >= 208 && |
e.to.x <= 268 && |
e.to.y >= 32 && |
e.to.y <= 92 |
) { |
if(DEBUG) Serial.printf("BUTTON 3\r\n"); |
buttons[2] = !buttons[2]; |
} |
// Button 4
if( |
e.to.x >= 48 && |
e.to.x <= 108 && |
e.to.y >= 112 && |
e.to.y <= 172 |
) { |
if(DEBUG) Serial.printf("BUTTON 4\r\n"); |
buttons[3] = !buttons[3]; |
} |
// Button 5
if( |
e.to.x >= 128 && |
e.to.x <= 188 && |
e.to.y >= 112 && |
e.to.y <= 172 |
) { |
if(DEBUG) Serial.printf("BUTTON 5\r\n"); |
buttons[4] = !buttons[4]; |
} |
// Button 6
if( |
e.to.x >= 208 && |
e.to.x <= 268 && |
e.to.y >= 112 && |
e.to.y <= 172 |
) { |
if(DEBUG) Serial.printf("BUTTON 6\r\n"); |
buttons[5] = !buttons[5]; |
} |
} // End of E_PRESSING
// Determine move position
touch_reader(); |
} |
} |
void touch_reader(void) { |
// Skipped if too fast
if((uint32_t)(millis() - last_scroll) < 200) |
return; |
if(e & E_MOVE) { |
// Prev Page
if((e.to.x - drag_start_x) > 100) { |
current_screen--; |
} |
// Next Page
if((e.to.x - drag_start_x) < -100) { |
current_screen++; |
} |
} |
// Detecting Touch Start of drag no matter what
if(e & E_TOUCH) { |
drag_start_x = e.to.x; |
drag_start_y = e.to.y; |
} |
// Detecting End of Touch of everything
if(e & E_RELEASE) { |
drag_start_x = -1; |
drag_start_y = -1; |
drag_end_x = -1; |
drag_end_y = -1; |
} |
last_scroll = millis(); |
} |
void footer(void) { |
mainscreen_buffer.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE); |
mainscreen_buffer.setTextSize(2); |
mainscreen_buffer.setCursor(0, 226); |
// mainscreen_buffer.print("UPTIME: ");
mainscreen_buffer.print(uptime); |
mainscreen_buffer.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW); |
mainscreen_buffer.setCursor(60, 226); |
mainscreen_buffer.print(IP); |
mainscreen_buffer.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE); |
mainscreen_buffer.setCursor(200, 226); |
mainscreen_buffer.print(i2c_counter); |
mainscreen_buffer.setCursor(240, 226); |
mainscreen_buffer.print(battery_voltage); |
} |
void screen_intro(void) { |
mainscreen_buffer.fillRect(0, 0, 320, 240, BLACK); // Clear the screen
mainscreen_buffer.drawRoundRect(50, 50, 220, 140, 10, DIALOGBOX_FOREGROUND); |
mainscreen_buffer.fillRoundRect(51, 51, 218, 138, 10, DIALOGBOX_BACKGROUND); |
mainscreen_buffer.setCursor(72, 110); |
mainscreen_buffer.setTextSize(2); |
mainscreen_buffer.print("MiniX1RC V1.0"); |
mainscreen_buffer.setTextSize(1); |
mainscreen_buffer.setCursor(72, 130); |
mainscreen_buffer.print("By BertFPV (20231021)"); |
mainscreen_buffer.pushSprite(0, 0); |
delay(500); |
current_screen = SCREEN_BUTTONS; |
} |
void init_var(void) { |
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) |
buttons[i] = false; |
} |
void loop() { |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ |
#ifndef MAIN_H |
#define MAIN_H |
// If DEBUG true will display log at serial |
#define DEBUG true |
bool OTA_NOW = false; |
#define CPU_0 0 |
#define CPU_1 1 |
#define BAT_PIN 35 |
#define BAT_SCALE .01 |
float battery_voltage = 0.00; |
// Structures |
typedef struct struct_data { |
uint8_t message_type; |
uint16_t throttle; |
uint16_t yaw; |
uint16_t roll; |
uint16_t pitch; |
uint16_t aux; |
// bool aux[9]; |
// bool rubybutton[9]; |
