2 years ago
92 changed files with 4325 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
--- /tmp/LITTLEFS.cpp 2023-03-17 11:31:01.330618361 +0800
+++ .pio/libdeps/m5stack-core2/LittleFS_esp32/src/LITTLEFS.cpp 2023-03-17 11:31:12.126579098 +0800
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
bool LITTLEFSImpl::exists(const char* path) |
{ |
- File f = open(path, "r");
+ File f = open(path, "r", false);
return (f == true); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ |
1. Creating a controller running for RubyFPV [ Using it on Ground Station ] |
2. Long Range via 5.8GHz [ Using it on ground station ] |
3. Swappable 18650 [ NO NEED. As I had upgraded to 700mAH ] |
4. High Power. Running on at least 2S2P (7.4v) for supplying 5V. [ NO NEED! As I am only using it and broadcast via ESPNow to Ground Station. ] |
5. Having another M5Core2 as touch switches and interfacing with the gimbala. |
6. Having a 800x480 pixel as FPV screen [ No NEED. Because using it at ground station ] |
7. Extendable USB for the antennas sticks. [ No NEED. Using on grond station ] |
During power up, push up the PITCH stick to the maximum then press power ON. |
M5Core2 Pinout: |
+---------------+ +-------+-------+ |
| GND | | ADC | G35 | |
+---------------+ +-------+-------+ |
| GND | | ADC | G36 | |
+---------------+ +-------+-------+ |
| GND | | RST | EN | |
+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+ |
| G23 | MOSI | | DAC | G25 | |
+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+ |
| G38 | MISO | | DAC | G26 | |
+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+ |
| G18 | SCK | | 3.3V | |
+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+ |
| G3 | RXD0 | | TXD0 | G1 | |
+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+ |
| G13 | RXD2 | | TXD2 | G14 | |
+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+ |
| G21 | iSDA | | iSCL | G22 | |
+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+ |
| G32 | pSDA | | pSCL | G33 | |
+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+ |
| G27 | GPIO | | GPIO | G19 | |
+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+ |
| G2 | I2SOUT| | I2SCK | G0 | |
+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+ |
| NC | | PDMDT | G34 | |
+---------------+ +-------+-------+ |
| NC | | 5V | |
+---------------+ +-------+-------+ |
| NC | | BAT | |
+---------------+ +-------+-------+ |
ESP32 Dev Pinout: |
+-----------------------+ |
| O | USB | O | |
| ------- | |
3V3 | [ ] [ ] | VIN |
GND | [ ] [ ] | GND |
Touch3 / HSPI_CS0 / ADC2_3 / GPIO15 | [ ] [ ] | GPIO13 / ADC2_4 / HSPI_ID / Touch4 |
CS / Touch2 / HSPI_WP / ADC2_2 / GPIO2 | [ ] [ ] | GPIO12 / ADC2_5 / HSPI_Q / Touch5 |
Touch0 / HSPI_HD / ADC2_0 / GPIO4 | [ ] [ ] | GPIO14 / ADC2_6 / HSPI_CLK / Touch6 |
U2_RXD / GPIO16 | [ ] [ ] | GPIO27 / ADC2_7 / Touch7 |
U2_TXD / GPIO17 | [ ] [ ] | GPIO26 / ADC2_9 / DAC2 |
V_SPI_CS0 / GPIO5 | [ ] ___________ [ ] | GPIO25 / ADC2_8 / DAC1 |
SCK / V_SPI_CLK / GPIO18 | [ ] | | [ ] | GPIO33 / ADC1_5 / Touch8 / XTAL32 |
U0_CTS / MISO / V_SPI_Q / GPIO19 | [ ] | | [ ] | GPIO32 / ADC1_4 / Touch9 / XTAL32 |
SDA / V_SPI_HD / GPIO21 | [ ] | | [ ] | GPIO35 / ADC1_7 |
CLK2 / U0_RXD / GPIO3 | [ ] | | [ ] | GPIO34 / ADC1_6 |
CLK3 / U0_TXD / GPIO1 | [ ] | | [ ] | GPIO39 / ADC1_3 / SensVN |
SCL / U0_RTS / V_SPI_WP / GPIO22 | [ ] | | [ ] | GPIO36 / ADC1_0 / SensVP |
MOSI / V_SPI_WP / GPIO23 | [ ] |___________| [ ] | EN |
| | |
| | | ____ ____ | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| |__|__| |__| |__| | |
| O O | |
+-----------------------+ |
# REF: |
Document on How to Use: https://github.com/m5stack/m5-docs/blob/master/docs/en/api/lcd.md |
Pinout and labels - https://docs.m5stack.com/en/core/core2_for_aws |
MP3 Sound generator - https://ttsmp3.com/ |
GPIO35 - Throttle |
GPIO36 - Yaw |
GPIO32 - Pitch |
GPIO33 - Roll |
### FLOW |
After pio run you will hit into issues. Use the below way to patch the downloaded libraries. |
1. Run the below commands: |
patch .pio/libdeps/m5stack-core2/LittleFS_esp32/src/LITTLEFS.cpp < LITTLEFS.patch |
patching file .pio/libdeps/m5stack-core2/LittleFS_esp32/src/LITTLEFS.cpp |
1. For all the voice files, go to sound folder and issue the commands below once connected to M5Core2TX WiFi: |
for i in $(ls *.raw); do echo "Pushing [$i]..."; ./upload.py $i; done |
Pushing [bluetooth.raw]... |
Pushing [pitchdecrease.raw]... |
Pushing [pitchincrease.raw]... |
Pushing [poweroff.raw]... |
Pushing [rccontroller.raw]... |
Pushing [reboot.raw]... |
Pushing [reset.raw]... |
Pushing [rfscanners.raw]... |
Pushing [rfsettings.raw]... |
Pushing [rolldecrease.raw]... |
Pushing [rollincrease.raw]... |
Pushing [rxbinding.raw]... |
Pushing [savesettings.raw]... |
Pushing [stickcalibration.raw]... |
Pushing [stickpositions.raw]... |
Pushing [systemrebooting.raw]... |
Pushing [systemshuttingdown.raw]... |
Pushing [throttledecrease.raw]... |
Pushing [throttleincrease.raw]... |
Pushing [trims.raw]... |
Pushing [welcome.raw]... |
Pushing [wifi.raw]... |
Pushing [yawdecrease.raw]... |
Pushing [yawincrease.raw]... |
To delete it is easy: |
curl -s |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
# Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flags |
nvs, data, nvs, 0x9000, 0x5000, |
otadata, data, ota, 0xe000, 0x2000, |
app0, app, ota_0, 0x10000, 0x200000, |
app1, app, ota_1, 0x210000,0x200000, |
spiffs, data, spiffs, 0x410000,0xbf0000, |
# 12MB LITTLEFS DiskSpace, 2MB ROM with 2MB OTA |
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ |
This directory is intended for project header files. |
A header file is a file containing C declarations and macro definitions |
to be shared between several project source files. You request the use of a |
header file in your project source file (C, C++, etc) located in `src` folder |
by including it, with the C preprocessing directive `#include'. |
```src/main.c |
#include "header.h" |
int main (void) |
{ |
... |
} |
``` |
Including a header file produces the same results as copying the header file |
into each source file that needs it. Such copying would be time-consuming |
and error-prone. With a header file, the related declarations appear |
in only one place. If they need to be changed, they can be changed in one |
place, and programs that include the header file will automatically use the |
new version when next recompiled. The header file eliminates the labor of |
finding and changing all the copies as well as the risk that a failure to |
find one copy will result in inconsistencies within a program. |
In C, the usual convention is to give header files names that end with `.h'. |
It is most portable to use only letters, digits, dashes, and underscores in |
header file names, and at most one dot. |
Read more about using header files in official GCC documentation: |
* Include Syntax |
* Include Operation |
* Once-Only Headers |
* Computed Includes |
https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Header-Files.html |
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ |
This directory is intended for project specific (private) libraries. |
PlatformIO will compile them to static libraries and link into executable file. |
The source code of each library should be placed in a an own separate directory |
("lib/your_library_name/[here are source files]"). |
For example, see a structure of the following two libraries `Foo` and `Bar`: |
|--lib |
| | |
| |--Bar |
| | |--docs |
| | |--examples |
| | |--src |
| | |- Bar.c |
| | |- Bar.h |
| | |- library.json (optional, custom build options, etc) https://docs.platformio.org/page/librarymanager/config.html |
| | |
| |--Foo |
| | |- Foo.c |
| | |- Foo.h |
| | |
| |
|- platformio.ini |
|--src |
|- main.c |
and a contents of `src/main.c`: |
``` |
#include <Foo.h> |
#include <Bar.h> |
int main (void) |
{ |
... |
} |
``` |
PlatformIO Library Dependency Finder will find automatically dependent |
libraries scanning project source files. |
More information about PlatformIO Library Dependency Finder |
- https://docs.platformio.org/page/librarymanager/ldf.html |
@ -0,0 +1,307 @@ |
round_quality = 100; |
// Main Screen Design |
translate([0,0,-6]) { |
pi_screen(); |
pi_screen_cover(); |
} |
translate([34,0,0]) |
gimbal(); |
translate([236,0,0]) |
gimbal(); |
// Tops Left Buttons |
left_buttons(); |
right_buttons(); |
// Joining - Holders |
// main_backbone(); |
/**** MODULES ****/ |
module left_buttons() { |
translate([-101,42.5,-6]) { |
difference() { |
cube([70,15,2], center=true); |
translate([-33,5,0]) |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
cube([45,15,3], center=true); |
} |
translate([-26.52,-.5,-19]) |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
cube([22,2,40], center=true); |
translate([7.5,7,-19]) |
rotate([0,0,0]) |
cube([54,2,40], center=true); |
translate([34,0,-19]) |
rotate([0,0,90]) |
cube([16,2,40], center=true); |
} |
} |
module right_buttons() { |
translate([101,42.5,-6]) { |
difference() { |
cube([70,15,2], center=true); |
translate([43.5,5,0]) |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
cube([30,45,3], center=true); |
} |
translate([26.5,-.5,-19]) |
rotate([0,0,-45]) |
cube([22,2,40], center=true); |
translate([-7.5,7,-19]) |
rotate([0,0,0]) |
cube([54,2,40], center=true); |
translate([-34,0,-19]) |
rotate([0,0,90]) |
cube([16,2,40], center=true); |
} |
} |
module gimbal() { |
translate([-90,25,0]) { |
/** |
translate([-45,-25,-30]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=50, d=90, center=true); |
**/ |
translate([-45,-25,-25]) { |
difference() { |
cube([70,70,40], center=true); |
// The center hole |
translate([0,0,-2]) |
cube([66,66,40], center=true); |
// The Gimbal hole |
translate([0,0,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=60, d=50, center=true); |
} |
} |
translate([2,0,-26]) |
gimbal_ring(); |
} |
} |
module main_backbone() { |
translate([0,0,-34]) |
cube([250,20,10], center=true); |
} |
module pi_screen_cover() { |
translate([0,0,-30]) { |
difference() { |
cube([132,100,2], center=true); |
translate([0,-50,0]) |
cube([100,10,3], center=true); |
translate([0,50,0]) |
cube([100,10,3], center=true); |
translate([-50,52,0]) |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
cube([10,10,3], center=true); |
translate([-50,-52,0]) |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
cube([10,10,3], center=true); |
translate([50,-52,0]) |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
cube([10,10,3], center=true); |
translate([50,52,0]) |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
cube([10,10,3], center=true); |
} |
} |
} |
// 121mm x 76mm (hole) |
module pi_screen() { |
difference() { |
translate([0,0,0]) { |
cube([130,96,2], center=true); |
// Holders |
translate([-60,43,-2]) |
cube([10,10,2], center=true); |
translate([60,43,-2]) |
cube([10,10,2], center=true); |
translate([-60,-43,-2]) |
cube([10,10,2], center=true); |
translate([60,-43,-2]) |
cube([10,10,2], center=true); |
} |
translate([0,0,0]) |
cube([121,76,3], center=true); |
// Top and Bottom Cut |
translate([0,53,0]) |
cube([100,20,3], center=true); |
translate([0,-53,0]) |
cube([100,20,3], center=true); |
// 45 degree cut |
translate([-50,50,0]) |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
cube([10,10,3], center=true); |
translate([50,50,0]) |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
cube([10,10,3], center=true); |
translate([-50,-50,0]) |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
cube([10,10,3], center=true); |
translate([50,-50,0]) |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
cube([10,10,3], center=true); |
} |
// Sides |
translate([-65,0,-14]) |
rotate([90,0,90]) |
cube([96,30,2], center=true); |
translate([65,0,-14]) |
rotate([90,0,90]) |
difference() { |
cube([96,30,2], center=true); |
// USB Hole |
translate([10,0,0]) |
cube([50,16,3], center=true); |
} |
translate([0,44,-14]) |
rotate([90,0,0]) |
cube([100,30,2], center=true); |
translate([0,-44,-14]) |
rotate([90,0,0]) |
difference() { |
cube([100,30,2], center=true); |
translate([40,0,0]) |
cube([10,10,5], center=true); |
translate([15,0,0]) |
cube([10,10,5], center=true); |
translate([-15,0,0]) |
cube([10,10,5], center=true); |
translate([-40,0,0]) |
cube([10,10,5], center=true); |
} |
// Sides top and bottom |
translate([-60.5,-48.9,-14]) |
rotate([90,0,0]) |
cube([11,30,2], center=true); |
translate([60.5,-48.9,-14]) |
rotate([90,0,0]) |
cube([11,30,2], center=true); |
translate([60.5,48.9,-14]) |
rotate([90,0,0]) |
cube([11,30,2], center=true); |
translate([-60.5,48.9,-14]) |
rotate([90,0,0]) |
cube([11,30,2], center=true); |
// Sides 45 degree top and bottom |
translate([-52.5,46,-14]) |
rotate([90,0,-45]) |
cube([9,30,2], center=true); |
translate([52.5,46,-14]) |
rotate([90,0,45]) |
cube([9,30,2], center=true); |
translate([-52.5,-46,-14]) |
rotate([90,0,45]) |
cube([9,30,2], center=true); |
translate([52.5,-46,-14]) |
rotate([90,0,-45]) |
cube([9,30,2], center=true); |
} |
module gimbal_ring_full() { |
translate([-47,-25,23.5]) |
cylinder(h=5, d=64.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-71,-49,23.5]) |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
difference() { |
cube([15,10,5], center=true); |
translate([-9,0,2]) |
rotate([0,-15,0]) |
cube([25,15,5], center=true); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=3.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=3, d=5.6, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
translate([-23,-49,23.5]) |
