2 years ago
10 changed files with 416 additions and 25 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,229 @@ |
#include "ESPNowRC.h"
ESPNowRC::ESPNowRC(void) { |
updated = true; |
} |
void ESPNowRC::begin(void) { |
updated = true; |
} |
void ESPNowRC::draw_gimbal(TFT_eSprite *m, uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { |
// Top
m->drawFastHLine(x, y, 90, TFT_DARKGREEN); |
// Bottom
m->drawFastHLine(x, y + 89, 90, TFT_DARKGREEN); |
// Left
m->drawFastVLine(x, y, 90, TFT_DARKGREEN); |
// Right
m->drawFastVLine(x + 89, y, 90, TFT_DARKGREEN); |
// Middle dotted lines
for(uint16_t x1 = x; x1 < x + 90; x1 += 10) { |
m->drawFastHLine(x1, y + 45, 5, TFT_DARKGREEN); |
} |
for(uint16_t y1 = y; y1 < y + 90; y1 += 10) { |
m->drawFastVLine(x + 45, y1, 5, TFT_DARKGREEN); |
} |
} |
void ESPNowRC::show(TFT_eSprite *m) { |
if(espnow2.espnow_begin == false) { |
espnow2.espnow_begin = true; |
Serial.println("ESPNOW Begin"); |
} |
if((uint32_t) (millis() - last_updated) > 50) { |
updated = true; |
} |
if((uint32_t) (millis() - last_voltage_read) > 500) { |
voltage = roundf(M5.Axp.GetBatVoltage() * 10)/10; |
current = M5.Axp.GetBatCurrent(); |
last_voltage_read = millis(); |
} |
if(updated) { |
m->fillRect(0, 0, 320, 240, BLACK); |
m->setTextColor(WHITE, BLACK); |
m->setTextSize(2); |
m->setCursor(0, 0); |
m->print("P:"); |
m->print(String(espnow2.sent_counter)); |
m->setCursor(240, 0); |
m->printf("CH:%d", espnow2.espnow_channel); |
m->setCursor(74, 0); |
m->printf("B:%.1fV %.0fmA", voltage, current); |
// m->printf(String(voltage) + "V " + String(current) + "mA");
// Draw the gimbal box
draw_gimbal(m, 69, 150); |
draw_gimbal(m, 161, 150); |
// Show the position of the left and right gimbal
// Convert the throttle and raw to x and y
// Temporary assume 4096 = max
uint16_t left_gimbal_y = map(inputs.throttle, stickcalibration.throttle_min, stickcalibration.throttle_max, 90, 0); |
uint16_t left_gimbal_x = map(inputs.yaw, stickcalibration.yaw_min, stickcalibration.yaw_max, 90, 0); |
m->fillCircle(left_gimbal_x + 69, left_gimbal_y + 150, 5, TFT_YELLOW); |
uint16_t right_gimbal_y = map(inputs.pitch, stickcalibration.pitch_min, stickcalibration.pitch_max, 0, 90); |
uint16_t right_gimbal_x = map(inputs.roll, stickcalibration.roll_min, stickcalibration.roll_max, 0, 90); |
m->fillCircle(right_gimbal_x + 161, right_gimbal_y + 150, 5, TFT_YELLOW); |
// Draw the switches
uint32_t last_millis = millis(); |
if(!espnow2.data_to_send.aux[0]) { |
m->drawRect(0, 40, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); // Button 1 - OFF
} else { |
m->drawRect(0, 40, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); // Button 1 - ON
m->fillRect(1, 41, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); |
} |
if(!espnow2.data_to_send.aux[1]) { |
m->drawRect(65, 40, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); // Button 2
} else { |
m->drawRect(65, 40, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); // Button 2
m->fillRect(66, 41, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); |
} |
if(!espnow2.data_to_send.aux[2]) { |
m->drawRect(130, 40, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); // Button 3
} else { |
m->drawRect(130, 40, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); // Button 3
m->fillRect(131, 41, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); |
} |
if(!espnow2.data_to_send.aux[3]) { |
m->drawRect(195, 40, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); // Button 4
} else { |
m->drawRect(195, 40, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); // Button 4
m->fillRect(196, 41, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); |
} |
if(!espnow2.data_to_send.aux[4]) { |
m->drawRect(260, 40, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); // Button 5
} else { |
m->drawRect(260, 40, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); // Button 5
m->fillRect(261, 41, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); |
} |
m->setCursor(90, 130); |
m->print("ESPNowRC"); |
m->pushSprite(0,0); |
updated = false; |
last_updated = millis(); |
} |
// Key Input Handler
if(M5.BtnC.wasPressed()) { |
if(espnow2.espnow_begin) { |
espnow2.espnow_begin = false; |
// ble.end();
} |
screen.current_screen = SCREEN_MENU; |
screen.updated = true; |
} |
// Temporary connect from here...
if(M5.BtnA.wasPressed()) { |
} |
// Handling inputs
Event &e = M5.Buttons.event; |
coordinate = M5.Touch.getPressPoint(); |
// Making sure not retrigger...
