3 years ago
9 changed files with 651 additions and 501 deletions
@ -1,325 +0,0 @@ |
#include "task.h"
TASK::TASK(void) { |
} |
void TASK::begin(void) { |
} |
void TASK::run(void) { |
if((uint32_t)(currentTime - rcTime) > 0) { |
// RC Loop
process_rc(); |
} else { |
// Not in RC Loop
process_modules(); |
} |
// Loop time
currentTime = micros(); |
// Compute IMU
// Experimental FlightModes
if(flags.ANGLE_MODE) { |
if(abs(rcCommand[ROLL] + ads(rcCommand[PITCH]) >= ACROTRAINER_MODE) { |
flags.ANGLE_MODE = 0; |
flags.HORIZON_MODE = 0; |
flags.MAG_MODE = 0; |
flags.BARO_MODE = 0; |
} |
} |
// THROTTLE sticks during mission and RTH
#if GPS
if(GPS_conf.ignore_throttle == 1) { |
if( |
flags.GPS_mode == GPS_MODE_NAV || |
flags.GPS_mode == GPS_MODE_RTH |
) { |
// rcCommand[ROLL] = 0;
// rcCommand[PITCH] = 0;
// rcCommand[YAW] = 0;
} else { |
} |
} |
// Heading manipulation
// TODO: Do heading manipulation
if( |
abs(rcCommand[YAW]) < 70 && |
flags.MAG_MODE |
){ |
int16_t dif = att.heading - magHold; |
if(dif <= -180) dif += 360; |
if(dif >= +180) dif -= 360; |
if( |
flags.SMALL_ANGLES_25 || |
(flags.GPS_mode != 0) |
) { |
rcCommand[YAW] -= dif * conf.pid[PIDMAG].P8 >> 5; // Always correct maghold in GPS MODE
} else { |
magHold = att.heading; |
} |
} |
/* Smooth alt change routing for slow auto aerophoto modes. It is slowly increase/decrease altitude
* proportional to stick movement (+/-100 throttle gives about +/-50cm in 1 second with cycle time about 3-4ms) |
*/ |
if(flags.BARO_MODE) { |
isAltHoldChanged = 0; |
AltHoldCorr = 0; |
#if GPS
// If autoland is in progress then take over and decrease alt slowly
if(flags.LAND_IN_PROGRESS) { |
AltHoldCorr -= GPS_conf.land_speed; |
if(abs(AltHoldCorr) > 512) { |
AltHold += AltHoldCorr / 512; |
AltHoldCorr %= 512; |
} |
} |
// If throttle not ignored then allow change altitude with the stick
if( |
(abs(rcCommand[THROTTLE] - initialThrottleHold) > ALT_HOLD_THROTTLE_NEUTRAL_ZONE) && |
{ |
// Slowly increase/decrease AltHold proportional to stick movement (+100 throttle gives ~ +50cm in 1 second with cycle time about 3-4ms)
AltHoldCorr += rcCommand[THROTTLE] - initialThrottleHold; |
if(abs(AltHoldCorr) > 512) { |
AltHold += AltHoldCorr / 512; |
AltHoldCorr %= 512; |
} |
isAltHoldChanged = 1; |
} else { |
AltHold = alt.EstAlt; |
isAltHoldChanged = 0; |
} |
rcCommand[THROTTLE] = initialThrottleHold + BaroPID; |
} |
#endif // BARO
if( |
flags.ANGLE_MODE || |
) { |
rcCommand[THROTTLE] += throttleAngleCorrection; |
} |
#if GPS
// TODO: Split cos_yaw calculations into two phases (X and Y)
if( |
(flags.GPS_mode != GPS_MODE_NONE) && |
flags.GPS_FIX_HOME |
){ |
float sin_yaw_y = sin(att.heading * 0.0174532925f); |
float cos_yaw_x = cos(att.heading * 0.0174532925f); |