mirror([-1,0,0]) { |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
difference() { |
cube([15,10,5], center=true); |
translate([-9,0,2]) |
rotate([0,-15,0]) |
cube([25,15,5], center=true); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=3.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=3, d=5.6, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
} |
translate([-71,-0.8,23.5]) |
mirror([0,-1,0]) { |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
difference() { |
cube([15,10,5], center=true); |
translate([-9,0,2]) |
rotate([0,-15,0]) |
cube([25,15,5], center=true); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=3.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=3, d=5.6, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
} |
translate([-22.5,-0.5,23.5]) |
mirror([-1,-1,0]) { |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
difference() { |
cube([15,10,5], center=true); |
translate([-9,0,2]) |
rotate([0,-15,0]) |
cube([25,15,5], center=true); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=3.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=3, d=5.6, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
} |
} |
module gimbal_ring() { |
difference() { |
gimbal_ring_full(); |
translate([-47,-25,23.5]) |
cylinder(h=6, d1=47.5, d2=57.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,722 @@ |
round_quality=500; |
draft=true; |
show_gimbal=false; |
show_body=true; |
show_all=false; |
show_m5_back=true; |
if(show_body) { |
controller(); |
} |
if(show_m5_back) { |
m5_back(); |
} |
if(show_gimbal) { |
translate([0,-41,-8.5]) |
gimbal_ring(); |
if(show_all) { |
translate([0,91,-8.5]) |
gimbal_ring(); |
} |
} |
/** |
// Ruler |
translate([-50,-80,0]) |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
cube([200,2,2], center=true); |
translate([-50,-89.5,13]) |
rotate([0,0,0]) |
cube([100,1,1], center=true); |
translate([-70.5,-70,13]) |
rotate([0,0,0]) |
cube([1,100,1], center=true); |
translate([-50,-42.5,13]) |
rotate([0,0,0]) |
cube([100,1,1], center=true); |
translate([-23.5,-70,13]) |
rotate([0,0,0]) |
cube([1,100,1], center=true); |
**/ |
/******* Modules *******/ |
module m5_back() { |
translate([-95,0,-6]) { |
difference() { |
roundedcube([59.6,59.6,17.5], center = true, 0.5); |
translate([0,0,1]) |
roundedcube([56.8,56.8,17.5], center = true, 0.5); |
translate([26,0,-1.5]) |
cube([10,11,10], center=true); |
translate([26,0,5]) |
cube([10,11,10], center=true); |
translate([3.5,-25,5]) |
cube([50,11,10], center=true); |
translate([3.5,25,5]) |
cube([50,11,10], center=true); |
translate([25.5,23,5]) |
cube([10,5,20], center=true); |
translate([25.5,-23,5]) |
cube([10,5,20], center=true); |
} |
translate([-28,0,7]) { |
difference() { |
cube([2,9,2], center=true); |
} |
} |
translate([28,-15,7]) { |
difference() { |
cube([2,9,2], center=true); |
} |
} |
translate([28,15,7]) { |
difference() { |
cube([2,9,2], center=true); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
module holder_base() { |
cylinder(h=8, d=11, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-6,0,4]) |
cube([11,11,5], center=true); |
} |
module gimbal_top() { |
translate([-47,-66,10.5]) { |
difference() { |
cube([63,63,3], center=true); |
cylinder(h=5, d=48.2, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-26.7,-26.7,0]) |
cylinder(h=5, d=5.6, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([26.7,-26.7,0]) |
cylinder(h=5, d=5.6, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([26.7,26.7,0]) |
cylinder(h=5, d=5.6, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-26.7,26.7,0]) |
cylinder(h=5, d=5.6, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
} |
} |
module controller() { |
difference() { |
controller_base(); |
translate([-37,0,-9]) |
cube([6,77.8,4], center=true); |
translate([-55,0,-9]) |
rotate([0,0,90]) |
cube([6,37.8,4], center=true); |
} |
} |
module controller_base() { |
rotate([180,0,270]) |
m5_body(); |
translate([0,-14-30,0]) |
gimbal_box(); |
translate([0,58+30,0]) |
gimbal_box(); |
translate([-25,0,-5]) { |
difference() { |
holder_base(); |
translate([0,0,-1]) |
cylinder(h=11, d=6.5, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-15,0,5]) |
cube([12,12,12], center=true); |
} |
} |
joints(); |
gimbal_top(); |
translate([0,132,0]) |
gimbal_top(); |
} |
module bracket() { |
translate([-100,-48,1]) |
cube([5,60,10], center=true); |
} |
module joints() { |
translate([-72,-30,0]) |
cube([10,5,10], center=true); |
translate([-72,30,0]) |
cube([10,5,10], center=true); |
translate([-47,0,0]) |
difference() { |
cube([30,65,10], center=true); |
for(i = [0:10]) |
translate([0,-40+i*10,0]) |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
cube([30,5,20], center=true); |
} |
translate([-64,0,0]) |
cube([6,10,10], center=true); |
translate([-49.9,0,-8]) |
difference() { |
cube([35.8,10,8], center=true); |
cube([45.8,6,4], center=true); |
} |
translate([-37,0,-8]) { |
difference() { |
cube([10,65.8,8], center=true); |
cube([6,67.8,4], center=true); |
} |
} |
} |
module antenna() { |
translate([80,0,0]) { |
cube([30,20,8], center=true); |
translate([25,65,0]) |
rotate([90,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=150, d=15, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
translate([80,-25,0]) { |
cube([30,20,8], center=true); |
translate([92,0,0]) |
rotate([0,90,0]) |
cylinder(h=150, d=15, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
} |
module center_switch() { |
translate([0,-100,18]) |
cube([20,63,2], center=true); |
translate([0,-131,0]) |
cube([20,2,40], center=true); |
} |
module esp32_box() { |
translate([0,-8,-2.5]) { |
cube([105,40,35], center=true); |
} |
} |
module box_side() { |
translate([0,-50,20]) { |
difference() { |
cube([140,25,80], center=true); |
translate([15,20,0]) |
rotate([0,0,180]) |
trapezium_b(); |
translate([-15,20,0]) |
rotate([0,0,180]) |
trapezium_b(); |
translate([45,20,0]) |
rotate([0,0,180]) |
trapezium_b(); |
translate([-45,20,0]) |
rotate([0,0,180]) |
trapezium_b(); |
// Corner cut |
translate([55,0,53]) |
rotate([0,45,0]) |
cube([50,35,5], center=true); |
translate([-55,0,53]) |
rotate([0,-45,0]) |
cube([50,35,5], center=true); |
translate([55,0,-53]) |
rotate([0,-45,0]) |
cube([50,35,5], center=true); |
translate([-55,0,-53]) |
rotate([0,45,0]) |
cube([50,35,5], center=true); |
// Frame Pattern |
translate([-15,0,48]) |
rotate([90,180,0]) |
trapezium_a(); |
translate([15,0,48]) |
rotate([90,180,0]) |
trapezium_a(); |
translate([-45,0,48]) |
rotate([90,180,0]) |
trapezium_a(); |
translate([45,0,48]) |
rotate([90,180,0]) |
trapezium_a(); |
translate([45,0,-48]) |
rotate([90,0,0]) |
trapezium_a(); |
translate([-45,0,-48]) |
rotate([90,0,0]) |
trapezium_a(); |
translate([15,0,-48]) |
rotate([90,0,0]) |
trapezium_a(); |
translate([-15,0,-48]) |
rotate([90,0,0]) |
trapezium_a(); |
// M5Core2 |
translate([0,-4,0]) |
rotate([90,0,0]) |
m5core2(); |
// Upper Layer |
translate([0,-11,0]) |
rotate([90,0,0]) |
cube([130,70,5], center=true); |
} |
} |
} |
module m5core2() { |
cube([54.2,54.2,16.2], center=true); |
} |
module gimbal_box() { |
// translate([0,3,-1]) |
// gimbal_ring(); |
difference() { |
translate([-47,-22,0]) |
cube([70,70,24], center=true); |
// Corner cut |
translate([-86,-52,0]) |
rotate([0,90,45]) |
cube([50,35,5], center=true); |
translate([-8,-52,0]) |
rotate([0,90,-45]) |
cube([50,35,5], center=true); |
translate([-86,8,0]) |
rotate([0,90,-45]) |
cube([50,35,5], center=true); |
translate([-8,8,0]) |
rotate([0,90,45]) |
cube([50,35,5], center=true); |
// Top corners |
translate([-50,-60,15]) |
rotate([45,0,0]) |
cube([100,10,10], center=true); |
translate([-50,15.5,15]) |
rotate([45,0,0]) |
cube([100,10,10], center=true); |
translate([-9.5,-25.5,15]) |
rotate([45,0,90]) |
cube([100,10,10], center=true); |
translate([-84.5,-25.5,15]) |
rotate([45,0,90]) |
cube([100,10,10], center=true); |
// Latch |
translate([-75,0,-7]) |
cube([10,10,4], center=true); |
translate([-75,-43,-7]) |
cube([10,10,4], center=true); |
translate([-18.5,0,-7]) |
cube([10,10,4], center=true); |
translate([-18.5,-43,-7]) |
cube([10,10,4], center=true); |
// Internal |
translate([-47,-22,7]) |
cube([63,63,50], center=true); |
} |
} |
module base_box() { |
difference() { |
translate([0,0,0]) |
cube([140,105,20], center=true); |
// For display to push in |
translate([0,0,3]) |
cube([121,96,25], center=true); |
// Corner cut |
translate([-69,-51,0]) |
rotate([0,90,45]) |
cube([50,15,5], center=true); |
translate([69,-51,0]) |
rotate([0,90,-45]) |
cube([50,15,5], center=true); |
translate([-69,51,0]) |
rotate([0,90,-45]) |
cube([50,15,5], center=true); |
translate([69,51,0]) |
rotate([0,90,45]) |
cube([50,15,5], center=true); |
// Frame Pattern |
/** |
translate([-45,60,0]) |
rotate([0,0,180]) |
trapezium_a(); |
translate([-15,60,0]) |
rotate([0,0,180]) |
trapezium_a(); |
translate([15,60,0]) |
rotate([0,0,180]) |
trapezium_a(); |
translate([45,60,0]) |
rotate([0,0,180]) |
trapezium_a(); |
translate([-77,25,0]) |
rotate([0,0,-90]) |
trapezium_a(); |
translate([-77,-2,0]) |
rotate([0,0,-90]) |
trapezium_a(); |
translate([-77,-28,0]) |
rotate([0,0,-90]) |
trapezium_a(); |
translate([77,25,0]) |
rotate([0,0,90]) |
trapezium_a(); |
translate([77,-2,0]) |
rotate([0,0,90]) |
trapezium_a(); |
translate([77,-28,0]) |
rotate([0,0,90]) |
trapezium_a(); |
**/ |
// USB Ports |
translate([70,3,0]) |
rotate([90,0,90]) |
cube([50,16,30], center=true); |
} |
} |
module trapezium_a() { |
difference() { |
cube([20,20,25], center=true); |
translate([-10,7,0]) |
rotate([90,0,45]) |
cube([20,26,5], center=true); |
translate([10,7,0]) |
rotate([90,0,-45]) |
cube([20,26,5], center=true); |
} |
} |
module trapezium_b() { |
difference() { |
cube([20,20,125], center=true); |
translate([-10,7,0]) |
rotate([90,0,45]) |
cube([20,126,5], center=true); |
translate([10,7,0]) |
rotate([90,0,-45]) |
cube([20,126,5], center=true); |
} |
} |
module gimbal_ring_base() { |
translate([-47,-25,23.5]) |
cylinder(h=5, d=64.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-71,-49,23.5]) |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
difference() { |
cube([15,10,5], center=true); |
translate([-9,0,2]) |
rotate([0,-15,0]) |
cube([25,15,5], center=true); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=3.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=3, d=5.6, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
translate([-23,-49,23.5]) |
mirror([-1,0,0]) { |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
difference() { |
cube([15,10,5], center=true); |
translate([-9,0,2]) |
rotate([0,-15,0]) |
cube([25,15,5], center=true); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=3.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=3, d=5.6, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
} |
translate([-71,-0.8,23.5]) |
mirror([0,-1,0]) { |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
difference() { |
cube([15,10,5], center=true); |
translate([-9,0,2]) |
rotate([0,-15,0]) |
cube([25,15,5], center=true); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=3.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=3, d=5.6, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
} |
translate([-22.5,-0.5,23.5]) |
mirror([-1,-1,0]) { |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
difference() { |
cube([15,10,5], center=true); |
translate([-9,0,2]) |
rotate([0,-15,0]) |
cube([25,15,5], center=true); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=3.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=3, d=5.6, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
} |
} |
module gimbal_ring() { |
difference() { |
gimbal_ring_base(); |
translate([-47,-25,23.5]) |
cylinder(h=6, d1=47.5, d2=57.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
} |
module m5_body() { |
translate([0,95,-1]) { |
difference() { |
if(!draft) { |
rounded_corner_cube(8, [56.6,56.6,17.5]); |
} else { |
roundedcube([56.6,56.6,17.5], center = true, 0.5); |
} |
if(!draft) { |
rounded_corner_cube(8, [50.6,50.6,17.5]); |
} else { |
roundedcube([50.6,50.6,19.5], center = true, 0.5); |
} |
translate([0,0,1]) |
if(!draft) { |
rounded_corner_cube(8, [54.6,54.6,17.5]); |
} else { |
roundedcube([54.6,54.6,17.5], center = true); |
} |
// Power Button |
translate([25,13,0]) |
rotate([90,90,90]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=8, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
// Charging Port |
translate([25,-1,0]) |
rotate([0,90,90]) |
cube([4,18.5,10], center=true); |
// Speaker Holes |
translate([-25,11,0]) |
rotate([90,0,90]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=3, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-25,5,0]) |
rotate([90,0,90]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=3, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-25,-1,0]) |
rotate([90,0,90]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=3, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-25,-7,0]) |
rotate([90,0,90]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=3, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-25,-13,0]) |
rotate([90,0,90]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=3, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
// Latches |
translate([0,25,0]) |
cube([10,10,3], center=true); |
translate([-15,-25,0]) |
cube([10,10,3], center=true); |
translate([15,-25,0]) |
cube([10,10,3], center=true); |
} |
} |
} |
module rounded_corner_cube(diameter, dimension) { |
cube_length = dimension[0]; |