if((uint32_t)(millis() - touch_time) > 100) { |
if(e & (E_TOUCH)) { |
Serial.printf("E_TOUCH X:%d, Y:%d\r\n", e.to.x, e.to.y); |
// Determine touched positions:
// Left gimbal:
// - Top
// - MinX: 110
// - MinY: 150
// - MaxX: 120
// - MaxY: 180
// - Bottom
// - MinX: 110
// - MinY: 200
// - MaxX: 120
// - MaxY: 220
// - Left
// - MinX: 80
// - MinY: 180
// - MaxX: 105
// - MaxY: 210
// - Right
// - MinX: 110
// - MinY: 150
// - MaxX: 160
// - MaxY: 190
if(e.to.x >= 110 && e.to.x <= 120 && e.to.y >= 140 && e.to.y <= 180) { |
// Minus throttle
// Serial.printf("Left: TOP\n");
inputs.trim_throttle-=20; |
//// speak.speak_trim_word = TRIM_THROTTLE_INCREASE;
//// speak.speak_now_trim = true;
} else if(e.to.x >= 110 && e.to.x <= 170 && e.to.y >= 200 && e.to.y <= 220) { |
// Add throttle
// Serial.printf("Left: BOTTOM\n");
inputs.trim_throttle+=20; |
//// speak.speak_trim_word = TRIM_THROTTLE_DECREASE;
//// speak.speak_now_trim = true;
} else if(e.to.x >= 60 && e.to.x <= 105 && e.to.y >= 180 && e.to.y <= 210) { |
// Minus Yaw
// Serial.printf("Left: LEFT\n");
inputs.trim_yaw-=20; |
//// speak.speak_trim_word = TRIM_YAW_DECREASE;
//// speak.speak_now_trim = true;
} else if(e.to.x >= 110 && e.to.x <= 160 && e.to.y >= 150 && e.to.y <= 190) { |
// Add Yaw
// Serial.printf("Left: RIGHT\n");
inputs.trim_yaw+=20; |
//// speak.speak_trim_word = TRIM_YAW_INCREASE;
//// speak.speak_now_trim = true;
} else if(e.to.x >= 250 && e.to.x <= 230 && e.to.y >= 187 && e.to.y <= 197) { |
// Add Row
inputs.trim_roll+=20; |
//// speak.speak_trim_word = TRIM_ROLL_INCREASE;
//// speak.speak_now_trim = true;
} else if(e.to.x >= 180 && e.to.x <= 175 && e.to.y >= 187 && e.to.y <= 197) { |
// Minus Row
inputs.trim_roll+=20; |
//// speak.speak_trim_word = TRIM_ROLL_DECREASE;
//// speak.speak_now_trim = true;
// TODO: Continue the rest.....
} else if(e.to.x >= 0 && e.to.x <= 60 && e.to.y >= 40 && e.to.y <= 100) { |
espnow2.data_to_send.aux[0] = !espnow2.data_to_send.aux[0]; // Flip Switch 0
} else if(e.to.x >= 65 && e.to.x <= 125 && e.to.y >= 40 && e.to.y <= 100) { |
espnow2.data_to_send.aux[1] = !espnow2.data_to_send.aux[1]; // Flip Switch 1
} else if(e.to.x >= 130 && e.to.x <= 190 && e.to.y >= 40 && e.to.y <= 100) { |
espnow2.data_to_send.aux[2] = !espnow2.data_to_send.aux[2]; // Flip Switch 2
} else if(e.to.x >= 195 && e.to.x <= 255 && e.to.y >= 40 && e.to.y <= 100) { |
espnow2.data_to_send.aux[3] = !espnow2.data_to_send.aux[3]; // Flip Switch 3
} else if(e.to.x >= 260 && e.to.x <= 310 && e.to.y >= 40 && e.to.y <= 100) { |
espnow2.data_to_send.aux[4] = !espnow2.data_to_send.aux[4]; // Flip Switch 4
} |
touch_time = millis(); |
} |
} |
if(e & (E_RELEASE)) { |
Serial.printf("E_MOVE X:%d, Y:%d\r\n", e & E_MOVE ? e.from.x : e.to.x, e & E_MOVE ? e.from.y : e.to.y); |
} |
if(coordinate.x > 0 || coordinate.y > 0) |
Serial.printf("x:%d, y:%d \r\n", coordinate.x, coordinate.y); |
***/ |
} |
ESPNowRC espnowrc; |
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
#ifndef _ESPNOWRC_H |
#define _ESPNOWRC_H |
#include <Arduino.h> |
#include <M5Core2.h> |
#include "ESPNow2.h" |
#include "Inputs.h" |
#include "Screen.h" |
class ESPNowRC { |
public: |
TouchPoint_t coordinate; |
uint32_t touch_time = 0; |
bool updated = false; |
float voltage = 0.00; |
float current = 0.00; |
uint32_t last_button1 = 0; |
uint32_t last_button2 = 0; |
uint32_t last_button3 = 0; |
uint32_t last_button4 = 0; |
uint32_t last_button5 = 0; |
uint32_t last_button6 = 0; |
ESPNowRC(void); |
void begin(void); |
void show(TFT_eSprite *m); |
void draw_gimbal(TFT_eSprite *m, uint16_t x, uint16_t y); |
private: |
uint32_t last_updated = 0; |
uint32_t last_voltage_read = 0; |
}; |
extern ESPNowRC espnowrc; |
#endif |
Reference in new issue