GPS_angle[ROLL] = (nav[LON] * cos_yaw_x - nav[LAT] * sin_yaw_y) / 10; |
GPS_angle[PITCH] = (nav[LON] * sin_yaw_y + nav[LAT] * cos_yaw_x) / 10; |
} else { |
GPS_angle[ROLL] = 0; |
GPS_angle[PITCH] = 0; |
} |
// Used to communicate back nav angles to the GPS simulator (for HIL testing)
#if defined(GPS_SIMULATOR)
// SerialWrite(2,0xa5);
// SerialWrite16(2,nav[LAT]+rcCommand[PITCH]);
// SerialWrite16(2,nav[LON]+rcCommand[ROLL]);
// SerialWrite16(2,(nav[LAT]+rcCommand[PITCH])-(nav[LON]+rcCommand[ROLL])); //check
#endif //GPS
// **** PITCH & ROLL & YAW PID ****
#if PID_CONTROLLER == 1 // evolved oldschool
if(flags.HORIZON_MODE) |
prop = _min( max( abs(rcCommand[PITCH]), abs(rcCommand[ROLL]) ), 512); |
for(axis = 0; axis < 2; axis++){ |
rc = rcCommand[axis] << 1; |
error = rc - imu.gyroData[axis]; |
errorGyroI[axis] = constrain(errorGyroI[axis]+error, -16000, +16000); // WindUp 16 bits is ok here
if(abs(imu.gyroData[axis]) > 640) |
errorGyroI[axis] = 0; |
ITerm = (errorGyroI[axis] >> 7) * conf.pid[axis].I8 >> 6; // 16 bits is ok here 16000/125 = 128 ; 128*250
// PTerm = mul(rc, conf.pid[axis].P8) >> 6;
PTerm = (rc * conf.pid[axis].P8) >> 6; |
if( |
flags.ANGLE_MODE || |
){ |
// axis relying on ACC
// 50 degrees max inclination
errorAngle = constrain(rc + GPS_angle[axis], -500, +500) - att.angle[axis] + conf.angleTrim[axis]; // 16 bits is ok
errorAngleI[axis] = constrain(errorAngleI[axis] + errorAngle, -10000, +10000); |
// PTermACC = mul(errorAngle, conf.pid[PIDLEVEL].P8) >> 7; // 32 bits is needed for calculation: errorAngle*P8 could
PTermACC = (errorAngle * conf.pid[PIDLEVEL].P8) >> 7; // 32 bits is needed for calculation: errorAngle*P8 could
int16_t limit = conf.pid[PIDLEVEL].D8 * 5; |
PTermACC = constrain(PTermACC, -limit, +limit); |
// ITermACC = mul(errorAngleI[axis], conf.pid[PIDLEVEL].I8) >> 12; // 32 bits is needed for calculation:10000*I8 c
ITermACC = (errorAngleI[axis] * conf.pid[PIDLEVEL].I8) >> 12; // 32 bits is needed for calculation:10000*I8 c
ITerm = ITermACC + ((ITerm-ITermACC) * prop >> 9); |
PTerm = PTermACC + ((PTerm-PTermACC) * prop >> 9); |
} |
// PTerm -= mul(imu.gyroData[axis], dynP8[axis]) >> 6; // 32 bits is needed for calculation
PTerm -= (imu.gyroData[axis] * dynP8[axis]) >> 6; // 32 bits is needed for calculation
delta = imu.gyroData[axis] - lastGyro[axis]; // 16 bits is ok here, the dif between 2 consecutive gyro reads is
lastGyro[axis] = imu.gyroData[axis]; |
DTerm = delta1[axis] + delta2[axis] + delta; |
delta2[axis] = delta1[axis]; |
delta1[axis] = delta; |
// DTerm = mul(DTerm,dynD8[axis]) >> 5; // 32 bits is needed for calculation
DTerm = (DTerm * dynD8[axis]) >> 5; // 32 bits is needed for calculation
axisPID[axis] = PTerm + ITerm - DTerm; |
} // End of for(axis...