uint16_t rubybutton; |
} struct_data; |
typedef struct sbus_data { |
bool failsafe; |
bool ch17; |
bool ch18; |
uint16_t ch[16]; |
} struct_sbus; |
enum screen_names { |
}; |
int16_t drag_start_x = -1; |
int16_t drag_start_y = -1; |
int16_t drag_end_x = -1; |
int16_t drag_end_y = -1; |
// For Ground Station Pi via I2C |
#define MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 |
#define I2C_SCL 33 |
#define I2C_SDA 32 |
#define I2C_SLAVE_ADDR 0x60 |
uint8_t i2c_received[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; |
uint8_t i2c_send[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; |
uint16_t i2c_received_length = 0; |
uint16_t i2c_send_length = 0; |
uint8_t i2c_received_max = 0; |
uint8_t frame_count = 0; |
bool header_detected = false; |
// ADS1115 |
#define ADS1115_SDA 21 |
#define ADS1115_SCL 22 |
#include <Arduino.h> |
#include <ArduinoOTA.h> |
#include <M5Core2.h> |
#include <BleGamepad.h> |
#include "i2c_protocols.h" |
#include "Wire.h" |
#include "ADS1X15.h" |
#include <WiFi.h> |
#include <WiFiClient.h> |
#define WIFI_SSID "MiniX1RC" |
#define WIFI_PASSPHRASE "letmein123" |
IPAddress IP; |
// Functions |
void onI2C0Receive(int len); |
void onI2C0Request(void); |
void parse_i2c_command(void); |
// Variables |
bool signalNotOK = false; |
bool i2c_status = false; |
uint16_t i2c_counter = 0; |
uint16_t i2c_counter_raw = 0; |
uint16_t uptime = 0; |
// Button 1, 2, 6 and 7 are for RubyFPV |
// Button 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 and 10 are for the controller |
Event &e = M5.Buttons.event; |
TouchPoint_t coordinate; |
bool buttons[10]; |
uint8_t button1 = 0; |
uint8_t button2 = 0; |
uint8_t button3 = 0; |
uint8_t button4 = 0; |
uint8_t button5 = 0; |
uint8_t button6 = 0; |
uint8_t button7 = 0; |
uint8_t button8 = 0; |
uint8_t button9 = 0; |
uint8_t button10 = 0; |
bool rubybutton[16]; |
uint32_t rubybutton_last[16]; |
uint16_t rubybutton_delay = 200; |
struct_sbus sbusData; |
uint8_t current_screen = SCREEN_INTRO; |
uint32_t last_scroll = 0; |
// Task Handler |
void taskSystem(void *pvParameters); |
void taskDisplay(void *pvParameters); |
void taskInput(void *pvParameters); |
// Other Functions |
void onI2C0Receive(int len); |
void onI2C0Request(void); |
void parse_i2c_command(void); |
void wifi_setup(void); |
void ota_setup(void); |
void init_var(void); |
void screen_intro(void); |
void screen_buttons(void); |
void screen_controller(void); |
void screen_rubytoggles(void); |
void touch_reader(void); |
void footer(void); |
void draw_gimbal_huge(uint16_t x, uint16_t y); |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
This directory is intended for PlatformIO Test Runner and project tests. |
Unit Testing is a software testing method by which individual units of |
source code, sets of one or more MCU program modules together with associated |
control data, usage procedures, and operating procedures, are tested to |
determine whether they are fit for use. Unit testing finds problems early |
in the development cycle. |
More information about PlatformIO Unit Testing: |
- https://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/advanced/unit-testing/index.html |
Reference in new issue