cube_width = dimension[1]; |
cube_thickness = dimension[2]; |
difference() { |
cube(dimension, center=true); |
translate([0,0,0]) |
cube_corners(diameter, dimension); |
} |
} |
module cube_corners(diameter, dimension) { |
cube_length = dimension[0]; |
cube_width = dimension[1]; |
cube_thickness = dimension[2] + 0.1; |
translate([0.1,0.1,0]) { |
difference() { |
translate([0,0,0]) |
cube([cube_length, cube_width, cube_thickness], center=true); |
translate([cube_length/2-(diameter/2), cube_width/2-(diameter/2), 0]) |
cylinder(h = cube_thickness+0.1, d = diameter, center = true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-(diameter/2),0,0]) |
cube([cube_length+0.1, cube_width+0.1, cube_thickness+0.1], center=true); |
translate([0,-(diameter/2),0]) |
cube([cube_length+0.1, cube_width, cube_thickness+0.1], center=true); |
} |
} |
translate([0.1,-0.1,0]) { |
difference() { |
translate([0,0,0]) |
cube([cube_length, cube_width, cube_thickness], center=true); |
translate([cube_length/2-(diameter/2), -(cube_width/2-(diameter/2)), 0]) |
cylinder(h = cube_thickness+0.1, d = diameter, center = true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-(diameter/2),0,0]) |
cube([cube_length+0.1, cube_width+0.1, cube_thickness+0.1], center=true); |
translate([0,(diameter/2),0]) |
cube([cube_length+0.1, cube_width, cube_thickness+0.1], center=true); |
} |
} |
translate([-0.1,0.1,0]) { |
difference() { |
translate([0,0,0]) |
cube([cube_length, cube_width, cube_thickness], center=true); |
translate([-(cube_length/2-(diameter/2)), cube_width/2-(diameter/2), 0]) |
cylinder(h = cube_thickness+0.1, d = diameter, center = true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([(diameter/2),0,0]) |
cube([cube_length+0.1, cube_width+0.1, cube_thickness+0.1], center=true); |
translate([0,-(diameter/2),0]) |
cube([cube_length+0.1, cube_width, cube_thickness+0.1], center=true); |
} |
} |
translate([-0.1,-0.1,0]) { |
difference() { |
translate([0,0,0]) |
cube([cube_length, cube_width, cube_thickness], center=true); |
translate([-(cube_length/2-(diameter/2)), -(cube_width/2-(diameter/2)), 0]) |
cylinder(h = cube_thickness+0.1, d = diameter, center = true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([(diameter/2),0,0]) |
cube([cube_length+0.1, cube_width+0.1, cube_thickness+0.1], center=true); |
translate([0,(diameter/2),0]) |
cube([cube_length+0.1, cube_width, cube_thickness+0.1], center=true); |
} |
} |
} |
module roundedcube(size = [1, 1, 1], center = false, radius = 0.5, apply_to = "all") { |
// If single value, convert to [x, y, z] vector |
size = (size[0] == undef) ? [size, size, size] : size; |
translate_min = radius; |
translate_xmax = size[0] - radius; |
translate_ymax = size[1] - radius; |
translate_zmax = size[2] - radius; |
diameter = radius * 2; |
obj_translate = (center == false) ? |
[0, 0, 0] : [ |
-(size[0] / 2), |
-(size[1] / 2), |
-(size[2] / 2) |
]; |
translate(v = obj_translate) { |
hull() { |
for (translate_x = [translate_min, translate_xmax]) { |
x_at = (translate_x == translate_min) ? "min" : "max"; |
for (translate_y = [translate_min, translate_ymax]) { |
y_at = (translate_y == translate_min) ? "min" : "max"; |
for (translate_z = [translate_min, translate_zmax]) { |
z_at = (translate_z == translate_min) ? "min" : "max"; |
translate(v = [translate_x, translate_y, translate_z]) |
if ( |
(apply_to == "all") || |
(apply_to == "xmin" && x_at == "min") || (apply_to == "xmax" && x_at == "max") || |
(apply_to == "ymin" && y_at == "min") || (apply_to == "ymax" && y_at == "max") || |
(apply_to == "zmin" && z_at == "min") || (apply_to == "zmax" && z_at == "max") |
) { |
sphere(r = radius); |
} else { |
rotate = |
(apply_to == "xmin" || apply_to == "xmax" || apply_to == "x") ? [0, 90, 0] : ( |
(apply_to == "ymin" || apply_to == "ymax" || apply_to == "y") ? [90, 90, 0] : |
[0, 0, 0] |
); |
rotate(a = rotate) |
cylinder(h = diameter, r = radius, center = true); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,274 @@ |
round_quality = 100; |
show_faceplate = true; |
if(show_faceplate) { |
// Basic structures |
translate([-30,-80,0]) |
gimbal_unit_face(); |
translate([0,0,0]) |
pi_screen(); |
translate([100,0,0]) |
m5stack(); |
translate([95,-80,0]) |
gimbal_unit_face(); |
// Spacers |
difference() { |
spacers(); |
// Power Switch 1 |
translate([20,-80,0]) |
cube([11,16,5], center=true); |
// Power Switch 2 |
translate([45,-80,0]) |
cube([11,16,5], center=true); |
// Screw Holes |
translate([-70,38,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5, d=5, center=true); |
translate([-70,-38,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5, d=5, center=true); |
translate([-70,-110,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5, d=5, center=true); |
translate([70,38,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5, d=5, center=true); |
translate([70,-38,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5, d=5, center=true); |
translate([133,-110,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5, d=5, center=true); |
translate([133,-38,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5, d=5, center=true); |
translate([133,38,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5, d=5, center=true); |
translate([33,-110,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5, d=5, center=true); |
} |
// Ruler |
// translate([30,-48,0]) |
// cube([360,2,2], center=true); |
} // End of show_faceplate |
// Gimbal Decor |
rotate([0,180,0]) |
translate([77,-55,-20]) |
gimbal_ring(); |
rotate([0,180,0]) |
translate([-47,-55,-20]) |
gimbal_ring(); |
/** |
translate([-125,-8,0]) |
gimbal_unit_face(); |
translate([125,-8,0]) |
gimbal_unit_face(); |
translate([0,0,0]) |
pi_screen(); |
translate([0,-72,0]) |
m5stack(); |
// Bridges |
translate([0,0,0]) |
face_bridges(); |
**/ |
module spacers() { |
translate([-70,0,0]) |
cube([10,86,2], center=true); |
translate([68,0,0]) |
cube([10,86,2], center=true); |
translate([132,0,0]) |
cube([10,86,2], center=true); |
translate([100,35,0]) |
cube([55,16,2], center=true); |
translate([100,-35,0]) |
cube([55,16,2], center=true); |
translate([31,-44,0]) |
cube([212,5,2], center=true); |
translate([30,-80,0]) |
cube([60,70,2], center=true); |
translate([-70,-80,0]) |
cube([10,70,2], center=true); |
translate([132,-80,0]) |
cube([10,70,2], center=true); |
} |
module face_bridges() { |
translate([-80,0,0]) |
cube([30,86,2], center=true); |
translate([80,0,0]) |
cube([30,86,2], center=true); |
translate([0,48,0]) |
cube([190,10,2], center=true); |
translate([0,-48,0]) |
difference() { |
cube([320,10,2], center=true); |
translate([0,-25,1]) |
m5stack_solid(); |
} |
} |
module m5stack_solid() { |
cube([55,55,10], center=true); |
} |
module m5stack() { |
difference() { |
translate([0,0,0]) |
cube([55,55,2], center=true); |
translate([0,0,0]) |
cube([50,50,3], center=true); |
} |
} |
// 121mm x 76mm (hole) |
module pi_screen() { |
difference() { |
translate([0,0,0]) |
cube([130,86,2], center=true); |
translate([0,0,0]) |
cube([121,76,3], center=true); |
} |
} |
module gimbal_unit_face() { |
translate([0,0,0]) { |
// Top |
difference() { |
translate([0,0,0]) |
rotate([0,0,0]) |
cube([70,70,2], center=true); |
// Frsky M9 Gimbal |
translate([0,0,0]) |
rotate([0,0,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5,d=49, center=true); |
// Frsky M9 Screen Top Left |
translate([-27.25,27.25,0]) |
rotate([0,0,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5,d=5.6, center=true); |
// Frsky M9 Screen Top Right |
translate([27.25,27.25,0]) |
rotate([0,0,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5,d=5.6, center=true); |
// Frsky M9 Screen Bottom Left |
translate([-27.25,-27.25,0]) |
rotate([0,0,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5,d=5.6, center=true); |
// Frsky M9 Screen Bottom Right |
translate([27.25,-27.25,0]) |
rotate([0,0,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5,d=5.6, center=true); |
/* |
translate([0,0,0]) |
rotate([0,0,0]) |
cube([77,51,4], center=true); |
*/ |
} |
} |
// Just a ruler |
/*** |
translate([-13.9,-44.4]) |
cube([100,10,10], center=true); |
***/ |
} |
module gimbal_ring_full() { |
translate([-47,-25,23.5]) |
cylinder(h=5, d=64.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-71,-49,23.5]) |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
difference() { |
cube([15,10,5], center=true); |
translate([-9,0,2]) |
rotate([0,-15,0]) |
cube([25,15,5], center=true); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=3.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=3, d=5.6, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
translate([-23,-49,23.5]) |
mirror([-1,0,0]) { |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
difference() { |
cube([15,10,5], center=true); |
translate([-9,0,2]) |
rotate([0,-15,0]) |
cube([25,15,5], center=true); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=3.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=3, d=5.6, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
} |
translate([-71,-0.8,23.5]) |
mirror([0,-1,0]) { |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
difference() { |
cube([15,10,5], center=true); |
translate([-9,0,2]) |
rotate([0,-15,0]) |
cube([25,15,5], center=true); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=3.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=3, d=5.6, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
} |
translate([-22.5,-0.5,23.5]) |
mirror([-1,-1,0]) { |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
difference() { |
cube([15,10,5], center=true); |
translate([-9,0,2]) |
rotate([0,-15,0]) |
cube([25,15,5], center=true); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=3.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=3, d=5.6, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
} |
} |
module gimbal_ring() { |
difference() { |
gimbal_ring_full(); |
translate([-47,-25,23.5]) |
cylinder(h=6, d1=47.5, d2=57.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,300 @@ |
round_quality = 100; |
show_faceplate = true; |
if(show_faceplate) { |
// Basic structures |
translate([-30,-80,0]) |
gimbal_unit_face(); |
translate([0,0,0]) |
pi_screen(); |
translate([100,0,0]) |
m5stack(); |
translate([95,-80,0]) |
gimbal_unit_face(); |
// Spacers |
difference() { |
spacers(); |
// Power Switch 1 |
translate([20,-80,0]) |
cube([11,16,5], center=true); |
// Power Switch 2 |
translate([45,-80,0]) |
cube([11,16,5], center=true); |
// Screw Holes |
translate([-70,38,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5, d=5, center=true); |
translate([-70,-38,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5, d=5, center=true); |
translate([-70,-110,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5, d=5, center=true); |
translate([70,38,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5, d=5, center=true); |
translate([70,-38,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5, d=5, center=true); |
translate([133,-110,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5, d=5, center=true); |
translate([133,-38,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5, d=5, center=true); |
translate([133,38,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5, d=5, center=true); |
translate([33,-110,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5, d=5, center=true); |
} |
// Ruler |
// translate([30,-48,0]) |
// cube([360,2,2], center=true); |
// Display Decor |
translate([0,0,3]) |
difference() { |
cube([130,86,5], center=true); |
cube([121,76,8], center=true); |
} |
// M5Stack Decor |
translate([100,0,3]) |
difference() { |
translate([0,0,0]) |
cube([55,55,5], center=true); |
translate([0,0,0]) |
cube([50,50,8], center=true); |
} |
// Pi Screen and M5Stack Links |
translate([0,0,3]) { |
translate([70,0,0]) |
cube([10,5,2], center=true); |
translate([70,10,0]) |
cube([10,5,2], center=true); |
translate([70,20,0]) |
cube([10,5,2], center=true); |
translate([70,-20,0]) |
cube([10,5,2], center=true); |
translate([70,-10,0]) |
cube([10,5,2], center=true); |
} |
} // End of show_faceplate |
// Gimbal Decor |
translate([17,-55,-20]) |
gimbal_ring(); |
translate([143,-55,-20]) |
gimbal_ring(); |
/** |
translate([-125,-8,0]) |
gimbal_unit_face(); |
translate([125,-8,0]) |
gimbal_unit_face(); |
translate([0,0,0]) |
pi_screen(); |
translate([0,-72,0]) |
m5stack(); |
// Bridges |
translate([0,0,0]) |
face_bridges(); |
**/ |
module spacers() { |
translate([-70,0,0]) |
cube([10,86,2], center=true); |
translate([68,0,0]) |
cube([10,86,2], center=true); |
translate([132,0,0]) |
cube([10,86,2], center=true); |
translate([100,35,0]) |
cube([55,16,2], center=true); |
translate([100,-35,0]) |
cube([55,16,2], center=true); |
translate([31,-44,0]) |
cube([212,5,2], center=true); |
translate([30,-80,0]) |
cube([60,70,2], center=true); |
translate([-70,-80,0]) |
cube([10,70,2], center=true); |
translate([132,-80,0]) |
cube([10,70,2], center=true); |
} |
module face_bridges() { |
translate([-80,0,0]) |
cube([30,86,2], center=true); |
translate([80,0,0]) |
cube([30,86,2], center=true); |
translate([0,48,0]) |
cube([190,10,2], center=true); |
translate([0,-48,0]) |
difference() { |
cube([320,10,2], center=true); |
translate([0,-25,1]) |
m5stack_solid(); |
} |
} |
module m5stack_solid() { |
cube([55,55,10], center=true); |
} |
module m5stack() { |
difference() { |
translate([0,0,0]) |
cube([55,55,2], center=true); |
translate([0,0,0]) |
cube([50,50,3], center=true); |
} |
} |
// 121mm x 76mm (hole) |