// YAW
#define GYRO_P_MAX 300
#define GYRO_I_MAX 250
// rc = mul(rcCommand[YAW] , (2 * conf.yawRate + 30)) >> 5;
rc = (rcCommand[YAW] * (2 * conf.yawRate + 30)) >> 5; |
error = rc - imu.gyroData[YAW]; |
// errorGyroI_YAW += mul(error,conf.pid[YAW].I8);
errorGyroI_YAW += (error * conf.pid[YAW].I8); |
errorGyroI_YAW = constrain(errorGyroI_YAW, 2 - ((int32_t)1 << 28), -2 + ((int32_t)1 << 28)); |
if(abs(rc) > 50) |
errorGyroI_YAW = 0; |
// PTerm = mul(error,conf.pid[YAW].P8) >> 6;
PTerm = (error * conf.pid[YAW].P8) >> 6; |
ITerm = constrain((int16_t)(errorGyroI_YAW >> 13), -GYRO_I_MAX, +GYRO_I_MAX); |
axisPID[YAW] = PTerm + ITerm; |
#elif PID_CONTROLLER == 2 // alexK
#define GYRO_I_MAX 256
#define ACC_I_MAX 256
prop = _min(max(abs(rcCommand[PITCH]), abs(rcCommand[ROLL])), 500); // range [0;500]
// ----------PID controller----------
for(axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++){ |
//-----Get the desired angle rate depending on flight mode
if( |
(flags.ANGLE_MODE || flags.HORIZON_MODE) && |
axis < 2 |
){ |
// MODE relying on ACC
// Calculate error and limit the angle to 50 degrees max inclination
errorAngle = constrain((rcCommand[axis] << 1) + GPS_angle[axis], -500, +500) - att.angle[axis] + conf.angleTrim[axis]; // 16
} |
if(axis == 2){ |
// YAW is always gyro-controlled (MAG correction is applied to rcCommand)
AngleRateTmp = (((int32_t) (conf.yawRate + 27) * rcCommand[2]) >> 5); |
} else { |
if(!flags.ANGLE_MODE){ |
// Control is GYRO based (ACRO and HORIZON - direct sticks control is applied to rate PID
AngleRateTmp = ((int32_t) (conf.rollPitchRate + 27) * rcCommand[axis]) >> 4; |
if(flags.HORIZON_MODE){ |
// Mix up angle error to desired AngleRateTmp to add a little auto-level feel
AngleRateTmp += ((int32_t) errorAngle * conf.pid[PIDLEVEL].I8) >> 8; |
} |
} else { |
//it's the ANGLE mode - control is angle based, so control loop is needed
AngleRateTmp = ((int32_t) errorAngle * conf.pid[PIDLEVEL].P8) >> 4; |
} |
} |
// --------low-level gyro-based PID. ----------
// Used in stand-alone mode for ACRO, controlled by higher level regulators in other modes
// -----calculate scaled error.AngleRates
// multiplication of rcCommand corresponds to changing the sticks scaling here
RateError = AngleRateTmp - imu.gyroData[axis]; |
// -----calculate P component
PTerm = ((int32_t) RateError * conf.pid[axis].P8) >> 7; |
// -----calculate I component
// there should be no division before accumulating the error to integrator, because the precision would be reduced.
// Precision is critical, as I prevents from long-time drift. Thus, 32 bits integrator is used.
// Time correction (to avoid different I scaling for different builds based on average cycle time)
// is normalized to cycle time = 2048.
errorGyroI[axis] += (((int32_t) RateError * cycleTime) >> 11) * conf.pid[axis].I8; |
// limit maximum integrator value to prevent WindUp - accumulating extreme values when system is saturated.
// I coefficient (I8) moved before integration to make limiting independent from PID settings
errorGyroI[axis] = constrain(errorGyroI[axis], (int32_t) -GYRO_I_MAX << 13, (int32_t) +GYRO_I_MAX << 13); |
ITerm = errorGyroI[axis] >> 13; |
// -----calculate D-term
delta = RateError - lastError[axis]; // 16 bits is ok here, the dif between 2 consecutive gyro reads is limited
lastError[axis] = RateError; |
// Correct difference by cycle time. Cycle time is jittery (can be different 2 times), so calculated difference
// would be scaled by different dt each time. Division by dT fixes that.
delta = ((int32_t) delta * ((uint16_t)0xFFFF / (cycleTime >> 4))) >> 6; |
// add moving average here to reduce noise
deltaSum = delta1[axis] + delta2[axis] + delta; |
delta2[axis] = delta1[axis]; |
delta1[axis] = delta; |
// DTerm = (deltaSum*conf.pid[axis].D8)>>8;
// Solve overflow in calculation above...