module pi_screen() { |
difference() { |
translate([0,0,0]) |
cube([130,86,2], center=true); |
translate([0,0,0]) |
cube([121,76,3], center=true); |
} |
} |
module gimbal_unit_face() { |
translate([0,0,0]) { |
// Top |
difference() { |
translate([0,0,0]) |
rotate([0,0,0]) |
cube([70,70,2], center=true); |
// Frsky M9 Gimbal |
translate([0,0,0]) |
rotate([0,0,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5,d=49, center=true); |
// Frsky M9 Screen Top Left |
translate([-27.25,27.25,0]) |
rotate([0,0,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5,d=5.6, center=true); |
// Frsky M9 Screen Top Right |
translate([27.25,27.25,0]) |
rotate([0,0,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5,d=5.6, center=true); |
// Frsky M9 Screen Bottom Left |
translate([-27.25,-27.25,0]) |
rotate([0,0,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5,d=5.6, center=true); |
// Frsky M9 Screen Bottom Right |
translate([27.25,-27.25,0]) |
rotate([0,0,0]) |
cylinder($fn=round_quality, h=5,d=5.6, center=true); |
/* |
translate([0,0,0]) |
rotate([0,0,0]) |
cube([77,51,4], center=true); |
*/ |
} |
} |
// Just a ruler |
/*** |
translate([-13.9,-44.4]) |
cube([100,10,10], center=true); |
***/ |
} |
module gimbal_ring_full() { |
translate([-47,-25,23.5]) |
cylinder(h=5, d=64.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-71,-49,23.5]) |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
difference() { |
cube([15,10,5], center=true); |
translate([-9,0,2]) |
rotate([0,-15,0]) |
cube([25,15,5], center=true); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=3.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=3, d=5.6, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
translate([-23,-49,23.5]) |
mirror([-1,0,0]) { |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
difference() { |
cube([15,10,5], center=true); |
translate([-9,0,2]) |
rotate([0,-15,0]) |
cube([25,15,5], center=true); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=3.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=3, d=5.6, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
} |
translate([-71,-0.8,23.5]) |
mirror([0,-1,0]) { |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
difference() { |
cube([15,10,5], center=true); |
translate([-9,0,2]) |
rotate([0,-15,0]) |
cube([25,15,5], center=true); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=3.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=3, d=5.6, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
} |
translate([-22.5,-0.5,23.5]) |
mirror([-1,-1,0]) { |
rotate([0,0,45]) |
difference() { |
cube([15,10,5], center=true); |
translate([-9,0,2]) |
rotate([0,-15,0]) |
cube([25,15,5], center=true); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=10, d=3.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
translate([-4,0,0]) |
cylinder(h=3, d=5.6, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
} |
} |
module gimbal_ring() { |
difference() { |
gimbal_ring_full(); |
translate([-47,-25,23.5]) |
cylinder(h=6, d1=47.5, d2=57.5, center=true, $fn=round_quality); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
; PlatformIO Project Configuration File |
; |
; Build options: build flags, source filter |
; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags |
; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages |
; Advanced options: extra scripting |
; |
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples |
; https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html |
[env:m5stack-core2] |
platform = espressif32 |
board = m5stack-core2 |
framework = arduino |
board_build.mcu = esp32 |
board_build.f_cpu = 240000000L |
board_build.partitions = bert2M_fat12M_16MB.csv |
lib_deps = |
m5stack/M5Core2 |
lorol/LittleFS_esp32 |
lemmingdev/ESP32-BLE-Gamepad@^0.3.4 |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no" ?> |
<!DOCTYPE project PUBLIC "-//audacityproject-1.3.0//DTD//EN" "http://audacity.sourceforge.net/xml/audacityproject-1.3.0.dtd" > |
<project xmlns="http://audacity.sourceforge.net/xml/" projname="AudaCity_data" version="1.3.0" audacityversion="2.4.2" sel0="0.0000000000" sel1="0.0000000000" vpos="0" h="0.0000000000" zoom="934.0723511654" rate="22050.0" snapto="off" selectionformat="hh:mm:ss + milliseconds" frequencyformat="Hz" bandwidthformat="octaves"> |
<tags> |
<tag name="Software" value="Lavf58.76.100"/> |
</tags> |
<wavetrack name="savesettings" isSelected="1" height="150" minimized="0" channel="2" linked="0" mute="0" solo="0" rate="22050" gain="1.0" pan="0.0" colorindex="0"> |
<waveclip offset="0.00000000" colorindex="0"> |
<sequence maxsamples="262144" sampleformat="262159" numsamples="20207"> |
<waveblock start="0"> |
<simpleblockfile filename="eff1f356.au" len="20207" min="-0.344003" max="0.329232" rms="0.068922"/> |
</waveblock> |
</sequence> |
<envelope numpoints="0"/> |
</waveclip> |
</wavetrack> |
</project> |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
### How to upload |
This is to upload sounds to the device. In order to speak correctly. |
Below is the command to push the files to the M5Core2 once is connected to the device via WiFi. |
for i in $(ls *.mp3); do echo "Pushing [$i]...."; ./upload.py $i; done |
### How to delete |
To delete it is easy: |
curl -s |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/python3 |
import requests |
import sys |
### print (sys.argv) |
### print(len(sys.argv)) |
if len(sys.argv) < 3: |
print("Invalid parameters\n") |
exit |
filename = sys.argv[2] |
url = sys.argv[1] |
files = {'file': open(filename, 'rb')} |
final_resp = requests.post(url, files=files) |
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ |
#include "BLE.h"
BleGamepad bleGamepad; |
BLE::BLE(void) { |
updated = true; |
} |
void BLE::begin(void) { |
updated = true; |
ble_begin = true; |
} |
void BLE::end(void) { |
ble_begin = false; |
ble_started = false; |
Serial.printf("BLEGamepad is disconnected"); |
bleGamepad.end(); |
} |
void BLE::update(void) { |
// Starts to connect when receive this...
if(ble_begin) { |
if(!ble_started) { |
Serial.printf("Starting BLEGamepad."); |
bleGamepad.begin(); |
Serial.printf("BLEGamepad OK"); |
ble_started = true; |
} |
if(bleGamepad.isConnected()) { |
if((uint32_t)(millis() - last_updated) > 1) { |
int16_t throttle = map(inputs.throttle, 0, 4096, -32767, 32767); // Throttle
int16_t yaw = map(inputs.yaw, 0, 4096, -32767, 32767); // Yaw
int16_t pitch = map(inputs.pitch, 0, 4096, -32767, 32767); // Pitch
int16_t roll = map(inputs.roll, 0, 4096, -32767, 32767); // Roll
bleGamepad.setAxes(yaw, throttle, roll, pitch, 0, 0, DPAD_CENTERED); |
uint32_t m = millis(); |
if(button1) { |
if((uint32_t)(m - last_button1) > 100) { |
bleGamepad.release(BUTTON_1); |
button1 = false; |
button1_sent = false; |
} else { |
// Only sent once and delay for 100ms
if(!button1_sent) { |
bleGamepad.press(BUTTON_1); |
button1_sent = true; |
} |
} |
} |
if(button2) { |
if((uint32_t)(m - last_button2) > 100) { |
bleGamepad.release(BUTTON_2); |
button2 = false; |
button2_sent = false; |
} else { |
// Only sent once and delay for 100ms
if(!button2_sent) { |
bleGamepad.press(BUTTON_2); |
button2_sent = true; |
} |
} |
} |
if(button3) { |
if((uint32_t)(m - last_button3) > 100) { |
bleGamepad.release(BUTTON_3); |
button3 = false; |
button3_sent = false; |
} else { |
// Only sent once and delay for 100ms
if(!button3_sent) { |
bleGamepad.press(BUTTON_3); |
button3_sent = true; |
} |
} |
} |
if(button4) { |
if((uint32_t)(m - last_button4) > 100) { |
bleGamepad.release(BUTTON_4); |
button4 = false; |
button4_sent = false; |
} else { |
// Only sent once and delay for 100ms
if(!button4_sent) { |
bleGamepad.press(BUTTON_4); |
button4_sent = true; |
} |
} |
} |
if(button5) { |
if((uint32_t)(m - last_button5) > 100) { |
bleGamepad.release(BUTTON_5); |
button5 = false; |
button5_sent = false; |
} else { |
// Only sent once and delay for 100ms
if(!button5_sent) { |
bleGamepad.press(BUTTON_5); |
button5_sent = true; |
} |
} |
} |
sent_counter_raw++; |
last_updated = millis(); |
// Serial.printf("Sent\n");
} |
} |
} |
// Reset the profiler when hits 1 second mark
if((uint32_t)(millis() - last_seconds) > 1000) { |
sent_counter = sent_counter_raw; |
sent_counter_raw = 0; |
last_seconds = millis(); |
} |
} |
BLE ble; |
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ |
#ifndef _BLE_H |
#define _BLE_H |
#include <Arduino.h> |
#include <M5Core2.h> |
#include <BleGamepad.h> |
#include "Inputs.h" |
class BLE { |
public: |
bool ble_begin = false; |
bool updated = false; |
bool ble_started = false; |
int16_t sent_counter_raw = 0; |
int16_t sent_counter = 0; |
bool button1 = false; |
bool button2 = false; |
bool button3 = false; |
bool button4 = false; |
bool button5 = false; |
bool button1_sent = false; |
bool button2_sent = false; |
bool button3_sent = false; |
bool button4_sent = false; |
bool button5_sent = false; |
uint32_t last_button1 = 0; |
uint32_t last_button2 = 0; |
uint32_t last_button3 = 0; |
uint32_t last_button4 = 0; |
uint32_t last_button5 = 0; |
BLE(void); |
void begin(void); |
void end(void); |
void update(void); |
private: |
uint32_t last_updated = 0; |
uint32_t last_seconds = 0; |
}; |
extern BLE ble; |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,241 @@ |
#include "BLEGamepad.h"
BLEGamepad::BLEGamepad(void) { |
updated = true; |
} |
void BLEGamepad::begin(void) { |
updated = true; |
} |
void BLEGamepad::draw_gimbal(TFT_eSprite *m, uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { |
// Top
m->drawFastHLine(x, y, 90, TFT_DARKGREEN); |
// Bottom
m->drawFastHLine(x, y + 89, 90, TFT_DARKGREEN); |
// Left
m->drawFastVLine(x, y, 90, TFT_DARKGREEN); |
// Right
m->drawFastVLine(x + 89, y, 90, TFT_DARKGREEN); |
// Middle dotted lines
for(uint16_t x1 = x; x1 < x + 90; x1 += 10) { |
m->drawFastHLine(x1, y + 45, 5, TFT_DARKGREEN); |
} |
for(uint16_t y1 = y; y1 < y + 90; y1 += 10) { |
m->drawFastVLine(x + 45, y1, 5, TFT_DARKGREEN); |
} |
} |
void BLEGamepad::show(TFT_eSprite *m) { |
if(!ble_begin) { |
ble_begin = true; |
ble.begin(); |
} |
if((uint32_t) (millis() - last_updated) > 50) { |
updated = true; |
} |
if((uint32_t) (millis() - last_voltage_read) > 500) { |
voltage = M5.Axp.GetBatVoltage(); |
current = M5.Axp.GetBatCurrent(); |
last_voltage_read = millis(); |
} |
if(updated) { |
m->fillRect(0, 0, 320, 240, BLACK); |
m->setTextColor(WHITE, BLACK); |
m->setTextSize(2); |
m->setCursor(0, 0); |
m->print("Packet(s) Sent: "); |
m->print(String(ble.sent_counter)); |
m->setCursor(0, 17); |
m->print("Bat: "); |
m->print(String(voltage) + "V " + String(current) + "mA"); |
// Draw the gimbal box
draw_gimbal(m, 69, 150); |
draw_gimbal(m, 161, 150); |
// Show the position of the left and right gimbal
// Convert the throttle and raw to x and y
// Temporary assume 4096 = max
uint16_t left_gimbal_y = map(inputs.throttle, stickcalibration.throttle_min, stickcalibration.throttle_max, 90, 0); |
uint16_t left_gimbal_x = map(inputs.yaw, stickcalibration.yaw_min, stickcalibration.yaw_max, 90, 0); |
m->fillCircle(left_gimbal_x + 69, left_gimbal_y + 150, 5, TFT_YELLOW); |
uint16_t right_gimbal_y = map(inputs.pitch, stickcalibration.pitch_min, stickcalibration.pitch_max, 0, 90); |
uint16_t right_gimbal_x = map(inputs.roll, stickcalibration.roll_min, stickcalibration.roll_max, 0, 90); |
m->fillCircle(right_gimbal_x + 161, right_gimbal_y + 150, 5, TFT_YELLOW); |
// Draw the switches
uint32_t last_millis = millis(); |
if((uint32_t)(last_millis - last_button1) > 500) { |
m->drawRect(0, 40, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); // Button 1
} else { |
m->drawRect(0, 40, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); // Button 1
m->fillRect(1, 41, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); |
} |
if((uint32_t)(last_millis - last_button2) > 500) { |
m->drawRect(65, 40, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); // Button 2
} else { |
m->drawRect(65, 40, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); // Button 2
m->fillRect(66, 41, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); |
} |
if((uint32_t)(last_millis - last_button3) > 500) { |
m->drawRect(130, 40, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); // Button 3
} else { |
m->drawRect(130, 40, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); // Button 3
m->fillRect(131, 41, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); |
} |
if((uint32_t)(last_millis - last_button4) > 500) { |
m->drawRect(195, 40, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); // Button 4
} else { |
m->drawRect(195, 40, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); // Button 4
m->fillRect(196, 41, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); |
} |
if((uint32_t)(last_millis - last_button5) > 500) { |
m->drawRect(260, 40, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); // Button 5
} else { |
m->drawRect(260, 40, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); // Button 5
m->fillRect(261, 41, 60, 60, TFT_BLUE); |
} |
m->setCursor(90, 130); |
m->print("BLE GAMEPAD"); |
m->pushSprite(0,0); |
updated = false; |
last_updated = millis(); |
} |
// Key Input Handler
if(M5.BtnC.wasPressed()) { |
if(ble_begin) { |
ble_begin = false; |
ble.end(); |
} |
screen.current_screen = SCREEN_MENU; |
screen.updated = true; |
} |
// Temporary connect from here...
if(M5.BtnA.wasPressed()) { |
} |
// Handling inputs
Event &e = M5.Buttons.event; |
coordinate = M5.Touch.getPressPoint(); |
// Making sure not retrigger...
if((uint32_t)(millis() - touch_time) > 100) { |
if(e & (E_TOUCH)) { |
Serial.printf("E_TOUCH X:%d, Y:%d\r\n", e.to.x, e.to.y); |
// Determine touched positions:
// Left gimbal:
// - Top
// - MinX: 110
// - MinY: 150
// - MaxX: 120
// - MaxY: 180
// - Bottom
// - MinX: 110
// - MinY: 200
// - MaxX: 120
// - MaxY: 220
// - Left
// - MinX: 80
// - MinY: 180
// - MaxX: 105
// - MaxY: 210
// - Right
// - MinX: 110
// - MinY: 150
// - MaxX: 160
// - MaxY: 190
if(e.to.x >= 110 && e.to.x <= 120 && e.to.y >= 140 && e.to.y <= 180) { |
// Minus throttle
// Serial.printf("Left: TOP\n");
inputs.trim_throttle-=20; |
//// speak.speak_trim_word = TRIM_THROTTLE_INCREASE;
//// speak.speak_now_trim = true;
} else if(e.to.x >= 110 && e.to.x <= 170 && e.to.y >= 200 && e.to.y <= 220) { |
// Add throttle
// Serial.printf("Left: BOTTOM\n");
inputs.trim_throttle+=20; |
//// speak.speak_trim_word = TRIM_THROTTLE_DECREASE;
//// speak.speak_now_trim = true;
} else if(e.to.x >= 60 && e.to.x <= 105 && e.to.y >= 180 && e.to.y <= 210) { |
// Minus Yaw
// Serial.printf("Left: LEFT\n");
inputs.trim_yaw-=20; |
//// speak.speak_trim_word = TRIM_YAW_DECREASE;
//// speak.speak_now_trim = true;
} else if(e.to.x >= 110 && e.to.x <= 160 && e.to.y >= 150 && e.to.y <= 190) { |
// Add Yaw
// Serial.printf("Left: RIGHT\n");
inputs.trim_yaw+=20; |
//// speak.speak_trim_word = TRIM_YAW_INCREASE;
//// speak.speak_now_trim = true;
} else if(e.to.x >= 250 && e.to.x <= 230 && e.to.y >= 187 && e.to.y <= 197) { |
// Add Row
inputs.trim_roll+=20; |
//// speak.speak_trim_word = TRIM_ROLL_INCREASE;
//// speak.speak_now_trim = true;
} else if(e.to.x >= 180 && e.to.x <= 175 && e.to.y >= 187 && e.to.y <= 197) { |
// Minus Row
inputs.trim_roll+=20; |
//// speak.speak_trim_word = TRIM_ROLL_DECREASE;
//// speak.speak_now_trim = true;
// TODO: Continue the rest.....
} else if(e.to.x >= 0 && e.to.x <= 60 && e.to.y >= 40 && e.to.y <= 100) { |
// Button 1
ble.last_button1 = millis(); // Setting the time so the system knows how long to trigger
last_button1 = ble.last_button1; // For remembering last press on UI
ble.button1 = true; // Send to BLE let the process to run through
} else if(e.to.x >= 65 && e.to.x <= 125 && e.to.y >= 40 && e.to.y <= 100) { |
// Button 2
ble.last_button2 = millis(); // Setting the time so the system knows how long to trigger
last_button2 = ble.last_button2; // For remembering last press on UI
ble.button2 = true; // Send to BLE let the process to run through
} else if(e.to.x >= 130 && e.to.x <= 190 && e.to.y >= 40 && e.to.y <= 100) { |
// Button 3
ble.last_button3 = millis(); // Setting the time so the system knows how long to trigger
last_button3 = ble.last_button3; // For remembering last press on UI
ble.button3 = true; // Send to BLE let the process to run through
} else if(e.to.x >= 195 && e.to.x <= 255 && e.to.y >= 40 && e.to.y <= 100) { |
// Button 4
ble.last_button4 = millis(); // Setting the time so the system knows how long to trigger
last_button4 = ble.last_button4; // For remembering last press on UI
ble.button4 = true; // Send to BLE let the process to run through
} else if(e.to.x >= 260 && e.to.x <= 310 && e.to.y >= 40 && e.to.y <= 100) { |
// Button 5
ble.last_button5 = millis(); // Setting the time so the system knows how long to trigger
last_button5 = ble.last_button5; // For remembering last press on UI
ble.button5 = true; // Send to BLE let the process to run through
} |
touch_time = millis(); |
} |
} |
if(e & (E_RELEASE)) { |
Serial.printf("E_MOVE X:%d, Y:%d\r\n", e & E_MOVE ? e.from.x : e.to.x, e & E_MOVE ? e.from.y : e.to.y); |
} |
if(coordinate.x > 0 || coordinate.y > 0) |
Serial.printf("x:%d, y:%d \r\n", coordinate.x, coordinate.y); |
***/ |
} |
BLEGamepad blegamepad; |
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ |
#ifndef _BLEGAMEPAD_H |
#define _BLEGAMEPAD_H |
#include <Arduino.h> |
#include <M5Core2.h> |
#include "BLE.h" |
#include "Inputs.h" |
#include "Screen.h" |
//// #include "Speak.h" |
enum gesture_axis { |
}; |
enum gimbal { |
}; |
enum gesture_meanings { |
}; |
enum trim_names { |
}; |
class BLEGamepad { |
public: |
TouchPoint_t coordinate; |
uint32_t touch_time = 0; |
bool ble_begin = false; |
bool updated = false; |
float voltage = 0.00; |
float current = 0.00; |
uint32_t last_button1 = 0; |
uint32_t last_button2 = 0; |
uint32_t last_button3 = 0; |
uint32_t last_button4 = 0; |
uint32_t last_button5 = 0; |
BLEGamepad(void); |
void begin(void); |
void show(TFT_eSprite *m); |
void draw_gimbal(TFT_eSprite *m, uint16_t x, uint16_t y); |
private: |
uint32_t last_updated = 0; |
uint32_t last_voltage_read = 0; |
}; |
extern BLEGamepad blegamepad; |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ |
#include "CustomWiFi.h"
CustomWiFi::CustomWiFi(void) { |
// pinMode(CustomWiFi_INDICATOR, OUTPUT);
last_wifi_check = 0; |
wifi_check_duration = 10; |
} |
void CustomWiFi::set_credential(char *ssid, char *passphrase) { |
strcpy(CustomWiFi::_ssid, ssid); |
strcpy(CustomWiFi::_passphrase, passphrase); |
// Initial value
this->wifi_check_duration = 5000; |
} |
void CustomWiFi::begin(void) { |
IPAddress local_ip(192,168,1,1); |
IPAddress gateway(192,168,1,1); |
IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,0); |
delay(100); |
WiFi.softAPConfig(local_ip, gateway, subnet); |
delay(100); |
IPAddress IP = WiFi.softAPIP(); |
// Serial.print(F("AP IP address: "); Serial.prinln(IP);
} |
CustomWiFi customwifi; |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
#ifndef CUSTOMWIFI_H_ |
#define CUSTOMWIFI_H_ |
#include <Arduino.h> |
#include <WiFi.h> |
#include <WiFiClient.h> |
#define WIFI_SSID "M5CoreTX" |
#define WIFI_PASSPHRASE "LetMeIn123" |
class CustomWiFi { |
public: |
CustomWiFi(void); |
void set_credential(char *ssid, char *passphrase); |
void begin(void); |
char _ssid[32], _passphrase[32]; |
private: |
uint32_t last_wifi_check, wifi_check_duration; |
}; |
extern CustomWiFi customwifi; |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
#include "GimbalGraph.h"
GimbalGraph::GimbalGraph(void) { |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
#ifndef _GIMBAL_GRAPH_H |
#define _GIMBAL_GRAPH_H |
#include <Arduino.h> |
class GimbalGraph { |
public: |
GimbalGraph(void); |
private: |
}; |
extern GimbalGraph gimbalgraph; |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ |
#include "Inputs.h"
Inputs::Inputs(void) { |
} |
void Inputs::begin(void) { |
throttle_raw = 0; |
yaw_raw = 0; |
pitch_raw = 0; |
roll_raw = 0; |
// Prepare the storage engine for TYPR
for(int i = 0; i < MEDIAN_TOTAL; i++) { |
throttle_pool[i] = 0; |
yaw_pool[i] = 0; |
pitch_pool[i] = 0; |
roll_pool[i] = 0; |
} |
// Reading trims
String trim_str = ""; |
String filename = ""; |
filename = "/TRIM_THROTTLE"; |
if(!storage.exists(filename)) { |
storage.writeFile(LITTLEFS, filename, String(trim_throttle)); |
} else { |
trim_str = storage.readFile(LITTLEFS, filename); |
trim_throttle = trim_str.toInt(); |
} |
filename = "/TRIM_YAW"; |
if(!storage.exists(filename)) { |
storage.writeFile(LITTLEFS, filename, String(trim_yaw)); |
} else { |
trim_str = storage.readFile(LITTLEFS, filename); |
trim_yaw = trim_str.toInt(); |
} |
filename = "/TRIM_PITCH"; |
if(!storage.exists(filename)) { |
storage.writeFile(LITTLEFS, filename, String(trim_pitch)); |
} else { |
trim_str = storage.readFile(LITTLEFS, filename); |
trim_pitch = trim_str.toInt(); |
} |
filename = "/TRIM_ROLL"; |
if(!storage.exists(filename)) { |
storage.writeFile(LITTLEFS, filename, String(trim_roll)); |
} else { |
trim_str = storage.readFile(LITTLEFS, filename); |
trim_roll = trim_str.toInt(); |
} |
// Pre-read
read(); |
// Activate silent mode...
//// if(pitch_raw < 1000) speak.silent = true;
// Activate low volume mode....
//// if(pitch_raw > 3000) speak.low_volume = true;
} |
void Inputs::read(void) { |
throttle_raw = analogRead(THROTTLE_PIN); |
yaw_raw = analogRead(YAW_PIN); |
pitch_raw = analogRead(PITCH_PIN); |
roll_raw = analogRead(ROLL_PIN); |
if(invert_throttle) { |
throttle_raw = 4095 - throttle_raw; |
} |
if(invert_yaw) { |
yaw_raw = 4095 - yaw_raw; |
} |
if(invert_pitch) { |
pitch_raw = 4095 - pitch_raw; |
} |
if(invert_roll) { |
roll_raw = 4095 - roll_raw; |
} |
throttle = pool_insert(THROTTLE, throttle_raw) + trim_throttle; |
yaw = pool_insert(YAW, yaw_raw) + trim_yaw; |
pitch = pool_insert(PITCH, pitch_raw) + trim_pitch; |
roll = pool_insert(ROLL, roll_raw) + trim_roll; |
} |
* median_get: |
* To get the median from the data depending on the median_type |
* |
* E.g.: |
* retval = median_get(THROTTLE); |
*/ |
uint16_t Inputs::median_get(uint8_t median_type) { |
bool inserted = false; |
uint16_t median_tmp[MEDIAN_TOTAL]; |
// Loop through the variable to determine position to insert
// [ 12, 32, 4 ,0, 50, 2, 10, 10, 5, 20, 0 ]
[ 12 ] |
[ 12, 32 ] |
[ 4, 12, 32 ] |
[ 0, 4, 12, 32 ] |
[ 0, 4, 12, 32, 50 ] |
[ 0, 2, 4, 12, 32, 50 ] |
*/ |
// Initial
uint16_t temp_val = 0; |
uint16_t total_insert = 1; |
// Search on type
if(median_type == THROTTLE) { |
median_tmp[0] = throttle_pool[0]; |
} else if(median_type == YAW) { |
median_tmp[0] = yaw_pool[0]; |
} else if(median_type == PITCH) { |
median_tmp[0] = pitch_pool[0]; |
} else if(median_type == ROLL) { |
median_tmp[0] = roll_pool[0]; |
} |
// Loop insert and sort
for(int raw_count = 1; raw_count < MEDIAN_TOTAL; raw_count++) { |
inserted = false; |
if(median_type == THROTTLE) { |
temp_val = throttle_pool[raw_count]; |
} else if(median_type == YAW) { |
temp_val = yaw_pool[raw_count]; |
} else if(median_type == PITCH) { |
temp_val = pitch_pool[raw_count]; |
} else if(median_type == ROLL) { |
temp_val = roll_pool[raw_count]; |
} |
for(int median_count = 0; median_count < total_insert; median_count++) { |
if(!inserted) { |
if(temp_val < median_tmp[median_count]) { |
inserted = true; |
// Reverse copy and insert
for(int median_reverse = total_insert + 1; median_reverse > median_count; median_reverse--) { |
median_tmp[median_reverse] = median_tmp[median_reverse - 1]; |
} |
// Insert the detected
median_tmp[median_count] = temp_val; |
// Increase total insertion
total_insert++; |
} |
} |
} |
// Nothing was inserted... so put at the last.
if(!inserted) { |
median_tmp[total_insert++] = temp_val; |
} |
} |
// Return the result
// return median_tmp[MEDIAN_POS];
// Using RC dead band way....**** NEED TO IMPROvE!!
if(median_type == THROTTLE) { |
if(throttle > median_tmp[MEDIAN_POS]) { |
if(throttle - median_tmp[MEDIAN_POS] > RC_DEADBAND) { |
return median_tmp[MEDIAN_POS]; |
} else { |
if(median_tmp[MEDIAN_POS] - throttle > RC_DEADBAND) { |
return median_tmp[MEDIAN_POS]; |
} else { |
return throttle; |
} |
} |
} |
} else if(median_type == YAW) { |
if(yaw > median_tmp[MEDIAN_POS]) { |
if(yaw - median_tmp[MEDIAN_POS] > RC_DEADBAND) { |
return median_tmp[MEDIAN_POS]; |
} else { |
if(median_tmp[MEDIAN_POS] - yaw > RC_DEADBAND) { |
return median_tmp[MEDIAN_POS]; |
} else { |
return yaw; |
} |
} |
} |
} else if(median_type == PITCH) { |
if(pitch > median_tmp[MEDIAN_POS]) { |
if(pitch - median_tmp[MEDIAN_POS] > RC_DEADBAND) { |
return median_tmp[MEDIAN_POS]; |
} else { |
if(median_tmp[MEDIAN_POS] - pitch > RC_DEADBAND) { |
return median_tmp[MEDIAN_POS]; |
} else { |
return pitch; |
} |
} |
} |
} else if(median_type == ROLL) { |
if(roll > median_tmp[MEDIAN_POS]) { |
if(roll - median_tmp[MEDIAN_POS] > RC_DEADBAND) { |
return median_tmp[MEDIAN_POS]; |
} else { |
if(median_tmp[MEDIAN_POS] - roll > RC_DEADBAND) { |
return median_tmp[MEDIAN_POS]; |
} else { |
return roll; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
uint16_t Inputs::throttle_insert(uint16_t val) { |
// Insert to the array...at the last
for(int i = 1; i < MEDIAN_TOTAL; i++) |
// Shift to left
throttle_pool[i - 1] = throttle_pool[i]; |
throttle_pool[MEDIAN_TOTAL - 1] = val; |
// Find median....