DTerm = ((int32_t)deltaSum*conf.pid[axis].D8) >> 8; |
// -----calculate total PID output
axisPID[axis] = PTerm + ITerm + DTerm; |
} |
#error "*** you must set PID_CONTROLLER to one existing implementation"
mixTable(); |
// Do not update servos during unarmed calibration of sensors which are sensitive to vibration
if(flags.ARMED) |
writeServos(); |
if( |
(flags.ARMED) || |
((!calibratingG) && (!calibratingA))) |
writeServos(); |
********************/ |
writeMotors(); |
} |
void TASK::process_rc(void) { |
} |
void TASK::process_modules(void) { |
} |
@ -1,164 +0,0 @@ |
#ifndef TASK_H |
#define TASK_H |
#include "Arduino.h" |
#include "main.h" |
class TASK { |
public: |
TASK(void); |
void begin(void); |
void run(void); |
uint8_t rcDelayCommand; // This indicates the number of time (multiple of RC measurement at 50Hz) the sticks must be maintained to run or switch off motors |
uint8_t rcSticks; // This hold sticks position for command combos |
uint8_t axis, i; |
int16_t error, errorAngle; |
int16_t delta; |
int16_t PTerm = 0, ITerm = 0, DTerm, PTermACC, ITermACC; |
int16_t lastGyro[2] = {0, 0}; |
int16_t errorAngleI[2] = {0, 0}; |
int32_t errorGyroI_YAW; |
int16_t delta1[2], delta2[2]; |
int16_t errorGyroI[2] = {0, 0}; |
#elif PID_CONTROLLER == 2 |
int16_t delta1[3], delta2[3]; |
int32_t errorGyroI[3] = {0, 0, 0}; |
int16_t lastError[3] = {0, 0, 0}; |
int16_t deltaSum; |
int16_t AngleRateTmp, RateError; |
#endif |
uint32_t rcTime = 0; |
uint32_t currentTime = 0; |
uint32_t previousTime = 0; |
int16_t initialThrottleHold; |
int16_t rc; |
int32_t prop = 0; |
int16_t magHold, headFreeModeHold; // [-180; +180] |
uint16_t cycleTime = 0; // This is the number in micro second to achieve a full loop, it can differ a little and is taken |
uint16_t calibratingA = 0; // The calibration is done in the main loop. Calibrating decreases at each cycle down to 0, then w |
uint16_t calibratingB = 0; // Baro calibration = get new ground pressure value |
uint16_t calibratingG; |
uint8_t vbatMin = VBATNOMINAL; // Lowest battery voltage in 0.1V steps |
uint8_t rcOptions[CHECKBOXITEMS]; |
int16_t sonarAlt; |
int16_t BaroPID = 0; |
int16_t errorAltitudeI = 0; |
// begin GPS common variables and define |
#if GPS |
gps_conf_struct GPS_conf; |
#endif |
int16_t GPS_angle[2] = {0, 0}; // the angles that must be applied for GPS correction |
int32_t GPS_coord[2]; |
int32_t GPS_home[2]; |
int32_t GPS_hold[2]; |
int32_t GPS_prev[2]; |
int32_t GPS_poi[2]; // Coordinates of the current poi |
int32_t GPS_directionToPoi; // direction to the actual poi (used to set heading to poi) |
uint8_t GPS_numSat; |
uint16_t GPS_distanceToHome; // distance to home - unit: meter |
int16_t GPS_directionToHome; // direction to home - unit: degree |
uint16_t GPS_altitude; // GPS altitude - unit: meter |
uint16_t GPS_speed; // GPS speed - unit: cm/s |
uint8_t GPS_update = 0; // a binary toogle to distinct a GPS position update |
uint16_t GPS_ground_course = 0; // - unit: degree*10 |
uint32_t GPS_time; |
uint8_t GPS_mode; // contains the current selected gps flight mode |
uint8_t NAV_error = 0; // Last error situation of the nav engine |