return median_get(THROTTLE); |
} |
uint16_t Inputs::yaw_insert(uint16_t val) { |
// Insert to the array...at the last
for(int i = 1; i < MEDIAN_TOTAL; i++) |
// Shift to left
yaw_pool[i - 1] = yaw_pool[i]; |
yaw_pool[MEDIAN_TOTAL - 1] = val; |
// Find median....
return median_get(YAW); |
} |
uint16_t Inputs::pitch_insert(uint16_t val) { |
// Insert to the array...at the last
for(int i = 1; i < MEDIAN_TOTAL; i++) |
// Shift to left
pitch_pool[i - 1] = pitch_pool[i]; |
pitch_pool[MEDIAN_TOTAL - 1] = val; |
// Find median....
return median_get(PITCH); |
} |
uint16_t Inputs::roll_insert(uint16_t val) { |
// Insert to the array...at the last
for(int i = 1; i < MEDIAN_TOTAL; i++) |
// Shift to left
roll_pool[i - 1] = roll_pool[i]; |
roll_pool[MEDIAN_TOTAL - 1] = val; |
// Find median....
return median_get(ROLL); |
} |
* pool_insert: |
* To insert the data into the median pool depending on type of the variable |
* |
* E.g.: |
* throttle_value = pool_insert(THROTTLE); |
*/ |
uint16_t Inputs::pool_insert(uint8_t pool_type, uint16_t val) { |
// Insert to the array...at the last of the array
for(int i = 1; i < MEDIAN_TOTAL; i++) { |
// Shift to left
if(pool_type == THROTTLE) { |
throttle_pool[i - 1] = throttle_pool[i]; |
} else if(pool_type == YAW) { |
yaw_pool[i - 1] = yaw_pool[i]; |
} else if(pool_type == PITCH) { |
pitch_pool[i - 1] = pitch_pool[i]; |
} else if(pool_type == ROLL) { |
roll_pool[i - 1] = roll_pool[i]; |
} |
} |
// Find median....
if(pool_type == THROTTLE) { |
throttle_pool[MEDIAN_TOTAL - 1] = val; |
} else if(pool_type == YAW) { |
yaw_pool[MEDIAN_TOTAL - 1] = val; |
} else if(pool_type == ROLL) { |
roll_pool[MEDIAN_TOTAL - 1] = val; |
} else if(pool_type == PITCH) { |
pitch_pool[MEDIAN_TOTAL - 1] = val; |
} |
return median_get(pool_type); |
} |
Inputs inputs; |
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ |
#ifndef _INPUTS_H |
#define _INPUTS_H |
#include <Arduino.h> |
#include <M5Core2.h> |
#include "Storage.h" |
#define THROTTLE_PIN 35 |
#define YAW_PIN 36 |
#define PITCH_PIN 32 |
#define ROLL_PIN 33 |
#define MEDIAN_TOTAL 11 |
// For RC Deadband |
#define RC_DEADBAND 5 |
/*** |
enum input_names { |
YAW, |
}; |
***/ |
// Enumerators - User Defined |
enum rc { |
YAW, |
AUX1, |
AUX2, |
AUX3, |
AUX4, |
AUX5, |
AUX6, |
AUX7, |
AUX8, |
AUX9 |
}; |
class Inputs { |
public: |
bool invert_throttle = false; |
bool invert_yaw = false; |
bool invert_pitch = false; |
bool invert_roll = false; |
uint16_t throttle = 0; |
uint16_t yaw = 0; |
uint16_t pitch = 0; |
uint16_t roll = 0; |
int16_t trim_throttle = 0; |
int16_t trim_yaw = 0; |
int16_t trim_pitch = 0; |
int16_t trim_roll = 0; |
Inputs(void); |
void begin(void); |
void read(void); |
private: |
uint32_t last_voltage_read = 0; |
uint16_t throttle_pool[MEDIAN_TOTAL]; |
uint16_t yaw_pool[MEDIAN_TOTAL]; |
uint16_t pitch_pool[MEDIAN_TOTAL]; |
uint16_t roll_pool[MEDIAN_TOTAL]; |
uint16_t tmp_median_store[MEDIAN_TOTAL]; |
uint16_t throttle_raw; |
uint16_t yaw_raw; |
uint16_t pitch_raw; |
uint16_t roll_raw; |
uint16_t median_get(uint8_t median_type); |
uint16_t throttle_insert(uint16_t val); |
uint16_t yaw_insert(uint16_t val); |
uint16_t pitch_insert(uint16_t val); |
uint16_t roll_insert(uint16_t val); |
uint16_t pool_insert(uint8_t pool_type, uint16_t val); |
}; |
extern Inputs inputs; |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,302 @@ |
// REF:
// https://github.com/m5stack/m5-docs/blob/master/docs/en/api/lcd.md
// https://github.com/Bodmer/TFT_eSPI/blob/master/TFT_eSPI.h
#include "Screen.h"
TFT_eSprite mainscreen_buffer = TFT_eSprite(&M5.Lcd); |
Screen::Screen(void) { |
} |
void Screen::begin(void) { |
M5.begin(true, true, true, true); //Init M5Core2. Initialize M5Core2
* Power chip connected to gpio21, gpio22, I2C device |
* Set battery charging voltage and current |
* If used battery, please call this function in your project |
*/ |
// Initial value
updated = true; |
stickcalibration.begin(); |
M5.Lcd.fillScreen(BLACK); |
mainscreen_buffer.createSprite(320, 240); |
} |
void Screen::update(void) { |
M5.update(); |
// Update screen based on selected menu
if((uint32_t)(millis() - last_screen_update) > REFRESH_TIME) { |
if(current_screen == SCREEN_MENU) { |
menu(); |
} else if(current_screen == SCREEN_MENU_REBOOT) { |
menu_reboot(); |
} else if(current_screen == SCREEN_MENU_POWEROFF) { |
menu_poweroff(); |
} else if(current_screen == SCREEN_MENU_BLUETOOTH) { |
blegamepad.show(&mainscreen_buffer); |
} else if(current_screen == SCREEN_MENU_STICK_CALIBRATION) { |
stickcalibration.show(&mainscreen_buffer); |
} else if(current_screen == SCREEN_MENU_STICK_POSITIONS) { |
stickpositions.main(&mainscreen_buffer); |
} |
last_screen_update = millis(); |
} |
if(M5.BtnA.wasPressed()) { |
M5.Lcd.println("Button A Pressed"); |
} |
if(M5.BtnB.wasPressed()) { |
M5.Lcd.println("Button B Pressed"); |
} |
if(M5.BtnC.wasPressed()) { |
M5.Lcd.println("Button C Pressed"); |
} |
***/ |
} |
void Screen::menu_bluetooth(void) { |
} |
void Screen::intro(void) { |
// M5.Lcd.drawRect(100, 100, 50, 50, BLUE);
// vTaskDelay(INTRO_TIME);
current_screen = SCREEN_MENU; |
// M5.Lcd.fillScreen(BLACK);
} |
// Main Menu
void Screen::menu(void) { |
static uint8_t current_menu = MENU_BLUETOOTH; |
static uint8_t menu_start_position = 0; |
static uint8_t menu_max_position = MENU_MAX_ITEMS; |
static String menu_items_name[] = { |
"Bluetooth ", |
"Stick Calibration ", |
"Stick Positions ", |
"Trims ", |
"WiFi ", |
"RX Binding ", |
"RF Settings ", |
"RF Scanners ", |
"Save Settings ", |
"Reset ", |
"Reboot ", |
"Power Off " |
}; |
// Serial.println((int)sizeof(menu_items_name)/sizeof(menu_items_name[0]));
uint8_t menu_total = (int)sizeof(menu_items_name)/sizeof(menu_items_name[0]); |
uint8_t menu_count = 0; |
uint8_t menu_pointer = 0; |
if(updated) { |
// List all menus
mainscreen_buffer.fillRect(0, 0, 320, 240, BLACK); |
mainscreen_buffer.setTextColor(WHITE, BLACK); |
mainscreen_buffer.setTextSize(2); |
// for(uint8_t y = 0; y < menu_total * MENU_HEIGHT; y+=MENU_HEIGHT) {
menu_pointer = menu_start_position; |
for(uint8_t y = menu_start_position; y < menu_max_position * MENU_HEIGHT; y+=MENU_HEIGHT) { |
if((current_menu - menu_start_position) == menu_count) { |
mainscreen_buffer.setTextColor(BLACK, YELLOW); |
// Trigger voice
// peak.speak_words = current_menu;
// speak.speak_now = true;
//// M5.Speaker.tone(7000, 200);
} else { |
mainscreen_buffer.setTextColor(WHITE, BLACK); |
} |
mainscreen_buffer.setCursor(10, y); |
mainscreen_buffer.print(menu_items_name[menu_pointer]); |
menu_count++; |
menu_pointer++; |
} |
// Draw the touch button lines
mainscreen_buffer.drawFastHLine(50, 239, 20, TFT_WHITE); |
mainscreen_buffer.drawFastHLine(150, 239, 20, TFT_WHITE); |
mainscreen_buffer.drawFastHLine(250, 239, 20, TFT_WHITE); |
mainscreen_buffer.pushSprite(0,0); |
updated = false; |
} |
// Key Input Handler
if(M5.BtnC.wasPressed()) { |
current_menu++; |
if(current_menu == menu_total) current_menu--; |
if(current_menu >= menu_max_position) { |
if(menu_start_position + MENU_MAX_ITEMS < menu_total) { |
menu_start_position++; |
} |
} |
updated = true; |
} |
if(M5.BtnA.wasPressed()) { |
current_menu--; |
if(current_menu == 255) current_menu = 0; |
if(menu_start_position > 0) { |
if(current_menu == (menu_start_position - 1)) { |
menu_start_position--; |
} |
} |
updated = true; |
} |
// Handling Button B
if(M5.BtnB.wasPressed()) { |
if(current_menu == MENU_REBOOT) { |
current_screen = SCREEN_MENU_REBOOT; |
} else if(current_menu == MENU_POWER_OFF) { |
current_screen = SCREEN_MENU_POWEROFF; |
} else if(current_menu == MENU_BLUETOOTH) { |
current_screen = SCREEN_MENU_BLUETOOTH; |
} else if(current_menu == MENU_STICK_CALIBRATION) { |
stickcalibration.updated = true; |
} else if(current_menu == MENU_STICK_POSITIONS) { |
} |
updated = true; |
} |
} |
// Reboot Confirmation
void Screen::menu_reboot(void) { |
static uint8_t current_menu_reboot_selection = SELECTION_YES; |
static uint8_t menu_reboot_selection_total = 2; |
if(updated) { |
// Draw box
mainscreen_buffer.drawRoundRect(50, 50, 220, 140, 10, DIALOGBOX_FOREGROUND); |
mainscreen_buffer.fillRoundRect(51, 51, 218, 138, 10, DIALOGBOX_BACKGROUND); |
// Show Text
mainscreen_buffer.setCursor(68, 110); |
mainscreen_buffer.print("Reboot Now? "); |
mainscreen_buffer.setTextColor(GREEN); |
if(current_menu_reboot_selection == SELECTION_YES) { |
mainscreen_buffer.print("YES"); |
} else { |
mainscreen_buffer.print("NO"); |
} |
mainscreen_buffer.pushSprite(0,0); |
updated = false; |
} |
// Key Input Handler
if(M5.BtnC.wasPressed() || M5.BtnA.wasPressed()) { // Either up or down is the same because only two options
current_menu_reboot_selection++; |
if(current_menu_reboot_selection == menu_reboot_selection_total) current_menu_reboot_selection = 0; |
updated = true; |
} |
if(M5.BtnB.wasPressed()) { |
if(current_menu_reboot_selection == SELECTION_YES) { |
// Trigger voice
// speak.speak_miscs = PHRASE001;
// speak.speak_now_other = true;
///// M5.Speaker.tone(6000, 200);
vTaskDelay(1500); |
ESP.restart(); |
} else if(current_menu_reboot_selection == SELECTION_NO) { |
// Return back to main menu
current_screen = SCREEN_MENU; |
} |
updated = true; |
} |
} |
// Power Off Confirmation
void Screen::menu_poweroff(void) { |
static uint8_t current_menu_poweroff_selection = SELECTION_YES; |
static uint8_t menu_poweroff_selection_total = 2; |
if(updated) { |
// Draw box
mainscreen_buffer.drawRoundRect(50, 50, 220, 140, 10, DIALOGBOX_FOREGROUND); |
mainscreen_buffer.fillRoundRect(51, 51, 218, 138, 10, DIALOGBOX_BACKGROUND); |
// Show Text
mainscreen_buffer.setCursor(68, 110); |
mainscreen_buffer.print("Power Off? "); |
mainscreen_buffer.setTextColor(GREEN); |
if(current_menu_poweroff_selection == SELECTION_YES) { |
mainscreen_buffer.print("YES"); |
} else { |
mainscreen_buffer.print("NO"); |
} |
mainscreen_buffer.pushSprite(0,0); |
updated = false; |
} |
// Key Input Handler
if(M5.BtnC.wasPressed() || M5.BtnA.wasPressed()) { // Either up or down is the same because only two options
current_menu_poweroff_selection++; |
if(current_menu_poweroff_selection == menu_poweroff_selection_total) current_menu_poweroff_selection = 0; |
updated = true; |
} |
if(M5.BtnB.wasPressed()) { |
if(current_menu_poweroff_selection == SELECTION_YES) { |
// Trigger voice
// speak.speak_miscs = PHRASE000;
// speak.speak_now_other = true;
M5.Speaker.tone(6000, 200); |
M5.Speaker.tone(11000, 200); |
***/ |
vTaskDelay(1200); |
M5.shutdown(); |
} else if(current_menu_poweroff_selection == SELECTION_NO) { |
// Return back to main menu
current_screen = SCREEN_MENU; |
} |
updated = true; |
} |
} |
Screen screen; |
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ |
#ifndef _SCREEN_H |
#define _SCREEN_H |
#include <Arduino.h> |
#include <M5Core2.h> |
#include "BLEGamepad.h" |
#include "StickCalibration.h" |
#include "StickPositions.h" |
#define REFRESH_TIME 1 |
#define INTRO_TIME 100 |
#define MENU_HEIGHT 20 |
#define MENU_MAX_ITEMS 12 |
enum screen_names { |
}; |
enum menu_items { |
}; |
enum selection_choice_yesno { |
}; |
class Screen { |
public: |
uint8_t current_screen = SCREEN_INTRO; |
bool updated = false; |
Screen(void); |
void begin(void); |
void intro(void); |
void menu(void); |
void menu_reboot(void); |
void menu_poweroff(void); |
void menu_bluetooth(void); |
void update(void); |
private: |
uint32_t last_screen_update = 0; |
}; |
extern Screen screen; |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ |
#include "StickCalibration.h"
StickCalibration::StickCalibration(void) { |
updated = true; |
} |
void StickCalibration::begin(void) { |
updated = true; |
// Loading the default values...
String filename; |
String tmp_str; |
filename = "/THROTTLE_MAX"; |
tmp_str = storage.readFile(LITTLEFS, filename); |
throttle_max = tmp_str.toInt(); |
filename = "/THROTTLE_MIN"; |
tmp_str = storage.readFile(LITTLEFS, filename); |
throttle_min = tmp_str.toInt(); |
filename = "/YAW_MAX"; |
tmp_str = storage.readFile(LITTLEFS, filename); |
yaw_max = tmp_str.toInt(); |
filename = "/YAW_MIN"; |
tmp_str = storage.readFile(LITTLEFS, filename); |
yaw_min = tmp_str.toInt(); |
filename = "/PITCH_MAX"; |
tmp_str = storage.readFile(LITTLEFS, filename); |
pitch_max = tmp_str.toInt(); |
filename = "/PITCH_MIN"; |
tmp_str = storage.readFile(LITTLEFS, filename); |
pitch_min = tmp_str.toInt(); |
filename = "/ROLL_MAX"; |
tmp_str = storage.readFile(LITTLEFS, filename); |
roll_max = tmp_str.toInt(); |
filename = "/ROLL_MIN"; |
tmp_str = storage.readFile(LITTLEFS, filename); |
roll_min = tmp_str.toInt(); |
} |
void StickCalibration::show(TFT_eSprite *m) { |
if((uint32_t) (millis() - last_updated) > 50) { |
updated = true; |
} |
if(inputs.throttle > throttle_max) throttle_max = inputs.throttle; |
if(inputs.throttle < throttle_min) throttle_min = inputs.throttle; |
if(inputs.yaw > yaw_max) yaw_max = inputs.yaw; |
if(inputs.yaw < yaw_min) yaw_min = inputs.yaw; |
if(inputs.pitch > pitch_max) pitch_max = inputs.pitch; |
if(inputs.pitch < pitch_min) pitch_min = inputs.pitch; |
if(inputs.roll > roll_max) roll_max = inputs.roll; |
if(inputs.roll < roll_min) roll_min = inputs.roll; |
if(updated) { |
m->fillRect(0, 0, 320, 240, BLACK); |
m->setTextColor(WHITE, BLACK); |
m->setTextSize(2); |
m->setCursor(0,0); |
m->print(String(inputs.throttle)); |
m->setCursor(0,16); |
m->print(String(inputs.yaw)); |
m->setCursor(0,32); |
m->print(String(inputs.pitch)); |
m->setCursor(0,48); |
m->print(String(inputs.roll)); |
m->setCursor(0,160); |
m->setCursor(180,0); |
m->print(String(throttle_min) + " " + String(throttle_max)); |
m->setCursor(180,16); |
m->print(String(yaw_min) + " " + String(yaw_max)); |
m->setCursor(180,32); |
m->print(String(pitch_min) + " " + String(pitch_max)); |
m->setCursor(180,48); |
m->print(String(roll_min) + " " + String(roll_max)); |
m->setCursor(180,160); |
m->print("Keep rolling both sticks to get the minimum and maximum values."); |
uint32_t last_millis = millis(); |
if((uint32_t)(last_millis - last_button_reset) > 500) { |
m->drawRect(60, 60, 60, 60, TFT_WHITE); // Button RESET
m->fillRect(61, 61, 58, 58, TFT_WHITE); // Button RESET
} else { |
m->drawRect(60, 60, 60, 60, TFT_WHITE); // Button RESET
} |
m->setTextColor(WHITE, BLACK); |
m->setCursor(60, 125); |
m->print("RESET"); |
if((uint32_t)(last_millis - last_button_save) > 500) { |
m->drawRect(180, 60, 60, 60, TFT_WHITE); // Button SAVE
m->fillRect(181, 61, 58, 58, TFT_WHITE); // Button SAVE
} else { |
m->drawRect(180, 60, 60, 60, TFT_WHITE); // Button SAVE
} |
m->setTextColor(WHITE, BLACK); |
m->setCursor(180, 125); |
m->print("SAVE"); |
m->pushSprite(0,0); |
updated = false; |
last_updated = millis(); |
} |
// Key Input Handler
if(M5.BtnC.wasPressed()) { |
screen.current_screen = SCREEN_MENU; |
screen.updated = true; |
} |
// Handling Inputs
Event &e = M5.Buttons.event; |
coordinate = M5.Touch.getPressPoint(); |
if((uint32_t)(millis() - touch_time) > 100) { |
if(e & (E_TOUCH)) { |
Serial.printf("E_TOUCH X:%d, Y:%d\r\n", e.to.x, e.to.y); |
if(e.to.x > 60 && e.to.x < 120 && e.to.y > 60 && e.to.y < 120) { |
last_button_reset = millis(); |
Serial.printf("RESET BUTTON\n"); |
reset_values(); |
} else if(e.to.x > 180 && e.to.x < 240 && e.to.y > 60 && e.to.y < 120) { |
last_button_save = millis(); |
Serial.printf("SAVE BUTTON\n"); |
save_values(); |
} |
touch_time = millis(); |
} |
} |
} |
void StickCalibration::reset_values(void) { |
throttle_max = 0; |
throttle_min = 4096; |
yaw_max = 0; |
yaw_min = 4096; |
pitch_max = 0; |
pitch_min = 4096; |
roll_max = 0; |
roll_min = 4096; |
} |
void StickCalibration::save_values(void) { |
throttle_max = 0; |
throttle_min = 4096; |
yaw_max = 0; |
yaw_min = 4096; |
pitch_max = 0; |
pitch_min = 4096; |
roll_max = 0; |
roll_min = 4096; |
*/ |
String filename; |
filename = "/THROTTLE_MAX"; |
storage.writeFile(LITTLEFS, filename, String(throttle_max)); |
filename = "/THROTTLE_MIN"; |
storage.writeFile(LITTLEFS, filename, String(throttle_min)); |
filename = "/YAW_MAX"; |
storage.writeFile(LITTLEFS, filename, String(yaw_max)); |
filename = "/YAW_MIN"; |
storage.writeFile(LITTLEFS, filename, String(yaw_min)); |
filename = "/PITCH_MAX"; |
storage.writeFile(LITTLEFS, filename, String(pitch_max)); |
filename = "/PITCH_MIN"; |
storage.writeFile(LITTLEFS, filename, String(pitch_min)); |
filename = "/ROLL_MAX"; |
storage.writeFile(LITTLEFS, filename, String(roll_max)); |
filename = "/ROLL_MIN"; |
storage.writeFile(LITTLEFS, filename, String(roll_min)); |
} |
void StickCalibration::mydebug(TFT_eSprite *m) { |
if((uint32_t) (millis() - last_updated) > 50) { |
updated = true; |
} |
if(updated) { |
m->fillRect(0, 0, 320, 240, BLACK); |
m->setTextColor(WHITE, BLACK); |
m->setTextSize(2); |
m->setCursor(0,0); |
m->print(String(inputs.throttle)); |
m->setCursor(0,16); |
m->print(String(inputs.yaw)); |
m->setCursor(0,32); |
m->print(String(inputs.pitch)); |
m->setCursor(0,48); |
m->print(String(inputs.roll)); |
m->pushSprite(0,0); |
updated = false; |
last_updated = millis(); |
} |
// Key Input Handler
if(M5.BtnC.wasPressed()) { |
screen.current_screen = SCREEN_MENU; |
screen.updated = true; |
} |
} |
StickCalibration stickcalibration; |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
#include <Arduino.h> |
#include <M5Core2.h> |
#include "Inputs.h" |
#include "Screen.h" |
#include "Storage.h" |
class StickCalibration { |
public: |
StickCalibration(void); |
void begin(void); |
void mydebug(TFT_eSprite *m); |
void show(TFT_eSprite *m); |
void reset_values(void); |
void save_values(void); |
bool updated = false; |
bool last_button_reset = 0; |
bool last_button_save = 0; |
uint16_t throttle_max = 0; |
uint16_t throttle_min = 4096; |
uint16_t yaw_max = 0; |
uint16_t yaw_min = 4096; |
uint16_t pitch_max = 0; |
uint16_t pitch_min = 4096; |
uint16_t roll_max = 0; |
uint16_t roll_min = 4096; |
private: |
uint32_t last_updated = 0; |
uint32_t touch_time = 0; |
TouchPoint_t coordinate; |
}; |
extern StickCalibration stickcalibration; |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ |
#include "StickPositions.h"
StickPositions::StickPositions(void) { |
updated = true; |
} |
void StickPositions::begin(void) { |
updated = true; |
} |
void StickPositions::main(TFT_eSprite *m) { |
if((uint32_t) (millis() - last_updated) > 50) { |
updated = true; |
} |
if(updated) { |
m->fillRect(0, 0, 320, 240, BLACK); |
m->setTextColor(WHITE, BLACK); |
m->setTextSize(2); |
m->setCursor(0,0); |
m->print("Stick Positions"); |
// Update screen
m->pushSprite(0,0); |
updated = false; |
last_updated = millis(); |
} |
// Key Input Handler
if(M5.BtnC.wasPressed()) { |
screen.current_screen = SCREEN_MENU; |
screen.updated = true; |
} |
} |
StickPositions stickpositions; |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
#include <Arduino.h> |
#include <M5Core2.h> |
#include "Inputs.h" |
#include "Screen.h" |
class StickPositions { |
public: |
StickPositions(void); |
void begin(void); |
void main(TFT_eSprite *m); |
bool updated = false; |
private: |
uint32_t last_updated = 0; |
}; |
extern StickPositions stickpositions; |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ |
#include "Storage.h"
// REF:
// https://github.com/pbecchi/ESP32-Sprinkler/blob/master/Eeprom_ESP.cpp
Storage::Storage(void) { |
// Just some initialization
} |
bool Storage::format(void) { |
if(LITTLEFS.format()) { |
return true; |
} else { |
return false; |
} |
} |
bool Storage::exists(String path) { |
if(LITTLEFS.exists(path)) { |
return true; |
} else { |
return false; |
} |
} |
bool Storage::begin(void) { |
Serial.println("LITTLEFS mount failed"); |
return false; |
} |
// Demo and checking only
Storage::listDir(LITTLEFS, "/", 0); |
if(Storage::exists("/MSCoreTX")) { |
Serial.println(F("MSCoreTX FOUND")); |
} else { |
Serial.println(F("MSCoreTX NOT FOUND - Formatting now")); |
Storage::format(); |
Storage::writeFile(LITTLEFS, "/MSCoreTX", ""); |
load_defaults = true; |
} |
// Check Total storage
Serial.print(F("Storage size: ")); |
Serial.print(LITTLEFS.totalBytes()); |
Serial.println(F(" Bytes")); |
Serial.print(F("Storage used: " )); |
Serial.print(LITTLEFS.usedBytes()); |
Serial.println(F(" Bytes")); |
return true; |
} |
void Storage::listDir(fs::FS &fs, const char * dirname, uint8_t levels){ |
Serial.printf("Listing directory: %s\r\n", dirname); |
File root = fs.open(dirname); |
if(!root){ |
Serial.println(F("- failed to open directory")); |
return; |
} |
if(!root.isDirectory()){ |
Serial.println(F(" - not a directory")); |
return; |
} |
File file = root.openNextFile(); |
while(file){ |
if(file.isDirectory()){ |
Serial.print(F(" DIR : ")); |
Serial.println(file.name()); |
Serial.print(file.name()); |
time_t t= file.getLastWrite(); |
struct tm * tmstruct = localtime(&t); |
Serial.printf(" LAST WRITE: %d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n",(tmstruct->tm_year)+1900,( tmstruct->tm_mon)+1, tmstruct->tm_mday,tmstruct->tm_hour , tmstruct->tm_min, tmstruct->tm_sec); |
if(levels){ |
listDir(fs, file.name(), levels -1); |
} |
} else { |
Serial.print(F(" FILE: ")); |
Serial.print(file.name()); |
Serial.print(F(" SIZE: ")); |
Serial.println(file.size()); |
Serial.print(file.size()); |
time_t t= file.getLastWrite(); |
struct tm * tmstruct = localtime(&t); |
Serial.printf(" LAST WRITE: %d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n",(tmstruct->tm_year)+1900,( tmstruct->tm_mon)+1, tmstruct->tm_mday,tmstruct->tm_hour , tmstruct->tm_min, tmstruct->tm_sec); |
} |
file = root.openNextFile(); |
} |
} |
String Storage::readFile(fs::FS &fs, String path){ |
// Serial.printf("Reading file: %s\r\n", path);
String return_str = ""; |
File file = fs.open(path, "r"); |
if(!file || file.isDirectory()){ |
//// Serial.println(F("- failed to open file for reading"));
return ""; |
} |
while(file.available()){ |
return_str = return_str + String((char)file.read()); |
} |
file.close(); |
return return_str; |
} |
void Storage::appendFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){ |
Serial.printf("Appending to file: %s\r\n", path); |
File file = fs.open(path, FILE_APPEND); |
if(!file){ |
Serial.println("- failed to open file for appending"); |
return; |
} |
if(file.print(message)){ |
Serial.println("- message appended"); |
} else { |
Serial.println("- append failed"); |
} |
file.close(); |
} |
void Storage::deleteFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path){ |
Serial.printf("Deleting file: %s\r\n", path); |
if(fs.remove(path)){ |
Serial.println("- file deleted"); |
} else { |
Serial.println("- delete failed"); |
} |
} |
void Storage::writeFile(fs::FS &fs, String path, String message){ |
File file = fs.open(path, "w+"); |
if(!file){ |
return; |
} |
file.println(message); |
file.close(); |
} |
//void Storage::write_block(uint8_t * data, const char * path, uint32_t len){
void Storage::write_block(const void * data, const char * path, uint32_t len){ |
uint32_t i; |
fs::FS &fs = LITTLEFS; |
// Serial.println("write block 1");
// Serial.print("FILE: ");
// Serial.println(path);
// Serial.println(ESP.getFreeHeap());
File file = fs.open(path, FILE_WRITE); |
// Serial.println("write block 2");
if(!file) { |
Serial.println("write_block append failed"); |
return; |
} |
// Serial.println("write block 3");
for(i = 0; i < len; i++){ |
// EEPROM.write(address+i, data[i]);
byte b = *((unsigned char*) data + i); |
Serial.print("Wrote: "); Serial.println(b); |
} |
**/ |
file.write((byte *)&data, sizeof(len)); |
// Serial.println("write block 4");
file.close(); |
} |
void Storage::read_block(void * data, const char * path, uint32_t len){ |
uint32_t i; |
fs::FS &fs = LITTLEFS; |
File file = fs.open(path); |
if(!file) { |
Serial.println("- File not exists."); |
return; |
} |
// for(i = 0; i < len; i++){
i = 0; |
while(file.available()) { |
// data[i] = EEPROM.read(address+i);
// data[i++] = file.read();
// uint8_t b = file.read()
*((char *)data + i) = file.read(); |
Serial.print("read_block: "); Serial.println(*((char *)data + i)); |
i++; |
} |
**/ |
file.read((byte *)&data, sizeof(len)); |
file.close(); |
} |
Storage storage; |
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ |
#ifndef _Storage_H |
#define _Storage_H |
#include <Arduino.h> |
#include <LITTLEFS.h> |
#include <time.h> |
#endif |
/* You only need to format LITTLEFS the first time you run a |
test or else use the LITTLEFS plugin to create a partition |
https://github.com/lorol/arduino-esp32littlefs-plugin */ |
class Storage { |
public: |
Storage(void); |
bool begin(void); |
void listDir(fs::FS &fs, const char * dirname, uint8_t levels); |
String readFile(fs::FS &fs, String path); |
void appendFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message); |
void deleteFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path); |
void writeFile(fs::FS &fs, String path, String message); |
// Emulate EEPROM write to LITTLEFS |
// void write_block(uint8_t * data, const char * path, uint32_t len); |
void write_block(const void * data, const char * path, uint32_t len); |
void read_block(void * data, const char * path, uint32_t len); |
bool format(void); |
bool exists(String path); |
bool load_defaults = false; // Default false. Only during reset this will auto set to true |
private: |
}; |
extern Storage storage; |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ |
#include "Web.h"
WebServer server(PORT_HTTP); |
bool update_status = false; |
bool opened = false; |
File root; |
String header_html_str = "<html><meta charset=\"UTF-8\"><title>M5Core2TX</title><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,initial-scale=1\"><body><pre>"; |
WEB::WEB(void){ |
} |
void WEB::begin(void) { |
// Allow CORS
server.enableCORS(); |
// Index
server.on("/", HTTP_GET, []() { |
// File html_handler = LITTLEFS.open("/index.html.gz", FILE_READ);
// server.streamFile(html_handler, "text/html");
// html_handler.close();
server.send(200, "text/html", "MSCoreTX Version 0.1"); |
server.sendHeader("Connection", "close"); |
}); |
// Multiple configuration
server.on("/set", HTTP_GET, []() { |
bool update_channel = false; |
uint8_t channel_raw = 0; |
bool update_sbus_type = false; |
bool sbus_slow = false; |
String msg = ""; |
// Server parameters
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < server.args(); i++) { |
String value = server.arg(i); |
if(server.argName(i) == "channel") { |
channel_raw = value.toInt(); |
update_channel = true; |
} else if(server.argName(i) == "sbus") { |
sbus_slow = true; |
update_sbus_type = true; |
} else if(server.argName(i) == "sbusfast") { |
sbus_slow = false; |
update_sbus_type = true; |
} |
} |
if(update_channel) { |
// Making sure is channel 1 ~ 125.