uint8_t NAV_state = 0; // State of the nav engine |
uint8_t GPS_saved_mission_state; // The mission state saved when poshold invoked during mission |
uint8_t prv_gps_modes = 0; // GPS_checkbox items packed into 1 byte for checking GPS mode changes |
uint32_t nav_timer_stop = 0; // common timer used in navigation (contains the desired stop time in millis() |
uint16_t nav_hold_time; // time in seconds to hold position |
uint8_t NAV_paused_at = 0; // This contains the mission step where poshold paused the runing mission. |
uint8_t next_step = 1; // The mission step which is upcoming it equals with the mission_step stored in EEPROM |
int16_t jump_times = -10; // How many loops do we have to do (alt/100 from mission step) -10 means not used jet, -1 unlimited |
uint8_t isAltHoldChanged = 0; |
uint16_t AltHoldCorr = 0; |
uint32_t AltHold = 0; // in cm |
// Altitude control state |
#define ASCENDING 1 |
#define DESCENDING -1 |
#define REACHED_ALT 0 |
// The orginal altitude used as base our new altitude during nav |
int32_t original_altitude; |
// This is the target what we want to reach |
int32_t target_altitude; |
// This is the interim value which is feeded into the althold controller |
int32_t alt_to_hold; |
uint32_t alt_change_timer; |
int8_t alt_change_flag; |
uint32_t alt_change; |
uint8_t land_detect; // land detector variable |
uint8_t alarmArray[ALRM_FAC_SIZE]; // array |
#if GPS |
// Mission step structure |
mission_step_struct mission_step; |
#endif |
// Possible action codes for a mission step |
#define MISSION_WAYPOINT 1 //Set waypoint |
#define MISSION_HOLD_UNLIM 2 //Poshold unlimited |
#define MISSION_HOLD_TIME 3 //Hold for a predetermined time |
#define MISSION_RTH 4 //Return to HOME |
#define MISSION_SET_POI 5 //Set POINT of interest |
#define MISSION_JUMP 6 //Jump to the given step (#times) |
#define MISSION_SET_HEADING 7 //Set heading to a given orientation (parameter 1 is the waym 0-359 degree |
#define MISSION_LAND 8 //Land at the given position |
#define MISSION_FLAG_END 0xA5 //Flags that this is the last step |
#define MISSION_FLAG_CRC_ERROR 0xFE //Returned WP had an EEPROM CRC error |
#define MISSION_FLAG_HOME 0x01 //Returned WP is the home position |
#define MISSION_FLAG_HOLD 0x02 //Returned WP is the hold position |
#define MISSION_FLAG_DO_LAND 0x20 //Land when reached desired point (used in RTH) |
#define MISSION_FLAG_NAV_IN_PROG 0xff //Navigation is in progress, returned wp is home |
#define LAT 0 |
#define LON 1 |
// The desired bank towards North (Positive) or South (Negative) : latitude |
// The desired bank towards East (Positive) or West (Negative) : longitude |
int16_t nav[2]; |
int16_t nav_rated[2]; // Adding a rate controller to the navigation to make it smoother |
#if BARO |
int32_t baroPressure; |
int16_t baroTemperature; |
int32_t baroPressureSum; |
#endif |
alt_t alt; |
att_t att; |
imu_t imu; |
conf_t conf; |
static uint8_t dynP8[2], dynD8[2]; |
int16_t throttleAngleCorrection = 0; // Correction of throttle in lateral wind, |
int8_t cosZ = 100; // cos(angleZ)*100 |
#endif |
int16_t axisPID[3]; |
private: |
void process_rc(void); |
void process_modules(void); |
}; |
#endif |
Reference in new issue