if(channel_raw > 0 && channel_raw < 126) { |
String filename = "/NRF_CHANNEL"; |
msg = "CHANNEL SET: " + String(channel_raw); |
storage.writeFile(LITTLEFS, filename, String(channel_raw)); |
//// File file = LittleFS.open(filename, "w+");
//// file.println(channel_raw);
//// file.close();
rccontroller.channel = channel_raw; |
tx.setChannel(channel_raw); // Instant Change
} else { |
} |
} |
****/ |
String index_html_str = header_html_str + msg; |
server.sendHeader("Connection", "close"); |
server.send(200, "text/html", index_html_str); |
}); |
// Getting configuration
server.on("/get", HTTP_GET, []() { |
bool update_channel = false; |
uint8_t channel_raw = 0; |
String msg = ""; |
// Server parameters
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < server.args(); i++) { |
String value = server.arg(i); |
if(server.argName(i) == "channel") { |
String filename = "/NRF_CHANNEL"; |
msg = storage.readFile(LITTLEFS, filename); |
msg = "Channel (From FILE): " + msg; |
} |
} |
String index_html_str = header_html_str + msg; |
server.sendHeader("Connection", "close"); |
server.send(200, "text/html", index_html_str); |
}); |
// Update
server.on("/update", HTTP_POST, []() { |
server.sendHeader("Connection", "close"); |
server.send(200, "text/plain", (Update.hasError()) ? "FAIL" : "OK. Device is rebooting"); |
if(Update.hasError()) { |
update_status = false; |
// web.set_update_status(false);
} else { |
delay(1000); |
ESP.restart(); |
} |
}, []() { |
HTTPUpload& upload = server.upload(); |
if(!update_status) |
update_status = true; |
if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START) { |
Serial.printf("Update: %s\n", upload.filename.c_str()); |
// Start with maximum available size
if(!Update.begin(UPDATE_SIZE_UNKNOWN)) |
Update.printError(Serial); |
} else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE) { |
// Flashing firmware to ESP
if( |
Update.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize) != upload.currentSize |
) |
Update.printError(Serial); |
} else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END) { |
if(Update.end(true)) |
// True to set the size to the current progress
Serial.printf("Update Success: %u\nRebooting...\n", upload.totalSize); |
else |
Update.printError(Serial); |
} |
}); |
// Reset
server.on("/reset", HTTP_GET, []() { |
server.sendHeader("Connection", "close"); |
server.send(200, "text/html", "1"); |
storage.deleteFile(LITTLEFS, "/MSCoreTX"); |
delay(1000); |
ESP.restart(); |
}); |
// Reboot
server.on("/reboot", HTTP_GET, []() { |
server.sendHeader("Connection", "close"); |
server.send(200, "text/html", "1"); |
delay(1000); |
ESP.restart(); |
}); |
// Remove files
server.on("/erase", HTTP_GET, []() { |
String filename; |
uint8_t detected = 0; |
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < server.args(); i++) { |
String value = server.arg(i); |
if(server.argName(i) == "filename") { |
filename = value; |
detected++; |
} |
} |
server.sendHeader("Connection", "close"); |
if(detected) { |
LITTLEFS.remove("/" + filename); |
server.send(200, "text/plain", "REMOVED - [" + filename + "]"); |
} else { |
server.send(200, "text/plain", "Nothing remove."); |
} |
}); |
// TODO: create a way to upload files to the ESP32 and also handling it
// REF: https://techtutorialsx.com/2019/03/04/esp32-arduino-serving-bootstrap/
// SPIFFS File upload
server.on("/webupload", HTTP_POST, []() { |
server.sendHeader("Connection", "close"); |
server.send(200, "text/plain", "webupload Done"); |
}, []() { |
HTTPUpload& upload = server.upload(); |
if(opened == false) { |
opened = true; |
root = LITTLEFS.open((String("/") + upload.filename).c_str(), FILE_WRITE); |
if(!root) { |
Serial.printf("Failed to open file for writing. [%s]\n", upload.filename.c_str()); |
return; |
} else { |
Serial.println("Webupload file start."); |
} |
} |
if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START) { |
Serial.printf("webupload: %s\n", upload.filename.c_str()); |
} else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE) { |
// Writting to SPIFFS
if(root.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize) != upload.currentSize) { |
Serial.printf("Failed to write. [%s]\n", upload.filename.c_str()); |
return; |
} |
} else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END) { |
root.close(); |
opened = false; |
Serial.printf("webupload done. [%s]\n", upload.filename.c_str()); |
Serial.printf("SPIFFS Files:\n"); |
// list_files();
storage.listDir(LITTLEFS, "/", 0); |
} |
}); |
server.begin(); |
} |
void WEB::handler(void) { |
server.handleClient(); |
} |
WEB web; |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
#ifndef WEB_H_ |
#define WEB_H_ |
#include <Arduino.h> |
#include <LITTLEFS.h> |
#include <WebServer.h> |
#include <Update.h> |
#include "Storage.h" |
#define PORT_HTTP 80 |
class WEB { |
public: |
WEB(void); |
void begin(void); |
void handler(void); |
private: |
}; |
extern WEB web; |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ |
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "main.h"
// Screen screen;
// Speak speak;
// Storage storage;
// CustomWiFi customwifi;
void setup() { |
Serial.begin(115200); |
// Just a debug and also trigger the PSRAM prevent reboot
Serial.printf("Total heap: %d\n", ESP.getHeapSize()); |
Serial.printf("Free heap: %d\n", ESP.getFreeHeap()); |
Serial.printf("Total PSRAM: %d\n", ESP.getPsramSize()); |
Serial.printf("Free PSRAM: %d\n", ESP.getFreePsram()); |
delay(100); |
screen.begin(); |
M5.Spk.begin(); |
// M5.Spk.setVolume(100);
// M5.Spk.DingDong();
// speak.begin();
// speak.dingdong();
storage.begin(); |
customwifi.begin(); |
inputs.begin(); |
stickcalibration.begin(); |
// tx.begin();
web.begin(); |
// speak.welcome();
// Task Creation
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( |
taskCharger, |
"TaskCharger", // Name of the process
4096, // This stack size can be checked & adjusted by reading the Stack Highwater
4, // Priority
CPU_1 |
); |
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( |
taskScreen, |
"TaskScreen", // Name of the process
4096, // This stack size can be checked & adjusted by reading the Stack Highwater
4, // Priority
CPU_1 |
); |
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( |
taskWeb, |
"TaskWeb", // Name of the process
4096, // This stack size can be checked & adjusted by reading the Stack Highwater
4, // Priority
CPU_0 |
); |
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( |
taskSpeak, |
"TaskSpeak", // Name of the process
8192, // This stack size can be checked & adjusted by reading the Stack Highwater
5, // Priority
CPU_1 |
); |
****/ |
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( |
taskInput, |
"TaskInput", // Name of the process
8192, // This stack size can be checked & adjusted by reading the Stack Highwater
4, // Priority
CPU_0 |
); |
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( |
taskBLE, |
"TaskBLE", // Name of the process
8192, // This stack size can be checked & adjusted by reading the Stack Highwater
4, // Priority
CPU_0 |
); |
} |
void loop() { |
} |
void taskScreen(void *pvParameters) { |
(void) pvParameters; |
screen.intro(); |
for(;;) { |
screen.update(); |
vTaskDelay(2); |
} |
} |
void taskCharger(void *pvParameters) { |
(void) pvParameters; |
bool charging = false; |
bool high_current_charging = false; |
uint32_t last_charging_time = 0; |
for(;;) { |
if(M5.Axp.isCharging()) { |
// Just flipped...
if(!charging) { |
charging = true; |
last_charging_time = millis(); |
} else { |
// Only after 5 seconds then put to 1A...
if(!high_current_charging) { |
if((uint32_t)(millis() - last_charging_time) > 5000) { |
high_current_charging = true; |
M5.Axp.SetCHGCurrent(M5.Axp.kCHG_1000mA); |
} |
} |
} |
} else { |
if(charging) { |
// Setting back to 100mA
charging = false; |
high_current_charging = false; |
last_charging_time = millis(); |
M5.Axp.SetCHGCurrent(M5.Axp.kCHG_100mA); |
} |
} |
vTaskDelay(1000); |
} |
} |
void taskSpeak(void *pvParameters) { |
(void) pvParameters; |
for(;;) { |
if(speak.speak_now == true) { |
speak.speak_menu(speak.speak_words); |
speak.speak_now = false; |
} |
if(speak.speak_now_other == true) { |
speak.speak_misc(speak.speak_miscs); |
speak.speak_now_other = false; |
} |
if(speak.speak_now_trim == true) { |
speak.speak_trims(speak.speak_trim_word); |
speak.speak_now_trim = false; |
} |
vTaskDelay(100); |
} |
} |
***/ |
void taskWeb(void *pvParameters) { |
(void) pvParameters; |
for(;;) { |
web.handler(); |
vTaskDelay(100); |
} |
} |
void taskInput(void *pvParameters) { |
(void) pvParameters; |
for(;;) { |
inputs.read(); |
vTaskDelay(10); |
} |
} |
void taskBLE(void *pvParameters) { |
(void) pvParameters; |
for(;;) { |
ble.update(); |
vTaskDelay(5); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
#ifndef MAIN_H |
#define MAIN_H |
#define CPU_1 1 |
#define CPU_0 0 |
#define VERSION_MAJOR 1 |
#define VERSION_MINOR 0 |
#define VERSION_BUILD 9 |
#include <M5Core2.h> |
#include "Inputs.h" |
#include "BLE.h" |
// #include "Speak.h" |
#include "Screen.h" |
#include "Storage.h" |
#include "CustomWiFi.h" |
#include "Web.h" |
// Task Handler |
void taskScreen(void *pvParameters); |
// void taskSpeak(void *pvParameters); |
void taskWeb(void *pvParameters); |
void taskInput(void *pvParameters); |
void taskBLE(void *pvParameters); |
void taskCharger(void *pvParameters); |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
This directory is intended for PlatformIO Test Runner and project tests. |
Unit Testing is a software testing method by which individual units of |
source code, sets of one or more MCU program modules together with associated |
control data, usage procedures, and operating procedures, are tested to |
determine whether they are fit for use. Unit testing finds problems early |
in the development cycle. |
More information about PlatformIO Unit Testing: |
- https://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/advanced/unit-testing/index.html |
Reference in new issue